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Topic: Should a guy encourage?
MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 01/19/09 04:38 PM
:heart: Should a guy encourage the new woman in his life to talk about how she feels about her ex?:heart:

mchstiger06's photo
Mon 01/19/09 04:39 PM
i thought guys didnt like to talk about exes?

Adamal29's photo
Mon 01/19/09 04:39 PM
Nope. Let her talk, but don't encourage it.

no photo
Mon 01/19/09 04:40 PM

:heart: Should a guy encourage the new woman in his life to talk about how she feels about her ex?:heart:
no way the opast is the past leave it there and forget it.. best that way no comparisions, no petty jealiouses no drama...

chickayoshi's photo
Mon 01/19/09 04:41 PM
No...why would it be any of his business in the first place? Shouldn't he be the one to make the best out of the relationship without hearing what the ex did for her?

Mr_Music's photo
Mon 01/19/09 04:41 PM
Personally, I don't care. There's a reason he's an ex. If details come out over time, then so be it, but other than that, I really couldn't care less.

GuardianAngelMan's photo
Mon 01/19/09 04:41 PM
I would not force that on anyone, if they want to talk about it it has to come when they are ready.

no photo
Mon 01/19/09 04:41 PM
no encouragement, if she wants to, its her choice

no photo
Mon 01/19/09 04:42 PM
Sometimes they need to talk about their exes. I've found the best thing is to be a good and attentive listener. Apparently, a lot of guys have never learned how to do that effectively (or so women always tell me).

"Communication" is all about openness both ways -- and that means you have to be willing to listen to whatever she wants to talk about.

no photo
Mon 01/19/09 04:43 PM
i wouldn't suggest it

Filmfreek's photo
Mon 01/19/09 04:43 PM

:heart: Should a guy encourage the new woman in his life to talk about how she feels about her ex?:heart:

Only if it's all about how much she hates him. Haha

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 01/19/09 04:44 PM

:heart: Should a guy encourage the new woman in his life to talk about how she feels about her ex?:heart:

Only if it's all about how much she hates him. Haha

laugh laugh laugh laugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 01/19/09 04:46 PM

Sometimes they need to talk about their exes. I've found the best thing is to be a good and attentive listener. Apparently, a lot of guys have never learned how to do that effectively (or so women always tell me).

"Communication" is all about openness both ways -- and that means you have to be willing to listen to whatever she wants to talk about.


RandomX's photo
Mon 01/19/09 04:46 PM
You know it might be good to find out what the EX did so you do not make the same mistake....

aztmom's photo
Mon 01/19/09 04:47 PM
I wouldn't "encourage" but just be available to listen when she needs to talk. Let her know you care and will be there.

no photo
Mon 01/19/09 04:48 PM

:heart: Should a guy encourage the new woman in his life to talk about how she feels about her ex?:heart:

They have an ex? Are they really an ex, or someone they call an ex? Does the ex know they're an ex yet? Does the ex think of themselves as an ex, or is this just what the woman thinks? Now about this ex, is he a possessive ex, and does he own guns, or otherwise sharp objects? Does this ex still have a key to her home? noway noway noway noway noway

These are the questions I ask in this small town, which is known for the highest unsolved murder rates in the state. Perhaps it is also why I don't plan to date anyone here!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Puffins1958's photo
Mon 01/19/09 04:48 PM

You know it might be good to find out what the EX did so you do not make the same mistake....

I was thinking the SAME thing!!!

redneck29's photo
Mon 01/19/09 05:12 PM
I would say no, dont encourage. If she wants to talk about it than fine. If thats all she wants to talk than thats another problem noway

Totage's photo
Mon 01/19/09 05:20 PM

:heart: Should a guy encourage the new woman in his life to talk about how she feels about her ex?:heart:

noway I don't want to hear about their ex, so I would not encourage her to tell me about him, unless it was a her, then I'd encourage her to tell me every detail... slowly... :tongue:

SitkaRains's photo
Mon 01/19/09 07:21 PM

:heart: Should a guy encourage the new woman in his life to talk about how she feels about her ex?:heart:

I think as a relationship progesses talking about EX's on both sides is normal and well it also shapes and molds both people to who they are today. It is part of their lives.
Do I need to know not really nor does he but if he wants to know how I know some things well, I learned some from EX's.. So to me this should be played by ear. Bottom line for me is Communication is they key to any relationship.

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