Community > Posts By > MindyMindy

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Thu 11/20/08 04:08 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Thu 11/20/08 04:09 PM

You are not alone for x-mas you have your mingle familybiggrin

That is funnier than you know. lol

( no diss on you, you're cool)

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Thu 11/20/08 04:06 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Thu 11/20/08 04:07 PM

oh dear is this a threat?flowerforyou

LOL no no no

It was a joke. My hair is actually mixed....kinda dirty blond or light brown. I dye it blond 90% of the time and brunette 10% of the time.

The joke was told to me by my 100% natural blond co-worker after a customer made a mean dumb blonde joke.

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Thu 11/20/08 04:02 PM

Hi Mindy, You know someday your gonna find the right one. devil

thx choclablover...I was hoping to at least find the "almost good enough one" just so I wouldn't be alone for Christmas.

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Thu 11/20/08 03:59 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Thu 11/20/08 04:00 PM

Well, since you put it THAT way... I'll write FOUR sentences to get you really worked up.... I'll bring a whole case of ribbed and odd shaped condoms (some you're just gonna LOVE...... a 12-pack of Diet Dr. Pepper... and a whole BOX of cookies...

So, I get off at the Philly airport, and take the shuttle to where again?

Oh yeah that cool place with the lake...

Can I bring my mink massage gloves?


The Egg Harbor New Jersey airport is closer. I actually live in a small New Jersey Town outside of Philly. Then you can go to the egg harbor train station and take the train to ...................beeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppp.

The lake is not cool it's nasty and has mean geese. I did have sex in the bottom of it once.

That's right....I am flirting with random guys in my thread because I am bored with the topic and I want a man.

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Thu 11/20/08 03:50 PM

In all honesty, I really think about 90% of the people on an Internet dating site are just here for kicks and entertainment and are not sincere about meeting somebody.

I agree completely -- and that's after almost ten years of using hundreds of sites.

I've met nine people in person from dating sites -- and eight of them turned out to be certifiable basket cases.

"Sincerity" is to "dating sites" as "nuclear research" is to "porcupine." In my experience, anyway.

That doesn't make me feel any better. :cry:

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Thu 11/20/08 03:49 PM

I was going to mention that, but I forgot, good catch sharpshooter.

Hi Pete. I did mention in an earlier post that I wasn't talking about you. You have not asked to meet me after only one week and I didn't want anyone to think you did (because of our forum flirting) . You've been a perfect gentleman.

I mentioned that I would move in my profile because.....I live in a small town and I don't expect a man to give up his career to live where I do.

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Thu 11/20/08 03:46 PM

A pretty girl, nice hair, a lake, sunshine...

I'm there

I knew's the lake! Forget the boob shots post lake pictures. When the lake freezes this winter I'll post a photo of me falling on my butt while trying to ice skate.

Hopefully I won't still be on this dating site when the lake freezes over.

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Thu 11/20/08 03:42 PM
Thx TelephoneMan.

I don't restrict distance on my mail because I don't want to block the forum guys that are just friends. We only talk forum stuff.

I heard that a lot of women's profiles on dating sites were fakes but I didn't think guys profiles were. It really does not make since to have a fake guy profile unless the fake picture looks like some hot celebrity.

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Thu 11/20/08 03:39 PM

IMHO take your time. think

Ho choclablover...where have you been? How are you?

I've decided on a new policy. I am just going to have sex with every guy who sends me a message longer than 3 sentences.
I don't care where he travels from as long as he brings a condom (ribbed for my pleasure) and a Diet Dr. Pepper (and maybe some cookies).

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Thu 11/20/08 03:36 PM

1000 miles away after only a week does seem odd. It would raise questions/concerns in my mind, and I can understand why it would in yours. Obviously your bright enough to be reluctant, so I'm sure you'll get it figured out.

It's just two of the guys are so cute and funny. They don't want to wait so when I tell them no they will probably get lost. I will tell them no because it's too soon. Just wondered what was going through their minds.

Even if I could read guys minds I still wouldn't be able to understand them.

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Thu 11/20/08 03:32 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Thu 11/20/08 03:33 PM

It would depend on how much I want to go on a date with the person in question. I don't really see a point in setting a limit on the number of miles I'd drive.

I just don't want one of those relationships where you only have a date once a month when the guy is able to get time off from work and fly to meet you.

Thing is some of the long distance guys seem pretty nice and cool.

When I registered for this site I was expecting guys from Philly and Jersey to contact me. I wasn't expecting guys from all around the country and world to message me. I certainly was not expecting them to offer to come meet me.

I don't get it ......... my profile doesn't say much about me and my pictures don't show my boobs. There are lots of girls on this site prettier than me. Some are gorgeous. It just doesn't make sense to me why guys wouldn't meet girls closer to where they are instead of traveling to see some girl they don't know.

I could understand if I had talked to the guy for months in messages or forums.

to make "sense" of "since"

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Thu 11/20/08 03:23 PM

well, lets see, probably cause you are HOT you know. there, Manswers laugh


Thx fr the compliment but I am sure there are hot girls everywhere.

It's one ever called me hot until I joined a dating site. I always heard "cute" and once I heard "sexy girl" when I was wearing me bikini. "Hot" must be a dating site term.

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Thu 11/20/08 03:21 PM

What is long distance, btw? Is it measured in drive time/distance?

I am thinking if the drive is so long you need a nap afterwards that is long distance.

If you have to fly that is long distance. If you need to fill up more than once that is long distance.

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Thu 11/20/08 03:16 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Thu 11/20/08 03:17 PM

That is your origional quote right there. Im asking why you are rushing it? Why only one week for a cross country visit?

What are you reading? I am NOT rushing it. These GUYS want to meet ME ....NOW.

I said "I totally don't get this"

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Thu 11/20/08 03:15 PM

My limit is about 4 miles. Maybe 5 if it's nice out.

That doesn't even cover the next little town over. lol
I have already dated all the guys in my town that have good teeth.

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Thu 11/20/08 03:11 PM

No. Certainly not for only a week? Why are you rushing it?


Read the OP again. I am the one that is freak out by it. Two guys want to meet me now after only one week. They both live over 1000 miles away (Pete0909 is not one of them....just wanted to clear that up because some see us flirting in another thread and he lives in Japan).

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Thu 11/20/08 02:43 PM
The customers in the diner I work in can't stop talking about that news. They say now the government will definitely bail out the car makers because they don't want them sold to the China

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Thu 11/20/08 02:21 PM

You are charged in my court
for stealing my heart
trespassing in my dreams
& robbing me of my senses
you've been sentenced to a lifetime with me

For a guy no longer looking for a date that's pretty darn good flirting. If you keep "not looking" like that you might have the girls beating down your door.

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Thu 11/20/08 02:19 PM

I have a "Fear of Flying" but I will ride my bike anywhere...hop on baby!

lol....Why are you waving money in your main photo? What happened to the pretty motorcycle?

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Thu 11/20/08 02:16 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Thu 11/20/08 02:16 PM

I'm actually no longer looking for a date. I'm just a big flirt.

Flirting without fear of commitment? I can get with that.

Hey big you come to these parts often? That's a nice hat you have there.

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