Community > Posts By > Destinysyours
* a view of truth * “History is written by the victors.” ― Walter Benjamin ** The old Canadian money was fun ! * We could fold the Queen's face in such a way, as it would show her bum. haha! (kids at play !) ** Our dollar coins make great "joyful" golden-hanging necklaces. ![]() Well I for one applauded the decision. Our country has been built on a lot of hard work. We don't like to talk about the dark forgotten history of our country, because we feel, well we didn't do it. Our country is hurting itself, by not dealing with this dark past. Putting a hero who ran the freedom trains, that put escaped African slaves on the path to freedom,, well it's a start. Thanks USGOV. And a start can be good. Some of us like to stick to tradition and don't do well with change. Very well stated ![]() |
So Shady
Whether they truly are or not I treat every one photo profile as a scammer Most of the time they are, from what I have encountered. |
So Shady
As long as "I" am not cockeyed. I want to avoid any unwanted pregnancies from just looking. So you'd consider dating a cock eyed/crossed eye person? |
i guess it depends on whether they are right or not... Hmm, ok. I was chatting with this person and the individual admitted that she is cocky, arrogant and cheated on every person she was with. But I had to scratch my head MOE because she happens to be a boogah wolf (unattractive). Then further along in the conversation, she admitted she is fat,lazy and unattractive. She this lead me to believe that at least she knew she is yucky. SO I wonder if others feel the same about themselves and just don't openly admit it. Sorry to say, but this is horribly judgemental. Someone who's fat and maybe what you consider to be ugly as well, isn't necessarily unattractive. She apparently is according to your standards, but not everybody holds such standards. Attractiveness has little to do with being pretty and/or slim. I have a friend whom you can consider to look like the back end of a bus, but she always has been very attractive to others. She had tons of friends, everyone wanted to be her friend, and she could choose which boy/man she wanted. And I'm talking the most popular and good-looking ones. Oftentimes the so called "good-looking" ppl are arrogant and unpleasant, because they think they are god's gift to men/women. The ones that tend to be most attractive, usually are not aware of it, because they're not trying to be popular. They just ARE. Because of their personality. Again, this girl acts like she is God's gift to the world! Unbelievable how she acts! However, she considers HERSELF ugly. Not about what I or anyone else thinks. Do I find her appearance to be unattractive? Si! However, she can be as cute as a button and her personality sucks. Most of the arrogant ppl I run into are almost never Hollywood gorgeous and always get passed up by potential dates. Sometimes I feel that arrogance is a form of their defense mechanism. |
So Shady
I don't really care. One pic is sufficient for random profiles. Shades, no shades, doesn't matter. Okay let's say you like what you see with the one photo of her wearing shades. You chat and one day decide to meet. When you meet her, you discover that one eye is shut or she is severely cock eyed. Would you still be interested? |
Do you think a person KNOWS that they are unattractive or attractive? I think so. This is so subjective. I have friends that men and women call eye candy and you know what nothing about them attracts them to me physically I enjoy the personality traits of these people or they have been colleagues for years. I have friends that aren't eye candy and dang the are like magnets.. I think attractiveness is something that comes from within drawing others to them. Whether it is the self confidence that oozes out of them or a smile.. I don't think it is something that can really be defined.. People just are attractive by being who they are.. Do I think they know that they are unattractive to whom??? You? Me? Doesn't matter what we think it matters to them and who they are attracting. I think what we rate ourselves on attractiveness is probably way lower than most see us... One of the most sexiest attractive thing in the world to me is someone that is comfortable in their own skin. Not afraid of embracing who they are and enjoying life. It's not about who you or me find attractive. It's more about how the person views themselves physically. I have vibe across ppl who told me, "I'm know I'm ugly so I do this, that and the third to get this person." Its like they know how to play tricks to get ppl to notice them. |
As the old adage goes beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I've always felt there was more to it then that. I've seen some absolute horror shows end up with some smoking hot people, so I believe that there is more to it then psychical appearance. For a guy if you are not attractive you have to have charisma and a massive ego or really deep pockets. Women have it a little easier if they are not attractive, all they have to do is hang out at bars and be willing to do almost anything sexual. I don't think there are really any winners in these situations. I on the other hand am a total lose because I'm not attractive, I have very little charisma, even less ego, and just enough money to survive, hence why all I'm looking for is friends. I have no delusions of grandeur. At least you are honest with yourself and know your limitations. |
They should have put Elenor Roosevelt's picture on a three dollar bill, please to the LGBT crowd. ![]() LoL. |
i guess it depends on whether they are right or not... Hmm, ok. I was chatting with this person and the individual admitted that she is cocky, arrogant and cheated on every person she was with. But I had to scratch my head MOE because she happens to be a boogah wolf (unattractive). Then further along in the conversation, she admitted she is fat,lazy and unattractive. She this lead me to believe that at least she knew she is yucky. SO I wonder if others feel the same about themselves and just don't openly admit it. |
So Shady
Would you trust a profile with only one photo of the person wearing shades? Is seeing that person's eyes important to you?
