Community > Posts By > tiamabreid
Most important change
It's going to take BOTH SIDES listening to EACHOTHER to bring change for the better for ALL Americans...not redistribution stuff. You get this...she gets that... they get this...blah blah blah!!! They should put regular citizens of all walks in charge of oversight. You would see real change then. Not just lawyers & rich people...but firemen pastors teachers & stay at home moms. I found the best conversations were from people of GOOD faith & we had some really good conversations about many things... the economy... working class issues... alternative energy... how to fix the media so instead of pitting people against eachother we can have some real discussion on how to fix our problems. I do agree that the worst things is people on both sides are so mad that they fall right into argueing instead of discussing things thru. We all have been brainwashed into that. I absolutely agree that it is a community effort. I think it takes a few courageous people to step forward. Then everyone else can step up to do their part. This winter, for instance, we had a big snowfall. I saw so many people helping push stuck cars to keep the traffic moving as a community effort. This needs to happen for other issues as well. Tina Yeah I agree... I say we can take care of the micro & let God take care of the macro... I sorta like being out there... with people...involved in what's going on & helping when I can. It gives me a sense of being part of something & you get to meet the neighbors too! ![]() Yeah, meeting people around you helps. Even getting involved in the community helps. I used to be a public speaker at a college in my city. Knowing what people care about and meeting people that want a change is what it's all about. Tina |
Redistribution of Wealth #2
To me all these anti tax folks crying about the poor getting a nickle or two from the governmnet is laughable being that the poor tax payers just bailed out the billionairs and they also had lavish parties and gave themselves bonuses for their failures. zero credability in my book A nickel? or two? Oh, wow, have you got that wrong. I have done taxes for a living. I have seen first-hand how much people get back - up to $6,000 above what they had even paid into taxes that year. That means, they paid NO taxes AT ALL, and got back that much money, but some had only made up to $14,000 that year. So, basically, they got over 5 months of salary in an instant just because the wealthier paid their taxes. And again, taxes for a living, I have also done corporate taxes, and witnessed a QUARTERLY check written for 162,000. If you multiply, that's 648,000 in one year for a corporation that was receiving just over 1.7M. If you take into consideration, that corporation was receiving just over 2.75 times what they paid in taxes. They then have to continue to depreciate, save, upgrade to continue running, and pay the bills. I have seen both sides, and I am just saying, the taxes paid in are pretty fair for the people not earning much money. Tina |
Redistribution of Wealth #2
Is it fun for you two to keep putting people down? how are you supposed to feel superior if you can't look down on people? I wouldn't know. I've never felt superior to anyone or had a desire to feel that way. If you have never felt superior, why do you expect people to hand you their hard-earned money just because you are not young anymore and you have children? That was rude.I'm middle aged and young is a mental state.Don't go to age for your argument.I work a full time job and raise a special needs son.I pay taxes just like you and guess what some goes to the welfare moms.I'm not bitter about that because we all know it's the kids who suffer when the parents hit hard times.I don't have time for college as my son has needs but I resent you thinking I want to pick your pocket because I am in a lower tax bracket.If you make more,you should pay more and if it helps a fellow American out ,then you should be proud to do so.I know Winx and I are. Apparently on your way to the top you forgot where you came from. OK, if you were referring to me, it was WINX that made a comment about older and with children (making it seem impossible for those to do any better in their lives)- not me. I have posted many times about how I DO help those less fortunate, sometimes monetarily and sometimes by giving my time. I never said that I DONT want to pay taxes. I never said that I am not proud to help people. I have said the opposite of most of what you are accusing me of saying. I have argued that more than 1/3 of a person's paycheck should be sufficient for helping those less fortunate, but I still do more than that. As for the bashing, I think you guys (you and WINX, along with some others) have done your fair share. Now it's time to get over it, and move on. Tina |
Most important change
It's going to take BOTH SIDES listening to EACHOTHER to bring change for the better for ALL Americans...not redistribution stuff. You get this...she gets that... they get this...blah blah blah!!! They should put regular citizens of all walks in charge of oversight. You would see real change then. Not just lawyers & rich people...but firemen pastors teachers & stay at home moms. I found the best conversations were from people of GOOD faith & we had some really good conversations about many things... the economy... working class issues... alternative energy... how to fix the media so instead of pitting people against eachother we can have some real discussion on how to fix our problems. I do agree that the worst things is people on both sides are so mad that they fall right into argueing instead of discussing things thru. We all have been brainwashed into that. I absolutely agree that it is a community effort. I think it takes a few courageous people to step forward. Then everyone else can step up to do their part. This winter, for instance, we had a big snowfall. I saw so many people helping push stuck cars to keep the traffic moving as a community effort. This needs to happen for other issues as well. Tina |
Redistribution of Wealth #2
Well tithing in the bible said the rich had to take 10 percent of their wealth and share it with the poor of their village,Right? Then why the F**K do we have to take 25% more than the poor pay to distribute to the poor? (in case you don't know math, that's 35%-10%=25%) So, our good deed to the poor has been more than paid for quite some time now with how many years we have been paying more than 10%, right? I was asking about the bible and did not account for inflation.Get a grip. In that case, you need to post in the religious forum. Either way, the 'rich' are still paying much more than 10% to the 'poor'. That's my point. Tina |
Redistribution of Wealth...
