Ten views on this topic and no responses? My be my eyes? The reflection of the light. Makes em look mean. Kinda deamon like. |
spell casters
Thanks for the information! |
Or maybe the mall. Seeing it is so cold out.
Maybe a # of us could set a time and meet in the food court? Talk some begin to get to know one another? Then maybe go play some pool, bowling....? Something? Just a thought? What do you think? That Barbie comment can be a perspective thing. Ya know! |
Isn't fighting and hockey two different sports?
Are you trying to combine them into one? |
Biblical Money Code?
Its a scam
It is for real then why is he selling it? That is how he's making his money. Biblical code is to be generous with what God has given you. But God is still sovergn and will do whatever he wants to!!! |
Just because mightymoe cannot recognize a fact when he sees one ? Does not make it irrelevant. Lol
One must first see past his own nose to see the world around him. |
Even if I did show you that I could walk on water
You still wouldn't believe. You have all the evidence and more that you could study and learn but instead; Just like Jesus said an evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign. But the only sign that will be given it is the one of Jonah. The sign of Jonah was for Jesus to be in the grave for three days just like Jonah was in the belly of a fish. If take some time and look into Jonah you will find other stories of ppl who have been swallowed by whales and live to tell about it. |
The following info came from this web site 2. The Bible is so old, how do we know someone has not changed it around over the years? This is a great question. Any ancient book or writing is judged by its oldest copies or manuscripts. This means a historian will take the oldest versions of a book and look at it to see if they match up with newer versions. They will also look at how many copies of the oldest version exist because the more copies there are all over the Earth the easier it is to see if they are all the same and then we know no one’s changed them around. Number of Manuscripts of some famous works Book When Written # of Manuscripts The writings of Julius Casear 1,000 years after his death 10 Homer (author of the Illiad) 500 years after his death 643 The writings of Plato 1,200 years after his death!!! 7 The New Testament 25-50 years after Jesus’ death 26,0000 YES, there are currently 26,000 ancient manuscripts and portions of the New Testament that archeologists have discovered. When it comes to which of these “great works” are historically reliable, it’s not even close. The Bible has them beat by a long shot. |
It is very obvious that you have never studied the issue of the accuracy of the bible and are making statements you cannot back up!
Where Is your evidence? |
Here is some evidence for you - |
A P S M is for manuscripts There are over 40,000 old testament manuscripts to the old testament in the bible All compared to each other. There is a greater than 99.5% accuracy between them. The new testament can be reproduced by looking into historical books because it was so extensively quoted A is for archeology Archeology is continueing to prove everything in the bible as historical fact! P is for prophecy Jesus Christ fulfilled over 330 prophecies with his first coming. The odds of those being fulfilled are greater than 10 followed by 49 zeros. And you say he didn't exsist??? Didn't influence our world??? Didn't or hasn't improved things in this world for all of us??? There is over 1800 prophecies being fulfilled as we live and breath concerning His second coming. S is for science The bible is 100% scientifically accurate. Those who would say otherwise are being ignorant or just plain outright lieing! |
Who's around?
Any one seen in available girls in Colorado springs?
I think they are a taken!!! |
time origins
The origins of time - more 3 in 1
Matter the atom consists of an electron, proton and a nuetron Just like electricity needing a positive, negative and a ground. When man started to run electricity here in Colorado springs they only ran a positive and a negative. No ground. And ppl would be electrocuted from becoming the ground. So they had to start running a ground as is common place today. The origins of time - Looking further into the neutrons, protons n electrons. It may have only been one of these. I'm trying to remember this correctly. Hopefully someone else can verify this for me. If just one or all three. Looking further into the neutron they see what the call quarks. Quarks have a positive, negative and a neutral. What makes up a quark? Vibrating strings - just like a vocal cord. And as the Holy Bible says - God spoke all things into exsistance and it is His power that continually holds it all together. Therefore the origin of time came from God who created it to point us back to Him so that we would know and glorify Him. |
A physcis question of light
Yes, thought is able to move far faster than the speed of light lol, no, if anything it is just a bit slower... the only time light moves at the speed of light is in a vacuum, like space... i'm not sure how fast electricity goes, but since there is no vacuum in our heads, it has to be slower... I think that would depend on the distance traveled. For example The speed of thought - for my car to from 0-300mph would be slower than the speed of light. Because my mind cannot think as fast as the light traveling that short of a distance. On the other hand, if my car was to travel from here to the sun. Then thought would be faster than the speed of light. Does that make since? |
spell casters
![]() Interesting I was just reading yesterday in the Bible in Isaiah 6:13 and came across oak as a trip tree. Looked on wikipedia for the medicinal properties. Tannic acid also found in tea - can be used to help stop bleeding. Sorry I have an interest in healing, vitamins, minerals n herbs.... I am interested to know what the other healing properties of trees are and thier names. I am reading through these posts. Interesting! But I come from a Biblical point of view. And do believe the threes are all through the creation. Time is one and three. Past present and future. We are created in the image of God - Trinity - my finger is three parts but one. My eye is... Love is very important to me! So is forgiveness. And I don't mean sex: just showing compassion and mercy and grace to all. |
