Community > Posts By > sparkletheworld

sparkletheworld's photo
Fri 01/05/07 10:54 PM
How's it goin??

sparkletheworld's photo
Fri 01/05/07 10:52 PM
Am up, can't sleep, been sick and coughing "ALL" day,
who want's to keep me company ???

sparkletheworld's photo
Wed 01/03/07 11:00 PM
You're welcome Roses! We must stick together to overcome!!

sparkletheworld's photo
Wed 01/03/07 10:54 PM
Thought I would wait until all of the alcohol and sediments from the New
Years celebrations had left to wish you all a "Happy New Year!" and that
happy and hopeful thoughts go out to all who anticipate a better year
than the one we just said good-bye to-- looking forward to dreams coming
true and disappointments being low and happiness and cheer for all!!!

sparkletheworld's photo
Sun 12/24/06 09:55 PM
Merry Christmas to you also
Your sister and my brother will share the experience together.

sparkletheworld's photo
Sun 12/24/06 09:18 PM
We started at 6 from our mother and father
Twins when you came-oh my-twice the holler
Oh how we squabbled, teased and tattled
One girl against brothers, not a fair battle
Now you're not here
But you tease me still
You make your presence known
When I am usually alone
I know to be happy instead of sad
With you brother I could not get mad
Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry
You could always do both
You wanted us to remember most
How much it means for us to remain close
We are 6 in our hearts
The pictures show 5
Your children and grandchildren
Will carry your life
Our first Christmas without you
We wish you were here
But you are in the presence of angels
I hear them laugh!
Santa will come and still leave 6 stockings
He only knows 6
At the house of your sis.

Merry Christmas Brother
To your first Christmas in Heaven
We Love You

sparkletheworld's photo
Tue 12/12/06 08:06 PM
WooHoo Princess!!! Pick a good one!! Hang in there, it will get

sparkletheworld's photo
Sun 12/10/06 09:43 PM
Flying in to Cincinnati, working in Batesville, IN--anything to do or
see in either one???

sparkletheworld's photo
Sun 12/10/06 03:55 PM
Hey-did Santa give you my list?? These are gifts we could all use.
Peaceful and loving holidays to everyone!!

sparkletheworld's photo
Sun 12/10/06 03:49 PM
Didn't think there could be one better than Jesse's, but....... it is an
awesome piece also!!

sparkletheworld's photo
Fri 12/08/06 09:57 PM
Nothing let's us see life more clearly than thru the eyes of a
child-again-another prize winner!!

sparkletheworld's photo
Fri 12/08/06 08:47 PM
Hi everyone that thought of me!! It's me --Jesse

sparkletheworld's photo
Fri 12/08/06 08:35 PM
To all that sent well wishes and "hugs" for Jesse, we thank you!
That little guy needed all the good thoughts you good people sent his
way and I am happy to tell you that besides being uncomfortable from the
pain, he is playing and giving us his ear to ear toothless grin(those
that didn't see-he is only 8 months old). Santa will be paying a special
visit to Jesse!!
Thanx again everyone!1

sparkletheworld's photo
Thu 12/07/06 07:07 PM
What can this family say--your words meant so much to each one of us.
Jesse seemed to take in all of your words and smiled after we read it to
him, he, like yourself, is destined for greatness. He will reflect on
this when he is old enough to read for himself and will know someone he
had not even met , knew so little of him, but wrote such an awesome
He made excellent progress thru the nite, I think it was while EVERYONE
was sending well wishes and prayers, that he was the fiesty little guy
we brought here Monday, thanx to all kind thoughts he gets to go home
tomorrow--Hallelujah!!Again, thank you everyone, especially you Craig,
this is truly a treasure.
Jesse and family
Peaceful holidays to you all!!

sparkletheworld's photo
Wed 12/06/06 09:17 PM
Thank you for the well wishes Angel-he is so cute that that is all you
want to do with him-

sparkletheworld's photo
Wed 12/06/06 08:42 PM
How about one for the love of a child-have been at the hospital this
week with a nephew recovering from surgery-he is doing good but it hurts
to see him in pain-he is only 8 months old-
Thank you!

sparkletheworld's photo
Fri 12/01/06 10:11 PM
If most don't know, we in Oklahoma don't know what to do with a good
snow fall-well, we have snow, and my sis and her new little family had
to travel to Oklahoma City to take her baby for some pre-op procedures,
Dad hit a slick spot, spun around and headed for the embankment-a semi
clipped them on the side, spun them the other way in to a snow dript and
stopped them on the spot before they went into a roll down the hill-I
thank my newly angel brother and God above for saving them, they are
shaken but all are ok and made it back home safe. Will not need
anything else for Christmas-everyone have a safe and peaceful holiday!

sparkletheworld's photo
Wed 11/22/06 10:21 PM
Happy Birthday-make a wish and blow out the candles. Enjoy your special

sparkletheworld's photo
Tue 11/21/06 09:28 PM
No travel for me, my mom and dad are "thankfully" close by, enjoy your
holiday , be careful if you are traveling!

sparkletheworld's photo
Sun 11/19/06 11:32 PM
Np offense taken, glad someone has a sense of humor this early in the
a.m., laughing is just what I need now, missing my brother who just
passed in April, will be the first big holiday without him, THANX for
the jokes, you my laugh buddy, have a good holiday !