Turned on in public
Not really. The car, the wind tunnel ... but not in full view.
After seeing what tats look like in thirty-forty years, I think women should reconsider.
Black fishnet hose and some lipstick do it for me. |
guys and bikes
Seriously? I've had a bike since I was 14. I have a Harley now. They are fun.
Chief Big Ear and Brave Horse-Face really got shortchanged on that Deal! Or ... he got exactly what he wanted. |
Elvis was one of the greatest singers and performers in history. Sad that he is not still around.
Newsflash! The people who were going to vote for Clinton mostly will vote for her anyway. Obama will crush any scandal that leaves a black mark on his presidency. The news media will rewrite history to protect Hillery. The actual history books will be written by the liberal professors sitting in the liberal universities.
The black vote is turning towards Ben Carson as the MSM is doing all it can (especially CNN) to slander the guy. Hillery can't win without the black vote. |
If one wants to see the facts of a gun's ability to deter crime, most of which does not enter statistics used by anti-gunners, read "The Armed Citizen". Thousands of documented accounts are given.
Example "When a 70-year-old Anderson, S.C., man used his handgun to foil the theft of his pickup truck, he also took the opportunity to display some compassion. After being alerted by his wife to the fact that someone was trying to steal his truck from their front yard, the gentleman retrieved his revolver and confronted the culprit. The suspect, who had crashed his own vehicle before fleeing the scene and attempting to steal the truck, had successfully hot-wired the automobile and was pulling out of the driveway when he encountered the armed citizen. Frantic at the sight of the firearm aimed at him, the 25-year-old criminal exited the vehicle and got down on his knees. While waiting for the authorities to arrive, the resident took the chance to speak to the would-be thief about “the direction his life was going,” and his wife even brought the suspect a glass of water. (WNCN, Raleigh, NC, 8/8/15)" |
The Invisible Killer
It mixes well with Scotch.
I have a HP ProBook 4540 with an Intel I5 processor. It has worked well and is very stable.
I built my last seven desktops and the latest has an Intel I7 on a Gigibyte high durability motherboard. It has extreme processing power. I never used the AMD chips because I was advised not to by peeps that claimed to know. The Intel chips always work fine. I'd go with the Intel chipset. I'd also read a bunch of geek articles about what's new and works and what doesn't. You should analyze your actual needs if price is an issue. A refurbished commercial unit may give more bang for the buck! |
Global Warming Is Real
@Metalwing Thanx, I expected more responses like yours. The underlying cause for panic is that we are creating a planetary enviroment that is not conducive to our current metabolisms. I recently discussed with a group that felt we were destroying the Earth because of our carbon emmissions. We are not destroying the Earth. We are destroying our enviroment but the Earth has and will get much hotter. Normally. People are so deluded with their own importance they fail to understand that nature doesn't care. Sure we can curb our disasterous tendancies but the Earth will be here long after we are all gone. Also, just think of the climate once Yellowstone Super volcano erupts. We are overdue given the planets history. At that point, all the panic will be moot as we try to stay alive. Yellowstone may erupt in the next five years or the next 50,000 years. We, in any case, can't do much about that. The Earth has been in a decreasing volcanic cycle so those type of events are getting rarer. Most super volcanoes on Earth are dead. Only a few remain. We have similar odds to being hit by an asteroid which is guaranteed to happen eventually. The underlying cause of panic is the BS put out by politicians and media. There are wild claims on both sides. The causes by humans of CO2 production could be stopped in a heartbeat but things would have to get much worse for the bombs to start dropping. Your reasons for the Earth warming fall in several different time scales. Actually, the long range prediction of the Earth's future is exactly the same as Venus' as the Sun's diameter approaches Earth. The items that truly address Global Warming are the factors that affect the human condition over the next one hundred years. If the Earth heats up enough to cause the rain forests to go desert we are screwed. Some predict that it could happen in as little as thirty years. I don't think it matters if the primary source of oxygen production dies as a desert or is chopped down. The result is the same. |
Global Warming Is Real
Edited by
Fri 11/06/15 04:37 PM
You might want to study the subject some more. The cycles and changes to which you refer mostly occur over very long periods of time. Global Warming, as it pertains to modern use, refers to the heating of the planet during the current stable (between ice age)period that otherwise would be expected to last about 50,000 years.
