I don't know why you need to be so nasty about it. I simply didn't agree with you on the fidgetting. I never got a chance to answer your original question because I replied to your last post first. But there's no sense in answering it now. Didn't you know you weren't supposed to disagree with him? Anyone can disagree with me all they like, I'd just like to see people explain their position. There is much I don't agree with TJ with, but unlike others here when I ask a simple straight forward question I get a straight forward answer. Frankly I'm probably closer to agreeing with those who are arguing here with me. Anyway most others here just give some lame excuse as to why they think the question doesn't apply and refuse to answer. TJ gave his excuses why he didn't think it applied in this case, but he still answered the question. I singled out Boo because I've asked several direction questions and not gotten a single answer. That to me says she's never going to so what's the point debating. It's not a debate when the other person just goes off on some tangent when they can't defend their position. That's too much like a politician and I don't like politicians. This thread has gotten so off topic that I'm not even sure what questions you're referring to anymore. Yes, I know, and that particular discussion just made it worse as each time I'd ask a question referring to her statements she'd go off on another tangent to avoid the question. I could go back and get them but it really doesn't matter at this point. In a sense my questions have all been answered in that she obviously doesn't have answers as to why she feels the way she does. Which is what she should have said in the first place instead of trying to hide it. Ah well live and learn and life goes on . Hope you're having a great day, I know I am It's her choice to feel the way she does. You seem to have the need for her to validate her opinion, which she doesn't really need to do. If you were not satisfied with her response, that's your issue, not hers. As I recall some of the questoins asked weren't a matter of opinion. They were yes or no questions that in no way could be validated by an opinion. Did either you men read my last post? The answer is NO. Forgive me for not giving my answer when it was expected of me. And it 'is' an opinion, My opinion would dictate if I say yes or I say no to that question for pete sakes. If Davey wants to call it a tangent, let him. Yes I saw your last post. and my response was to someone else hence the quotes. That person obviosly didn't see that and wants to continue argueing the piont even though they didn't see the question was answered Well she didn't accuse me of things I was not doing so I have no problem with her. And I'm not into arguing it further myself. |
I don't know why you need to be so nasty about it. I simply didn't agree with you on the fidgetting. I never got a chance to answer your original question because I replied to your last post first. But there's no sense in answering it now. Didn't you know you weren't supposed to disagree with him? Anyone can disagree with me all they like, I'd just like to see people explain their position. There is much I don't agree with TJ with, but unlike others here when I ask a simple straight forward question I get a straight forward answer. Frankly I'm probably closer to agreeing with those who are arguing here with me. Anyway most others here just give some lame excuse as to why they think the question doesn't apply and refuse to answer. TJ gave his excuses why he didn't think it applied in this case, but he still answered the question. I singled out Boo because I've asked several direction questions and not gotten a single answer. That to me says she's never going to so what's the point debating. It's not a debate when the other person just goes off on some tangent when they can't defend their position. That's too much like a politician and I don't like politicians. This thread has gotten so off topic that I'm not even sure what questions you're referring to anymore. Yes, I know, and that particular discussion just made it worse as each time I'd ask a question referring to her statements she'd go off on another tangent to avoid the question. I could go back and get them but it really doesn't matter at this point. In a sense my questions have all been answered in that she obviously doesn't have answers as to why she feels the way she does. Which is what she should have said in the first place instead of trying to hide it. Ah well live and learn and life goes on . Hope you're having a great day, I know I am It's her choice to feel the way she does. You seem to have the need for her to validate her opinion, which she doesn't really need to do. If you were not satisfied with her response, that's your issue, not hers. As I recall some of the questoins asked weren't a matter of opinion. They were yes or no questions that in no way could be validated by an opinion. Did either you men read my last post? The answer is NO. Forgive me for not giving my answer when it was expected of me. And it 'is' an opinion, My opinion would dictate if I say yes or I say no to that question for pete sakes. If Davey wants to call it a tangent, let him. |