I caught her red-handed, on this thread poking fun, and on another thread, so sweetly saying how she doesnt like it when people do that. It's getting ridiculous. Just end it already. Moving on. Tina |
Redistribution of Wealth...
| it time to call in my Uncle Veechie for protection ? in their !! Thanks, Gio Hmmm...I might need my boots then. ![]() Winx, First you are telling me to quit MY insults, then you go on and on and do it OVER and OVER. Stop being a nag. Do we have an understanding? Tina Excuse me? Whatever are you talking about? JUST DONT REPLY TO ME UNLESS YOU HAVE SOMETHING MEANINGFUL TO SAY! CAN WE SOMEHOW COME TO JUST THIS UNDERSTANDING? Tina |
So Much for "Change"
Edited by
Mon 11/10/08 11:10 AM
Most of us can have a debate without argument. a debate expressing opposing opinions it is sad when a member thinks they are the only one that is/can be right by trying and making others wrong it is sad when a member tries to persuade others to agree and become defensive/derogatory when no one or a few do/don't I can respect everything that is said, doesnt mean I have to agree and more than likely I won't but then again I like to question almost everything. I would like to add that it's sad when people are condescending to others. It's also sad to name call and/or put others down. I see ASSumptions coming from both sides. You know what you have with alot of ASSumptions? A room full of crap. WINX: Hmmm...I might need my boots then. Might I add, I dont like it when people are hypocritical as well. |
Redistribution of Wealth...
| it time to call in my Uncle Veechie for protection ? in their !! Thanks, Gio Hmmm...I might need my boots then. ![]() Winx, First you are telling me to quit MY insults, then you go on and on and do it OVER and OVER. Stop being a nag. Do we have an understanding? Tina |
Redistribution of Wealth...
| it time to call in my Uncle Veechie for protection ? in their !! Thanks, Gio |
Redistribution of Wealth...
I agree. I don't think anyone has the right to the asumptions she had made, though. It HAS made me who I am, and that's probably why I will be able to get through just about anything.
I would like to see a bright future, and that's all that really matters at this point. Tina |
Redistribution of Wealth...
