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Topic: 5 ways whites are discriminated against
mightymoe's photo
Sun 10/29/17 08:18 AM

For the first time ever, a major poll shows that a majority of white Americans believe that whites are discriminated against in America today. The poll’s findings, while not being groundbreaking, do show that racial consciousness among whites is on the rise.

In the spirit of enlightening some of the melanin-deprived, here are five ways that white Americans are discriminated against on a daily basis while living out their privileged existences in America!

5. Affirmative Action

This was the one item on the list that was referenced in NPR’s poll and shows a concrete example of how whites are discriminated against in American society.

According to NCLS, affirmative action covers policies “in which an institution or organization actively engages in efforts to improve opportunities for historically excluded groups in American society.”

While this technically can benefit whites (for instance, white first-generation college students), it is more routinely used to benefit everyone except whites (and Asians) as historically low-performing racial minorities are the most common affirmative action beneficiary.

For this reason, the under-performing son of a black millionaire may be admitted to a university over a poor white student of similar capabilities. In the view of affirmative action advocates, the poor white student, in this scenario, is more systemically privileged than the black millionaire due to his skin’s tragic lack of melanin.

The inherent absurdity of this policy has naturally led to lots of little “non-white” lies on college admission applications and some pretty hilarious news stories.

4. Educational Gaslighting

Perhaps the most nefarious aspect of anti-white discrimination in America occurs after your white child is admitted into his second-choice university. (Thanks affirmative action!)

Due to a major shift in liberal arts departments across the Western world, the way world history is taught has fundamentally changed. It is now quite common for historical whites (think Robert E. Lee, Christopher Columbus, etc.), and only whites, to be judged by the cultural Marxism of modernity.

Of course, blacks have (and still do) owned black slaves. Jews played a very large role in the African slave trade, as did Arab Muslims, who also sold whites into bondage. Such topics, however, are considered “hate” facts in American public schools, and are under-taught (if taught at all) in American universities.

The propaganda is so bad, in fact, that most American college students believe that white Americans invented slavery. Given the fact that many professors teach that racism against whites is impossible, is it any wonder that whites are beginning to feel discriminated against?

The deconstruction of historical figures and events has led to calls for tearing down monuments all over America. Some vibrant protesters choose to take the matter into their own hands. Of course, nobody cares that Muhammad Ali shared the views of the alt-right or that Martin Luther King did not advocate for trans rights.

As such, the deconstructionist history we are taught is a one-way street that leads to people like this.

“You’re a ****ing……white…..male!”

3. Media Manipulation

The fake news media is one of the most prolific purveyors of anti-white sentiment. As such, one will note a distinct difference in how they report similar news depending on the race of those involved.

For instance, the media reports the never ending string of assaults on elderly whites at the hands of blacks as the “knock out game,” and pretends there is no racial dimension to the crimes whatsoever.

Even when blacks openly admit to racially-charged assault, local and national news will craft stories (which have since been taken down, probably because they were fake) about targeted white supremacist violence against helpless black “peaceful protesters”.


After a Black Lives Matter protest that ended in multiple cops being shot and killed, CNN had BLM’s brain-trust on national news to explain how the killer does not represent Black Lives Matter. Even though the group regularly chants pro-cop killing messages.

Isn’t it funny how Black Lives Matter protests, which routinely end in looting and anti-white attacks, are described as “peaceful,” and yet the recent “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville was treated as a terrorist plot by violent white racists?

The news continues to call Heather Hyer’s death a case of murder, even though she died of a heart attack!

Either way, I certainly didn’t see CNN invite Richard Spencer on to give his side of the story in the aftermath of the protest.

Luckily for us all, the anti-white media bias is so obvious that only the elderly are still tuning in, for lack of other options.
2. Hate Crime Enforcement Targets Whites

Since universities and popular culture dictate that it is impossible to be racist towards whites, it should come as no surprise that it is nearly impossible to be convicted of a hate crime against a white victim.
Statistics taken from 2013 Hate Crime Convictions

Remember when four blacks kidnapped a developmentally challenged white man in Chicago? How they repeatedly made references to his race and to Donald Trump while cutting the man with a knife and making him drink out of a toilet?

