Community > Posts By > Justfun_1

Justfun_1's photo
Sun 03/29/15 08:41 AM

Full of cold,aching and sneezing.I have a gig tonight too ! Who was it who said 'the show must go on?' frustrated

Oh dear ... Hope you get through it... Maybe it'll help? Lots of sweating and stuff? Good luck!!
Hope you feel better soon... and I think it was Freddy
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
Thank you Crystal flowers I was okay once the adrenalin kicked in,but came crashing back to earth with a vengeance after the show haha.
I Googled the saying,apparently it comes from 19th century theatre and circus,but like yourself,it was Freddy who came to mind first :smile:

Lol.. At least you got through the gig alright!
Hope you feel a bit better today!
And trust theatrical Freddy to come up with that!
Being in the limelight is another interesting one. :tongue:
I have 4 days to recover before i play Friday and Saturday in Holland.I need to be on top form then because the beer at the venues is free haha
I'm not really a limelight person though,and i really don't like cameras.Just leave me at the back of the stage keeping the ego-maniacs in time laugh

I meant the expression "in the limelight"... the origin of it :tongue:
So where are you playing in Holland?
Google to the rescue again ! Today,it means being the centre of attention (so a very apt name for one or two forum users haha).But it comes from the 1820's and is simply a name given to calcium lighting used in theatres.
I'm at the Bar American in Middleburg on Friday,and the Cafe De Reunie,Geleen,on Saturday. A short and sweet visit,but it should be fun :smile:

Justfun_1's photo
Sun 03/29/15 04:18 AM

Full of cold,aching and sneezing.I have a gig tonight too ! Who was it who said 'the show must go on?' frustrated

Oh dear ... Hope you get through it... Maybe it'll help? Lots of sweating and stuff? Good luck!!
Hope you feel better soon... and I think it was Freddy
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
Thank you Crystal flowers I was okay once the adrenalin kicked in,but came crashing back to earth with a vengeance after the show haha.
I Googled the saying,apparently it comes from 19th century theatre and circus,but like yourself,it was Freddy who came to mind first :smile:

Lol.. At least you got through the gig alright!
Hope you feel a bit better today!
And trust theatrical Freddy to come up with that!
Being in the limelight is another interesting one. :tongue:
I have 4 days to recover before i play Friday and Saturday in Holland.I need to be on top form then because the beer at the venues is free haha
I'm not really a limelight person though,and i really don't like cameras.Just leave me at the back of the stage keeping the ego-maniacs in time laugh

Justfun_1's photo
Sat 03/28/15 08:01 PM

Full of cold,aching and sneezing.I have a gig tonight too ! Who was it who said 'the show must go on?' frustrated

Oh dear ... Hope you get through it... Maybe it'll help? Lots of sweating and stuff? Good luck!!
Hope you feel better soon... and I think it was Freddy
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
Thank you Crystal flowers I was okay once the adrenalin kicked in,but came crashing back to earth with a vengeance after the show haha.
I Googled the saying,apparently it comes from 19th century theatre and circus,but like yourself,it was Freddy who came to mind first :smile:

Justfun_1's photo
Sat 03/28/15 08:42 AM
Full of cold,aching and sneezing.I have a gig tonight too ! Who was it who said 'the show must go on?' frustrated

Justfun_1's photo
Fri 03/27/15 06:30 PM
Material things haven't bothered me for a long time now. I have everything I need, and it's functional and comfortable, but I'm not tied to any of it. With the right partner, part of the fun would be deciding what we want to keep. Starting again might be ideal, but not always practical. None of it would be worth falling out over as long as we are happy with each other, although it would be fun to break in a new mattress together haha

Justfun_1's photo
Fri 03/27/15 07:32 AM

95% of all men are horny, cheating liars???