TINA: See? No matter what you do, say or the facts you provide....things just are not comprehensible by many....SIGH.... I do not make much money, I do the best with the skills I have, I live modestly and am content with what I have. I am basically a HAPPY PUPPY! I am all for programs to assist those in need....reaching out & HELPING (NOT SUPPORTING)........ BUT I and the rest of the citizenship of the USA are NOT obligated to provide for others. Those who are financially wealthy got there through hard work, tons of stress & lots of determination & self sacrifice.......To have the AUDACITY to say these individuals are obligated to "COUGH UP" their hard earned money is mind boggeling.... ![]() Sure, it would be nice to have the skills to EARN (I stress the word EARN)and/or make more money....but I do not, THEREFORE, I make the best of what I have, live sensibly & modestly and am grateful for the wealthy BECAUSE it is THEY, the dastardly, how dare they be "rich", who provide the millions of jobs for others to EARN a living.....and pay the millions of dollars in taxes to keep the USA going..... Do people REALLY think the minuscule amount paid in taxes by the mid to low class wage earners & the non-tax paying wage earners - keeps things running in the USA? The words "COMMON SENSE" seem to be missing in this thread. ![]() ![]() Lindyy ![]() AND THESE, are the people that the wealthy WANT to help. People who think that they are somehow OWED something because they are poor (or as the uneducated say 'po') are not the people that deserve any more support. Tina Typical. People like you need to see what its like being on the other side and not having anything. I am poor as hell, work a crappy job to make ends meet and yes I get help from the government. It's enough to keep me and my son afloat. We aren't living the lap of luxury. I despise people like you. You have no idea what it's like for people like me. I work my arse off everyday and I still feel like no matter what I do, it will not get better. I'm educated and sometimes people get in a crunch. Get over yourself. Go back and see what I have said previously. I HAVE had it rough - WITH CHILDREN to care for at the same time. Dont give me all this "get over yourself" until you know the whole story. Before you say all the nasty things you have just said to me - TELL ME that YOU have been through the horrors I have seen! Then YOU get over YOURSELF! Tina |
Most important change
Math--We need to make sure that kids graduate high school with solid math skills. I don't think everyone needs advanced math like advanced Calculus but basic-intermediate math is a must.
Drew, I agree with the math, but I think we should go through at least advanced algebra. The more education we receive in EVERY subject, the broader our perspective. (we need to make sure our kids can at least read a calendar) ![]() I also think that we should teach kids in high school communication. Interpersonal Intelligence is so necessary. Our children need to learn how to effectively deal with people in the world they live in. Tina |
Most important change
We have all been talking about change. People want change for our country.
I have heard we would like change in the way we handle healthcare. I have heard we would like change in taxes and how they are distributed. I have heard about the media and what they should/should not be able to produce. I have personally stated that I think our education standards need to be raised. The list goes on......there are many topics for change, but I am interested. There are only so many things that can happen in a certain amount of time, so, say you had to pick one, and even a second, which would they be and why? Tina |
Lets talk about how were all the same!! Brandon, If we were all the same, life would be pretty boring. The debate is fun (with exception of some comments). Tina |
Redistribution of Wealth...
Maybe this can make a little more sense to all of you that can't think past the scope of a childhood education.
Tina Tina, you make very valid arguments. But then you proceed to lessen those points by making snide little comments such as the one I am quoting. I understand that it can be frustrating at times to feel that you are the only one who " sees the light " so to speak. Resorting to insulting someone's intelligence, however, is not the most effective way of making your point. If people don't listen to those points, that is their own choice. Oh I'm reading them but they don't go with my life experience and the tone of this whole thread is if you are poor you must be either stupid or lazy.I am neither .I'm just a single parent struggling to get by and even I will drop a few coins in a less fortunate persons cup because thats called empathy and community.Sometimes people forget their roots and what it's like to struggle.sad. You DO know, though, that it IS possible for you to do better for you and your family. No one is saying that just because you are poor you are stupid. I am saying that there are so many resources out there for single parents to make a better life for themselves, and the argument before (WINX, I think said) that people that are older with children will never make any better of a life for themselves or their families other than minimum wage and that minimum wage should be increased. You can look back and see that conversation. You can also see in other threads where I have told my story, and argued that many people are perfectly happy with making a lower income. They are happy to spend more time with their families and would opt to not work so hard in their life. What I am saying is, that's fine, but I don't want them to whine and say that somehow because I HAVE worked hard to earn good money, I owe them by paying more than 1/3 of what I earn to them. Hope that clarifies. Tina I did not say that they will never make a better life for themselves!! I said that it was more difficult. You said exactly, Winx: " were young when this happened. These people are older and have children. Minimum wage cannot support a family. It's even difficult for a single adult to live on that income." Throughout the entire conversation, you had stuck to this and how "difficult" it was to a point that it was implied as nearly impossible. And in another quote, an implication: Winx: "Not to mention the psychological issues they have from living like that all of their lives and having no hope or good role models." I am just arguing the point that it IS possible. And, if one jumps on the ball early enough in the year FASFA funds will be available for them. There are also State Need Grants for EVERYTHING from excess tuition fees, class fees, books, extra cost of living, DAYCARE, etc. AND on top of that comes a subsidised loan, and if all else fails, an un-subsidised loan. Tina I know what I wrote. I read it this morning on the other thread. I never said that they would never be able to make a better life for themselves. Yes, it is difficult for a family to support themselves on minimum wage. It's a no-brainer. DIFFICULT MEANS DIFFICULT. You then say on this thread that I said that they "will never make any better of a life for themselves or their families" and now you say that I implied it. If you're going to quote me, please get it right! OK, Winx, this is getting nowhere. Just let it go. |
Im proud to be an open minded free thinking human being who knows that love is the answer PERFECT! |
Redistribution of Wealth...
