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Bush vows to veto kids’ health insurance bill
President, Democrats clash over proposed legislation for poor children. Updated: 1:16 p.m. ET Sept 22, 2007 WASHINGTON - President Bush again called Democrats "irresponsible" on Saturday for pushing an expansion he opposes to a children's health insurance program. "Democrats in Congress have decided to pass a bill they know will be vetoed," Bush said of the measure that draws significant bipartisan support, repeating in his weekly radio address an accusation he made earlier in the week. "Members of Congress are risking health coverage for poor children purely to make a political point." In the Democrat's response, also broadcast Saturday, Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell turned the tables on the president, saying that if Bush doesn't sign the bill, 15 states will have no funding left for the program by the end of the month. At issue is the Children's Health Insurance Program, a state-federal program that subsidizes health coverage for low-income people, mostly children, in families that earn too much to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to afford private coverage. It expires Sept. 30. A bipartisan group of lawmakers announced a proposal Friday that would add $35 billion over five years to the program, adding 4 million people to the 6.6 million already participating. It would be financed by raising the federal cigarette tax by 61 cents to $1 per pack. The idea is overwhelmingly supported by Congress' majority Democrats, who scheduled it for a vote Tuesday in the House. It has substantial Republican support as well. ‘The health of our children is far too important’ But Bush has promised a veto, saying the measure is too costly, unacceptably raises taxes, extends government-covered insurance to children in families who can afford private coverage, and smacks of a move toward completely federalized health care. He has asked Congress to pass a simple extension of the current program while debate continues, saying it's children who will suffer if they do not. "Our goal should be to move children who have no health insurance to private coverage — not to move children who already have private health insurance to government coverage," Bush said. The bill's backers have vigorously rejected Bush's claim it would steer public money to families that can readily afford health insurance, saying their goal is to cover more of the millions of uninsured children. The bill would provide financial incentives for states to cover their lowest-income children first, they said. Many governors want the flexibility to expand eligibility for the program. So the proposal would overturn recent guidelines from the administration making it difficult for states to steer CHIP funds to families with incomes exceeding 250 percent of the official poverty level. Rendell said thousands of children will lose health care coverage if Bush doesn't sign the bill. "The administration has tried to turn this into a partisan issue and has threatened to veto. The health of our children is far too important for partisan politics as usual," he said. "If the administration is serious about solving our health care crisis, it should be expanding, not cutting back, this program which has made private health insurance affordable for millions of children." |
Why can't women preach?
Countryboy I think you should re-read the God created man, man mean to also include man and woman, at the same time
1:27 God created man in the image of himself, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them. Notice the word "them" at the end of that sentence. But then 2:18 through 2:23 the verses go through how God created Eve from Adam. So there are two creation stories made into one. This suggest that there is a blending of stories in the Bible. So how can you interperate the correct word of God if the Bible is a blending of stories? |
There are also a demonfacation of women and snakes in the Book of Genesis. Before Genesis and perhap before the Hebrew Bible there was a female fertility god that created the earth. This god was a giant snake. The god had to me female because females were consider god-like because they brought new life into the world. To this god there were to be made male sarcarfices to ensure a good crop and also women's fertity in have childern. The queen was in power and the king was selected and killed annually in order to satisfy the god. Of course this could go on forever and the religion changed. They demonize not only the snake but also women to set their place in the religious order.
In Genesis the snake is the one who tempted Eve, and Eve is the cause of the casting out of Eden. Quote: 3:14 Then Yahweh God said to the snake, 'Because you have done this, Accursed be you of all animals wild and tame! On your belly you will go and on the dust you will feed as long as you live. 3:16 To the woman he said: I shall give you intense pain in childbearing, you give birth to you children in pain. Your yearing will be for your husband, and he will dominate you. |
Why can't women preach?
Oh by the way Miles the female fertity god, which created the earth in the view of this anticent people was, a giant snake.
In the Jewish, Christian, Muslims faith, the snake is also demonized. This is another agrument for me in the other thread which I will post in just a sec. |
Why can't women preach?
Many years ago women were consider God like because they brought new life into the world. In fact people back worshiped female fertility god and placed a chief queen to produce children. To satisfy the fertility god so that the queen who produce children as well as ensure good crops for the year they made male sacarifies. The male to be sacarifies would be the king for a year and have coitus with the queen to have children then be sacarificed annually. How's that for sexual politics!
It got to the point where the king would escape for his life and as time wore on they stop male sacarifices all together. In do so they changed the religious practice and demonize women to set a submission role for them. Modern day Jewish, Christian and Muslim still set a more submissive role for women because of this anticent and nearly forgotten practice. |
Miles the word female in used, in lines 1:27 God created man in the image of himself, in the imange of God he created him, male and female he created them.
