Community > Posts By > BigGlenn

BigGlenn's photo
Wed 02/18/09 03:21 PM

It's my experience, that when you break up with someone, and then you're all start to remember all the great things you loved about them but you don't remember any of the bad. go back to them and then after a few days you're like "oh yeah, this is why we broke up!" The 2nd time (or 3rd time) around NEVER works. Move on.

So true,

BigGlenn's photo
Wed 02/18/09 03:19 PM

I admire your strength to know it won't be the right thing. Especially when there are kids involved, you don't want to make a decision like that lightly. It probably took them time to get used to the "new" situation. 2 years into it and mine are finally ok with the fact that Dad and Mom will never be together again.

My oldest ( 11 ) remembers us as a family the most and I know he has scars. But it would hurt him more for it to happen again.

BigGlenn's photo
Wed 02/18/09 03:18 PM

That happen to me also and I said No too.....And I have to say it felt good lol:)

There was some satisfaction in her reaction. But I'm not vindictive. There's too much energy spent on the negative these days and I'm trying to rise above those things.

BigGlenn's photo
Wed 02/18/09 03:15 PM
If you're paying for a tattoo that says " Carl" and your name is Jim.

BigGlenn's photo
Wed 02/18/09 03:13 PM

From what she said... it sounds to me like she put a lot of thought into convincing you of all the other reasons you should be together instead of coming out and saying "I miss you and I want to be with you" If she was a coward in your relationship before, she's still a coward now.

She's always been about the paycheck, So I think alot of it has to do with finances. Like she's willing to suck it up 'cause She knows I've always done the right thing by my family.

BigGlenn's photo
Wed 02/18/09 03:01 PM

I like cheese.


BigGlenn's photo
Wed 02/18/09 03:01 PM

My ex is an ex for a reason. Point blank the only place she kept her pants on was home.

Like lookin' in a mirror

BigGlenn's photo
Wed 02/18/09 03:00 PM

Sometimes it's best to leave the past in the past

It's tough. We see each other often because of the kids, So it's just odd and awkward now.

BigGlenn's photo
Wed 02/18/09 02:57 PM
I recently had a conversation with my ex that I never thought I'd have. She asked if we could try again.
Now, I'm a firm believer in the fact that it takes two to make a relationship as well as break it, so I have always taken my share of fault in our breakup. The way she went about it was ( let's say ) less than admirable.
She brought up the fact that the kids would want it. She brought up the idea of an easier financial situation for both of us and she actually used the term, " The grass isn't always greener...".
I turned her down.
I told her that I'm fine with who I am and I can't go back to where we were. She was visibly hurt by this, but said O.K. with dignity. I also let her know that we've actually been civil to each other this way.
Now when the phone rings and I see it's her, I hand the phone to one of the kids instead of just answering like before. It just feels wierd.
I'm not looking for advice. I know what I want. I just want some reaction or similar stories.

( Just for those who don't know me, I've had my sons for 5 to 6 days a week for the last 4 years. So I'm not just living a swingers life. )

BigGlenn's photo
Sun 02/15/09 05:04 PM
near Middletown....

BigGlenn's photo
Sun 02/15/09 05:03 PM
I joined facebook through a friend on mingle. I'd forgotten about it until about a week ago when someone from the past found me. All of a sudden I'm in touch with lots of old friends.

Pretty cool.

BigGlenn's photo
Sun 02/01/09 09:58 AM

he is called iron arm...talent -- holding good things tightly


Very nice, Thank you.

Roco = The check

Keeping things in check is his talent.
Wears the symbol on his helm.

BigGlenn's photo
Sun 02/01/09 09:00 AM

Pardon me for being dense... what do you mean by "the superhero above you"?

My secret passion is superheroes, so I'll bite.

The person above you on this thread. take a peek at their pic and/ or profile and create a super hero persona for them.

BigGlenn's photo
Sun 02/01/09 09:00 AM

Pardon me for being dense... what do you mean by "the superhero above you"?

My secret passion is superheroes, so I'll bite.

The person above you on this thread. take a peek at their pic and/ or profile and create a super hero persona for them.

BigGlenn's photo
Sun 02/01/09 08:54 AM
Who is the Superhero above you and what are their super powers?

BigGlenn's photo
Sun 02/01/09 08:48 AM
The kids are with their mom today and I'm going to a buddies party. Should be a blast.

And if the Steelers don't win, hopefully I'll win on a box pool.

BigGlenn's photo
Sun 02/01/09 08:41 AM
I never really felt old until I tried online dating.
frustrated frustrated

BigGlenn's photo
Sun 02/01/09 08:33 AM
I'm not sure.
What's the catch?

BigGlenn's photo
Sun 02/01/09 07:22 AM

is there really anyone who listens to drug addict rush.

Only those who are gullible enough to believe his prejudice rhetoric listen.

He really has nothing valid to say so I try not to listen.

How would you know what he has to say if you don't listen?

The problem these days ( with both political parties ) is that judgements and opinions are automatically appointed due to one soundbite or slanted story of that soundbite.
How many on the left defended Jeremiah Wright on the premise of soundbites taken out of context?

I find it amusing that the folks on the left are still so obsessed with guyslike Rush or Hannity. Your guy got in and has both the congress and the Senate. Mr. Limbaugh has no vote in either house, So why are you even concerned?
The President has everything he needs to push his agenda forward. He's going to move quickly, Because if he fails, The next election cycle (in 2 years) will take his majority away. I think the left still evokes the likes of Limbaugh because they know it's all on them and they might need that boogey man to blame in the future.

BigGlenn's photo
Fri 01/23/09 04:15 PM
Well thanks. I think it's because I just reactivated the ol' profile.

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