Community > Posts By > OriginalGorilla
How would gay marriage affect you? Gays and lesbians have every right to marry each other. I'm straight and I don't get what the big deal is. I was married once. OG |
I'm relatively new to the area and don't know anybody locally. I know people in Duluth, Taylor's Falls, and Rochester, but they don't want to make the drive here, and I don't really feel like leaving the area.
When it comes to social anxiety, I have absolutely none. I don't care if you do or not. I can help you get rid of it quicker than... something that goes fast. Hit me up with an email here, or a response. Whatever works for ya. OG |
Is there anybody out there?
No whiners here, you are correct. As far as everyone else goes... no clue where they are.
OG |
so... What are you ?
Emotional hardcore isn't compared to grunge at all. As for goth definately not. There are no sounds whatsoever prevalent in emotional hardcore that are found anywhere in that music category. You don't compare alternative rock to hardcore. The bands might play at the same shows but you don't compare those bands to eachother. Not at all. Nirvana was probably the most famous grunge act ever how do you compare them with Saetia probably the biggest name in emotional hardcore. They're not related at all.. Grunge sings for starters, emotional hardcore doesn't sing. Grunge plays powerchords.. There aren't really many power chords to be distinguished at all in emotional hardcore. Please don't try to analyze a music sound you don't know anything about.
I was talking about the look. I should have clarified. As far as the music aspect is concerned, I don't even bother with "emo." From everything I've seen of it, it's a "sound" that's been put through a cookie cutter, much like the "punk" sound in the US as opposed to the true punk rock music from the UK. All the "emo" stuff out there that I've heard is a bunch of no talent hacks who the records company fell in love with for some reason beyond my comprehension. They can scream. So can Twisted Sister, Motley Crue, and Cinderella. But those bands could actually play their instruments. OG |
It Doesn't Hurt Bad Enough
ok then its a retarded metaphor we don't say "retarded" anymore. it's insulting. say, "it's a developmentally disabled metaphor" We prefer "challenged" as opposed to "disabled" |
It Doesn't Hurt Bad Enough
And I'm done wasting my time.
OG |
so... What are you ?
I've been called a "skinhead" and things like that because I'm white and I shave my head. I laugh it off and say "if you only knew" because a "skinhead" or "Nazi" I am not.
If you let someone else's perception of you get you down... think about it. Guy: EMO GIRL!!!! Girl: I'm not "emo!" I'm "Goth!" Does it really matter? The "emo" scene borrowed heavily from the grunge and goth genres. It's easy to be mistaken. But if you don't want to be labeled, then change your look or simply brush it off like a piece of lint. OG |
is abstinence dead?
Abstinence isn't dead, but it doesn't work. Man was meant to be full of lust. It's who we are. It's WHAT we are.
You can't deny your ancestry. Even the Bible is full of sex and lust. Priests are telling couples to sleep together to make sure they're sexually compatible before marriage. If you want to wait, then more power to you. I hope you're able to meet someone who shares your view. Me personally... I don't wait. Call it "ego" or "sin" or whatever label you want to put on it. When it's all said and done, how many people you have sex with isn't going to matter. We'll be somewhere warm. Some of us just might be in a warmer environment. :D OG |
It Doesn't Hurt Bad Enough
i think the issue here is that retarded dog. It's a metaphor. Nothing more. Nothing less. OG |
It Doesn't Hurt Bad Enough
thank you for that OG No problem. i don't know any dog that sits on a nail and returns to do it again the next day, thats why invisible fences work, look into pavlov's experiments. i know its not the point. Possibly its a retarded dog.
I know all about the Pavlovian Response. That's one of the first things I tried after I got in to hypnosis. You'd be surprised at how easy it is to get a human being conditioned to certain words, phrases, and/or commands. The point of this story is "Are you going to be stubborn like the dog, and continue to do something that is painful to you, or are you going to get off the nail and do something that doesn't hurt?" OG |
Giver or Taker
I have similar experiences. But upon reflection, it is difficult for me to accept help from others.......even more difficult to ask for it, when it is needed... You? Same. But when it finally comes down to it, when it "hurts bad enough" (if you will), I'll ask for help. But only when everything else has been done. OG |
No easy way..
