Community > Posts By > Tomokun

Tomokun's photo
Mon 05/14/07 09:03 PM
Hmmm, methinks that you don't like me bibby? It might be your
intelligent reparte.laugh

Tomokun's photo
Mon 05/14/07 08:59 PM
Boy, I guess "all men" aren't created equal then, huh? I guess that we
don't ALL have certain inalienable rights...

Stupid Declaration of Stupid Independence. Just because the founding
fathers were part of a group that forced themselves with lethal intent
onto a land that was already populated by a group who didn't speak their
language(Incidentally a language which they didn't bother to learn),
doesn't mean that we have show tolerance for a group of hard-working and
industrious people who are peacefully trying to become a part of this
country and are working in it (unlike the massive number of citizens who
ACTUALLY leach off of taxpayer dollars). After all, we were here
first...erm, second.

It's not like we are a country founded on ideals, rather than a common
language and culture. It's not like we can say, "I'm sorry, I don't
speak speak your foreign babble, so I choose not to do business with you
(because they WOULD understand in spite of not being able to speak the
language. They have magic.)

Ummm, how exactly are they taking money from Americans again?

Tomokun's photo
Mon 05/14/07 08:42 PM
Yeah, not so much with the warm beer. I'll try the harp, sounds good.

MMMMMMM, Boiler makers...with Red Stripe and Jamaican Rum!

Tomokun's photo
Mon 05/14/07 08:37 PM
My ex is bipolar. Don't take what she said to heart bro, she's going
through a rough patch, and their isn't much you can do. She may get over
the breakup, but it isn't like she had cancer and you were like PEACE!

Bipolar is definitely a relationship challenge, and if you can't deal
with the mood thing, it isn't fair for you to "have to".

You did the right thing, because resentment and frustration can end a
relationship far more violently than honesty.

Tomokun's photo
Mon 05/14/07 07:58 PM
Hey I like King Cobra...and OE, but I prefer dark beer like Guinness.
That's good stuff right theredrinker

Tomokun's photo
Mon 05/14/07 07:55 PM
Hmmm, yeah, that is about the craziest thing I've ever heard.

Still, in the spirit of making lemonade out of lemons, I can't help but
remember that scene in "Fight Club" where they threatened the store
clerk...that DID have a positive effect...

Tomokun's photo
Sun 05/06/07 09:56 AM
Wow, I never knew it was a bad thing to learn extra languages, but I
guess some celebrate ignorance *shrugs*. Since you brought it up in the
first line, let me reiterate one of my last lines: It's your right to
speak whatever language you want, but it WILL HURT YOU if you don't
speak our national language. However, being bilingual just doesn't seem
like a bad thing to me.

Also, just a small point, but crime has been going down, so I think its
a good thing that the country is different from when your 20's and
thirties. Evidently, you get your information from Fox news, as opposed
to journalistic sources, because that lack of fear you are talking about
is not just because charity and good will are up, but because racism is
down. Also, it's not that they didn't get jobs, it's that it didn't make
news when they did. -besides, the Cold War made us focus more on
socialists than it did on unfortunates.

I'm not going to even bother addressing "burning old glory" again, I
think I explained the idea and power of symbols quite well, it's
fruitless to talk to people about their irrational beliefs, just keep
this in mind- Learning without is labor lost, thought without learning
is perilous.

As for the name, it's Tomo, not Tom if-you-please; it gets confusing
because I think you are talking to some guy named Tom. (I don't mean
that with attitude, but I was trying to make sure you were still talking
to me.)However, you are wrong, I have quite a bit to say to you, but
only just now realized it.

You see, it is YOU who do not understand why all those good men died.
They fought for our country to protect our rights-the rights that some
do not have any value for, instead worrying about the laws. BTW, laws
are in place to protect our rightslaugh, so yeah, that's why they are
important. But back to the fallen men and women who have died, who you
have decided to use as an emotional argument, I'm sure they don't
appreciate you putting words in their mouth. While you may have been a
soldier, you were not every soldier. My father however, was definitely a
vet, same as the other vets the he and I play poker with when I go visit
them. You know what they have to say about youngsters like yourself?
They point out how the loss of personal responsibility is draining the
morality from this country, making it fall like a flan in a cupboard.

