Circular Dating, Yay or Nay?
All I want to know about this circular do I put name tags on them or just simply a number...
Lol....1* 2* 3 *...6 9 |
Edited by
Wed 11/01/17 09:15 AM
And as usual the powers-that-be..
Have the masses quarreling with each other... keep there attention off the real issue.... just dangle shiny things in front of them... make them feel like enough is never enough ... make them feel like they have more rights than the other person... Even pit their gods against each other.. Just as long as the powers-that-be keep you looking somewhere else rather than squarely at them.... have you blaming each other for the mess the world is in.... Bah Bah Black Sheep... but really we're all sheep at the end of the day .... heads down munching away on the grass... and not noticing what the powers-that-be are feeding us not grass But the same old deception... misdirection... hear look closely what ball is the hand |
Circular Dating, Yay or Nay?
Sure when women date more than one guy it's called . Circular dating..
When I date more than one woman I'm called a jackass and a You women have a loophole for |
halo from another site
Halo from other side..
Is that you Grandma and Grandpa..?.. Speak to me from the other side.. I'm here! I'm listening.... What's that Grandpa??.. You want me to walk towards the light?.. .but but .. I'm scared... How do I know it's you. Give me some kind of sign Grandpa.. Waiting waiting.. Ohhh..!!!. (((Grandpa)))... really!!!!!.. Your fart stinks just as bad in the afterlife OMG.. it is you Grandpa))))... Lol |
dating suggestions
Dating suggestions..?.. Whatever you do keep your fingertips away from your okay my work here is ![]() someone's problem is joke for others |
dating suggestions
Dating suggestions..?..
Whatever you do keep your fingertips away from your okay my work here is |
Well that depends on how long ago she passed away... and how long it takes you to get over your loss... it's not enough just to put yourself back out there in the dating world.... if you're not ready every potential date will end like a train wreck... if you're not truly ready to be looking for love again...
. But if you're just looking for a quick good time...well... then there's lots of options for that...... but typically only you can answer your own question on when you should be dating again.... once you have put to rest the loss of your life.. with your wife..... And even then sometimes it takes a while to find a new partner.. sooo.. good luck to you... |
Pillow talk ....
I talk to my pillow often ... then I have to talk to the pillows on the other side of the Bed.. the ones that my lady friend uses..
Reassure them.. that she will be back soon to talk to them... but in the meantime they shouldn't feel left out just because I'm talking to my pillows... but what usually happens is I throw them all on the floor and we sit in a circle having a great conversation.. until one of them fluffs themselves.. then the rest of us all |
How "Shockable" Are You?
Not much shocks me (been on mingle for a while lol) would only shock me if there was something ![]() Lol |
How "Shockable" Are You?
Not much shocks me (been on mingle for a while lol) |
I feel sick to my stomach... more likely stress-related... I hate it when people make you talk about crap you don't want to talk about... or deal with.. stresses me right out... gives me a migraine.. I process things the way I process them I don't need to.. analyze it get in touch with my feelings...
Too much touchy-feely stuff..for me... makes me feel nauseous... |
Bad Habits
I can deal with several shortcomings Ome but I admit that I can only accept it under certain conditions:- 1.A man who is cheap, as long as he doesn't try to dominate how I spend my own money 2. A messy person as long as he practices excellent higiene 3. Someone who smokes, as long as its not an everyday habit 4. Someone who is conspicuously overwight as long as he is healthy, active, and grooms/carries himself well 5. Someone who doesnt want me to have much involvment with his kids from a previous relationship, as long as he doesn't allow his kids to disrespect me 6. Someone who isnt very formally educated, but he must have the ability to express himself well. 7. someone who isnt all that creative with dates or gifts, but they should at least make an effort. 8. He doeant have to be the best lover in the world... but he has to at least be open to improving . 9. he doesnt have to be a handy man eg house repairs, but he has to share the initiative of hiring people for the job Im sure there are other things I can accept , but I cant think of anymore right now. ..#8... I could definitely use some help improving... when's my first lesson.. Lol..wink |
Bad Habits
Just don't touch my Kleenex box and we're all
How "Shockable" Are You?
