Topic: Ryan Rules Out Working w/Obama On Immigration | |
Sun Nov 1, 2015 | 11:21 AM EST U.S. House Speaker Ryan rules out work with Obama on immigration REUTERS/GARY CAMERON By Will Dunham WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan on Sunday ruled out working with President Barack Obama on overhauling U.S. immigration policy, saying it would be "a ridiculous notion" to pursue legislation because Obama cannot be trusted on the issue. Republicans have fought Obama's unilateral steps that bypassed a gridlocked Congress to try to shield millions of illegal immigrants from deportation. Obama's executive orders, announced last November but put on hold by the courts, would let up to 4.7 million illegal immigrants stay without threat of deportation. It was aimed mainly at helping 4.4 million people whose children are U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents. The immigration issue has driven a wedge between Hispanics, an increasingly important voting bloc, and Republicans, many of whom take a hard line on illegal immigration, to the benefit of Obama's fellow Democrats. Most of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States are Hispanic. Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican chosen as speaker on Thursday to replace the retiring John Boehner, said he would not try to advance comprehensive immigration legislation while Obama, whose term ends in January 2017, is president. "I think it would be a ridiculous notion to try and work on an issue like this with a president we simply cannot trust on this issue," Ryan said in an interview aired on the CBS program "Face the Nation." "He tried to go it alone, circumventing the legislative process with his executive orders, so that is not in the cards. I think if we reach consensus on how best to achieve border and interior enforcement security, I think that's fine," Ryan added. Ryan acknowledged that he promised the House Freedom Caucus, which includes the most conservative members of the House, not to bring up immigration reform legislation, and blamed Obama. "This president tried to write the law himself," Ryan told the CNN program "State of the Union", accusing Obama of exceeding his constitutional powers. "Presidents don't write laws. Congress writes laws." In the race for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, candidate Donald Trump and others have talked tough about illegal immigration. Trump has promised to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border and to deport all illegal immigrants already in the United States. The Senate in 2013 voted to pass bipartisan legislation for the biggest overhaul of U.S. immigration laws in decades in a generation, but the measure failed to win House approval thanks to opposition by conservative Republicans. In an interview aired on "State of the Union", Boehner said he regrets immigration reform legislation was not passed while he was speaker. Asked about whether the right flank among House Republicans bore some responsibility for thwarting immigration legislation, Boehner said there was "probably some blame there as well." "Reforming our immigration system, securing our borders would be good for America. But unfortunately the president just kept poisoning the well - poisoning the well - to the point where it was impossible to put it on the floor of the House," Boehner said. In August, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Obama's immigration actions made it "impossible" for the current Congress to act but that lawmakers could do so in the next Congress under a different president. ------------------------------------------- 11 million illegal aliens is this administration 's number. All other numbers (Pew & Hispanic groups etc), say that it WAS actually 13 million in 2006. Other estimates , including Mexico's claim & Donald Trump say it is more like 30-36 million. * These numbers do NOT include refugees/migrants that are here now & expected by 2017. Which is as estimate (according to Sen. Kerry) of 850,000) "The Census Bureau estimates that a record 51 million legal and illegal immigrants are expected to reside in the United States estimates (in April) By that time, immigrants will account for more than one in seven members of the nation’s population." |
Besides my wanting a more accurate number... & the truth
![]() What I want to know is... How long before The culture of The United States...( yes, world we have one ![]() Since the countries of Europe & their individual cultures & probably religions, are & will continue to change... How much time before baseball, hot dogs & apple pie are obsolete? ![]() |
How long before The culture of The United States...( yes, world we have one laugh ). Will change?
It's constantly changing. Do you not believe utilitarianism changed the culture? The internet and personal computers? Birth control? Vaccines? NAFTA? The assembly line and specialization? Urban sprawl/suburbanization? Cell phones? Scientific method/approach focusing on health and nutrition? Cheap oil/gas? How much time before baseball, hot dogs & apple pie are obsolete?
Apple pie and hot dogs started to become obsolete after the health craze, the atkins diet, the obesity epidemic, the low carb diet, the south beach diet, the Mediterranean diet, fat shaming and supermodel airbrushing, pink slime filler, covering apples with fruit wax to preserve them. Baseball started to become obsolete with steroids and player strikes and pinch hitters and $7 dixie cups of beer and live television broadcasts of all alternative sports, not to mention competition with movie theaters and t.v. programs. Cultural things have momentum. Look at movie theaters. Totally obsolete after giant screen t.v.'s, streaming movies, cable t.v., beta, vhs, dvd, and blu ray players, youtube, home video cameras, cell phones that can record video. Culture's constantly changing. The only time anybody whines is if they can't control it or feel they are going to lose something. |
Besides my wanting a more accurate number... & the truth ![]() What I want to know is... How long before The culture of The United States...( yes, world we have one ![]() Since the countries of Europe & their individual cultures & probably religions, are & will continue to change... How much time before baseball, hot dogs & apple pie are obsolete? ![]() May I offer you a taco? Would you like some chips and salsa? |
Yet ANOTHER cover story/excuse for why Republicans intend to do exactly NOTHING to even try to address ANY of the problems they pretend to recognize America faces.
Yet ANOTHER cover story/excuse for why Republicans intend to do exactly NOTHING to even try to address ANY of the problems they pretend to recognize America faces. You don't seem to recognize the problem with Obama making up law as he sees fit. |
Edited by
Sun 11/01/15 04:15 PM
How can you take my comic comment in response to the article & turn it into a debate between Utilitarianism & Americanism? But since you think you know me & believe I am truly concerned about baseball, hotdogs & apple pie.... & that I somehow... Don't believe culture changes at all.. You & globalist agenda can keep guessing. * That was a big hint * Wait.... You didn't teach me anything * That was another* ![]() |
Immigration reform is not needed, immigration laws need to be enforced.
Immigration reform is not needed, immigration laws need to be enforced. forgot about a few..things... ![]() Pink Floyd- Another Brick in THE WALL -Song and ly…: Texas Senate Passes Anti-sharia Law Bill * Every state needs what you already have ![]() |
Yet ANOTHER cover story/excuse for why Republicans intend to do exactly NOTHING to even try to address ANY of the problems they pretend to recognize America faces. sounds like you are a no nothing blowhard. Try to actually speak to several members of congress before spewing stupidy. |
Yet ANOTHER cover story/excuse for why Republicans intend to do exactly NOTHING to even try to address ANY of the problems they pretend to recognize America faces. sounds like you are a no nothing blowhard. Try to actually speak to several members of congress before spewing stupidy. ![]() ![]() ![]() |