I agree that illegal immigrants should not be all over the place, but
them taking advantage of the system means we need to make the system
better. I'm the first person to say that people need to earn their
rights to appreciate them, which is why I suggested using illegal
immigrants in our military to make them legal. Yes there is already a
program, but deportation is obviously ineffective; as ineffective as
complaining about immigrants without offering a solution that doesn't
trample on their human rights. And human rights are important, that's
what HALF of the constitution (at least) is about. BTW, while "Old
Glory" is symbolic of the values of our nation, the Constitution IS the
values of our nation- protecting the symbol without protecting the
meaning is...well moronic.

Before you start talking about the "good old days" try to explain to me
how applying human rights to only some humans is in alignment with the
values of our country. While we should have a strict policy of
non-involvement (something we fail to have), that doesn't mean that we
ignore suffering. If people want to be illegal in our country, let's
give them a reason to consider not coming besides sending them back
home, but then let's also apply the same standards to the naturalized
dead-weight that makes up a disgusting chunk of the population.

And we ARE lucky. Last I checked, you aren't buried in Arlington.
Neither am I. However, neither are illegal mexicans (maybe). This
country is great because of their efforts, but we were born here as an
accident of birth, not because we fought our way through the borders.

I think it's funny that native non "native" americans think that
immigrants don't appreciate this country, when they previously didn't
have these rights and NOW get to express them. I'm curious what you
think about a Klan members rights are? I mean, people complain about
flag burners...are Klan members rights to lynching protected? What about
marching? How much value do these rights hold?

The bottom line is that I hear a lot of complaining about people
expressing their rights, and not enough complaining about how stopping
these expressions destroys those rights. We live in a country that
values equality, so unfortunately we have to tolerate ideas that aren't
own, but fortunately that tolerates our ability to have ideas that are
completely our own.

And as for your socialist agenda Gryphon- :tongue: Back to Russia!

Tomokun's photo
Sun 05/06/07 09:02 AM
BAH! Men and women want the same thing. They want someone who will make
them feel special! They want someone who pays attention to them, listens
them when they want to talk, and comforts them when they are down.

Just an interesting point, most women tend to feel that they aren't the
"typical" girl. I've only found very rare instances where ladies
describe themselves as the "typical" girl. Profile descriptions tend to
lose all meaning, because people naturally describe themselves the way
they see themselves - it might be interesting if other people wrote your
profile for you, and you never got to see it:wink: .

Tomokun's photo
Sat 05/05/07 06:25 PM
Redyklous: Howdy! Sure did find other views and opinions besides the
whining, but preaching to the choir is hardly productive, ne?:wink:
Besides, if there was NOTHING but whining, I would have abandoned the
posts long ago- I hate to just sit and spin my wheels.

Which is why I try to be fairly accurate when I post, so slight
correction- I never said it was just a piece of cloth. In fact, in a
previous post I said that it was a symbol, big difference. The flag is a
symbol, same as burning it is symbolic. Please, if I'm mistaken and I
DID use those words, correct me:smile: . I love to be shown when I'm
wrong so that I don't make the same mistakes.

OleJeb, or should I say Aesop:tongue: , interesting point, however...

I don't know that taxes "suddenly" sky rocketed. In fact, I would look
more to welfare and government misspending that an influx of cheap
labor. And the last time I waited six hours in the emergency room there
was only one other patient in the lobby, and only two doctors on staff.
Hmmm, under staffing, that might be a reason for slow service in a
hospitalglasses .

I actually went to a school with a large hispanic population, the only
thing that happened was that my spanish got better, amazingly enough, I
did fantastic on my SAT's (not to mention my first girlfriend had the
sexiest accent).

While I agree that the government should "take down the bird feeder",
keep in mind that it is going to effect citizens as well, as it should,
but the effect is going to effect these Americans far more than folks
who manage to get by without ANY of the required identification that we
need to function in day to day life. Methinks they're gonna survive
better than the average American welfare family.

Tomokun's photo
Sat 05/05/07 06:06 PM
Hmmm, to me, humility is the recognition that you are no better than
anyone else. It is the recognition that other people have value, and you
can only grow by being receptive to that value. Humility is being able
to do the right thing even though it makes you look stupid or
ridiculous, because it should never be beneath you to do the right

Tomokun's photo
Sat 05/05/07 06:00 PM
Hey, all good things come to those who wait...:tongue:

Besides, that's part of the fun of finding that perfect someone. That
way you really appreciate them when you find them:wink: .

