Limbaugh and the Rams
After thinking some more, I have come to realize that almost everyone in this thread is a racist. If you think "Look, let me put it to you this way: The NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it." is a racist statement, then you are a racist. It is racist to believe that all gang members are black. I think some people really need to examine their own hearts and try to figure out why they hold such racist stereotypes. You make a good instigator. Everyone here knows that gang members come in all colors including white. As I have mentioned before, Rush knows just how far he can go with a comment. It's like, Guess if I'm a racist, I won't give you enough to prove it though. He's a big mouth and trouble maker and he's paid quite well for it, and his audience tends to love him that way. So be it, no skin off my nose, hell take himself down one day. |
Limbaugh and the Rams
He said what he said and has said more then I posted. I don't need the print to be larger to read it, btw. Context 1 : the parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage and can throw light on its meaning Let me help you, if you still don't get it. Every quote you have posted was said WITHIN context. By posting them individually, you have taken them OUT of context. When Rush said "Look, let me put it to you this way: The NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it." , he was talking about behavior, not skin color. I think it's racist that you think only blacks belong to the Crips and Bloods. That makes you the racist, not Rush Limbaugh. Quit being a bully, Winx can see what you pasted with out changing the colors. And Rush should check out his own behavior before talking about someone elses. Personally I don't think anyone knows for a fact that he is a racist, but if he sounds like one, it's not going to help him either. People have the right to exclude him if they chose to because of his own behavior. Legally is another matter, but people can make it difficult for him. I don't feel one bit sorry for the guy, it's just karma. |
Holy $hit, I just this minute realized that I never read the question correctly and worse I didn't read it correctly 3 times, even when I copied and pasted it twice. That of course doesn't get you off the hook for telling me what you did, but here goes.. Ok for the last time: What would I think of someone who asked me to do something but let know he refused to do it themselves? I would think he/she would have a lot of nerve asking me to do something he/she would not do themselves. I am not sure what that has to do with Obama not crossing his heart, but at this point I am just glad I finally understood what you were actually asking. Geezuz, I did get it right this time, no? If you tell me no I am going to scream.... The whole time I thought the question was what would you do if someone asked you to do something they were unwilling to do... I apologize for not reading it as posed.... meatloafs read??? ![]() ![]() ![]() Not well obviously... |
Holy $hit, I just this minute realized that I never read the question correctly and worse I didn't read it correctly 3 times, even when I copied and pasted it twice. That of course doesn't get you off the hook for telling me what you did, but here goes.. Ok for the last time: What would I think of someone who asked me to do something but let know he refused to do it themselves? I would think he/she would have a lot of nerve asking me to do something he/she would not do themselves. I am not sure what that has to do with Obama not crossing his heart, but at this point I am just glad I finally understood what you were actually asking. Geezuz, I did get it right this time, no? If you tell me no I am going to scream.... The whole time I thought the question was what would you do if someone asked you to do something they were unwilling to do... I apologize for not reading it as posed.... People mis read things sometimes. No big deal! Well it certainly will not be the first or the last time I read something wrong, typically when I have too much on my mind like lately. Not a great excuse, but the best one I have. It shouldn't be a big deal, I just wish Davey had given me the benefit of the doubt before assuming I was 'deliberately' being evasive or bs'ing. Though having misread it a few times, and still not answering it they way he was expecting did make it look as if I was being evasive. Hell I misread my water bill yesterday and paid more than was shown, leaving me short on my phone bill. I was so pissed at myself because I was trying to do too many things at once while also trying to get to the water company before it closed.. ugh, I really needed to slow the hell down, but nooooooooooooo. I also wished I had read the damn thing right the first time, I could have saved all this mess myself. Of course I am still not letting Davey off the hook for accusing me of being deceptive and bs'ing, when I was really just not paying close enough attention. But I did feel I owed him an apology for not reading it correctly, which might have prevented him from going off too. |
