We have planes in this century and they work well too lol I have a fear of planes. |
Black christian girl looking for true love.#I have a thing for white guys. So good you had to say it twice. Does that make you twice as nice? ![]() |
black girl looking for love. I have a thing for white guys btw ![]() I too am looking for love. And I have always been attracted to brown girls. But you are too far away. |
Isn't there a rule about hijacking the thread of another?
question between christians
This is true. In Romans 7, Paul is talking about his current condition.
The shed blood of Jesus covers the sins that one commits before becoming a Christian and covers the sins that one commits after becoming a Christian. That is not to say we should continue in sin. There is a difference between deliberately pursuing a life without God and pursuing a life that is pleasing to God. One doesn't care if one sins if one is doing the former. If one is doing the latter, then one is making the proper pursuit even if one errors by committing a sin. Of course Christians sin, because we are still in the flesh. And the flesh will pay for that sin by death. But in the Spirit of God there is no sin. |
question between christians
This is true. In Romans 7, Paul is talking about his current condition.
The shed blood of Jesus covers the sins that one commits before becoming a Christian and covers the sins that one commits after becoming a Christian. That is not to say we should continue in sin. |
question between christians
Pls,dont misunderstand what paul said nor use it as excuse for sin as that would be self delusional.He simply narrated his struggle against the flesh as a man under the law prior to his conversion.In vs 24,he recognized the need of deliverance from sin.Read from verse 1 to the end.You would notice the shout of victory against the law of sin and the end to his struggle in vs 25.Read also chapter 8."If you live according to the sinful nature,you will die...".Peter DIDNT "sin against the gentiles"He wanted to please the jews who came in and at same time please the gentiles which prompted paul to correct him.I DO NOT ARGUE with christians who have made up their mind on what to believe.The last days have produced easy and rosy "sinning saints" and liberal preachers who couldnt overcome the flesh and they concluded and teach others that they can be sinning and still expect to enter a spotless heaven.Heaven is for the triumphant church without spot or wrinkle nor any such things.Godspeed and peace to you Romans 7 was not about Paul before his conversion. Notice his statement in verse 24. "Wretched man that I am." He did not say wretched man that I was. |
question between christians
ok, I didn't put this in general because I specifically want some input from other Christians. Obviously we cant all know and understand everything about everything and even in our faith there may be some details that some of us understand better than others,,, that being said my topic of interest for Christians is regarding judgment if 1. We will all be judged and 2. we are not saved by our actions what is it that will be judged? I peraonally believe that people oversimplify when they say what we do wont matter as long as we believe in Christ. I believe to say it is not enough,, just like saying we love someone, without the ACTIONS that support it. do you think how we live and what we do makes no difference as long as we have a genuine belief that Christ died for our sins? or is it more complex than that get out of hell free card suggests...? Jesus said, "by their fruit you shall no them." Scripture teaches that actions not of faith is sin. And James wrote, "faith without works is dead." Of course our actions matter especially if we claim to believe in Christ. And I agree with you. Love must be accompanied by attitudes and actions that support it. Paul taught that a husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the church. Jesus surely proved his love for the church, his bride, by going to the cross. It is my belief that those who have a genuine belief in Christ will have actions to prove that. That is not to say Christians will be perfect. Paul makes that plain in Romans 7. There is a spiritual warfare that goes on in each one of us that have faith in Christ. And this might be the premise for those that believe it does not matter what we do as long as we have faith in Christ. But then, what does Paul say in Romans 8? Those who simply live in the flesh and do not walk in the Spirit care more about the things of the flesh. And, it seems that the flesh is selfish. In the flesh we care more about ourselves than we do of others which is contrary to the principles of love. If one has faith in Christ will walk in that faith, and not in the flesh. And that is the judgment of Christ. So, yes, we have been, and will be judged by our actions. At the same time, we are not saved by our actions, but by the actions of Christ, as long as we have faith in Christ. And that faith in Christ will produce actions that are of faith. I hope this helps. |
Nice profile picture.
To answer your question. I believe you just keep standing up for Biblical principles and values. Is that not what did Jesus when he faced his time of temptation? Is that not what Jesus did in his various discussions with the scribes and Pharisees? Is that not what Paul did when facing his detractors? It's a shame when people that call themselves "Christian" denigrate another. Perhaps that's a sign they are not truly a Christian. |
A good question for would be, how does being in union with the Father express itself in this world, today?
Greetings from Myerstown
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Hi Pennsylvania
I think they should kick everyone out in the office" I am beginning to agree with that position. Especially kick out all the college educated politicians. We see what they did to this country. |
If My People
For those who do not know, and even for those who do know, I am a contemplative person. For you college educated people, that means I think a lot.