While the case was eventually tried as a hate crime (due to public outrage), it is important to note that, initially, the Chicago Police Department attempted to portray the attackers as “idiots” who were likely not motivated by racial hatred.

Basically, if your anti-white assailants do not livestream your torture while calling you a cracker, you’re **** out of luck, pal. ‘Boys will be boys;’ no such thing as reverse racism, etc.

In the build-up and aftermath to Trump’s electoral victory, there have been over 200 attacks motivated by real or imagined affiliation to the President. Of these, very few are being treated as hate crimes. Meanwhile, any (disproportionately rare) white on black crime is invariably investigated for signs of racial antagonism.

College campuses go into “hate-crime frenzies” on a weekly basis even though these incidents are proven, time and again, to be absolutely bogus. That doesn’t stop the media from stirring up anti-white resentment though.

Do you remember hearing about the guy who was stripped naked and beaten by ‘peaceful’ BLM protesters in Charlotte, NC?

Seems if the media loves reporting on hate crimes so much, this one would have gotten more attention. Boys will be boys, I guess…
1. Free Speech

By far the most important way that whites are discriminated against in America is institutional blockades to the right of free speech. This is present at every level of American society.

Imagine the different circumstances faced by two men, one a African American Black Lives Matter leader and the other a White Identitarian. Both are thoughtful, polite and non-violent. Both are gainfully employed and have families.

The black person in this scenario has nothing to lose for his political activism and can openly discuss his issues in or outside the workplace. The white person must be careful to never be photographed at a political rally, and must never discuss his true thoughts at work in any meaningful way.

If he does, he stands to lose his job immediately, which will make his family suffer. His face might even be plastered on the internet or around his office, in the hopes that an antifascist will “punch the Nazi”.

Repudiating doctrinaire cultural Marxism in your college classes is grounds for being flunked. Creating a White Student Union on campus will get you beaten, expelled, or worse.

The implication here is that if whites are afforded the same speech rights as “minorities,” they will inevitably gear up for a new Holocaust. Is there a concept that is leveled at any minority group which is more damaging than that?

no photo
Sun 10/29/17 08:45 AM
One of my bothers is a NYC fireman, a few years ago he ( and others) took the chiefs test. The black and Hispanics firefights who took the same test to become a chief did not fair so well. Many failed the test, as did many white candidates.

The sues for discrimination based on the fact that many of them failed the test. see below from the N.Y. Times

"The court order is a response to a lawsuit alleging that two placement exams (Written Exams 7029 or 2043) for the FDNY were discriminatory against blacks and Hispanics, because fewer minorities passed the exam than whites"

The FDNY was then forced to promote many of these black and Hispanic firemen who sued to be given the rank of chief.

Promoted not because of their mental ability to know the job, but because of their color. They sued because they failed a test that others passed.

BTW, the whites who failed the test, were not promoted, they had to wait a few years until the test came up again, then retake it and hope they passed it.

So when there is a 4 alarm fire in a high rise, you would think that chief getting out of the truck is the most experienced for the job of saving lives.. right?.. not necessarily.

So who is discriminated on in this..

The white firemen who took the test.. and the poor souls hoping to be saved from the fire.

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/29/17 09:04 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 10/29/17 09:04 AM
we will never get away from prejudice and prejudiced individuals in this or any other country

in this country the bigotry is largely conditioned based on social class which is historically tied predominately to race

for these reasons, though everyone has stories about discrimination or situations they assume were discrimination ...