Ok so here's one to ponder. Say you meet someone at a neutral location to meet for the first time. They bring their kid which is totaly ok and you try to have a nice little conversation but anyting further then that can't happen(not anyones fault). Time ends and you two have to leave and you hug and kiss good by. Then a few more texts that same day then NOTHING...wouldn't it be better to just send a message and say "hey i had fun, but i don't think this will go any further" or just ignor the person and hope your non-replying will out last thier attempts at finding out what went wrong? Is it just me or have manners in dating fallen completly off the map... I agree that bringing her kid along was a bad move. But to answer what you were asking... When did you send the message? How long has it been without her responding? Ever consider the possibility that the message failed to be received? Based off of experience, she's hesitant about moving forward, and that's why she brought her kid along. Best bet is to text her and say "It was great meeting you, but I don't think is going to work. I wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors." It'll confirm for her that nothing was going to happen and that you're not bitter about it. OG |
Im worried :-(
Not everyone is going to respond right away when you text them. There is always the chance he didn't get the message. It's happened to me. Don't worry about it. Call him for a chat and don't mention him not answering your text message. If it comes up from him, brush it off like it's no big deal.
If he's the one for you, don't let something like this get you in a panic. OG |
I've met some incredible women out doing my laundry. From 18 to 50+. Think about all the places you go where you can meet women your age. The one thing I've found to be almost lethal is to get her laughing. Regardless of her age. If you can make her laugh, and keep it going, you'll stick out so much more in her mind that she'll keep coming back to you.
OG |
It Doesn't Hurt Bad Enough
This man is walking down the street and sees an old man and his dog sit down on the front porch of the old man's house. The dog lays down a few feet away and begins to wimper shortly after that. The man on the street thought "poor dog" but continued on his way. On his walk back, he was about two blocks away and heard the dog yelping in pain. He decided to take it upon himself to confront the old man when he got back to that street. Upon his approach, he starts yelling at the old man.
"Are you deaf? I can hear your dog two blocks away! Why don't you do something?" The old man put his paper down and looked at the guy yelling at him. "For the last ten years, I've come out here every afternoon and read my newspaper. The dog has come with me and lays down in the same exact spot. About a year and a half ago, the head of a nail holding one of the planks down came off. The exposed part of the nail goes right in to the dog's belly. He just doesn't move." The man, now befuddled, asks the old man why. "Because it doesn't hurt bad enough." Think about any situation in your life that causes you some kind of pain. The only reason you're not doing anything about it is because it doesn't hurt bad enough. But why feel the pain? Why suffer? Don't wait until it hurts bad enough. Stop the pain and do something to improve your situation. Regardless of what it is. Because if you don't, you'll be just like the dog. So... does it hurt bad enough? Or are you going to keep sitting on that nail? OG |
Giver or Taker
I'm in the business of helping people. If something comes my way, I'll take it. I do my best to live a life of integrity and honor, so I won't lie, cheat, or steal to get what I want.
I'm a giver. OG |
Internet Addiction
Whatever happened to plain old baseball, basketball, and soccer?
Nothing. He actually used to play basketball, baseball never interested him, and he thinks soccer is for "weirdos." Isn't it your parents responsibility to be enrolling him into these sports and not yours? I'm just asking because it sounds like your raising him and not your parents.
His dad is 50-something, and Mom just turned 50. The only thing they do is get on his butt about his grades. Even then he's still failing 3 of his classes. They don't get too involved in his life. Not wanting him to make the same mistakes that I have in life, I try to lead by example and show him what can happen if you don't apply yourself. It's only now, at 26, am I able to get something going for myself. I screwed around in high school and blew off college for the military. Now I can't get in to college because I have too much personal debt to take care of first. Maybe in 14 years he'll be sleeping in his parents' basement and only see what I was telling him the entire time. OG |
info needed
I haven't seen those in years.
Same here, but every now and then they'll be at the corner store. After seeing the link the OP posted, I have no idea what those are. Never seen them before. OG |
I am from the IL suburbs...Palatine. Looking to meet new people. Hi new person! Appropriate remark! =D Let me know if you ever decide to shop at the Mall of America. Just wait until after Christmas... it's freakin' crazy up here right now. OG |
for men ages 21-35
Texas... booooo! =D
Welcome to the site. OG |