Why? Please tell me why?
be yourself!! do like I do!!
its all 4 me! only I know good me! change attitude come to you! love, m |
Why? Please tell me why?
Is it just me??? or are guys/ think its
hilareous/ just so afraid be decent? forget how? in the mix of life! geeeze how hard is it be pleasant, say few nice things! agree lost whatever ruled by others Iike zombie trolls! yep I love horror flicks! favorites sure want know???!!! "who's zooming who" who cares! guys / get a lot hits/ y don't just be "real", this is not a life time thing nor is it the place be RUDE/ if you get it?? all out here same deal or are we! geee I expect better things from you!! |
Why? Please tell me why?
when are people as you "own" measure
that really matters. call me a "rebel" any thing u want, makes no NONE dfference to me at all. people are so vain live for what others expect/ garbage the measure is YOU no one else! period! said! but you are judged by the "lousy" people u hang out with! your choice always! others have no NONE rights to you at all! marriage is not slavery/ my opinion luv someone more than yourself/ imposssible. build life on sex nothing else to bad never work! finally can u answer this/ could u spend your lifetime every day every year every thought/ good or bad with one "special" person? have be superman or superwoman, love them more u love youself that's what real commitment is/ according to me! gee don't know anyone who fits that for me! all degrees of love/ my Leo sign talking never wrong! not ever! u go zodiac signs u MIGHT find some one works your sign/ forget those that are not compatable with u/ waste of your time! they wrote it long ago!! who u say different? like it/ buzz on! |