I agree with Bart, those enormous turbine blades without doubts will have a huge impact upon marine life; and some of that marine life is a resource for many businesses. What federal government, and states should be planning and acting upon is building desaltation and filteration units for future conservance resources for drinkable and agriculture means of water. Without water nothing will surivive, and time is coming water is going to be more expensive than Gold itself.
Many Western states has already experienced water shortage; so now is the time to figure out how to conserve, and utitilize our oceans in providing fresh portable water for all states in U.S.A., and do so within reasonable cost. As an investor in marine transportation, a good portion of all foregin marine shipping groups like Hapag-Lloyd, ZIM, and Star Bulk has already begun retro fitting their vessels to use sails and solar in powering their ships to reduce fuel cost, and harmful pollutes going into the atomsphere. One shipping company recently said they've reduced their daily operations by almost $9,700 by converting it's propulsion resource. $9,700 daily is a huge savings as most during COVID was spending cost to thirty grand daily just to fill orders for U.S. ports. However, as for wind turbines in these oceans likely will cost more from losses than differences gain. The key question is can these turbines control blades speed when winds are stronger, and will they install anti-vibration jackets near water line to reduce subsurface impact on oceans marine life and it's ocean coral; and if so monitor such on a weekly logged program to show such vibrates has been inspected and recorded. And companies that fail to report then their turbines must stop operations. I don't think these turbine companies will resort to open water due to regulations and cost. |
If rules of law was strictly enforced by U.S. Justice Department, William J. Clinton (Bill) would had convicted of Treason. Bill Clinton is traitor, and compulsive liar.
"clearly better now than it was under Trump"
Have you been asleep in a cave this past few years? Only reason Pres. Biden hasn't step aside is he's smart enough to know Ms. K. Harris isn't experienced enough to become Commander and Chief. Mr. Trump hasn't been convicted of anything because of a Federal Rule; however look at the billions of dollars government officials has spent on trying to convict. All those officials should have to reimburse Treasury offices because if "nobody is above the law." Then explain how number one man who's pushed to have Mr. Trump punished in past was involved in a criminal act while serving as VP of a company that was caught under Fraud Act with Medicare; and now Mr. Smith works for same group that served subpeons upon company he represented. That's like hiring Jesse James to protect Pickertons. Those actions against Mr. Trump has all been Dog and Pony shows. I'm not trying to protect Mr. Trump, but to express to politicians on Capitol Hill who all are too cowardice to act, they all enjoy talking, but resolutions to improve America's economy, and businesses in U.S.A. - Good Luck! Now their talking about government shut down - Great if those 535 members wasn't allow to be compensated then by all means shut em' down. Talks about no money is bulls hit , what they don't have is Americans who does not care about U.S.A. first! |