Should be completely legal!!! The Gov can tax it and make money!!
I would love a guy that was too romantic, if that was the number one complaint I think i would be i heaven!!
The smarter they get the more romance they want!! I don't think age has anything to do with it
Its the little things that you do, little notes and random flowers. Just remembering little things from when we met!! I'm a sucker for random post it notes on the bathroom mirror or folded in my coat pocket. Not the flowers everyday and over board candles and stuff.
Depends if you know when and where to be thuggish. I like my man to know when to be tough and when to be sensitive. If your thuggish all the time thats a turn off. And I never want to have to worry about my man acting dumb and have to prove himself.
Depends what you mean by Thuggish???
seperated causing problems
I am kinda going through that now, my boyfriend is going through a divorce from his ex. My advice is to just be extremely honest from the start. Don't hide or sugar coat anything about your ex.