I just went for my annual Physical exam and Blood work. I paid a Grand Total of $15 copay I just got the Statement from Blue Cross: Dr. Visit and Physical Exam - Dr. billed $224 and was Paid $160 Lab for complete blood work - Lab billed $338 and was paid $44 Total cost to me = $15 Total amount billed by labs & docs = $562 Total amount paid by Blue Cross to docs & lab = $204 I could see where if somebody doesn't have insurance, they are not even going to want to go get a check up at the doctor because they are going to get stuck with a $562 BILL!!! Just for a check up!! Personally we hear people saying that doctors are not reimbursed correctly. I don't really believe that, I think they inflate their charges and what they actually get back is probably more than they actually deserve. Some of the things they charge huge prices for to the insurance companies are insanely high. I know that a lady at a hospital once sat with me and went through all the hospital charges, and she cut them all by half or more, then sent the bill where ever she sent it. Even at half they were outrageously insane. |
No healthy, work out.. Have learned to heal myself and my children. I have gotten VERY creative! Me too for the most part as long as I don't break any bones or come up with some funky unusual disease. |
Oh wow, no recycling? That's not good. I live in a small town and we have recycling. All of the schools around here recycle as well. The schools also have a few dumpsters for certain things for parents to bring. They say bring your phone books, haha heaven knows we get enough of those!! Just think what a difference it would make if all schools had a recycling program where students or parents could drop off just the easily recyclable stuff. Actually I think that is a great idea. Here banks and other businesses allow the schools to come take their paper waste, and the kids get the money for the school from their taking it to the recyle center. But I like that idea. I see parents bring their kids to school and sit there for quite a while as the bring them up to the front door. Would be cool if they had large bins where they could do that, though there might be other reasons why that might not be practical. |
Oh wow, no recycling? That's not good. I live in a small town and we have recycling. All of the schools around here recycle as well. The schools also have a few dumpsters for certain things for parents to bring. They say bring your phone books, haha heaven knows we get enough of those!! They won't let us put our phone books into the paper recycling bins here. I don't understand that at all. Telephone books are separated from other paper grades at the MRF. Because of the glue binding, they are a bit trickier to recycle. Most are turned into cellulose insulation. Here in the sticks, we can take them to the one and only recycle center and the put them in specific bins. We don't have home recycling here, but we do have a center, though not enough people are conscious enough to use it, sadly. Just before I moved from my last home in florida, we were told we could start putting out phone books in the paper bin, not sure why maybe they started using a type of glue that wasn't a problem, but I am not sure about that. |
Limbaugh and the Rams
It's too bad that Rush can't cry like Glenn Beck. ![]() Now that would be funny. ![]() Just put a little Vicks Vapor Rub under his eyes. ![]() LOL, I think he'd even survive that.. LOL Take his millions from him then you'll see real tears. When hurricane Andrew devastated our area in Homestead Florida, my 'tough as nails' neighbor was on his knees in the front of his house walling his head of, while my gf and I were moving debris from our road way. He freaked when he saw that we noticed. I could have sympathized with him if he wasn't such a controlling D-head on every other day. But the loss of his 'STUFF' was the only thing that could make him weep. I see Rush like that too, though it could be just his public face. Who knows, it's his public attitude that makes him his millions. |
Limbaugh and the Rams
It's too bad that Rush can't cry like Glenn Beck. ![]() Now that would be funny. ![]() Crying doesn't work for enough people, so I doubt he would even adopt that tactic like Beck. Rush's audience prefers his self righteous anger and sarcasm. I think they might find it painfully embarrassing if he start the weeping thing that Beck does. With 25 plus million listeners I'm sur ethat the NFL is worried as heck about what he will start saying. If anything else it will make for good radio ;) I rather doubt they are worried, every one knows that Rush is outrageous, there isn't much he can say that would be a suprise to anyone. Rush is Rush.. |
Limbaugh and the Rams
It's too bad that Rush can't cry like Glenn Beck. ![]() Now that would be funny. ![]() Crying doesn't work for enough people, so I doubt he would even adopt that tactic like Beck. Rush's audience prefers his self righteous anger and sarcasm. I think they might find it painfully embarrassing if he start the weeping thing that Beck does. |
Edited by
Wed 10/14/09 11:28 PM
Holy $hit, I just this minute realized that I never read the question correctly and worse I didn't read it correctly 3 times, even when I copied and pasted it twice. That of course doesn't get you off the hook for telling me what you did, but here goes..
Ok for the last time: What would I think of someone who asked me to do something but let know he refused to do it themselves? I would think he/she would have a lot of nerve asking me to do something he/she would not do themselves. I am not sure what that has to do with Obama not crossing his heart, but at this point I am just glad I finally understood what you were actually asking. Geezuz, I did get it right this time, no? If you tell me no I am going to scream.... The whole time I thought the question was what would you do if someone asked you to do something they were unwilling to do... I apologize for not reading it as posed.... |
Geezuz Davey, you just made me go back and double check for the question again, and guess what. I just found that I had answered your question way back on page 10 a few posts below your question.
