Community > Posts By > rehanf5

rehanf5's photo
Sun 02/18/18 07:05 AM
No sometimes age does matters i had a relationship with an lady she was 15 years older than me and relationship was last for 10 years but when she died at the age of 53 it was very heartache. And anguish i cried continued 3 days on her grave i still missing her my heart is full pain

rehanf5's photo
Sun 02/18/18 06:31 AM
Anyone who's serious contact me here
hope to hear from u soon

rehanf5's photo
Sun 11/30/14 07:56 AM
Seeking serious relationship on online dating site sounds little uncomfortable but not totally bad coz I have seen plenty of people those who found their life partner at dating site and they living very happy life, but nowadays it's bit difficult coz true and genuine people are few and fake and cheaters are plenty in both whether they r male or female just becoz of them real people facing these kinda problem unable to find Mr. Right / Miss. Right but all I want say is keep searching every where doesn't matter offline or online keep open ur heart for love coz love can come from any where I hope I find my love very soon :)

rehanf5's photo
Sun 11/30/14 04:27 AM
Since I joined this site I have talked with plenty of women from over seas mostly from US and they all express them as very loyal and loving person blah blahh, but one I noticed all of them some how they all belong to Africa some of them has work or any kinda project there or some of them has family some has vacations and so on and the funny thing is they all stuck and get trouble with the same reason someone rob them in the middle of the street while they going home hahahah! And finally they ask u for money for their food stuff and air fare to fly ur country to get married! Now whenever I get nudge or msg from US woman I ask them first thing do u have any kinda of business or relative in Africa ? Lol

rehanf5's photo
Mon 08/04/14 04:23 AM
As far as I know with my personal experience women like broad and toned guys with decent wearing my ex used to told me that I look more sexy in shirt than t-shirt

rehanf5's photo
Mon 07/28/14 11:55 AM
Where u from and wht r u looking for?

rehanf5's photo
Fri 07/25/14 04:50 PM
Totally agree with ur thoughts, but since I joined this site I haven't found anyone I m not rushing for marriage or commitment but for only friendship no is here :(

rehanf5's photo
Fri 07/25/14 04:42 PM
Well since I joined this I haven't. Met any genuine woman here I have met around 20 women and all were scammer. Right after 2-3 mails they started asking for money for flight tickets, few were asking money coz they robbed by someone at street, some r got accident and they don't have money to pay hospital bills, few has family members in hospital in very critical condition, etc plenty of reasons but one thing is common they all from west Africa hahahahahaha they jackasss think everyone is fool

rehanf5's photo
Thu 07/24/14 04:23 AM
Only 2 members here looking for long term relationship very strange why every body scared of marriage or commitment? Since I joined this site I haven't found any genuine girl here all r scammers and fake profile I think I should delete my account :( total waist of time