Them as in plural suggesting that the first man and first woman, excuse me female, because woman is from man according to the Bible that I'm quoting, were in fact created at the same time. |
Also Spider if Moses wrote the first five Books of the Bible then it is man and not God who wrote the Bible. Even if man was inspired by God to write the Bible the folly is how can man interperate that inspiration and not put man's views in the writing?
Spider could it be possible the Moses plagerize from many stories common in that area because the Epic of Gilamesh is suprising simimalar to the Adam and Eve casting out from garden of Eden.
Also if you check you Bible the of two trees in the garden; the Tree of Knowledge and the tree of life. The Tree of Life is mentioned once: 3:24 He banished the man, and in front of the garden of Eden he posted the great winged creatures and the fiery flashing sword, to guard the way to the tree of life. Now there is no previous mentioning of tree of Life so this suggest that this part has been edited when the Bible was first written. This would also suggest that the Book of Genesis is plagerize from different cultures back then. |
Spider, Hate crimes are called hate crimes because the motive to comitt the crime is not a socially reasonable nor acceptible.
The are factors in court that either midagate or aggravate the penalities for the crime. Killing some one may not be consider 1st degree murder, there are midagating factor to be considered; the the defendant did it while drunk, did the defendant do it in a planned event, could this be a crime of passion? The motive for a hate crime is based on not wherther the victim did anything to offend the defendant. The motive could just be as random as being in the wrong race, in the wrong place, and the wrong time. That why it's consider a hate crime and should have speacial penalities in court. |
So Spider are you saying that Adam wrote the second Chapter of Genesis?
What the show said that the story of Genesis was edited. And that's why there are inconsistancies. According to the show the first wife of Adam the one that God made at the same time was name Lilith but Lilith being far more independant than Adam's second wife, Eve, she left Adam and the Garden of Eden. Then God created Eve from Adam. In fact that where we get Lilith Fair, a concert for independent women. |
Hey the special is back on the History International Channel again, check your listings.
Evolution and Chili Peppers
When I read the the title thread I thought that Spider meant the growth or evolution in the band "The Red Hot Chili Peppers."
LOL! |
Abra please don't think I'm joking around, I'm merely speaking in archaeological and anthorpoloical terms. The special suggest that many of the Bible stories are plagerize from much older and anticent story of Gilamesh who search for the tree which fruit gave eternal life. The tree was within reach of Gilamesh but a snake trick him and cast him from the garden of the tree of life.
Philly please re-read the article it doesn't say the she was a girlfriend nessarily though it does suggest that, instead it say that she was present at the domestic dispute.
Apparently this is information shows that the is a corealation of geolocial sciencitfic theory and Biblical history that support each other.
Another interesting tid bit was the four streams that flow to the river that lead the way to eden. Those streams in the Bible were and I'm quoting from the bible 2:11 'The first is named Pishon, and this winds all the through the land of Havilah where there is gold. 2:13 The second river is named the Gihon, and this winds all through the land of Cush. 2:14 The third is can the Tigris, and this flows to the east of Ashur. The fourth river is the Euphrates.
Now the Tigris and Euphrates is in present day Iraq, but there are no where abouts of Gihon and Pishon. But satilite photos of the Persian Gulf show remains of dried up river deltas. Those dried up deltas are near point where the Tigris and Euphrates emptied in the gulf. What sciencist theorized that several thousand years ago the sea level where the four river met was much lower. Then as global climatic changes occur the area where the river met got flooded. And indeed the Bible said the Eden was lost in a flood, Noah's flood. |
Oh it's over now. Any way the special brought up some inconsistances in the book of Genesis. For instance if you read Genesis 1:27 "God created man in image of himself, in the image of God he created him, male and female."
He created male and female first at the same time. But then in Genesis 2:18 Yahew God said, 'It is not right that the man should be alone. I shall make him a helper.' 2:21 Then, Yahew God made the man fall into a deep sleep. And while he was asleep, he took one of his ribs and closed the flesh up again forthwith.2:22 Yahweh God fashioned the rib taken for the man into a woman, and brought her to the man. 2:23 And the man said: The one at last is bone of myu bones and flesh of my flesh! She is to be called Woman, because she was taken from Man. From that set of lines there a double set of creation of a female and a woman. Today we just say women to also include all females. But if you just read the line or your Bible here a two women, excuse me females in the Garden of Eden then. One when God created man at the same time and a second that was created from man, woman. |
Excuse me the History International Canel!
There's special on where they think the Garden of Eden is, take a look now!
Garden Forge it a matter of princple that this crime be on record that it is a hate crime. A hate crime is Federal offense. Even if the punisment is so servere the the criminals serve the maximum sentence allowed but not on the record as a Federal crime then it's still an injustic.