citygalcountryheart's photo
Thu 09/25/08 07:24 PM
not worried about what the main stream crowd thinks. Wholesome. Can live a day with out makeup. Doesnt need you to go and spend a 150$ on dinner when spending time with the person makes a 20$ dinner seem just fine.

citygalcountryheart's photo
Wed 09/24/08 03:34 PM
Ditto.. It sucks when they just cant tell you the truth. I was let go about 4 days ago and for reasons I will never know. Things were always great and we had fun together. WE never argued once. I think that maybe there were things he was doing that made him feel guilty and thats why he ended it because i never did anything wrong for the entire time we were together

citygalcountryheart's photo
Wed 09/24/08 02:08 PM

Hello Jeanniebean...

May I ask a request..

I have been going thru a rocky relationship for the last 2 years, he just ended, and a bad marriage for 16. I was wondering if you could give me just a glimps into what the future could hold for me in the relationship department.

Also things in my life have me really confused for direction with men. I have been told that I am co-dependent but I dont think so, I just like to make people happy.

I am sad and need some serious assistance.

Can you pull some cards for me to maybe give me something to smile about. OK I know that may not happen and it could be bad but something is better than just sitting dwelling on things and give me some direction..

:cry: tears

The cards drawn are, The Devil, King of Pentacles, and the four of cups.


You have been intimately involved with a substance abuser and at times feel that you are chained to the substance as well. You know intuitively that you can't change the other person, but you continue in the relationship even though it threatens to drag you down. The powerful sexual chemistry between you and your significant other no longer compensates for what is lacking.

King of Pentacles: NOW POSITION:
Whether you are uninvolved or committed, a courtship ensues in which you're wined, dined, and treated like royalty. Passions are unleashed, a past-life connection is made, a deep level of understanding is achieved. Travel with your significant other is indicated, expect romantic weekends in far-flung spots.

Dissatisfaction, disillusion, or hurt feelings spell trouble in an ongoing relationship. Take time to focus specifically on what's bothering you and try to talk about it with your significant other. If there's no one special in your life right no, its not because you lack for suitors. You're simply not interested in any of them. Remove your blinders.

Decide what you truly want, and do and think what makes you feel good. Be good to yourself, you will appreciate it. You are the creator of your experiences. flowerforyou

Treat yourself as well as you treat others.

past - hits it right on the nose. Sexually there was nothing better.

present - that would be nice because it has never happened to me

Future - I guess we will have to see.

Thanks alot. it helps to see where I am going and what to look out for...

citygalcountryheart's photo
Wed 09/24/08 02:06 PM
Wow i never thought of it that way..

citygalcountryheart's photo
Wed 09/24/08 11:35 AM
Hello Jeanniebean...

May I ask a request..

I have been going thru a rocky relationship for the last 2 years, he just ended, and a bad marriage for 16. I was wondering if you could give me just a glimps into what the future could hold for me in the relationship department.

Also things in my life have me really confused for direction with men. I have been told that I am co-dependent but I dont think so, I just like to make people happy.

I am sad and need some serious assistance.

Can you pull some cards for me to maybe give me something to smile about. OK I know that may not happen and it could be bad but something is better than just sitting dwelling on things and give me some direction..

:cry: tears

citygalcountryheart's photo
Wed 09/24/08 11:11 AM

I was recently rejected by a Christian woman because of my lack of faith. When we first met we were fairly smitten with each other and quickly developed a warm romantic relationship. Then one evening she asked: "Do you believe in the one true God?" I replied that I had undefined spiritual beliefs. She was very quiet and then said, to the effect, that the bible said not to convenant with unbelievers.

My perception is that people come to their understanding or belief from a lifetime of searching and experience, and as a consequence garner my respect regardless of their conclusions. I can't know how hard it has been for another, nor can I or should I make a judgment about their hard won beliefs. What I can do is try and understand the best I'm able.

What's sad in this situation is the feeling we had for each other and that a doctrine got in the way. I could have reasoned with her in many ways about that supposed biblical edict but felt that it could be perceived that I was attacking her faith - and more importantly, that if she didn't see the problem with it then I doubt that an outsider's reason would do much good. of those rare (I'm finding) encounters of mutual attraction died on the vine - or Cross, if you will - and we're left with a sadness of what might have been.


I am sad to hear. I was or am in the same position now. I was dating someone on and off for 2 years. I was rejected and he found another that has been a christain longer than I. He also left me sitting in church quit often alone. I dont know if I would date another Christain just for that reason. They leave you just on a whim and dont really have a good reason just "it wasnt a good fit" so there you stand dumbfounded. So i have put my faith on the line bacause I am not like that or do I want to become that type of person

citygalcountryheart's photo
Tue 09/23/08 05:53 PM
Looking for guys to chat with locally..



citygalcountryheart's photo
Tue 09/23/08 05:51 PM

Thanks citygirl, I have been through a lot lately. House burnt to ground and lost husband three months later. No life insurance, he was 46. As I continue to live, or at least fake it, I am trying to go on with my life. I have two teenage daughter who lost their home and their daddy. The thought of me dating scares them to death. I keep thinking if I keep waiting will anyone want me.

