How religion defines death
What I believe really doesn't matter, when i died i will know or not the truth.
I don't live my life a certain way because I'm afraid of not going to heaven, if God exists and heaven exists it wants you to be true to who you are whatever that is. Don't do things because it will bring you closer to heaven do them because it is the right thing to do. My personal opinion is that God doesn't exists and that life starts and ends and so do we, I think that we give ourselves to much importance in this universe to think we never end. Everything as a beginning and an end and so do we. Even the universe will stop to expand and cease to exist one of these days might take billions of years but it will. |
finding that right one.
How do you know if you have found the right person? Never actually know if she's the right one for life but as long as she is the right one for awhile (hopefully very long awhile), I will be happy. |
The Moody Blues
"I'm Just A Singer (In A Rock And Roll Band)" I'm just a wandering on the face of this earth Meeting so many people Who are trying to be free And while I'm traveling I hear so many words Language barriers broken Now we've found the key And if you want the wind of change To blow about you And you're the only other person to know, don't tell me I'm just a singer in a rock and roll band. A thousand pictures can be drawn from one word Only who is the artist We got to agree A thousand miles can lead so many ways Just to know who is driving What a help it would be So if you want this world of yours To turn about you And you can see exactly what to do Please tell me I'm just a singer in a rock and roll band. How can we understand Riots by the people for the people Who are only destroying themselves And when you see a frightened Person who is frightened by the People who are scorching this earth. I'm just a wandering on the face of this earth Meeting so many people Who are trying to be free And while I'm traveling I hear so many words Language barriers broken Now we've found the key And if you want the wind of change To blow about you And you're the only other person to know, don't tell me I'm just a singer in a rock and roll band. How can we understand Riots by the people for the people Who are only destroying themselves And when you see a frightened Person who is frightened by the People who are scorching this earth. Music is the traveller crossing our world Meeting so many people bridging the seas I'm just a singer in a rock and roll band. We're just the singers in a rock and roll band. I'm just a singer in a rock and roll band... |
How to go about this?
Any relation starts by the two people dating so enjoy it and see where it leads.
I forget everything so I don,t have to forgive anything.
Hurting children Hurting the weak Stealing anyone and mostly friends Cheating I could go on but you get the picture |
Bored at work
Send an email to your boss telling him how much you're bored at wok and your watching music videos to pass time and maybe tomorrow you'll have all the time in the world to have fun doing anything else other then your job.
Have a good day ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I have seen the word shallow used quite often in different posts... I think of it as just not being deep. What is being "shallow" Thinking that image is important, looks re all that counts, thinking possessions defines who you are and that they do not care that their actions affects others. Me, myself and I and fucc the rest Something like that for me. |
Marriage And Sex
Was never married so can't compare between the two but making love (sex) to the one I love is important, couldn't be in a relation without any loving, touching, caressing and snuggling but hey that's me.
Sight unseen
Like everything in life love is there one day and gone the next.
I can fall in love with a person I have never met in person and once i meet her all my feelings might have been wrong but they could also be so right. You might need to be face to face to confirm that it is love in all aspect and not just loneliness or your imagination but you can also say the same thing about being face to face with the person from the start and after you feel love at the beginning love goes away the more you know them. I feel love when my heart feels love and I do not need to touch her to feel love, will that love last or just leave who knows like all relation love is there one day and gone the next and it is not because you feel it when your face to face that it is real love. I respect others opinion but mine is that yes you can love without ever have met. |
Sight unseen
Do you believe you can love someone you've never met? Is this even possible? If so, how? Have you chatted with someone and believed that you loved them? You can fall in love without having physically met them and be wrong once you get to be face to face as you can fall in love when you meet physically and then see you were wrong after you talked to them. Love is a feeling not a physical thing someones brain and ideas can be all you need to fall in love, the physical part is only for sensation touching sex and so on and some will only base their feeling on those aspect others will try the whole package while some only care if they think alike. So to each is own but yes you can fall in love even if you never met in person. |
Racism as no color
Stupidity as no color Decency as no color Intelligence as no color Judge people for who they are inside not what they are outside. |
I do not describe myself, I leave that to the one that wants to know me.
Discovering is a big part of finding your better half. |
Ooh! You're wet!
Do you sing in the shower? ![]() When a woman is wet I always sing, but I never sing in the shower I'm a bad singer and even a shower won't help my voice. |
If there are not enough people in Tokyo that you need to advertise in a US website for Tokyo woman, then I guess there isn't enough people in the world.
We never have enough friends, the real friends are hard to find but the good thing compare to a lover is that you can have lots of good friends including your lover but con only have one lover (unless your a cheater then get the hell out of my life please).
Why doesn't Tarzan
have a beard? The apes liked grooming him to much and so did Tarzan ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
have you ever started a trend? ![]() Nope I don't follow trends, I do what i desire if it's a trend in any way I don't care, if it's not a trend I don't care as long as it pleases me then that's all I need to know. Only sheeps follows trends on purpose, do what makes you happy whatever it is. but if you do it first then it's not a trend until some other sheep does it True in a way but, If I say something for the first time is it a first because I am saying it for the first time or is because i heard them or read them before but just don't remember it, that is the question. Who can say a 100% sure that any words they say are the first time those words were ever said. |
have you ever started a trend? ![]() Nope I don't follow trends, I do what i desire if it's a trend in any way I don't care, if it's not a trend I don't care as long as it pleases me then that's all I need to know. Only sheeps follows trends on purpose, do what makes you happy whatever it is. |
Stuff to ponder...
When does it stop being partly cloudy and start being partly sunny? Because the sky is always there so it is the clouds that partially clouds the sky and its partially cloudy even at nights. |
Stuff to ponder...
Why is there brail on drive-up ATMS? Because most drivers are blind to the rules (speed, stop signs, lights, no parking area) |