Yes I still hate... coming across some guys junk on the forms...omg.. put it back in your pants where it belongs... never really get used to that.. probably a little different for you ladies but... still bit of a shocker
Forbidden Love..?.
Asked... the creepy guy without a shirt.. Just a little creepy... not to mention teeny tiny bit scary... but who am I to question anything..... Looks across the room at the freshly placed roll of paper towel.... Forbidden Oh!! Kleenex box... don't look at me that way.!!!. .. I've seen the way you looked at the Swiffer Sweeper. Lol |
About time I tried this
Well, I had a lovely message telling me a strong and charismatic woman like myself is intimidating to men. Not so, I get a ton of messages... Is knowing what you want a bad thing? I like seeing how Minglers socialise with others, sure it limits my prospects, but with so many scammers here, I am over responding to 99% of my mail. Hit me baby...Do I suck? Ummmmmmmmmmmm.... I don't know do you? okay okay sorry I couldn't help like shooting fish in a barrel... nearly spit my coffee . Speaking of spitting..lmao... just way too your pics look good... not a lot about yourself in your profile though.. |
Gentle....and gentle
A gentlewoman..?..
Gets out of bed first after having hot monkey sex with you. And brings you a warm cloth to clean yourself up with.... and if she's really a gentlewoman she does it for |
I don't know how is this any different than meeting someone online then getting to know them.. over course of a year or two they tell you they're not married then you find out they are married still... Pretty sure you'd break things off with them... just for deceiving you.. They're just still married.. they haven't raped or killed anybody... So my answer would be cut ties with them.. That's what Society does when somebody rapes or kills somebody else... that's the punishment... you get shunned... Now if it was your own child doing the raping or killing..hmmmm....well.. A Parent's Love is Blind..sooo.. of course you would need to support them... but outside of that..nope... Not sure if its the same principle Doc.The reason I would cut off communication with a bf I duscovered was married is the same reaso I would have eliminated him from becoming ny bf if I knew he was married. I would cut vommunication because I respect other people's marriages and have no desire to be instrumental in breakibg up one. In the case of not cutting off a criminal friend, I dont feel like Im disrespecting anyone including the victims families as I would suport the retribution of the law. And the same mercy you would give towards your child is a fraction of the mercy I would extend to the friend who was good to me by giving them the chance to explain why they did what they did and even if there is any genuine remorse there .. if your friend killed someone or raped someone but never told you.. kept that part of their life secret from you..well.. it's a deception.. if you never met this person before.. would you be friends with this person if you met them after they raped or killed someone..?.. If I dont know the person who committed these crimes , then nothing connects me to them so I would prefer to stay away from pitential danger . If however,Ive experienced a completely loving side of them in the context of a friendship ,and then this new information of their crimes emerge, then the relationship I had with them before connects me to them in some way , in a fraction of the way your heart still feels connected to your child even after you discoved his deception to you . To some people, friends feel more like family than their own blood relatives. That said, your response is typical of most people in that horrible situation and understandable And thats exactly my point Doc. It is possible to have two opposing enotions brewing in you at the same time. Sometimes one emotion overpowers the other. Sometimes the conflicting emotions reach a stalemate and you just power through as best as you can with what your conscience can tolerate All the time... do I remain a true friend to this person that did this horrible thing to another person.. or do I leave them because I do not agree with who they are.. What they have done.... the struggle is real at some point there will be a Tipping Point in One Direction or another.. only then you will truly know your inner self.. may you walk hand-in-hand with Buddha... child.. may you find inner peace with this moral |
The above statements above... are not what Ph.D holds true to.. the makers of PhD sauce want to make this very clear.
PhD loves everyone.. white yellow brown even green... we're all God's little lambs being led to the slaughter.. from corporate slaughterhouses... greed will be the death of us all |
To coin a phrase if you can't simply kill them out of existence breed them out of existence.. the white gene pool is getting watered down...