In America, where the focus and privilege comes with social class AND as a byproduct, RACE ... the racism discussion unfolds in two ways

a very generic nitpick of 'individual' racism, and the serious issue of SYSTEMIC racism in AMERICA

most can tell stories or know someone with a story of being personally discriminated against, but the numbers tell the story about how DEMOGRAPHIC groups face systemic discrimination and inequality due to the HISTORY OF THIS COUNTRY

The legal system attempts to deal with 'individual' issues, but systemic issues are much more historically longstanding and complex and difficult to 'deal with'

Individual discrimination defines discrimination as the negative treatment of one person by another. Individual discrimination creates problems, but it is primarily an issue between individuals. Meaning that the only one, who can fix individual discrimination, is the individual.

Institutional discrimination on the other hand is broader. Institutional discrimination is discrimination that has deep roots into society. It is much harder to fix because instead of just affecting an individual, it’s affecting an entire society.

mightymoe's photo
Sun 10/29/17 09:09 AM

we will never get away from prejudice and prejudiced individuals in this or any other country

in this country the bigotry is largely conditioned based on social class which is historically tied predominately to race

for these reasons, though everyone has stories about discrimination or situations they assume were discrimination ...

In America, where the focus and privilege comes with social class AND as a byproduct, RACE ... the racism discussion unfolds in two ways

a very generic nitpick of 'individual' racism, and the serious issue of SYSTEMIC racism in AMERICA

most can tell stories or know someone with a story of being personally discriminated against, but the numbers tell the story about how DEMOGRAPHIC groups face systemic discrimination and inequality due to the HISTORY OF THIS COUNTRY

The legal system attempts to deal with 'individual' issues, but systemic issues are much more historically longstanding and complex and difficult to 'deal with'

Individual discrimination defines discrimination as the negative treatment of one person by another. Individual discrimination creates problems, but it is primarily an issue between individuals. Meaning that the only one, who can fix individual discrimination, is the individual.

Institutional discrimination on the other hand is broader. Institutional discrimination is discrimination that has deep roots into society. It is much harder to fix because instead of just affecting an individual, it’s affecting an entire society.
maybe because people can't focus on anything but race?... like greeneyes says, when "we"(stupid liberal PC) decide important jobs by color instead of who's more qualified,then everything goes downhill...

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/29/17 09:12 AM
people focus on surviving and getting through their lives, they also have grievances ... there is no evidence that they therefore can't focus on anything but their grievance, racial or otherwise ...

mightymoe's photo
Sun 10/29/17 09:33 AM

people focus on surviving and getting through their lives, they also have grievances ... there is no evidence that they therefore can't focus on anything but their grievance, racial or otherwise ...

and you think it's not a problem? instead of minorities trying harder and studying more, it's easier to play a race card just to beat the white man who did study and learn?

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/29/17 09:48 AM

people focus on surviving and getting through their lives, they also have grievances ... there is no evidence that they therefore can't focus on anything but their grievance, racial or otherwise ...

and you think it's not a problem? instead of minorities trying harder and studying more, it's easier to play a race card just to beat the white man who did study and learn?

if only hard work and study were TRULY 'all' it took ... because minorities have been some of the hardest 'working' in the country ...

no photo
Sun 10/29/17 10:19 AM

people focus on surviving and getting through their lives, they also have grievances ... there is no evidence that they therefore can't focus on anything but their grievance, racial or otherwise ...

and you think it's not a problem? instead of minorities trying harder and studying more, it's easier to play a race card just to beat the white man who did study and learn?

if only hard work and study were TRULY 'all' it took ... because minorities have been some of the hardest 'working' in the country ...

Where's my violin?:cry:

mightymoe's photo
Sun 10/29/17 10:39 AM

people focus on surviving and getting through their lives, they also have grievances ... there is no evidence that they therefore can't focus on anything but their grievance, racial or otherwise ...

and you think it's not a problem? instead of minorities trying harder and studying more, it's easier to play a race card just to beat the white man who did study and learn?

if only hard work and study were TRULY 'all' it took ... because minorities have been some of the hardest 'working' in the country ...

BS...whites work hard to be where they're at, contrary to what you and hard work gets anyone where they want, not just crying racism...