Now Rahm Emanuel has democratic senaters in a locked room working on combining their 2 bills. No repulicans were invited. There goes bipartisanship OUT THE WINDOW! And what happened to that whole TRANSPARENCY thing? Not sure how you have bipartisan with one side voting no one everything and doing everything they can to prevent it in the first place. boo do you not think the repubicans would be more wiling to vote yes on something if they could be involved in the debate and what is out in the bill. Aren't the democrats voting no on everything the rebulicans want to add by not allowing them in on the debates. And being in a locked room while they merge the two democratic bills together? What do I know? I'm just a liberal bleeding heart socialist communist [DEMONRAT]... any other labels I missed? No matter what I say it will be called propaganda or some thing worse. Nobody called you any thing. And you didn't answer my question. I asked if the democrats coulld be called the party of no because they are in a locked room merging the 2 democratic bills. No offer was made to any repulicans to join in this meeting. Damn I posted a whole lengthy reply and it didn't post cuz my dial up went down.. argh Anyway when people call democrats, [Democrats] as Raider did and say they only want to tie the hands of the opposition that's just plain ignorant. Because people are democrats doesn't' mean they are unwilling to work with the other side. But in the case of health care those against it is pretty telling when you find out who they are really standing up for, namely the insurers themselves. I have been watching cspan where the lawmakers themselves are debating. I can't get any information worth anything on the news frankly. So from that point of view it is the republicans mostly fighting this tooth and nail and the blue dog conservatives on the left. Why closed doors? I have no bloody idea, I would like to know if that is how it works or if it's by design or if the Dem's figure if the republicans don't want to actually participate why let them in. I don't know. I would like to see a list of the most important parts of the combined bills and then see who voted yes and who voted no. But that final bill is not here yet. Conservatives on left and right are Both saying no, but so far from what I can tell it's always no on specific things. If we can't compremise here at mingle, how do we expect them to do it in washington. I make the distinction between democrat and Democrat with a capital 'D' because I object to the way the media uses the term "Democratic" to describe the Democrat Party.. as if to say the opposition isn't democratic, don't follow or honor the priciples of democracy... They are the Democrat Party.. not the only party representing democracy.. The 'Demoncrat' was just a typo at first but it seemed appropo and I stuck with it.. You can't say the Republican "don't want to participate". That's a specious assumption. Of course they want to participate. Of course they want to help reform the health care system is the United States. But they have very different views on the ways in which it should be done. Empowering and encouraging individuals by making certain healthcare expenses tax deductible, promoting **actual** competition by eliminating the federal restrictions preventing you and I from purchasing and carrying insurance plans across state lines, carry out meaningful tort reform.. Those are the things Republican would like to see occur and they are relatively passive Opposed to the way Democrats want to do it which is by creating a massive new, massively expensive government bureaucracy which will promote it's own dominion and monopoly over the system.. How can you call it "choice and competition" when the only entity which will be available to compete in all 50 States will be the so-called "Public Option".. one which inherently is operated by the regulating entity.. That's not choice and competition.. that's a monopoly.. I'll make you an analogy.. Let's play a game of one-on-one basketball.. but here's the deal. I get to be referee. I get to make the rules. Oh and I get to change them whenever I want to and apply them as I choose.. who do you think will win that game? We have a monopoly right now in insurance. and as for: 'Empowering and encouraging individuals by making certain healthcare expenses tax deductible, promoting **actual** competition by eliminating the federal restrictions preventing you and I from purchasing and carrying insurance plans across state lines, carry out meaningful tort reform.. Those are the things Republican would like to see occur and they are relatively passive' These are all things that are being considered right now. I also believe we need tort reform badly but not so badly that we turn it completely around and leave people in danger from bad doctors etc. So I'll stop right here and no longer respond, I can't really argue a bill that isn't even finished anyway. I can only say that with out competition, real competition the insurers will not stop gouging people and denying them services. I am not convinced insurers will allow competition, period, especially after what they said yesterday. I don't give a hoot about arguments between two sides about how the word democratic is used by anyone. I try to use terms correctly. So you won't find me twisting the names of either side. |
Edited by
Wed 10/14/09 02:32 PM
Now Rahm Emanuel has democratic senaters in a locked room working on combining their 2 bills. No repulicans were invited. There goes bipartisanship OUT THE WINDOW! And what happened to that whole TRANSPARENCY thing? Not sure how you have bipartisan with one side voting no one everything and doing everything they can to prevent it in the first place. boo do you not think the repubicans would be more wiling to vote yes on something if they could be involved in the debate and what is out in the bill. Aren't the democrats voting no on everything the rebulicans want to add by not allowing them in on the debates. And being in a locked room while they merge the two democratic bills together? What do I know? I'm just a liberal bleeding heart socialist communist [DEMONRAT]... any other labels I missed? No matter what I say it will be called propaganda or some thing worse. Nobody called you any thing. And you didn't answer my question. I asked if the democrats coulld be called the party of no because they are in a locked room merging the 2 democratic bills. No offer was made to any repulicans to join in this meeting. they don't want to answer any question tto which they know the proper answer is self incriminating.. The right