For sometime I have been contemplating how to save the United States of America. I think that most will agree, the United States is on a collision course with destiny. The question is, what is our destiny? I am not a prophet that can foretell our future, but I can look at the signs of the path we are on, and can extrapolate that if we keep on the current path we are on, the most likely scenario is that the United States as we know it, and have been taught about, will come to an end. Considering that possibility, I have been busily trying to find a political solution to our problems that will keep America from her own end. In recent days, I have come to an impasse in my contemplation, and maybe it is Jehovah God that has caused that impasse. I do talk to him a lot, which is where I get my best ideas. But, in my prayer time recently, I have been getting the impression that even if I were to find a political solution, and if it was to be enacted, it would not work. It's because our problems are not political, but religious. Some of us like to throw out the phrase, "One Nation Under God," hoping that will make a change. But, how can it if people don't believe in God? How can we ever have one nation under God in America if we don't even have one church under God? And I coming to a place in my thinking where I am thinking that is America's problem. America is messed up because the church in America is messed up. And, maybe I should be spending my time trying to convince the church that if they really want save America, the church has to heed what the Bible says in 2nd Chronicles 7.14, which is, "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land." NKJV. In the Old Testament we can read of times when Israel became so wicked, God would raise up armies in other nations or kingdoms, to conquer Israel, to purify the land of their wickedness. And when it was accomplished, Jehovah would send a deliverer to conquer the kingdom He sent to punish Israel. In consideration of this, I began to contemplate the question, what if Jehovah has caused evil people to take over our government to send a message to the church, the same message He sent to Israel in 2nd Chronicles 7.14? If that is what He has done, then it started as far back as 1860, and maybe before. What are those wicked ways that the church in America must to turn away from if God is to heal our land? For starters, the church in America is not one church under God. There are many denominations and various independent groups all doing their own thing regardless of what Scripture teaches. But Scripture condemns this type of division. There is only one true and living God, and He has only one Christ, and there is only one Holy Spirit that conveyed all truth to the apostles, who has written that truth for all to see and learn from. Since those times, the church has been dissected by various men who had their own private interpretation of Scripture, that led people to have to choose whom they are going to believe. There is not only one voice in the church, but many. But there is only one voice we should listen to, and that is the voice of Christ. We are told in Hebrews 1.1 & 2, since those last days, Jehovah God spoke through Christ. Can there be much doubt that Christ spoke under the authority of His Father? And Scripture teaches that the Apostles spoke and wrote under the authority of Christ. And we have translations of their writings in the New Testament. So, who should we listen to? To save America, the church must become one church under God. There is a problem in the American church that is very apparent at this time of the year (December). Eventhough there is so much evidence that Christmas is nothing but a pagan festival that has been given the name "Christmas," the church in America wholeheartedly takes part in this paganism. They even fight to keep Christ in a holiday that He Himself never put Himself in. If God is indeed judging the church in America, I believe he has been doing so since at least 1860, and perhaps longer. "Christmas was proclaimed a federal holiday by an executive order that was signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant, June 26, 1870." (quoted from Chuck Morse, from an article called "History of Christmas in America," he posted December 16, 2011 at But the church in America has been celebrating this paganism for some time before that. Chuck Morse also wrote in his article, "In colonial times Christmas was frowned upon in New England and observed mostly as a private feast in mid-Atlantic and Southern colonies. The strait-laced New England Puritans, partially motivated by anti-Catholic sentiment, banned Christmas in 1659 under the guise that the holiday was pagan and that it encouraged decadence." I think most of us can see the decadence at Christmas time. Christmas is another of the wicked ways that the church in America must turn away from if we are going to save America. Jesus taught that the church should give to the poor. See Matthew 25.31-46. If the church in America would be one church, and stopped spending money on Christmas, think of how much more we could help the poor. And there are a host of doctrinal issues, which is the reason for division in the church to begin with. We have different views on various subjects. A big one I think is prophecy. Somehow it would be nice if we could be one church, and jettison the paganism, then perhaps we could come together and calmly discuss our doctrinal differences with the Bible as our guide. Think of the benefits in America if the church in America would be one church, together serving out one God, and our one Lord Jesus Christ. So, for remainder of my time on earth, I will be working toward the goal of uniting all Christians in America into one church. I still might seek some political solutions as well, but my primary focus will be getting the church in America to humble itself, to pray, to seek the face of Jehovah, and to turn from its wicked ways, so Jehovah will forgive our sin, and heal America. |
Who Put Christ in Christmas?