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/29/17 10:46 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 10/29/17 10:48 AM

people focus on surviving and getting through their lives, they also have grievances ... there is no evidence that they therefore can't focus on anything but their grievance, racial or otherwise ...

and you think it's not a problem? instead of minorities trying harder and studying more, it's easier to play a race card just to beat the white man who did study and learn?

if only hard work and study were TRULY 'all' it took ... because minorities have been some of the hardest 'working' in the country ...

BS...whites work hard to be where they're at, contrary to what you and hard work gets anyone where they want, not just crying racism...

noone implied they didn't, on the contrary the implication is that blacks havent done it 'enough'

and how is it that people who make these threads are the ones complaining about how others are 'focused' on race or 'crying' about racism?

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/29/17 10:47 AM

people focus on surviving and getting through their lives, they also have grievances ... there is no evidence that they therefore can't focus on anything but their grievance, racial or otherwise ...

and you think it's not a problem? instead of minorities trying harder and studying more, it's easier to play a race card just to beat the white man who did study and learn?

if only hard work and study were TRULY 'all' it took ... because minorities have been some of the hardest 'working' in the country ...

Where's my violin?:cry:

my thoughts about the title of the entire thread

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 10/29/17 11:08 AM
IMO not many think of discrimination against others. Jews, Irish, Native Americans, etc. But the whites....oh no!

no photo
Sun 10/29/17 11:56 AM

people focus on surviving and getting through their lives, they also have grievances ... there is no evidence that they therefore can't focus on anything but their grievance, racial or otherwise ...

and you think it's not a problem? instead of minorities trying harder and studying more, it's easier to play a race card just to beat the white man who did study and learn?

if only hard work and study were TRULY 'all' it took ... because minorities have been some of the hardest 'working' in the country ...

Where's my violin?:cry:

my thoughts about the title of the entire thread

You love this kind of thread laugh

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/29/17 12:06 PM

people focus on surviving and getting through their lives, they also have grievances ... there is no evidence that they therefore can't focus on anything but their grievance, racial or otherwise ...

and you think it's not a problem? instead of minorities trying harder and studying more, it's easier to play a race card just to beat the white man who did study and learn?

if only hard work and study were TRULY 'all' it took ... because minorities have been some of the hardest 'working' in the country ...

Where's my violin?:cry:

my thoughts about the title of the entire thread

You love this kind of thread laugh

I love sharing perceptions and opinions, I would gather anyone posting here must.flowerforyou

mightymoe's photo
Sun 10/29/17 12:25 PM

people focus on surviving and getting through their lives, they also have grievances ... there is no evidence that they therefore can't focus on anything but their grievance, racial or otherwise ...

and you think it's not a problem? instead of minorities trying harder and studying more, it's easier to play a race card just to beat the white man who did study and learn?

if only hard work and study were TRULY 'all' it took ... because minorities have been some of the hardest 'working' in the country ...

BS...whites work hard to be where they're at, contrary to what you and hard work gets anyone where they want, not just crying racism...

noone implied they didn't, on the contrary the implication is that blacks havent done it 'enough'

and how is it that people who make these threads are the ones complaining about how others are 'focused' on race or 'crying' about racism?

hecause it's true... would you rather have a black doctor, who really didn't do anything in school, but just passed grades because he's black, or a doctor that tried and did their best in school?

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/29/17 12:29 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 10/29/17 12:31 PM

people focus on surviving and getting through their lives, they also have grievances ... there is no evidence that they therefore can't focus on anything but their grievance, racial or otherwise ...

and you think it's not a problem? instead of minorities trying harder and studying more, it's easier to play a race card just to beat the white man who did study and learn?

if only hard work and study were TRULY 'all' it took ... because minorities have been some of the hardest 'working' in the country ...