side of the isle has been completely left out of the process.. none of the ideas that Republicans have offered have been given any consideration at all, despite the fact The One said he'd consider any ideas no matter who they came from.. well, we all know that means, "you can have ideas and we might pay them token attention but they have no chance of getting into any bills we'll consider" the only people they're concerned about working with are already half way Democrats to begin with.. But I'll ask again since no one answered.. Why should they vote 'yes' on something their constituents are vehemently opposed to? Why should they vote 'yes' on something they are philosophically opposed to? Put in some measures that conservatives believe in, like tort reform or tax deductibility for health care costs or take the restriction on flexcare accounts, and you might get some to go along.. but asking people to go along with things they don't agree with and then whining about lack of cooperation.. give me a break.. go back to the kiddie pool Damn it already give someone time to bloody answer before you make assumption!!! And you are completely wrong when you say that republicans have no input, they have had plenty of input, that input is being dicussed at this very moment. All those issues you meantioned are in the bills being considered and combined. Believe me if you think the bill that was just passed is something I as a liberal likes, your seriously wrong. Why not wait for the final bill where everyone's input is combined and we can then see how it favors. I don't expect it will faovor one side or the other because of all the crap that has gone on in the last few months. And by the way it goes both ways, why should we vote yes on things that favor insurers and not ordinary hard working people? Don't assume. Neither you nor I know what is in the bill that is being combined and considered right this minute. |
Now Rahm Emanuel has democratic senaters in a locked room working on combining their 2 bills. No repulicans were invited. There goes bipartisanship OUT THE WINDOW! And what happened to that whole TRANSPARENCY thing? Not sure how you have bipartisan with one side voting no one everything and doing everything they can to prevent it in the first place. boo do you not think the repubicans would be more wiling to vote yes on something if they could be involved in the debate and what is out in the bill. Aren't the democrats voting no on everything the rebulicans want to add by not allowing them in on the debates. And being in a locked room while they merge the two democratic bills together? What do I know? I'm just a liberal bleeding heart socialist communist [DEMONRAT]... any other labels I missed? No matter what I say it will be called propaganda or some thing worse. Nobody called you any thing. And you didn't answer my question. I asked if the democrats coulld be called the party of no because they are in a locked room merging the 2 democratic bills. No offer was made to any repulicans to join in this meeting. Damn I posted a whole lengthy reply and it didn't post cuz my dial up went down.. argh Anyway when people call democrats, [Democrats] as Raider did and say they only want to tie the hands of the opposition that's just plain ignorant. Because people are democrats doesn't' mean they are unwilling to work with the other side. But in the case of health care those against it is pretty telling when you find out who they are really standing up for, namely the insurers themselves. I have been watching cspan where the lawmakers themselves are debating. I can't get any information worth anything on the news frankly. So from that point of view it is the republicans mostly fighting this tooth and nail and the blue dog conservatives on the left. Why closed doors? I have no bloody idea, I would like to know if that is how it works or if it's by design or if the Dem's figure if the republicans don't want to actually participate why let them in. I don't know. I would like to see a list of the most important parts of the combined bills and then see who voted yes and who voted no. But that final bill is not here yet. Conservatives on left and right are Both saying no, but so far from what I can tell it's always no on specific things. If we can't compremise here at mingle, how do we expect them to do it in washington. |
Edited by
Wed 10/14/09 01:19 PM
Now Rahm Emanuel has democratic senaters in a locked room working on combining their 2 bills. No repulicans were invited. There goes bipartisanship OUT THE WINDOW! And what happened to that whole TRANSPARENCY thing? Not sure how you have bipartisan with one side voting no one everything and doing everything they can to prevent it in the first place. boo do you not think the repubicans would be more wiling to vote yes on something if they could be involved in the debate and what is out in the bill. Aren't the democrats voting no on everything the rebulicans want to add by not allowing them in on the debates. And being in a locked room while they merge the two democratic bills together? What do I know? I'm just a liberal bleeding heart socialist communist [DEMONCRAT]... any other labels I missed? No matter what I say it will be called propaganda or some thing worse. |
Now Rahm Emanuel has democratic senaters in a locked room working on combining their 2 bills. No repulicans were invited. There goes bipartisanship OUT THE WINDOW! And what happened to that whole TRANSPARENCY thing? Not sure how you have bipartisan with one side voting no one everything and doing everything they can to prevent it in the first place. |
This particular bill is by not means a done deal. If it comes without a public plan it's worthless frankly, and definately worthless as it stands right this minute. Those that voted yes on it just did so to move it out of that committee to prevent having to start over, only, it's not an endorsement of it as it sits now.