Now we're opening up a big can of worms. I think most of our "Christian celebrations" originated when Constantine converted to his form of christianity. 1. Christmas - In all probability Christ was not born in December. The pagan holiday of the winter solstice was replaced by Constantine to celebrate the birth of Christ. It may have been a good idea then, but...... 2. Easter - Follows closely with passover. The problem comes up when you look at the original celebration it replaces and that was to the goddess of fertility Ashtar. Guess what the symbol for Ashtar was? If you said egg give yourself a pat on the back. If you notice the similarity in the words Easter and ashtar pat again. 3. Lent - Passover is celebrad with the exclusion of levened bread. This is because during that time in Egypt the Israelites could not leven their bread (no yeast). Constantine decided to add a sacrifice to start 40 days before Easter. 4. Meatless Friday - Haven't got a clue where this came from except that it has been rescinded by one of the popes. Mexico still follows the meatless fridays though. 5. Unmarried Priests - can't blame this one on Constantine. Both Peter and Paul were married. Peter's mother-in-law is mentioned in the Bible and Paul had to have been married to be a part of the Sanhedrin. It came down to money, pure and simple. Married priests in wealthy areas beame wealthy themselves. When they died their estates went to their wives and children. In order to keep that wealth within the church priests were forbidden to wed. If you look back a Papal history you will see that more than one had children. Do as I say not as I do. All Hallows eve - was and is a wiccan holy day. In Mexico they have the Day of the Dead. In a way it is a realy neat celebration. The family goes to the cemetary and cleans up the grave site for a picnic the following day. Stories are passed down from generation to generation. That is good. The wierd part comes in when you realize they leave food for the dead people the night before. What ever is left over the next day they can eat themselves. In Mexico where I live it is hotter than blazes in April and May. Like mid 90's (30'sC). I am not leaving macaroni salad out all night to eat tomorrow. Something about food poisoning and dysentary just don't seem like things to celebrate. We too often confuse tradition with God's Will. I would love to see the church revert back to what it was in the days of Peter and Paul. Small groups meeting in homes and reading scripture, praying for the sick and helping the poor. No mortgage on a mega 4,000 seat church or a humongous electric bill. No fund raisers for a new wing or a youth center or roof repair. Just a group of like minded folks seeking God. When the group starts getting too big then break it off and start a new group. If you want to meet with some other groups for a specal time that is fine. I have not seen a church that has not gone from being an organism to an organization with by-laws and elected boards and committees. The definition of a committee is a body with 8 heads and no brain. One correction. Paul was not married. I Corinthians 7.7, 9.5 |
Who Put Christ in Christmas?
What of easter,advent,lent etc??...there is no place in the scripture that said we should celebrate dm...should we stop that too? Yes. |
You can figure the day by the angel Gabriels visit to Yahshua's cousin Zecharias.
Okay, assuming provisionally that an "angel visit" occurred, what is the date of birth? By this it is in early fall. This is when the fall feasts take place. The biblical calander starts in the spring 1 abib. mean grean ears ( Barley) starts the new year after green ears are seen in Israel the next New Moon sighting. ( not astronomical) is the beginning of the year which we know leads to Passover. each New Moon is the beginning of a new Months. Months were mainly just 1 -12 without names even though we do see some named. Anyway through the courses this would bring Zecharias family course to the 7th month. Now the Julian date is different every year. The actual seasons we have our determined by the New Moon. The calander is very accurate. The New Moon as you know is sighted at dusk just as a day begins at dusk. The 7th month New Moon is a High Day. Holy Day Sabbath. Yahshua's birth we know several things. It was a very Holy Day. We also know the shepards in the fields saw Angels Blowing Trumpets. Another thing we know is it was said on this day a KING was Born. This makes since that Trumpets are Blown announcing the coming of a King. Revelations even attest to this. The New Moon of the 7th month we are commanded when we see it to Blow up the Trumpets. This day is also called the Feast of Trumpets. IMO Yahshua was Born on a Day announcing a King Was here and the Angels Blowing the Trumpets was this sign. IMO He was born on the 1st day of the 7th month between 7bc and 4 bc.In 4bc their was a very bright star reported that even astromoners have found the last time this star was in say an alignment for it to shine so brightly in the sky was april 4 bc. sounds reasonable for the year to me Only one problem that I see. We are not certain what the star actually was. |
Using bible stories scholars and theologians cannot even be certain of the YEAR in which Jesus was born, let alone the day. It had to be before 4 BC / BCE if Herod the Great was "Client King of Judea" for Rome (as told in stories) because that is the year he died. The day was not likely to have been during winter if "shepherds tended their flocks in fields". The place may have been Bethlehem (to "fulfill prophesy") or perhaps Nazareth (which seems more likely). Great post. |
As the title says, I like Southern, Country and Quartet Gospel music, with a little inspirational music thrown in for good measure. I was a Gospel DJ back in the late 70s to early 80s. The first song on my first program was called, "Statue of Liberty," by The Couriers, a Gospel group from Harrisburg, Pa. I couldn't find it when I looked for it on Youtube, but I did find the song by the Cathedral Quartet with a beautiful video, of which I shar the link with you...
Who Put Christ in Christmas?
where does "christmas" come from? Not from the Bible. |
Hi Pennsylvania
Hi Pennsylvania. I am relatively new to this site. I live in Myerstown. Will you be there when I announce I'm running for President?
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