Community > Posts By > charleneftmyers

charleneftmyers's photo
Mon 10/14/13 07:52 PM

Why lie about your body type. It will be discovered and personally if you lie in your profile, then I think the trust issue has been severed. I am looking for honesty myself.


If "the person inside" is willing to deceive others by claiming to be what they are not, that speaks volumes about their lack of integrity.

How would lying about body type differ from lying about age, height, education or occupation?
yep your right david. Im fat so i put heavyset. Dont want to waste guys time with incorrect info n waste my time either. This way they know right off the bat.

charleneftmyers's photo
Mon 10/14/13 07:43 PM
Yes i came across of nigeria crap n gis too. Beware there one on Facebook alex donlad!!! Running a lottery scam with a employer from fb!!! I filed three complaints on him n no one from fb contacted me. I dont think much of staff!!! Dont ever give anyone any money.

charleneftmyers's photo
Mon 10/14/13 07:24 PM

I put average down for my body type and I am a size 6-8. I do not consider by body as athletic or skinny. I do no know what people consider as average either. Lol. What is the going rate for average nowadays?
you are skinny average is 11 12 . 14 is plus size. N yea crystal us fat girls thats me would love that choose rather than heavy set. I post truth so the guys time is not wasted cause just a pic of face doesnt show body.

charleneftmyers's photo
Mon 10/14/13 07:07 PM
I like clean shave best then just mustach then a real close groomed beared last

charleneftmyers's photo
Mon 10/14/13 07:00 PM
Hi girl. Yea i think i have that posted in my profile im going to check. I usually put that n white men only!!!!

charleneftmyers's photo
Mon 10/14/13 06:51 PM

I did, it was the most amazing feeling for me. I felt like nothing could stop me with what I wanted to do and no matter what he would always have my back.

Unfortunately that ended and in the most horrible way. Only felt like that once before and my heart for shattered into a million pieces when it broke.

I still think however that it is worth the pursuit and that is of course also something I am chasing for, won't settle for less!!!
i hear you once you loved deep n it ended you want to find your soulmate again. I just wont marry again so dont have to go through divorce again just split up.

charleneftmyers's photo
Mon 10/14/13 06:45 PM
Lol met to say me not men lol

charleneftmyers's photo
Mon 10/14/13 06:43 PM
Married men bothering men sickening!!!

charleneftmyers's photo
Mon 10/14/13 06:40 PM
Please dont bother me. Hope your wifes devorice you!!!

charleneftmyers's photo
Thu 10/10/13 06:19 PM


I agree with you two and understand
I'm not settling for nothing less than

Everything..this time

Even if it means being least I got friends.

I agree, friends are the best and they don't ditch you in time of need.
yea if you can keep them from trying to steal your man like mine did!!! Ended our friendship.

charleneftmyers's photo
Thu 10/10/13 05:50 PM

I've had plenty of unusual dates. Nothing wrong with it if you can find a woman that's as weird as you are.

I think that you're on the right track anyway because my ex girlfriend was always complaining that I didn't want to go out and do stuff. I was like, "But I've got a girlfriend now, so what do I need to go out for?"
Perhaps the idea of shared activities outside the home will one day sneak into this gentlemans myopic view of what constitutes a reciprocal sharing relationship. But then again, maybe not!!!

My post was slightly tongue in cheek and I have changed a lot since then.

With the last girlfriend that I had I wanted to go out and do stuff but she was the one that just wanted to stay in the house.

I just had problems with my ex because I was a bit afraid of the world because I have a disability. I did take her out though but when I did she still complained that I was only doing it because she was nagging me. Couldn't win either way. But I think women want you to take the initiative in these situations and not just ask them what they want to do.
just ask us what we like to do we will tell you.

charleneftmyers's photo
Thu 10/10/13 05:42 PM

Taking a bird out to a restaurant doesn't really appeal to me. I've never liked eating my grub in front of other people. I just like to get it down as quick as possible. Unlike all these modern yuppy types that like to ponce about with it for hours.

So instead I'd prefer to take a woman out into the woods or something but I'm worried they might think I'm a little weird. What do you think?
we are girls not birds!!!

charleneftmyers's photo
Thu 10/10/13 05:41 PM

Taking a bird out to a restaurant doesn't really appeal to me. I've never liked eating my grub in front of other people. I just like to get it down as quick as possible. Unlike all these modern yuppy types that like to ponce about with it for hours.

So instead I'd prefer to take a woman out into the woods or something but I'm worried they might think I'm a little weird. What do you think?
yes thats really paroinod guy theres no way id go into the woods to eat. Wotk on it. Get use to eating in public.

charleneftmyers's photo
Thu 10/10/13 05:34 PM

would you have sex with your lover if he/she asks you for?
off coarse

charleneftmyers's photo
Wed 10/09/13 09:27 AM

Guys be careful , there are many girls from Africa using white pretty girls photos to solicit money from men on here . They use lines like these , I can't see you because I have to take a business trip to Nigeria or some part of that content , then they try to ask you to send them money . Don't send money to those losers , happy finding and take care .
yes people beware Facebook alex donlad scammer nigeria saying i won fb lottery to send lawyer from fb money up front to claim my prize!!! Told him scammer!!! Filed three complaints with fb no one ever got back to me. Scammer with email john closed his email account at fb!!! They never contacted me thou dont think much of staff!!!

charleneftmyers's photo
Wed 10/09/13 09:11 AM

What is the ripe age to die happily?
well neighbor kennys 93 n stll working part time as a security guard. He looks better now then at 80!!!

charleneftmyers's photo
Wed 10/09/13 09:02 AM

Three wishes to be pretty, rich, and very well educated.
you are pretty girl!!! Make another wish. Great holloween costumes!!

charleneftmyers's photo
Wed 10/09/13 08:56 AM
Beat depressionn, loose weight, new car

charleneftmyers's photo
Wed 10/09/13 08:53 AM

They are not in touch with their own reality
yea Schizophrenia

charleneftmyers's photo
Wed 10/09/13 08:49 AM
Great program.

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