Personally I am sick to death of the whole thing. |
Limbaugh and the Rams
Personally I don't care what the guy owns, Maybe he will fail as he hopes for Obama. Can't say it would break my heart.
Everyone is blaming him for starting another thread, but instead of letting it die in obsurity, you just have to post your contempt of the thread. Who is really keeping another duplicate topic going people? I don't see anyone blaming him, just pointing out there are more threads to the same topic. |
I don't know why you need to be so nasty about it. I simply didn't agree with you on the fidgetting. I never got a chance to answer your original question because I replied to your last post first. But there's no sense in answering it now. Didn't you know you weren't supposed to disagree with him? Anyone can disagree with me all they like, I'd just like to see people explain their position. There is much I don't agree with TJ with, but unlike others here when I ask a simple straight forward question I get a straight forward answer. Frankly I'm probably closer to agreeing with those who are arguing here with me. Anyway most others here just give some lame excuse as to why they think the question doesn't apply and refuse to answer. TJ gave his excuses why he didn't think it applied in this case, but he still answered the question. I singled out Boo because I've asked several direction questions and not gotten a single answer. That to me says she's never going to so what's the point debating. It's not a debate when the other person just goes off on some tangent when they can't defend their position. That's too much like a politician and I don't like politicians. Last night I went back and found your question, I opened a quote to answer it and then got a phone call. When done with the call I forgot about the question and read on and ended up responding a later post, before I had a chance to answer your original question. I was ticked off because you were insulting me by saying I was avoiding and bs'ing when that was not what I was doing at all, I just had not yet answered your original question. And the answer is NO, I would not do something someone asked that would not do it themselves. Next time don't assume I am ignoring the question when it's more than likely I didn't yet see the question. I don't spend my entire day sitting waiting for responses to Mingle. And frankly some posts get so long from quotes and unrelated content, I some times miss a post completely. I'll be happy to admit when I have misinterpreted a comment, and I believe that I did at some point, but you didn't have to make the assumption I was trying to avoid the question when you had no bloody idea if that is what I was doing. Even if I misinterpreted the conversation that didn't mean what I 'did' say about the subject had no validity, it had just as much validity as your comments. Now you accuse Me of going on a tangent? |
Oh no, the thread police are on you now!! Very cute. Hell if he wants to start the endless circular argument again, what the hell. |
At least 3 or 4 threads on this already.
Only applies if people bank with the big banks. If people were smart, they would join their local Credit Union. I did. |
I might have read it wrong but I assumed the fine was for throwing food waste into one of the recycle bins meant for plastic or paper. People used to get lazy and do that a lot where I used to live and they finally cracked down on it. Why recycle at all if someone is going to have to scrape rotted food off other recyclables.
