It really bugs me that this is a point of criticism at all. Little Arab-American and Muslim kids across the country are seeing this happen and realizing that they can't be president when they grow up. Why can't they? the only limit to being all you can be as an american is the limits you place on yourself... Not the limits small minds place on others. Many have overcome. Many more will in the future we are a GREAT people. Maybe by the time the current generation of kids grows up. Hopefully. In the current climate, there seems to be too much hatred of Muslims and Arabs going around for someone to succeed. All of these attacks against a guy who isn't even Muslim or Arab--what if a person ran for president who actually was? What if an Arab-American, Muslim woman who covered her hair ran for pres? Do you really think she'd have a chance? |
Woman Attacked At ATM
It's nice that you're using this woman's pain for your political ends.
What this guy did was horrible. He'd be an asshole whether he was a liberal or a conservative. |
It really bugs me that this is a point of criticism at all. Little Arab-American and Muslim kids across the country are seeing this happen and realizing that they can't be president when they grow up.
Hold up, when did Huck get a Tv show?
Civil Unrest?
I hear ACORN is handing out Molotov cocktails in exchange for registering Yeah, I registered to vote several times just to get more of those. |
Civil Unrest?
I like how they basically say that if Obama loses, black people will riot, and if Obama wins, black people will riot. Nice to know that these are the people we have on the force...
No Birth Control
You cant die from someone refusing to sell you condoms or the morning after pill either. They are a pharmacy not an emergency room. I dont know many pharmacies that preform tubal litigation. Are you guys advocating violating their religious and persoanl rights to keep you from having to walk across the street to a different pharmacy. I love how we are real quick to jump up and defend our own rights and think nothing of violating someone elses in doing so. Its just like freedom of speech. Nazi groups have freedom of speech to spew their racist crap. They dont have the freedom to do it in front of a synagogue. Your personal rights stop, the second they step on someone elses personal right. You can die from hemorrhaging if you don't have HBC. I don't really have a problem with them because I read an article that said there are two other pharmacies in town that offer these things. The problem arises when there are no other nearby pharmacies or all the pharmacies have the same policy. |
No, T, not all about that. There are many reasons why some have more than others. Not always fair to those who have given up peace, hours, risked alot, and st rived to get to their goals. While some others are just content to sleep late every day, not interested in bettering themselves and/or party all the time. ![]() ![]() If you were the one who had to give up much of what you had sweat-ed for, to someone who didn't, how would you feel? Would you feel like getting out of bed some more (for the next FOUR years??)and risking everything to share and spread the wealth? Or maybe hey, close the business and go work for some-other bloke who lets U have more at his expense?? Lots of jobs gone, many out of work is what I see. Pls ck out the above link to read more, BB PS. Yes, most of us share when we can, quite a bit, just not wanting to be dictated to do so. Sorry, but poor people don't "sleep late" and "party all the time". There are millions of people in this country who work two jobs at minimum wage and barely get by, and some don't get by at all. They're working their asses off just the same as the rich people are, but getting far fewer returns. This country won't work unless you have people doing the jobs they do--working in warehouses, cleaning your offices, making your food, taking care of your children. You despise them and insist that they live in poverty, go without medical care, and barely survive while at the same time you utilize their services. As per your second paragraph, I would feel great! I don't have much money right now, but once I get my degree and start making it, that's exactly what I'll be doing--giving what I don't need away. If everybody in this society would learn to take care of each other instead of being selfish, then we wouldn't need welfare or high taxes. But since that isn't going to happen, welfare it is. |
No Birth Control
They arent taking away your right not to get pregnant. They are just exercising their right to conduct their business as they see fit. If you were a vegetarian and had a restaurant that didnt serve meat, would that somehow infringe on my right to eat it? Not to mention monthly hemorrhaging that can lead to a dangerous amount of blood loss, debilitating pain that can incapacitate you... |
"Democrat" is a philosophy of a style of government. It doesn't restrict a person's right to opinion. It doesn't have to be left or right wing. Well, yeah, in the sense of "Democracy", but in the United States, as you know, it's used to define a political party that is center to left. I'm not saying that you can't be a Democrat and hold non-Democratic views, only that every time I see OSC writing something nonfiction, it has a right wing slant. I've never seen him take a Democratic stance on anything. I could be wrong, though, but for some reason dorky scifi friends always send me his stuff so I've seen a lot of it. neoliberals are more slanted to the right Let's just say that the terminology in our political system is confusing as hell. ![]() |
How is OSC a Democrat? Every time I see him, he's writing something right wing. ![]() That's okay because you're obviously a spy. ohshi--now everybody knows. Better change your hair color. |
"Democrat" is a philosophy of a style of government. It doesn't restrict a person's right to opinion. It doesn't have to be left or right wing. Well, yeah, in the sense of "Democracy", but in the United States, as you know, it's used to define a political party that is center to left. I'm not saying that you can't be a Democrat and hold non-Democratic views, only that every time I see OSC writing something nonfiction, it has a right wing slant. I've never seen him take a Democratic stance on anything. I could be wrong, though, but for some reason dorky scifi friends always send me his stuff so I've seen a lot of it. |
How is OSC a Democrat? Every time I see him, he's writing something right wing.
No Birth Control
Not to mention that hormonal BC has a lot more important medical uses than preventing pregnancy.
Bleh. If you can't do the job, then you should not be a pharmacist. That wouldn't fly in any other job. |
I support fighting global yay. Even when we are hated for it? What if this fight makes more poverty for us in the process? As far as I've seen, we've made other countries hate us for fighting wars, not poverty. And I don't see why we can give $750 billion to fat cats on wall street one day, and the next somehow $850 billion for a world's worth of poverty is too much. Foreign aid is not the cause of our nations economic problems. I agree, some things are not fair. Makes one shake their head. But I just read, and posted in anther thread, from Obama's fathers quote: "You can never fulfill the demands of the poor." So his trickle up theory makes even less sense to me. BB So everything that Obama's stepfather says is a statement of Obama's personal beliefs and policy? Shake your head all you want, but I prefer action. |
I think you should be asking yourself why you are friends with people who would make fun of you for dating an Indian girl.
I volunteered
Sounds like fun. winx how old of a woman are you ?...18...19...when you get a bit older...I can only hope your that your brain, as opposed to your heart...will have more input...gulp !!...LOL WT? You know that I'm not 18/19. I have quite a good brain, thank you. lol what is it with that argument today? Hey, come sit at the kiddie table with me! ![]() I dunno, man, you seem like you might be old enough to have lived a Real Life™. We can't have any of that at the kiddie table. |
Ladies, your feelings
can't stand it at all the "C" word Or the "GD" word are deal breakers... ![]() GD? Just curious... that thing that cartman says |
I volunteered
Edited by
Wed 10/22/08 10:10 PM
Sounds like fun.
winx how old of a woman are you ?...18...19...when you get a bit older...I can only hope your that your brain, as opposed to your heart...will have more input...gulp !!...LOL WT? You know that I'm not 18/19. I have quite a good brain, thank you. lol what is it with that argument today? Hey, come sit at the kiddie table with me! |
I support fighting global yay. Even when we are hated for it? What if this fight makes more poverty for us in the process? As far as I've seen, we've made other countries hate us for fighting wars, not poverty. And I don't see why we can give $750 billion to fat cats on wall street one day, and the next somehow $850 billion for a world's worth of poverty is too much. Foreign aid is not the cause of our nations economic problems. |