And here all this time I was trying to defend myself against your accusations of not answering the question when I actually had answered it once already. Boy you really did have me going there, Davey. Here I thought I had missed the question and was ticked off that you didn't give me the time to answer, and I had already answered it.. Geezuz And by the way TJ said it was a yes or no question which did kind of puzzle me at the time, but never the less I not only answered your question before you accused me of not answering it, but I answered it again in the end when I spent time defending myself. Hell it's not surprising others would be confused, but if it's that important they could go back as well, at least to show I wasn't what you were accusing me of. QUOTE: Boo What am I missing? Is this not what you are asking? REPLY: Davey Nope not what I'm asking at all (I think you probably know that but...). What I asked was what you would think of someone who asked you to do something but let you know he refused to do it himself. A FEW POSTS BELOW THAT: Quote: Boo Ok now I am bit confused, who asked who to do what? Did Obama ask for someone to do something ? I'm lost now. I would never ask someone to do something I would not wish to do. That may not have been a perfect answer but you either missed it, or it wasn't good enough to be the answer you wanted. or whatever.. but it was an answer. If I wouldn't ask someone to do something I would not wish to do, it stands to reason I would not do something asked of me that they would not wish to do. Are we done now? |
Limbaugh and the Rams
Personally I don't know for a fact that Rush is racist, but you don't have to be racist to sound like one. You did crack me up thought when you said 'his love of all people is well known' to his fans. Now that is funny. Maybe you meant to say his love of his fans is well known. No one that loves all people acts like he does. In fact I don't even care if he doesn't love all people, I still find him rude and obnoxious and I do watch him though not regularly, my nerves couldn't handle it. Jesus loved everyone, but he mocked the Pharisees and Sadducees. Unfortunately, sometimes the only way you can reach someone who is so set in their ways, is to hurt their feelings. It's called a seared conscience. When someone is so set in their ways, they can't see how wrong they are. Like someone who would call an innocent man a racist and causing him to miss out on a business opportunity. In those cases, the only way to help them is to pray and perhaps prick their conscience a bit and make them see how dishonest their way of thinking is. OH ya I always love it when the religious justify hurting feelings for their own good. Please.... Rush didn't need to be called a racist to lose this opportunity, he just needed to say dumbA$$ things to the wrong people. So what, Rush is a martyr now? I bet Beck is too then, huh? ![]() Someone who is offended by Rush because he "hurts people's feelings" is being sarcastic and it ironic, hilarious or both? Sorry I am getting pretty tired now, you lost me. Since when does Rush care who's feelings he hurts? Of course the people that love Rush aren't going to be offended by his words, he just spews the words they'd like to say themselves if they had an audience. And Rush doesn't know much about the gay community if he thinks that anyway. But he sure knows what religious community likes to hear and it doesn't need to make a lot of sense, just be in line with the rethoric. |
Limbaugh and the Rams
Personally I don't know for a fact that Rush is racist, but you don't have to be racist to sound like one. You did crack me up thought when you said 'his love of all people is well known' to his fans. Now that is funny. Maybe you meant to say his love of his fans is well known. No one that loves all people acts like he does. In fact I don't even care if he doesn't love all people, I still find him rude and obnoxious and I do watch him though not regularly, my nerves couldn't handle it. Jesus loved everyone, but he mocked the Pharisees and Sadducees. Unfortunately, sometimes the only way you can reach someone who is so set in their ways, is to hurt their feelings. It's called a seared conscience. When someone is so set in their ways, they can't see how wrong they are. Like someone who would call an innocent man a racist and causing him to miss out on a business opportunity. In those cases, the only way to help them is to pray and perhaps prick their conscience a bit and make them see how dishonest their way of thinking is. OH ya I always love it when the religious justify hurting feelings for their own good. Please.... Rush didn't need to be called a racist to lose this opportunity, he just needed to say dumbA$$ things to the wrong people. So what, Rush is a martyr now? I bet Beck is too then, huh? ![]() |
Limbaugh and the Rams
In fact I don't even care if he doesn't love all people, I still find him rude and obnoxious and I do watch him though not regularly, my nerves couldn't handle it. Rush Limbaugh's show has been off the air for over 20 years and he rarely does television. How do you watch him, with a pair of binoculars? ![]() I meant to say listen, but happy I was able to give you a laugh. |
Limbaugh and the Rams