The increase in carbon dioxide caused by humans burning coal, oil, and other carbon based fuels causes a 'greenhouse' effect which has raised the external temperature of the Earth and is expected to raise it some more. See the NASA website for detailed information. A common misconception in the discussion of "Global Warming" is that it makes it hotter everywhere. That's not true. The effect is an overall average warming with increased temperature extremes both warm and cold. Weather extremes also occur such as floods, drought, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. The net effect on humanity is that vast areas that are used for crops receive unstable weather and general climatic conditions move. West Texas was one of the best hard wheat growing areas but has been plagued with floods and drought. The midwest and California has had the same problems. The "wheat belt" is moving to Canada. The Chihuahua Desert is taking over Texas and various other systems of Global Warming are visible if you only care to look. Flaky Political ideas such as the "Carbon Credit" have been proposed to solve the problem but mostly are actually intended to harm the US financially and do little to abate Global Warming. The real cause of Global Warming is human over population but the connection between the two is politically incorrect. As populations grow, vast areas of the rainforest are burned for crop and grazing land. China lies about how much carbon they are putting in the atmosphere and both China and India are burning coal like crazy. A switch from coal to nuclear power would make significant headway to reducing the carbon load but nukes are out of favor even though they have been proved to be, by far, the safest form of energy production. The waste heat from the nuclear power plants could be used to convert coal to raw materials suitable for plastics, road asphalt, solvents, etc., but the nuclear plants would have to be cooperating with coal instead of bitter enemies. The extreme cost of over regulation of the nuclear power industry could be abated by standardized plant design but there is no plan to do so. |
Guy Fawkes
There should be a V for Vendetta showing!
So if one oddball "feels uncomfortable" for being an oddball, the world must adjust to suit him/her. But if he/she makes many of the others around him/her uncomfortable with his/her oddness, that's just too bad.
It wasn't a missile. The plane was too high for anything but the most sophisticated and ISIS doesn't have those. They are also very large and have a big footprint.
It is looking more and more like someone in the ground crew planted a bomb. The plane was reported to have gone through "inspection" before the flight which means the inspection covers scattered around the plane including the wings and tail were opened up for the mechanics to see inside. All the critical controls and structures are exposed and there are lots of room to hide packages. If the US or Brits were doing the investigation, the bomb damaged parts would be identified and the location and type of bomb identified. With the Russians, the story will be whatever they decide the story to be. |
There's an old saying, give them an inch and they will take a mile. That is what has been happening in politics since Obama took office. It is hard to go backwards after a trend has been started but much of America is saying "Enough is enough!" ... even in San Francisco!
I'm am working in China and they have a KFC here in the next town... it sucks... its never the same as home... Actually, it isn't supposed to be the same as home. Unlike MacDonalds, KFC does market studies in areas and adjusts the recipes accordingly. I at some KFC in Thailand and it tasted like Tandoori Chicken. |
The big question now is "Will the FBI do the right thing?"
I bet not. |
They are still running his commercials.
Yet ANOTHER cover story/excuse for why Republicans intend to do exactly NOTHING to even try to address ANY of the problems they pretend to recognize America faces. You don't seem to recognize the problem with Obama making up law as he sees fit. |
Besides my wanting a more accurate number... & the truth What I want to know is... How long before The culture of The United States...( yes, world we have one ). Will change? Since the countries of Europe & their individual cultures & probably religions, are & will continue to change... How much time before baseball, hot dogs & apple pie are obsolete? May I offer you a taco? Would you like some chips and salsa? |