Maybe this can make a little more sense to all of you that can't think past the scope of a childhood education.
Tina Tina, you make very valid arguments. But then you proceed to lessen those points by making snide little comments such as the one I am quoting. I understand that it can be frustrating at times to feel that you are the only one who " sees the light " so to speak. Resorting to insulting someone's intelligence, however, is not the most effective way of making your point. If people don't listen to those points, that is their own choice. Oh I'm reading them but they don't go with my life experience and the tone of this whole thread is if you are poor you must be either stupid or lazy.I am neither .I'm just a single parent struggling to get by and even I will drop a few coins in a less fortunate persons cup because thats called empathy and community.Sometimes people forget their roots and what it's like to struggle.sad. You DO know, though, that it IS possible for you to do better for you and your family. No one is saying that just because you are poor you are stupid. I am saying that there are so many resources out there for single parents to make a better life for themselves, and the argument before (WINX, I think said) that people that are older with children will never make any better of a life for themselves or their families other than minimum wage and that minimum wage should be increased. You can look back and see that conversation. You can also see in other threads where I have told my story, and argued that many people are perfectly happy with making a lower income. They are happy to spend more time with their families and would opt to not work so hard in their life. What I am saying is, that's fine, but I don't want them to whine and say that somehow because I HAVE worked hard to earn good money, I owe them by paying more than 1/3 of what I earn to them. Hope that clarifies. Tina I did not say that they will never make a better life for themselves!! I said that it was more difficult. You said exactly, Winx: " were young when this happened. These people are older and have children. Minimum wage cannot support a family. It's even difficult for a single adult to live on that income." Throughout the entire conversation, you had stuck to this and how "difficult" it was to a point that it was implied as nearly impossible. And in another quote, an implication: Winx: "Not to mention the psychological issues they have from living like that all of their lives and having no hope or good role models." I am just arguing the point that it IS possible. And, if one jumps on the ball early enough in the year FASFA funds will be available for them. There are also State Need Grants for EVERYTHING from excess tuition fees, class fees, books, extra cost of living, DAYCARE, etc. AND on top of that comes a subsidised loan, and if all else fails, an un-subsidised loan. Tina |
Redistribution of Wealth...
Drew, Totally agreed. I'm thinking (OK I know but I'm trying to be SOMEWHAT optomistic here), that 99.99999% of America's policies on class and finances come from those who have no clue what it's like to be in need. And by that I mean they have about as good a clue as anyone has about what it's like to live on a different planet. Pfft. Dunno if that'll ever change, but if those in power could even GLIMPSE what it's like, oh what a difference there could be! Tiama, Is that an offer to give advice or...? A little confused here. I have helped people in my community to have a better life and to use the resources available to them to be able to work to make things better for themselves and their family. If anyone wants to know how, I am more than happy to let them know. Tina |
Redistribution of Wealth...
Edited by
Sun 11/09/08 07:25 PM
There is, even in helping the poor, such a thing as investment. Many poor aren't an investment at all. Many of us will live off government handouts forever. But some of us are a great investment -- people who really want to try and get out of the holes we live in daily. Problem is, when so many are black holes, who can blame people for not wanting to take the chance that some may come back from the help and help the economy themselves someday? Snarky, If you really want to get out, talk to me, I will tell you exactly how. I won't even have to invest anything monitary. In fact anyone, whoever is really wanting to work to get out of their black hole, I have a fool-proof way to get out. This is a nice gesture, not intended to harm anyone, I have helped companies get started, I have started two myself, and I have come from a black hole as well. Tina |