play white rabbit too pleas by jefferson airplane
ok your on the evil number now I better hide
While they are all good ideas to reorganize the site by creating
different more specific catagories. I believe that is part of a moderators abuilities and you may be able to do that when he gets back from his vaction in Feb. and enables that Mod feature for us all to vote with. That being said spay may actually end up with his own catagory if he is rated high enough. I also believe that Van and Mike are working on implementing other things we have asked for in the past and may do it all at one time. We may log on one day and find this site completely different then it was when we last logged on. |
The Drunk
That was funny
Clean Religious Humor...
Sluggo I heard that one before in fact I think I heard it before on here
with different words but the same meaning. |
Sweet I guess maybe your not so innocent but neiter am I.
Too Funny
I liked that one as well. Thanks catchme
Why do you need a frdge in your garage in the winter anyhow just set
the stuff on the floor and it will get cold shooot here it has been known to freeze if I leave the garage open too long. |
Austin . . .1994
that was nice.
how did you go from School to begin with sexual positions?
unless you do it after one of you leaves the company
dating coworkers is taboo
Professor = School
Heather ever hear of SLA it is also a 12 step program which might be
more appropriate for a dating site. If it were not for the anonominity. |
New Kid on the Block
some are far more twisted then reality can stand beware
Hello and welcome to JSH
New Kid on the Block
welcome to just say hi
Manitoban Newbie
Welcome to just say hi
These days I dont have the time or desire to drink actually slow
I can relate to that slow and congrats. You are amoung very few that
could make it. Not everyone can do it on their own. I went several years without attending a meeting and by the grace of god I am still sober today. I can remember early on though when I first heard 90 in 90 I ended up with over 100 meetings in my first 14 days on my first attempt to get sober. Did not help me I still went out after that. It wasnt till I really believed I would die if I drank again that I was able to work the program to work for me. I know all of you that read my postings also know I do not preach. What bothered me about this thread was the use of the AA tradename and copyright without their consent as well as the few negative comments about the organisation. It may not be for everyone that is fine but there are many people out there suffering that can use all the help they can get. That organisation has helped more people with this problem then any other in the entire world. They do it in 12 steps. |