Holy Cow... Thats alot to handle for a person. I am going thru my load of stuff too. I think that I may be loosing my house if I dont find a job pretty soon. Send me an email and we can chat about life.... Sometimes it helps to have some give you a pat on the back and say its going to be OK...

citygalcountryheart's photo
Tue 09/23/08 08:52 AM
I think that if the guy finds the right girl that has been a friend to him. HE WILL.

He will see you in a diff light. It takes time because as girls we all know that guys are a lot slower than us and dont have all the emotions that we do. AS women we are nurturers(?) and as men they are hunters. We as women have it harder because we have to be all to everything.

I have seen guys cry over a girl that they really loved. So it is possible. Its hard for me to say WAIT because I am not a good wait'r either.

SO we need to keep our heads up and be patient, things will happen.

citygalcountryheart's photo
Tue 09/23/08 08:46 AM
To me LOVE is sharings ones self with another. Sharing their pain and happiness. You can speak to each other with out speaking. You miss them when they are away and think of them all the time. When you do think of them you get this silly smile on your face. They are not afraid to show affection in public. You can look into their eyes and just stay there. Give and take, if your both giving their will never bet any taking. AND most important they are your friend and you can talk about anything at any time.

And they all lived happly ever after

I can dream cant I

blushing love :heart:

citygalcountryheart's photo
Tue 09/23/08 08:36 AM
I would hope mine would stand out because i am real. Thats really me in the photo and me in the description.

citygalcountryheart's photo
Tue 09/23/08 07:57 AM
I am single, so lets mingle, give me a jingle... LOL That was so corny....

citygalcountryheart's photo
Tue 09/23/08 07:51 AM

Thanks, chriswantstocuddle your cute. :smile: I have never been to Florida but visiting Disney there would be fun. I been to the Disney in cali many times. The farthest I have ever been East has been where I live now. I guess that I do need to do some traveling. Where are you in FL

But I have never seen a sunset like in New Mexico they are absolutly georgious. Especially up on the Sandias.

im in central florida right above orlando.
flowers flowers flowers

Chris, you sound like a very nice guy. Its too bad that you live so far away

citygalcountryheart's photo
Tue 09/23/08 07:49 AM

I might date a Christian man, as long as he was not too extreme like some of the southern Baptists who want to preach and convert everyone they see, but a person like that would have no interest in me anyway. laugh

I probably would not marry one.

If you truly want intimacy with your permanent partner, I think you should have very similar values and beliefs. I don't think you have to agree on everything that would be impossible. A few differences would leave room for growth and learning.


I think I may have to agree with you.. I was seeing off and on a southern baptist and I dont think that he thought I was good enough for him. I think that was the main reason he finally decided to leave me

citygalcountryheart's photo
Tue 09/23/08 07:23 AM
I have always wondered that myself. Its a marketing scam to buy more hot dogs. And you will never catch up until you buy 80 of each. And who the heck needs that many hot dogs or buns at one time....

Your not bad, good pix

citygalcountryheart's photo
Tue 09/23/08 06:59 AM

Many people are essentially Christian from birth because their parents are Christian and the brainwashing begins immediately, just like it happened for most of these parents. Not that many people actually choose to follow any religion, the choice was already made for them by their parents/place of birth.

I would date a Christian, depending on how sane and logical her views were about her religion and how she implemented her religion into her daily life. Basically, no religious nuts. She would have to fully accept that i am totally non religious and accept that i find much about religion in general and Christianity laughable.

I was raised Catholic and was allowed to make my own decisions to follow or not. I did made my mistakes growing up and did the party hardy value scale and just about did what I wanted. BUT after all was said and done and about a year ago. I went away from Catholisim(?) and turned to Christianity due to things happening in my life. So I am happy my parents gave me room to grow and learn but in the end it was my decision to seek God or not.

citygalcountryheart's photo
Tue 09/23/08 06:54 AM

sorry passed away a few months ago


citygalcountryheart's photo
Tue 09/23/08 06:43 AM
Edited by citygalcountryheart on Tue 09/23/08 06:50 AM
Birth - I meant by being raised in a Christian Family with a Christian Background. Then as your older and understanding accepting Christ into your heart.

Sorry for the confusion

citygalcountryheart's photo
Tue 09/23/08 06:27 AM
Edited by citygalcountryheart on Tue 09/23/08 06:28 AM
Thanks, chriswantstocuddle your cute. :smile: I have never been to Florida but visiting Disney there would be fun. I been to the Disney in cali many times. The farthest I have ever been East has been where I live now. I guess that I do need to do some traveling. Where are you in FL

But I have never seen a sunset like in New Mexico they are absolutly georgious. Especially up on the Sandias.

citygalcountryheart's photo
Tue 09/23/08 06:20 AM
ok. lets say i have been out looking for a month otherwise I have been hanging with a guy friend not really looking for anything inparticular. So actually I havent had a real date in 2 years.

So my month is getting myself out again. Not my actual time line for dating. AND I was wondering if I still "had it" for being asked out. I just turned 40 on sunday and I am a little freaked out about it. So thats why I asked that ???

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