Aren't we all AMERICANS
I'm not sure the article is complete for a true understanding of the issue....the last paragraph states this particular incident was singled out...there were other issues concerning intimidations at voting sites?
intimidation at or around voting sites should be against the law no matter what the reasons...the point of having rights is to establish the common peoples ability to think for themselves and subsequently have a voice in their governing its almost laughable at this point to think the common people need any intimidation to be swayed in their vote...give them enough propaganda and the motivation to go...they do pretty much what they are told.. unfortunately, the common people, don't think for themselves. |
Where do you live
its central texas driving is good you can go at least five hours in any direction and not leave the state the weather makes no sense the ups and downs are boredom and well, boredom I love texas... |
What are you?
you are what you eat right?
so why are all the good for you bad for you diet this crap still insisting that we should eat processed to be less "bad" or better yet over priced unprocessed less bad food nobody really wants to eat organic I thought at this point it was obvious...use real food and magically you become satisfied with smaller portions (which the US may desperately need) and heres something else funny...if its bad for you and you stop doing it long enough (usually 30 days) chances are you won't like it anymore.... I'm going to enjoy my real everything....right down to my real fun sized m&ms.... lol so what are you if you are what you eat? |
Sex is healthy because it has the capacity to be a combination of cardio, yoga, and resistance training ad is ten times more fun
it also releases a lot of hormones and really cool brain chemicals that help to eliminate stress, headaches and the stimulus itself actually helps to maintain female reproductive and emotional health ( by releasing those cool body chemicals that happen naturally.... as for the % men vs women thing I have no idea what you are asking |
That's a tough one... I am like that when it comes to things being in their place (or clean) Everything in my world has it's place and if it is out of place, I will correct it. So what I do sometimes is make a mess and then leave it. Even if it is just a few crumbs on the table . I can hear the crumbs calling out "wipe me up " but I will leave them to prove to myself I am not *ucking crazy. the voices and I have made amends.....they know I'm ignoring them so they stopped saying they just look at me with those eyes.... i hate it when they look at me in that tone of voice lol |
oh ya know normal stuff like turning the lights on and off ten times before you leave getting to work and turning around to go back home and check it the oven is on because the last time you used it was two days ago or....HBO made a show about it i think
How do you let go of obsessive behavior?
Happy birthday manOfewwords
Congrats and salutations!
fifty to eighty percent of your total gross income sex on a daily basis minor car repair don't bug me when i'm acting crazy if its not nice keep your mouth shut general powers of attorney you'll get three square meals your bills are paid and house kept up don't bring other women, disease, or anything worthy of felony home We'll get a long just fine WOW 50% to 80%? How about I own my house outright and you live rentless? You keep what was already in your name prior still need the income ratio...keep in mind its only cause I pay all living bills from rent to cable to insurance what ever you want with the other portion...but if its purchased or paid off during it goes under joint the event of separation everything is divided by practicality or prior ownership.... |
what are women looking for
some one confidant in themselves who can find humor in this life
someone who can love me for who I am someone whom I can love for who they are..... |
Your Platoon Sergeant...I swear to God I didn't know that was his girlfriend. She didn't tell me she was engaged and well I didn't ask... wow...that one is too good.... as for who not to piss off? I walk on egg shells for no one... |
k, gotcha covered... :)
i disagree, bad boys rule. nice guys finish last. if you don't agree with that, i'll arm wrestle you for it cuz men and women are different embrace that concept.... wow, that is nice. bring me a beer add a please or I'm gonna chuck it at your head....and I got a whole fridge full in the garage :) |
2012 elections
So there is public broadcasting on the "skeletons in the closet" of potential candidates for presidency coming up in 2012 but no mention of what their political platforms might short of researching current political activity, which most people don't care to do
we are residing in a country whose major concerns are about gossip rather than actual meaningfully anything and we are running blind as "the common people" leaving the governing to people with access and direct wonder this country is failing...the majority of its available participants despite our "freedom" opt to allow whomever to run them because of what? what would your platforms be if you were given the opportunity to run the country? |
i disagree, bad boys rule. nice guys finish last. if you don't agree with that, i'll arm wrestle you for it Nice guys finish in the shower.....I think you have to be a combination of the two kinda like the concept of a lady in the street but a freak in the.... only different , you know cuz men and women are different embrace that concept.... |
How would you feel?
Hey Guys.............. Ok.. SO i just had the biggest argument wuth my partner.. He is away with the army at the moment and cant call me everynight as he sometimes has no recweption.... So yesterday he said he would have no reception.. so that was fine... But then we realised my friends partner would be with him and he would have reception.. so when Kane (my friends partner) called Margeet (my friend) she said for chad to call on kanes phone if he wanted... So about and hour later i get a call from chad.. He yells at me and says he cant always call me and he doesnt have reception on his phone... So i calmly told him it was just if he had time and if he wanted to call me.....I then hung up... I feel sooooooooooooooooooooooo hurt that he would just blast me on the phone.. It wasnt even my idea.... He got so upset and i dont even understand why. So in the past half hour he has tried calling and my friend has said for him to call me tomorrow... So im thinking does this mean i like talking to him more then he likes talking to me???????????????? your thoughts would be much appreciated You have got to let this one go..its a different place in the service If you want him to call you don't make him feel like its one more obligation he is required to fill when you complain about not getting a call its a huge turn off he needs the time to himself and the job, which does take more than eight hours out of your day.. on this one let it go and focus on you and what makes you happy, that doesn't mean shut him out.. it means give him his space and you focus on your space... |
An Etiquette Question
the point is, its not rude to avoid IM you keep the communication lines open via other means that you are more comfortable with if the other party finds that rude well, then it probably better you both move on
that works it'll be in stock from now on....should I get you your own fridge? We can put it in the garage and fill it with meat and beer, well I guess the meat could go in the deep freezer...definitely a necessity during hunting season...
An Etiquette Question
Thank you, Soufie. I guess I'm going to have to choose my language much more carefully when you're around. It seems to me that we're all here to find people who have a mutual attraction of some kind. Sorry, but in my world, looks matter. I admire people who just don't care. As for the question that I ACTUALLY posed, not the one you substituted for mine, If I know that she likes my looks but I don't like hers at all, should I be honest with her, or should I just pretend that I didn't see her message? the question stands. I've certainly gotten the cold shoulder from plenty of women who didn't like what they saw in my profile, so I am convinced that this is not a dilemma exclusive to me.
I won't expect anything helpful from you. Not responding is generally saying you aren't interested and trying to sugar coat that may result in both parties being more hurt than they had to be or at least disgruntled don't feel bad you like what you like as for the first question, who cares if its rude to not IM its more rude to give out the info and then just ignoring them till they go away...hehe I'm totally guilty of this sorry ppl |
Internet Love Song
I'm not sure how to feel about this one..erotic definitely, romantic, initially...the ending, was it intended to be circular to the beginning or is it more of a suggestive cliff hanger? definitely attention grabbing. . . The ending just sort of came from the whole online meeting phenomenon, sort of an extension of the things our minds can create when given the opportunity to wander/wonder. But as you can tell, there wasn’t a lot of thought in this; honestly, it was more of an exercise than anything. I don’t write things like this, I’m more into poems and prose, (based on this piece) perhaps even much better suited for them. no, you may be more suited for longer pieces than you think...the artistry and concept is down play with it a little more I think you may take it further than you can imagine, and no it doesn't have to be erotica although it is a fun place to start. |