I post what I think, I don't play games, so if I miss interpreted what you said I will acknowledge that. So no need to assume that I know but am avoiding something, it's not in my nature to avoid anything. Yeah that's you skip over everything I posted and post BS like this. Nevermind, last send to you. What's the problem. I read your 'entire post'. You start out by telling me no one is talking about what I was talking about. Then you accuse me of playing dumb and avoiding the question... Now you accuse me of skipping over everything and posting BS, BS because I see him differently than you do? There was little to respond to. You gave your opinion of his fidgetting, what else did I need to add? You already knew what I felt about it, so there was no reason to repeat my own view.. Well I'll try this in a little plainer english for you since you don't seem to have gotten it from the last post. You've posted about everything except those things asked of you. From that I'm concluding that speaking to you is a waste of my time. Since I'm not fond of wasting my time I am not responding to any topic in this or any other you make. You needn't bother responding I'm not interested. I don't know why you need to be so nasty about it. I simply didn't agree with you on the fidgetting. I never got a chance to answer your original question because I replied to your last post first. But there's no sense in answering it now. |
I post what I think, I don't play games, so if I miss interpreted what you said I will acknowledge that. So no need to assume that I know but am avoiding something, it's not in my nature to avoid anything. Yeah that's you skip over everything I posted and post BS like this. Nevermind, last send to you. What's the problem. I read your 'entire post'. You start out by telling me no one is talking about what I was talking about. Then you accuse me of playing dumb and avoiding the question... Now you accuse me of skipping over everything and posting BS, BS because I see him differently than you do? There was little to respond to. You gave your opinion of his fidgetting, what else did I need to add? You already knew what I felt about it, so there was no reason to repeat my own view.. |
maybe he just has hemmorhoids? funny but could be true, which is partly why I wouldn't judge him on that one video. But if I saw a pattern then it might start to bother me. I was just saying that unlike boo I don't think it's a great thing that he's bouncing around the stage like a 5yo that has to pee. Sounds a bit of an exaggeration. Do you have this video? I have never seem him bouncing around the stage. |
Aren't choices part of being an american? People keep saying we follow Obama like he is some sort of God. I voted for him, but he is not god, so therefore if he asks me to do something, that doesn't mean I should feel obligated to do it. I should have found a better word to use than anal. I didn't mean to disrespect your particular view of it. To me it's anal, that shouldn't mean that it is for you. So I appologize to you TJN for trivializing your view if you took it that way. I really was not intending that. I meant only that it is anal to me. That is so NOT what anybody is talking about. I suspect you know that and are just trying to avoid the question. No point in continuing on this part of your post. Davey, fidgeting is a sign of disrespect or immaturity? Fidgeting is the act of moving about restlessly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1] Fidgeting may be a result of nervousness, agitation, boredom or a combination of these. It may be a result of genes. It is often an unconscious act. It may involve playing with one's fingers, hair, or items of clothing. He did not "fidget" during the elections and such. So none of these are the case in his situation. If he had he may have had a lot harder time winning even against that moronic team from the republican party. Fidgeting is moving away from its old stigma and is now considered among the most beneficial of the minor hand activities. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ His was not simple hand movement it was his entire body twisting and turning. So again does not apply. I love moving while thinking and learning new things. If that is fidgeting I hope I never stop. As said, not the same thing. And that is not during a ceremony where one in his position is suppose to be paying attention and showing respect. It's a very short period, I prefer my president to have a much better attention span than a couple min's. Personally I think he does, he just was not showing due respect. He too is a very active and engaged person, something I found as a plus in him as a president. I find that a plus also, but I do not find lack of control a plus. One of the reasons I voted against McCain (among many other reasons) I post what I think, I don't play games, so if I miss interpreted what you said I will acknowledge that. So no need to assume that I know but am avoiding something, it's not in my nature to avoid anything. I neither find Obama disrespectful or unstable or without control. In fact I find him quite stable and patient, though no one is going to be completely perfect in every situation. And I have seen him in countless interviews and situations. I do find him quite in control, and not easily shaken, which is one of the things I like about him. By the way my first comment was not for you. My only comment to you came after I typed your name. Next time I will post separately. |
I beleive you probably were different, that doesn't mean that if someone has not served that they are less qualified to serve as president. Funny I remember asking my brother that once, he did serve as well. He didn't agree with you on that one. But again I respect your right to feel that way. I just wouldn't agree with that. Well, we disagree, granted. My main gripe about not being served in the Army is, that they don't have any idea knowing what they are asking the man in uniform when they send them into a battle. There is no way to know it unless you have done it yourself. And no, Bush' controversial air national guard service doesn't qualify either. Well I certainly can understand that pov. However because someone has served doesn't necessarily make them a good president either. I do believe the presidents do have advisor's that are familiar with the service. If I find someone more worthy to be president but doesn't have service experience, that isn't going to stop me from voting for them of course. |