Do you think a person KNOWS that they are unattractive or attractive? I think so.
i just heard on nightly business report (pbs) the treasury dept expects to release the new Tubman bill in the year 2020.. but Jackson proponents needn't worry too much as he will be moving to the back of the um,,i mean back of the bill.. Welp, sadly there are still folks in 2016 that may find a back of the bus joke funny. Sad. However, its your joke, image if you'd have to be made to be somewhere you didn't want to be? #food for thought |
I don't have any trust in the judgement of the PC crowd who were the most vocal supporters of this, and I wonder/worry about where the PC and SJW mindset is taking this country... but for this _specific_ change: I like the idea of replacing a slave-owner with a freer of slaves! It appears that you just might be the ONLY logical thnker in any of these threads. says the queen... Ha! Howdy my dear. I hope all is well with you :) |
I don't have any trust in the judgement of the PC crowd who were the most vocal supporters of this, and I wonder/worry about where the PC and SJW mindset is taking this country... but for this _specific_ change: I like the idea of replacing a slave-owner with a freer of slaves! It appears that you just might be the ONLY logical thnker in any of these threads. |
I do look for a properly lit pic with a fully clothed man, who has a pleasant expression. Bare-chested pics are a turn off for me unless the person is at the beach. ![]() Then I look for profile texts that exude an air of confidence tempered with humility, as well as qualities likemwit, humor, compassion, passion for life and vibrant energy ![]() So have you found much success in your search with this site? |
If she has "69" somewhere in her username ![]() How about 68 and she owes you one? or 68 & turns 69 next month? ;-) LoL, you're crazy! |
Rate my profile
Hello, would you ladies be kind enough to rate my profile. I promise you I won't bite, and if you like, drop me a line or 2 Your photos are cool for teens or early twenties. As your chosen profile name suggests, you're too old for games. So, upload photos that show your maturity. And a little smile can't hurt. Your written profile is short but good. You can make it better by writing more about you... like what your favorite pizza topping, what you do to support yourself while being a mature student, etc. I rate your profile as 5 out of 10 Welcome to M2 Good luck in your search ![]() I totally agree with you ![]() The only thing I don't agree with is putting how he makes a living. I personally find that to be very private. . Depending on what his profession is, he may meet the wrong woman who only desires to be around d him for his money. Just my take on it. |
Rate my profile
sorry, technical difficulties...please stand by ![]() Do not worry, senior. I see what you did there. Your previous post got posted twice. You merely replaced it with this. senior??? ![]() excusamuhuaaa?? ![]() ![]() Alright alright! Sorry! Madam, lady, girl, woman, baby girl what ever fits you best! You're still young and healthy! ... XD Sorry! Oh jeez... I upset a woman? I hope I didn't! Come over here and let me give you a hug.. I'm not at all senstive ![]() |
Romance comes up regularly here, and it makes me wonder what you believe romance and being romantic entails. Because I think it can mean different things to different people. Is it a candle lit dinner for two? A guy buying you roses? What exactly do you feel is romance and romantic acts/behaviour from both yourself and a partner? Someone mentioned "romantic foreplay". What does that mean? The part before you get to the bedroom so to speak or (also) the foreplay once in the bedroom? I actually love to do romantic things. Sometimes it can be a picnic at sunset at the beach. Other times it can be cooking a meal for her. Or it could be hitting Chuck E Cheese, acting like kids and then at the end of the night surprising her with a romantic boat ride. I believe in being creative with the long as it comes from the heart. Romantic's the stimulation that gets the mood just right. It can be through the eyes...she sees that you adore her and truly want to make her happy. It can be via the soft touches.....she feels that electricity coming from you which sends those vibes throughout her body. It can be going out dancing with one another. So many things can be considered romantic foreplay. Ya just have to decide which avenue to pursue. I can dig it! Chuckie Cheese it is then! I love pizza :) Skee ball challenge. Haha! You will lose! Losers have to take a photo with Chuckie without crying. |
Rate my profile
Hello, would you ladies be kind enough to rate my profile. I promise you I won't bite, and if you like, drop me a line or 2 If a picture could tell a thousand words. You really ready for a real straight up rating? I hope so because i'm going to give it to you straight no chaser. 1) All three of your posted photos give off the thug life impression to ME. With that being said, I would wonder if: A) can he be around my family (parents looking like a stick-up kid)? B) Can I take him to a professional function based on what I see in those photos? (NOPE) C) Does this man have church shoes. Or a use of better words, do you have dress shoes. And i'm not referring to Jordans. Well I will simply excuse myself from any of that should if occur. The moderators love to close my post,,,,which ALMOST always happen AFTER someone has attempted to disrespect me FIRST. But thank you dear friend for your concern. Hopefully the person does not take it as shots fired. However, we are all adults and if you ask for ppl to rate your post and he said he won't bite...i will hold him to that. So as a professional woman, I would look at your appearance first and rate the profile for ME a 4. However, if a younger minded woman is attracted to that Urban look, she will give you a 6, 7 perhaps. A little bitter, but that is the truth there from you. Spoken in a polite way. You've presented yourself in a good way. What did you find bitter? Your response will be quite intriguing Lady Destinysyours, please don't get me wrong, but I hope he doesn't find 'give off the thug life impression to ME' bit offensive. I don't want any argument to start between you two. Well we are all adults and the guy did ask to be rated. My opinion shouldn't really matter. He only knows what type of person he is. Hopefully he wouldn't view my rating as personal shots fired. So perhaps "bitter" may have been a very poor choice of a word. Alright. I hope everything goes well. Not my post, so i'm good to go. Have a pleasant evening :) |