Topic: 2012 elections | |
So there is public broadcasting on the "skeletons in the closet" of potential candidates for presidency coming up in 2012 but no mention of what their political platforms might short of researching current political activity, which most people don't care to do
we are residing in a country whose major concerns are about gossip rather than actual meaningfully anything and we are running blind as "the common people" leaving the governing to people with access and direct wonder this country is failing...the majority of its available participants despite our "freedom" opt to allow whomever to run them because of what? what would your platforms be if you were given the opportunity to run the country? |
hi rlynne, long time no see. I would loosen the stranglehold China has on this country by restricting the outsourcing that has been escalating way too fast and killing jobs in America, their children work a lot cheaper than our adults and before you know it, China will not only own this country but operate it. We need another President with ideals like Ronald Reagan and sadly Ted Nugent has a thousand skeletons in his closet and the worst ones are tabooed in a big way Enjoy this video if you have 20 minutes to spare: |
Edited by
Sat 02/26/11 07:10 PM
First you would have to understand the actual cause of 'outsourcing'... A very complicated subject in a 'market' that IS global whether you like that fact or not.
Then you would have to understand the 'stranglhold' we have on the Chinese economy. Then you would have to decide how much collateral damage would be caused by the rash action of 'restricting' china (which is not the actual problem) while at the same time ignoring the actual problem. Then you would have to decide if you were willing to cause a recession in both of the major powers in the world... Then of course if you thought it still necessary to 'punish' china for bolstering her economy and ours... by all means 'restrict' as you see fit. China is the 'sea bird' we are the 'frog'. |
I would retroactively tax the Keewrap out of any individuals who got
bonuses from the companies which brought us the financial crisis of 2008. It has been estimated that $18.4 billion was given out on Wall St. for bonuses in 2008 even as the meltdown was underway. First I would require that these people give back 100% of their bonuses for the 7 year preceding the crisis which should be about $140 billion then also the $18.4 billion for 2008. I think that would be a reasonable start to having them pay for their share of the crisis.... These funds would go into a low interest loan program for small businesses and pay down the national debt. To additionally punish their greed and the pain they caused us all - there would also be a heavy tax on their future earnings for the next 10 years particularly for any company that ever accepted TARP funds regardless of whether they paid them back or not. ![]() |
First you would have to understand the actual cause of 'outsourcing'... A very complicated subject in a 'market' that IS global whether you like that fact or not. Then you would have to understand the 'stranglhold' we have on the Chinese economy. Then you would have to decide how much collateral damage would be caused by the rash action of 'restricting' china (which is not the actual problem) while at the same time ignoring the actual problem. Then you would have to decide if you were willing to cause a recession in both of the major powers in the world... Then of course if you thought it still necessary to 'punish' china for bolstering her economy and ours... by all means 'restrict' as you see fit. China is the 'sea bird' we are the 'frog'. Ahh yes, another Obama fan.. okay, one sentence at a time.. yes we are in a global market that is outsourcing like crazy to both make more profit and deliver a cheaper product in the midst of competition which leads to loss of jobs for Americans. We do not have a stranglehold on the Chinese economy it is quite the contrary, they own about 30 to 40% of our nations debt, and the fact that their children work cheaper than our adults makes us rely on their inferior goods to keep up in the marketplace, yes if we quit buying their stuff they would see a dip in their economy but when it's sink or swim I say America should do the swimming. Collateral damage? there are ways of tapering off the mouth of America off the tit of China.... When Americans get their jobs back and unemployment goes down to 3% I get my job back, this is not a recessive trend. China has only lined the pockets of lowlifes such as Walmart, Target, Kmart etc. and they have helped many loose their manufacturing jobs. If China is the seabird and we are the frog, that bird is crapping on our heads and going to land in its' new home and take over in the not too distant future... The cure??? you ask? "AMERICAMART" A big chain just like Walmart that only carries American made goods and non outsourced products that is on every street corner creating manufacturing jobs by the score due to the quantity of sales... It's my fantasy, but yeah, you'd shop there too..... (so far there are only websites with this philosophy) |