75% of men are in the remaining 5% laugh

Dang .. so that means the remaining 5% is not horny? That's it. I'm gonna stay single! shades
Those 75% are too horny to think about cheating haha

Ah, alrighty then ... I'm back in the market, lol

Phew...close call haha flowerforyou

Justfun_1's photo
Fri 03/27/15 07:27 AM

95% of all men are horny, cheating liars???

75% of men are in the remaining 5% laugh

Dang .. so that means the remaining 5% is not horny? That's it. I'm gonna stay single! shades
Those 75% are too horny to think about cheating haha

Justfun_1's photo
Fri 03/27/15 06:56 AM
95% of all men are horny, cheating liars???

75% of men are in the remaining 5% laugh

Justfun_1's photo
Thu 03/26/15 03:36 PM

I want serious answers only, if you don't believe it's possible don't answer it.

You tell them.. Hhaa.. smokin
I think it is similar to men saying women are attracted to 'bad boys'.
I think it is psyco sexual & not logical
I think it is exciting & challenging... For some people...
For a little while. And then reality & age steps in and they wonder why they are alone or where the good people are...IMO
This ^^^ :smile:

Justfun_1's photo
Thu 03/26/15 03:15 PM
A father and his 7 year old son are sat watching a documentary about Apollo and space shuttle flights.
After a while,the son looks at his dad and says.'Dad,i wish i could be shot into space'.
His father looks at him and says,'If i hadn't been drunk 7 years ago,you would have been'.

Justfun_1's photo
Thu 03/26/15 02:16 PM

Brave men would have crashed through that door and fight that terrorist because it was a matter of life and death
How thoughtful of you to try to add more misery to the death of innocent people rant .A little more information for you,those poor souls may well have tried to break down the door,but after 9/11 all cockpit doors were strengthened,and in many cases made bullet proof. So their efforts would have been in vein anyway.Have a heart and do your homework before you comment on things you know nothing about.
My heart goes out to all the people lost yesterday...

Justfun_1's photo
Thu 03/26/15 11:26 AM
Welcome and good luck Liz.Are you really 6'6" ? :smile:

Justfun_1's photo
Thu 03/26/15 10:01 AM
Aquarian Traits

Friendly and humanitarian
Honest and loyal
Original and inventive
Independent and intellectual

On the dark side....

Intractable and contrary
Perverse and unpredictable
Unemotional and detached

Hmmm,not sure about SOME of the dark sides :smile:

Justfun_1's photo
Thu 03/26/15 09:26 AM
Are you waiting for a reply from 'no 1' ? :smile: Be patient,and good luck...

Justfun_1's photo
Thu 03/26/15 04:58 AM
I haven't looked into it enough to say whether i think it works for us or not.My mind has been opened with things like Reiki healing,and Mayan writings,so i'm not going to discard it yet.But what do i know,i'm a bloody fish haha

Justfun_1's photo
Wed 03/25/15 06:19 PM
Time is moving on,but i live in hope :smile:

Justfun_1's photo
Wed 03/25/15 01:09 PM
A similar outlook on life would be good,not a worrier ! Sensuality,sarcasm,a love of music and travel.But other interests and ideas would be good,as the saying goes,'variety is the spice of life'. She could be a little overweight,as long as she is curvaceous.But the main attraction would be eyes,smile,and personality.I would soon forget about any imperfections (as i would hope she did with mine),as long as the conversation and laughter was to flow freely...
But i would get bored quickly if she was too much like me...surprises are nice :smile:

Justfun_1's photo
Wed 03/25/15 12:51 PM
Hi Op,are you an artist ? A 'mural' encounter could be seen as quite romantic if you are wanting to ask a lady to pose while you paint a likeness of her to a wall or ceiling. But for some reason i think it might be a typo and you actually mean 'mutual' ? Either way,good luck and welcome :smile:

Justfun_1's photo
Wed 03/25/15 12:41 PM
I'm Aquarius...whatever that means ? :smile:

Justfun_1's photo
Wed 03/25/15 08:44 AM
I eat alone.Not all meals are convenient to cook for one,but i do have a pan of goulash bubbling away right now...

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