spell casters
I don't believe in this threefold thing either. The universe doesn't work that way. As for white and black magic, yes it all depends on the one who's using it. But you can either tap into good positive energy fields, or less pleasant energy fields. Even when your not 'evil', you can still stick your foot into something 'wrong'. There are many collective energy fields (not sure if you call 'em that in English), and many of them aren't nice. I believe ppl that practice black magic tap into those negative energy fields. They are connected to them. There's a lot of stuff going on with these energy fields at the moment, there are many ppl that work for/with these collective energy-fields to transmute them. Some of them consciously, other unconsciously. make some very good points. You're right...there are those who work with negative and harmful energies and entities. I would think that if you did that intentionally, that could (and should) be called "black magic". Hello Crystal I am wondering if you have heard of a book Vibrational Medicine by Richard Gerber, M.D. If not I think you might find it interesting Thanks, Crystal. You're the first person I've come across with a decent definition of "black magic". Yeah, and those negative energy fields aren't necessarily evil. There's also many of these caused by and based on fear over centuries. Ppl's fear keep these fields intact, make them grow bigger and these fields 'feed' ppl negativity. It's a vicious circle that needs to be broken. That's what these ppl do that work for/with these energy fields. Not an easy task in life, I've seen some of these ppl during workshops transmuting things to do with such an energy field. Heavy ****! I used to practice witchcraft, was a hedgewitch to be specific. But I quit and moved on. After some 2, 3 years I felt it was too limited and too limiting. I don't think it was meant the way it has got, somehow it felt as if the most important stuff (the more high vibrational things) was left out, or forgotten. If no one remembers that stuff anymore, then there's no one who can pass it on. It lacks something. I knew that intuitively. So I started doing different things, energy work, light work, crystal healing and so. I also don't refer to myself as being a witch anymore, haven't for a long time. It just doesn't suffice to describe what/who I am. I haven't really found the right label for it, so I usually just stick to "energy worker". I do energy readings and healings (via aura & chakra), tarot readings, crystal healings (mainly for me or Mother Earth), occasionally I do workshops, teaching ppl to ground, work with their chakras & aura etc. (intuitive development & growth), sometimes still do some shamanic stuff (as in witchy things). And I harmonize houses & ground/area. The latter I want to develop further as I feel that is a big part, if not the task of my life's (soul) purpose. Curious to learn what it is you do! Also, you're planning to do a ritual on Samhain? I do, but gotta spend some time working out what it is exactly what I want to do and want to achieve. I like to take advantage of the fact that it's easier to do meditation/visualisation and astral traveling on and around Samhain. Think this is horrifically off-topic, hihi. Oops |
time origins
Almighty God created time to point to Him.
The trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit Three but one Time is three but one - past, present n future. I have other examples Your finger, your arm, your eyes We are created in his image. |
“mental illnesses”. Where did they all come from??? Chemical imbalances in the brain. I agree caused by nutritional deficiency, Too many toxins from food (GMOs' n pesticides n synthizied fertilizers) n medicine the synthisized kind of medicine not from a live source leave toxins in your body causing other problems. It ends up being a vicious cycle. You go to Dr. get a perscription, then get side effects causing more issues, so you go to Doc again. Get more meds, til you are broke n in the grave. We get oxygen in the air we breath, in the water we drink, and even in the food we eat. But our bodies still don't get enough oxygen. Proof! Read this book!!! Oxygen Healing Therapies by Nathaniel Altman If your body has enough oxygen it can heal almost anything. www.Inner $19 Yes even AIDs, cancer, skin conditions, arthritis, her pies, hearing losses... It is like a panacea. Besides that I suppose trauma situations some people go through can be traumatic enough to cause mental illness. In their cases I would try to overcome the fear and forgive. Easyier said than done! May Almighty God help those who have mental illnesses overcome them. And May we find more compassion to serve them better! |
Change what is?
How about this?
If I could do anything I wanted to do? What would it be? Or I be like? To BE in the present is to strive n to struggle to become the answer to those questions. Therefore what is my goal (s) in life. Having said that. I am 50 yrs old and have yet to get close to mine. The closest one I've gotten to? Is my own character. All the other goals? Well? They / I just haven't been able to accomplish em. I hope you can do better! |
Pains of heartaches, lonelyness, tears of sorrow, feelings of failure, desires of companionship lost in the cold breeze, words spoken of love devotion and commitments all kicked aside, left in the gutter to be washed away, to die like the old oak tree.
But Spring is just around the corner, seeds with hope love and faith, a desire to live and to thrive, to feel the warmth of the summer sun on my face and your fingers running threw my hair like the gentle breeze that cools those heated sunning beams of light. The rain to satisfy my thirst and give me the strentgh when stepped on to still pick myself backup, forgive their ignorance and selfish acts. I want to breath joy, compassion and mercy to be caring, even while I boil in this pot of despair. I long for the pleasures of yesteryear knowing it will never be same. But faith, hope n Love, these are the greatest thing of all! |