why is it...
it's happened to me a few times. It is usually the really attractive ones too. The ones that realize they don't need to be on here. lol
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 11
Very single
moving on
Sometimes you dont move on and maybe that is good and depends on the circumstances............I think if you think you tried your hardest to hold on an it wast reciprocated back then you should move on..............but if its external circumstances that ended the relationship then you just can be had to let someone go but sometimes it is a positive thing if you learn form it............what is the problem exactly? Oh I went over this on some other threads, and people are probably sick of my whining by now but here is the extremely short version: Met this girl and thought she was the greatest thing ever. She claimed I was the greatest thing ever also. Had her meet my parents and the whole bit. Found out she had been physically and emotionally abused by several men. After quite awile she just completely switched gears from me being the best thing that ever happend to her to her not even wanting to talk to me. At first she said she really wanted things to work out, but was never clear on what needed to be "worked out" even when asked. I saw the writing on the wall, but hung in there, and finally she gave me the boot. (and still managed to tell me how great I treated her) I was devestated. I have been through breakups before, but this one for some reason hit me like a ton of bricks. |
moving on
I was half joking.
Dating within the church
Ok here is the deal. I have dated many of the wrong types of women out there and have had many painful experiences. My mother tells me I should find someone in church (actually I think she has someone in mind to hook me up with) Well the thing is I am by far not a saint. I got a girl pregnant after knowing her for like 3 weeks when I was 21 and now have a daughter (whom I think is the greatest thing in the world) But I am just so afraid of being judged on being a single parent who has never been married, and other things as well. I almost would be reluctant to ask any church going girl out for this reason. What are your thoughts?
I think religion is a great thing if it is personalized. Your own connection with whatever it may be. When used like it has been over the centuries as a power thing, then it kind of defeats it's own purpose.
moving on
It will take some time for you to be ready to really connect with someone like that again, but it will happen. Right now all you see is what a great match you were and how you think nobody could ever be that for you again. And the truth is that nobody will be that same match again. But eventually you'll become open to someone else... someone that's different. But you'll appreciate what she has to offer and the match you make with her just as much as you did with the previous. It just takes some time. good positive answer! I needed that. |
moving on
A may need to hit the bottle again for awile.
Fly-in remote lake in Canada
moving on
How do you move on from someone you thought was the "one." Someone you shared every interest with you could possibly imagine. Are there copies of the same type out there, but actually are willing to love you back? This is about where I am at right now.
What does it mean when...
Adam...Adam...Adam... sigh... - I thought we agreed to keep this between me & you? (blame the soldierofamerica... he put me up to saying this about 2 pages ago). Regarding your situation - I don't think this girl intentionally was trying to give you mixed signals. If you have any feelings for her still - I would suggest you make those feelings known (as you seem to have no problem expressing your sensitive side). The deal is this... as a sales-person I know that the average "Prospect" usually objects to getting the product 6 times... so if you "close" 7'll get yourself a deal. If she says, "I don't know if we are compatible" ask her why. For EVERY REASON she gives you, CONSIDER it a challenge! She is begging you for the "Sale"! She wants you to talk her into the goods! When the "because's" end... & it finally gets down to "NO! I AM NOT INTERESTED!" and she refuses to give you any more reasons ONLY then should the propaganda end! This is not being desperate as some of the other single (for a reason) people will tell you on here... this is SALES! So sell yourself! I have done sold myself on this one. Said about everything I could but "I love you" Actually I might have even said that at the end. Can't remember cuz I was crying like a little girl. lol But as far as your situation goes,this is just too screwy, and I am sure you hate those mind games as much as I do. Tell him to get ##cked. Or just say nothing. That would probably be more appropriate. |
Are you looking for love?
Not looking for love, but sure hope it finds me.
What does it mean when...
here sre some mixed signals I got from my last girlfriend:
Constantly asked me "do you still like me?" I always said of course I do! I would tell her how beatiful she is, and she would tell me I am lying. She asked me if I would go to Mexico with her if the opportunity arrised with her work. I said "of course, if I have the money." She repeatedly told me how much we have in common, and she has never felt this way before so soon about a man. Well, this went on for a month or so and then she all of a sudden started becoming distant. Next thing you know she has all these "concerns" over weather or not I am the right guy. (meanwhile, I totally fell in love with her) Then about I week later, she says "this just isn't working." I was crushed and heartbroken, and haven't heard from her since. Her reasons for the the breakup were "we are just not compatible" and "you are getting a degree, and I don't have one." Doesn't make any sense to me. Not sure if I ever will let myself fall head over heels for another girl like that. |
this site does not work
I think it could work great if your willing to travel. (I am not) The forums are great fun though.
Before you ask someone out
I kind of want to know what type of girl she is. If she is all about partying and such, I am not interested. Not that I don't party sometimes, it's just the real wild flirtatious type girls don't click with me.
GOT A ??????
If I was about 15 years older I would.
Should a guy encourage?
Nope. Let her talk, but don't encourage it.
What are some good ways?
Ask someone who knows him/her well (like at their work) But that person MUST not say anything.
What are some signs?
The way she greets you begins to be less enthusiastic. Calls become less frequent. etc.
A lot of em. It all depends on what they have been through and how they are now dealing with it.