Rush is the racist of the worst kind. One with a microphone. And an audience that isn't exactly aware of what he does. But somehow, someone who doesn't listen to him does? ![]() ![]() ![]() Come on, don't think so highly of yourself or so poorly of others. The simple fact is that Rush Limbaugh is not a racist, those who listen to him know this intimately. I have heard him get bleeped once. It was years ago, when a caller said "The source of all the problems in America are the N-words". Rush Limbaugh cussed the guy out and went to break early. Rush Limbaugh's best friend is a black minister, they go for long fishing trips together. Rush Limbaugh hired back a former black employee of his, who had lost his job. Now Mr Snerdly (aka James Golden) is paid to listen to Rush's show and comment on it live. But really, Rush doesn't need me to say any of that. His love of all people is well known to his fans, but to you...what I said is probably just him creating a smoke screen so that he can be even more racist. Am I right? Personally I don't know for a fact that Rush is racist, but you don't have to be racist to sound like one. You did crack me up thought when you said 'his love of all people is well known' to his fans. Now that is funny. Maybe you meant to say his love of his fans is well known. No one that loves all people acts like he does. In fact I don't even care if he doesn't love all people, I still find him rude and obnoxious and I do watch him though not regularly, my nerves couldn't handle it. |
Limbaugh and the Rams
What Rush enjoys more are statements that can be taken racially but not quite bad enough to prove he is a racist. Either way, whether he says those things for effect, to amuse/cater to his supporters, to tick off his opposition or just for ratings, his bottom line is the money it brings him. He just said so in an interview this past week.
Green is his thing, period. Rush is Rush's first concern. The more divisive things are out in society the more he will take verbal liberties, it makes him millions and he attracts those that are angry about every imaginable issue, so there will be no shortage of material for him to exploit. |
Smart people bank at big banks too. Credit unions have restricted access, and some don't even offer business accounts. Their atm network is not as convenient either. Product and services are limited too. Large loans can be a lot more expensive to repay. So, if u need the more inclusive services and products that the big banks offer, good customers are going to foot the bill to offset bad customers now thanks to congressional reform. Penalize the ones that play by the rules to cover the ones that don't. That is so wrong and is the perfect example of what is wrong in the United States these days. Credit Unions don't restrict access anymore....that is a myth. anyone can become a member of the Credit Union I belong to. Their ATM network is huge....most Credit Unions, like mine, partner with a Co-Op network, like Allpoint. There are over 57,000 nationwide that are surcharge FREE ATM's. I was even up in Canada quite a bit this summer and accessed ATM's with NO PROBLEM. Loans are cheaper with a Credit Union. Mine is way cheaper on auto loans and mortgages than any of the big banks. Not sure what you are talking about "Products and Services are limited"?? They offer savings, checking, money market, IRA's, CD's, credit cards.....ALL FREE of Service charges. I even have a $24,000 Platinum Card with a 7% interest rate. Please tell me how products and services are limited again? No BIG BANK can compete with my local Credit Union. Believe me, I checked. ![]() If your last comment was correct there wouldn't be a BIG BANK near you. I expect there are far more big banks closer to where you live than credit unions so they must be competing. Some credit unions don't even offer merchant accounts. Once again, the credit card reforms passed by Congress put more expense on good customers to offset bad customers as predicted. And that is what in many ways is wrong with this country. Like the public option in healthcare, it will never be paid for and those with insurance will pay more eventually to cover those who shouldn't have it (illegals) or just don't want to pay for it (typically, 25 to 35 that will be forced to get it)Too bad that the whole debate was over the public option and not how to reform health care. I believe that most people just simply don't know about the benefits of Credit Unions and how much better they are than the big banks. Maybe they believe the "myth" that you stated previously, that they are restrictive as to who can belong. ?? If the big banks keep screwing people over, maybe people will start shopping around and find better alternatives. Even switching to what are being referred to as "Community Banks" is starting to catch on. I don't know why anyone would continue to support BIG BANKS after the shenanigans they pulled and continue to pull. Bank Local. ![]() Absolutely, I switched to a community bank, no fees, no check charges. I'm happy. I'm going to see if we have a credit union next. My friend switched to a credit union for her personal and business and is also happier. She talked me into moving to a community bank. I have also noticed online where credit unions themselves are trying to educate the public about the myths of credit unions. Interesting. |
Yes I saw your last post. and my response was to someone else hence the quotes. That person obviosly didn't see that and wants to continue argueing the piont even though they didn't see the question was answered I was just saying that it was her choice to feel the way she does. Plain and simple. ![]() |