Community > Posts By > MindyMindy

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Thu 11/20/08 02:14 PM

I've never been told to go flirt with myself. I've been told to go f--k myself on numerous occasions.


When someone says that to me.....I do. I have a "toy" for that purpose. :smile:

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Thu 11/20/08 02:03 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Thu 11/20/08 02:04 PM

Some of the "inane drivel" threads are really just a group of people hanging out and chitchatting. Very few are exclusive, anyone who wants to drop in and chat is free to do so. While the original title of the post might seem frivolous, for some reason it stuck, usually because of the people involved and not the topic.

Might want to check some of them out, you might be surprised and maybe make a few new friends flowerforyou

right! They are many chat threads where people come in and say hi to their friends. They are also a good way for people to chat and try to get to know those that they wish to maybe date. There is no pressure talking on the forums.

If I message a guy back and forth that might imply more than I am ready to imply. If I chat with a guy on the forums it doesn't imply as much. Chats threads also let you get to see how a potential boyfriends behaves with others.

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Thu 11/20/08 01:54 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Thu 11/20/08 01:56 PM

Do you have to work at the Post Office to go Postal? Technicaly I think so other wise you are just a disgruntled employee.

No...and you don't have to work at the morgue to get stiffed. I get stiffed sometimes at my diner.

Guys are always trying to get to second base with me and I don't even play baseball.

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Thu 11/20/08 01:48 PM
What is brown, covered in black and blue splotches, and found laying in the curbside gutter.

A brunette that has told one too many dumb blonde jokes.


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Thu 11/20/08 01:45 PM
Last year I got a nice panty and bra set in my Christmas stocking.
It was nice because I usually get cheese.

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Thu 11/20/08 01:42 PM

Well im looking for a woman..and i don't care about just message me..please :)
im 18 ;)

Hey baby I am Mindy and I am 12. I am glad you aren't stuck up about age. Do you wanna play house with me? Do you have any G.I. Joes?

Welcome to mingle. Just ignore my silly remark up there. I was just teasing. I am really 14 :smile:

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Thu 11/20/08 01:39 PM
I just sent myself a message and flirted with myself. I hope I reply. I hate when I don't get replies.

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Thu 11/20/08 01:36 PM

I'm close Mindydevil

I know
You seem real nice too but you have a different type of distance issue I am not sure if I am ready for yet. Age distance
I am are 36. You probably even remember when MTV played videos 24/7. My mom said they use to but I didn't believe her at first.

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Thu 11/20/08 12:02 PM
Hi BonnyMiss

That puke green uniform will go nowhere until "Lisa" beautiful co-worker decides she doesn't like it anymore. She has the Boss Man wrapped around her finger. I think she keeps him locked in her closet at home. He does what ever she tells him to do. She is a waitress who had been here less time than me and he is the owner but she seems to be the boss.

thx for asking and I hope your day is well. I am headed out for lunch and to buy make-up and toilet paper. later

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Thu 11/20/08 11:43 AM

Japan is sooooooo far. There are many guys closer that will meet me first. I am pretty picky so they probably won't work out but Japan is soooo far.

Pete even makes the guy from Colorado seem close.

I am glad your relationship is working. I really wish I was in one right now. I would rather be posting on the forums with no picture and a note in my profile saying......"here for forums only cause I already have someone to love."

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Thu 11/20/08 11:39 AM

hellooooooooooooooooooooooo, it looks like there's toooooo much fun being had by all in here! Please get your encyclopedias out and turn to page 234 and we will begin discussing whether humans will eventually revolve back to being apes!

Will there be a pop quiz on this? Do I havta take notes?

I don't have an encyclopedia.

I have Google. Can I Google? I like to Goggle. My favorite time to Google is after I oogle some nice pics of guys on .....on....darn.....I can't make it rhyme.

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Thu 11/20/08 11:35 AM
Edited by MindyMindy on Thu 11/20/08 11:36 AM
I do to (hope I find someone)

Pete only likes me because I am far away. No chance of us meeting so I am safe.

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Thu 11/20/08 11:32 AM
Edited by MindyMindy on Thu 11/20/08 11:33 AM
:rolling laughter:

that was supposed to be a rolling laugh guy but I don't know how to do it.

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Thu 11/20/08 11:31 AM

yawn yawn Morning Mindyyawn yawn

Good morning.

I am sure Pete misses you always. He seems to have a thing for you. You just have that one're

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Thu 11/20/08 11:24 AM

Dang missed her...

Missed who?


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Thu 11/20/08 11:18 AM

drinking a mountain get my day started off right.

mindymindy says its okay if i drink a dew in this thread!drinks drinks

You can do anything you want here catwoman. You seem one of the coolest people on mingle. And I am not just saying that to get in your :wink:

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Thu 11/20/08 11:14 AM
Edited by MindyMindy on Thu 11/20/08 11:15 AM

Half an hour to an hour drive is the longest I will travel now for just a date. I have been stood up to many times to count after a 2 hour drive. Thats a long time to be on a highway ticked off. LOL...

Do you mean you were stood up from guys you met on a dating site? Is that normal for dating sites? I have heard others mention they were stood up after planning a meeting with a dating site guy. Seems to happen more than it should.

Maybe I need to have the guys always come find me. I really can't stand anyone up. If you find my town then you find me. You can ask almost anyone in my little town if they know Mindy and they will know where I live and work.

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Thu 11/20/08 01:12 AM
It's about my bedtime....good night all

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Thu 11/20/08 01:05 AM
Edited by MindyMindy on Thu 11/20/08 01:07 AM
Hello ScotishGerman27

Post 800 times in a week?:

1: I registered on my day off and put in most of the post then
2: I've been in a few heated "debates." Those threads have been moved to storage.
3: My boss lets me post from work when it's slow.
4: My first time on a dating forum. It's new and exciting. By next week I'll be now to a normal person's posting level.
5: I live in a small town and I am not a party girl. My girlfriend and I like to kill time posting.

Mostly it was #2

Welcome to Mingle. I am Mingle's MindyMindy

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Thu 11/20/08 12:49 AM
To PacificStar48. I was just looking at the professions of the guys that made the offers.... ones seems to have the type profession that traveling would be no big deal.

I think I'll keep chatting with them for a while longer and see if we connect more. I will tell them not to rush it. The one guy that wants to meet me next week is just gonna have to wait. That isn't happening.

There are 4 in all but I think two are not really serious.

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