BS...whites work hard to be where they're at, contrary to what you and hard work gets anyone where they want, not just crying racism...

noone implied they didn't, on the contrary the implication is that blacks havent done it 'enough'

and how is it that people who make these threads are the ones complaining about how others are 'focused' on race or 'crying' about racism?

hecause it's true... would you rather have a black doctor, who really didn't do anything in school, but just passed grades because he's black, or a doctor that tried and did their best in school?

is this what you 'focus' on?

Id rather have a competent doctor, though I have no access to the college grades of a doctor and I doubt most people do that kind of research when they look for one, they go mostly by referrals and how well other speak of them, which is usually a signal of their competence, weeding out those who are not ... much more accurately than grades alone ever could

having a door opened to enter a marathon, has little to do with whether one will finish it or what place they will come in if they do ..that, still will be dependent upon skill, skill that cannot be shown UNLESS one can enter the race

mightymoe's photo
Sun 10/29/17 12:45 PM

people focus on surviving and getting through their lives, they also have grievances ... there is no evidence that they therefore can't focus on anything but their grievance, racial or otherwise ...

and you think it's not a problem? instead of minorities trying harder and studying more, it's easier to play a race card just to beat the white man who did study and learn?

if only hard work and study were TRULY 'all' it took ... because minorities have been some of the hardest 'working' in the country ...

BS...whites work hard to be where they're at, contrary to what you and hard work gets anyone where they want, not just crying racism...

noone implied they didn't, on the contrary the implication is that blacks havent done it 'enough'

and how is it that people who make these threads are the ones complaining about how others are 'focused' on race or 'crying' about racism?

hecause it's true... would you rather have a black doctor, who really didn't do anything in school, but just passed grades because he's black, or a doctor that tried and did their best in school?

is this what you 'focus' on?

Id rather have a competent doctor, though I have no access to the college grades of a doctor and I doubt most people do that kind of research when they look for one, they go mostly by referrals and how well other speak of them, which is usually a signal of their competence, weeding out those who are not ... much more accurately than grades alone ever could

having a door opened to enter a marathon, has little to do with whether one will finish it or what place they will come in if they do ..that, still will be dependent upon skill, skill that cannot be shown UNLESS one can enter the race
thats just a silly, liberal answer...i take it you think all minorities should get a diploma without merit?

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/29/17 12:47 PM

people focus on surviving and getting through their lives, they also have grievances ... there is no evidence that they therefore can't focus on anything but their grievance, racial or otherwise ...

and you think it's not a problem? instead of minorities trying harder and studying more, it's easier to play a race card just to beat the white man who did study and learn?

if only hard work and study were TRULY 'all' it took ... because minorities have been some of the hardest 'working' in the country ...

BS...whites work hard to be where they're at, contrary to what you and hard work gets anyone where they want, not just crying racism...

noone implied they didn't, on the contrary the implication is that blacks havent done it 'enough'

and how is it that people who make these threads are the ones complaining about how others are 'focused' on race or 'crying' about racism?

hecause it's true... would you rather have a black doctor, who really didn't do anything in school, but just passed grades because he's black, or a doctor that tried and did their best in school?

is this what you 'focus' on?

Id rather have a competent doctor, though I have no access to the college grades of a doctor and I doubt most people do that kind of research when they look for one, they go mostly by referrals and how well other speak of them, which is usually a signal of their competence, weeding out those who are not ... much more accurately than grades alone ever could

having a door opened to enter a marathon, has little to do with whether one will finish it or what place they will come in if they do ..that, still will be dependent upon skill, skill that cannot be shown UNLESS one can enter the race
thats just a silly, liberal answer...i take it you think all minorities should get a diploma without merit?

more attack huh?

no, I do not think merit has much to do with opportunity at all, thats the point

I think all minorities should have the OPPORTUNITY to show their merit ...

Toodygirl5's photo
Sun 10/29/17 12:55 PM

IMO not many think of discrimination against others. Jews, Irish, Native Americans, etc. But the whites....oh no!


msharmony's photo
Sun 10/29/17 01:34 PM
It would be interesting to hear the examples of systemic discrimination against Whites in the USA , or any other predominately white nation.

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