First you would have to understand the actual cause of 'outsourcing'... A very complicated subject in a 'market' that IS global whether you like that fact or not. Then you would have to understand the 'stranglhold' we have on the Chinese economy. Then you would have to decide how much collateral damage would be caused by the rash action of 'restricting' china (which is not the actual problem) while at the same time ignoring the actual problem. Then you would have to decide if you were willing to cause a recession in both of the major powers in the world... Then of course if you thought it still necessary to 'punish' china for bolstering her economy and ours... by all means 'restrict' as you see fit. China is the 'sea bird' we are the 'frog'. Ahh yes, another Obama fan.. okay, one sentence at a time.. yes we are in a global market that is outsourcing like crazy to both make more profit and deliver a cheaper product in the midst of competition which leads to loss of jobs for Americans. We do not have a stranglehold on the Chinese economy it is quite the contrary, they own about 30 to 40% of our nations debt, and the fact that their children work cheaper than our adults makes us rely on their inferior goods to keep up in the marketplace, yes if we quit buying their stuff they would see a dip in their economy but when it's sink or swim I say America should do the swimming. Collateral damage? there are ways of tapering off the mouth of America off the tit of China.... When Americans get their jobs back and unemployment goes down to 3% I get my job back, this is not a recessive trend. China has only lined the pockets of lowlifes such as Walmart, Target, Kmart etc. and they have helped many loose their manufacturing jobs. If China is the seabird and we are the frog, that bird is crapping on our heads and going to land in its' new home and take over in the not too distant future... The cure??? you ask? "AMERICAMART" A big chain just like Walmart that only carries American made goods and non outsourced products that is on every street corner creating manufacturing jobs by the score due to the quantity of sales... It's my fantasy, but yeah, you'd shop there too..... (so far there are only websites with this philosophy) Ah yes... Another asumptive bit of reasoning... Obama fan my left eye... I am an independant with Taxed Enough Already and Shrink government as my rally cry. China does not own 30 to 40 percent of our debt... As of 6 DAYS AGO. China owned EXACTALLY 30%. If we stop purchasing the products made cheeply in China those people in China that make (what to their economy) a decent wage will have NO INCOME. Results on China would be massive hunger and poverty leading to chaos... (oh and their are far fewer 'children' working in china than you seem to think... They send their kids to school - dems pound us with how GOOD their children are at basic education - can't be both). Yep 'Amerika mart'... Buy american or go to jail... Hiel Amrika comrade... balderdash. |
So there is public broadcasting on the "skeletons in the closet" of potential candidates for presidency coming up in 2012 but no mention of what their political platforms might short of researching current political activity, which most people don't care to do we are residing in a country whose major concerns are about gossip rather than actual meaningfully anything and we are running blind as "the common people" leaving the governing to people with access and direct wonder this country is failing...the majority of its available participants despite our "freedom" opt to allow whomever to run them because of what? what would your platforms be if you were given the opportunity to run the country? stronger economic standing in the world more globally competitive education better, more affordable healthcare more community programs that emphasize civics and productivity higher taxes higher penalties for unnecessary(strictly profit driven) cuts in american employment american issues instead of democratic, republican, independet,,,,etc,, just to start |
Edited by
Sun 03/06/11 09:58 PM
Apparently you have a job. I have NO INCOME and aside from a 90 day stint at Home Depot to prove to a court/x-wife in a divorce battle that I have no funds for a greedy X. I have been forced into retirement for three years... but that's okay, little Chinese children are still eating plenty of rice... (right before going to the sweat shop) Happy to see you're not a Dem. too many of those out there wanting the Government to make all their decisions.. even scarier that I have a daughter in pre-med at one of the top schools in the country. |
Let's see...........
First I would build a 3 tier border fence and double the size of the Border Patrol. I would also assigh 12-24 Predators be transfered to the Boarder Patrol and have non stop flights 24/7 looking for tunnels and illegals. I would also increase the Cpast Guard size and order more ships to cover all the waterways on the boarder and entry ports in Sounthern California, Florida, and other major entry ports. Then I would let the terrorists know that if we get hit in any way shape or form that Mecca and Medina would be reduced to rubble. Iran and North Korea would be handled immediately. Also Pakistan would be added to the foe list and we would go in for Bin Laden and AQ. I would also push for a law making child molestation and rape charges a capitol offense nation wide. Then I would push through a bill creating courts that do nothing but handle the appeals of Death Row inmates to speed up the process. Since most Death Row inmates or on atleast 20-30 years before the execution, it's outrageous. Most of them die from natural causes before justice is carried out. |
I would also order special work prisons for people caught entering the country illegally. I would make sure everyone caught would be tried for it and make a mandatory prison sentance for those convicted. It would be a long sentance of hard labor in a desert setting.
Also pass a law that if you are caught entering or are in this country illegally then you can NEVER become a citizen. Both would be powerful deterrents. |
I would also triple the size of our forces dealing with Piracy. I would have carriers in the area at all times with Fighters on Alert. Anytime there is an attempted hijacking I would have the planes and choppers prevent the pirates from leaving while the Seal and Recon Teams are in route to make the arrest.