Tomokun's photo
Fri 05/04/07 06:38 PM
We must become the change we want to effect in the world.indifferent

Tomokun's photo
Fri 05/04/07 06:26 PM
The big difference between our wrath and God's wrath, is that God is
perfect. So, he doesn't make mistakes, which is why gets to cast
judgment. Basically, if you can create the universe from nothing, then
you get to make the rules. His universe, his rules.

And as for why they are deadly, it is because of both spiritual and
physical destruction. They separate us from humanity, they separate us
from God (this is a problem since he created everything), and they
separate us from ourselves.

Tomokun's photo
Fri 05/04/07 04:46 PM
Hmmm, I might be too dorky even for this club. I have my own set of
dice, a player's guide to AD&D, video game syringe, comic books, and
enough anime series to keep me entertained for months.

And I also have star wars as my phone ringer.

Tomokun's photo
Fri 05/04/07 04:40 PM
Thanks Doc!bigsmile

Tomokun's photo
Fri 05/04/07 02:16 PM
Ok Abra, you're not getting away with the short answer on that one. Why
the disillusionment?smokin

Tomokun's photo
Fri 05/04/07 02:01 PM
No worries, I have a head for random facts:wink:

Tomokun's photo
Fri 05/04/07 01:47 PM
*points to window* Well, there is a lot to be said for the individuality
of every person. Just because you are grouped doesn't take away your
ability to be unique. That would be like saying we are all the same
because we all have heads. Just because we all have heads doesn't mean
we are all the same, it just means that "heads" is a trait shared by
that group-excluding the other features that makes you a unique

Tomokun's photo
Fri 05/04/07 01:44 PM
Greed, Sloth, Envy, Lust, Pride, Wrath, and Gluttony.

Besides Kevin Spacey coming to kill you in a unique way, these sins are
deadly because of the physical and spiritual harms they do you.

Greed will invariably lead you to covetous behavior, which is not only
against the commandments, but also effectively cuts you off from your
fellow man. Greed makes you self-centered, which leaves you alone in
your own world (Imagine a life-time of solitary confinement).

Sloth ends up allowing your body and mind to deteriorate under its own
inactivity. Spiritually you can tie it to quotes such as "Idle hands are
the Devil's tools", etc, etc.

Envy ties in closely to Greed, however Envy does not allow you to be at
peace with yourself, and thus at peace with God. It creates a hatred for
your fellow man because of a desire to have something that is his,
rather than making you want to work hard to share in the same level of
success. Perhaps a subtle difference, but it is the difference between
spiritual harmony and spiritual turmoil.

Lust is deadly because it breeds irresponsibility. Some theologians
argue that lust is the reason we have STD's, high divorce rates, and
undisciplined children. More importantly, it promotes a lack of
self-control which degrades what should be a touching spiritual and
emotional act between two people whom love each other. You could say it
robs you of the REAL joy of sex.

Pride always goes before the fall. While it is ok to be pleased,
spiritually you should always be thank God for your bounty, as it would
not be accomplished without him. Having pride in something can lead to
false confidence, bragging, and other traits which are socially
distasteful, morally reprehensible, and spiritually unacceptable. I
believe an appropriate quote is something like "and to all thing belong
to the Lord."

Wrath breeds death, pain, and a judgment that as imperfect beings we do
not have the right to have. In wrath we are deciding that WE are the
arbiters of their fate, not God. Also, as a result of the nature of
wrath, we are forgetting that we are just as flawed. Rather than
forgiving and "turning the other cheek", we seek a "justice" that is not
a true justice.

Gluttony is a classic deadly sin because physically it is so
detrimental. Even water in excessive quantities is deadly, so the lesson
should be seen that we must have moderation in all things.drinker

Tomokun's photo
Fri 05/04/07 01:25 PM
Not necessarily changes, because according to most theological circles,
interpretation from another language does not constitute change. Even
the King's James Version, which comes under much criticism, has held
true to the basic message or "Word" of the book. However, the Book of
Mormon is considered a "work that comes after" because not only the 1500
year publication difference, but because none of the passages have any
correlation to either the Old or New Testaments.

Keep in mind that I am NOT religious, make no claims at Christianity,
and am functionally a "spiritual agnostic"; I just happen to love
reading:wink: . If you read the verse though, right there in revelations
towards the end, in ANY version of the Bible there is no mistaking the
language or the intent.smokin