I would make sure that all of them that are caught attempting to hijack an American Flagged vessil are brought back to the US for trial facing hefty prison sentances. I would also pushfor a law to be passed world wide that would let the International Criminal Court prosecute them if the Flagged Vessils country did want to prosecute. |
I would withdraw from all free-trade agreements. There would be nothing to prevent that. No doubt, big business and the 33 percenters would want to have my head on a spike, so I would be prepared to be a one-term President. (This is another post including no facts. I don't believe there is any revisionist history in it).
I would withdraw from all free-trade agreements. There would be nothing to prevent that. No doubt, big business and the 33 percenters would want to have my head on a spike, so I would be prepared to be a one-term President. (This is another post including no facts. I don't believe there is any revisionist history in it). But again, you are making assumptions.. Do you remember the ALGORE going on TV and debating Ross Perot over NAFTA? NAFTA was ALGORE and Clintons lovechild.. I don't want free trade agreements. They are a menace to industry and "the working man". |
NAFTA was ALGORE and Clintons lovechild..
Absolutely right! It is a mistake to assume that liberals are in love with every thing Clinton and Gore did. Gore's appeal centers almost completely around his environmental views. Clinton made mistakes that ushered in the destruction of America. |
NAFTA was ALGORE and Clintons lovechild..
Absolutely right! It is a mistake to assume that liberals are in love with every thing Clinton and Gore did. Gore's appeal centers almost completely around his environmental views. Clinton made mistakes that ushered in the destruction of America. You made clear in earlier posts that you don't support NAFTA. I have made it clear that I don't support NAFTA. You implied that your idea to remove all free trade agreements would anger conservatives. Obviously, that is not the case. |
Obviously, that is not the case. That's good news! I have long held that liberals and tea partiers had common ground and that it was a shame that they could not partner up around these issues. Together, they could put a stop to Corporatism. I earlier proposed on another political message board that a third party should be formed that refuses to take a position on all the divisive issues and focuses strictly on populist issues.
Obviously, that is not the case. That's good news! I have long held that liberals and tea partiers had common ground and that it was a shame that they could not partner up around these issues. Together, they could put a stop to Corporatism. I earlier proposed on another political message board that a third party should be formed that refuses to take a position on all the divisive issues and focuses strictly on populist issues.
I think the dynamics are changing. Both parties have used social issues as a crutch in which to rally their perceived bases. This financial crisis and the exposure to how both parties worked in unison to bail out their corporate cronies has changed some perspectives. As a conservative, I can only hope that one day the democrats begin to purge their party of the corporatist shills similar to the fiscally conservative movement has done to the republicans. At the end of the day, we are all in the same sinking ship and I doubt those responsible will give up their seats in the lifeboats. |
Edited by
Mon 03/07/11 09:15 AM
Obviously, that is not the case. That's good news! I have long held that liberals and tea partiers had common ground and that it was a shame that they could not partner up around these issues. Together, they could put a stop to Corporatism. I earlier proposed on another political message board that a third party should be formed that refuses to take a position on all the divisive issues and focuses strictly on populist issues.
the whole country could PROBABLY unite around what we have in common, but there are so many of us, I would imagine that is not alot,,,politically speaking I dont know if I am conservative or liberal, I imagine from some statements others make to me, I am perceived with the label of 'liberal' BUT there are few people or groups that I cant find SOMETHING to agree with on(thats why I hate labels), I would probably never be considered a 'tea party' candidate, because knowing the imperfect history of our nation, I dont tend to believe that we are any better or worse of a condition than we have ever been and I personally cringe at the phrase 'take BACK america' it always brings to mind the question 'back to what', there has ALWAYS been people in this country(one way or the other) for which one groups good old days was another groups hell,,, we have always had issues, now they are mostly focused on the economy, in the past it was focused on social justice, but I believe we overcome , eventually, whatever the issue I am more of the mind to MOVE AMERICA FORWARD, ,than to take it BACK |
As a conservative, I can only hope that one day the democrats begin to purge their party of the corporatist shills similar to the fiscally conservative movement has done to the republicans. Couldn't agree more. We tried to get rid of a few DLC candidates in '08. Not nearly enough.
this 2 party system makes have to pick between an ******* and a douche most of the time. Most industrial countries have a 3 party system. We the biggest democratic power in the world still have a two and the metric system lol sounds backwards