I might as well.
Sounds like ocd,just throw caution to the wind,once youve done it a few time its fun,do a bungee jump? But ya, I have a really hard time not trying to be perfect at anything new I do. This don't stop me altogether but it slows things down a lot. |
I might as well.
Man,sirus now,as long as you feel good about yourself then just relax and like others have said, enjoy the forums,just see mingle as a place to hang out like any other place, try diffrent styles,get new specs,contacts,change your hair, you dont have to just stick to what you know,mix it up. im giving you a challenge! i want you to change your apperance drasticley in some way,anything so long as its like pow! then post new pictures. when your buying new clothes ask girls to help you,dont just ask mega fit ones that you think are hot,there all girls!,and all are beautyful in a diffrent way,the point is just go for it man,so what if you get knocked back,you dont know her?,what have you lost?jack all,youve gained brave-heart!,meeting people is a skill!,youve got 2weeks to change something man,good luck! I actually intended to get a haircut this week but I keep convincing myself it will turn out horrible if I try something new. |
I might as well.
Mate,how are you approching these birds?,if your saying stuff like Am i what your looking for, or i think your what im looking for,like i belive i read back about a book ago!,no wonder man!,catch there attention,intreage them!,it might be a dateing site but we,r all looking for friends first not blind dates!,just chat man,some funky headline,then just say hi!,just snatched a peep and thort it rude not toooo!,C-YAAA! chow! :) ,your acting like you want a mail order bride from russia with LOVE! Mentioned that earlier in the thread. I've tried several styles. The one that's got the most responses is asking them something about themselves. *asking them to go into more detail about something doesn't seem to work at all though. COMPUTER SEZ NO........,loosen up,you 23 not 73,mabey try a museaum?or a libery and antiqe shop!,grow your dream girl in a test tube!,or as youve got mega lungs buy a blow up doll and call her maltilda! You are really, really, really over thinking things. *well, either I'm reading it wrong or they were wrong because it hasn't helped. The big problem with giving people advice has always been that you don't have the same problem. The way you do whatever you're describing worked the way you do it so you may have never even been exposed to all of the ways it can go wrong. I've "just taken" advice before and it doesn't solve my problems. From optimistic adults thinking they know the shortcuts to getting bullies to leave you alone to my best friend telling me to say something to someone that made things much much worse. Well that's all quite a ways in the past. Most recently I made my profile into what was apparently a disaster by following an "expert's" advice. Following the advice in here (aside from what I already know doesn't work for me from experience,) looks like it's made a good improvement but- Well, following "be positive" has had me saying things that are negative, off putting, and worse of all boring and irrelevant. I DID THAT. That was me following advice and I could tell it didn't work right. "You weren't trying" is what I imagine people saying to that. To anyone saying that it sounds good because they KNOW I wasn't trying hard enough and that that is the only problem. To me you're telling me that a huge effort is nothing at all and by proxy that I am a worthless person for not being able to do better. But I'm at least somewhat aware of other people's view points so I don't let that upset me. What I have let upset me is people ignoring what I say. I've even tried to find ways to stop that from happening but people told me I was being so insulting about that that I was almost evil so I decided not to even try that any more, and this is what's left. There's a very simple solution to all of your problems in life my friend. Something that if you don't overcome you will never have the success in life you desire. You will never have the social interactions with people you desire and you will never truly be happy. If you're a negative person and are ugly on the inside, people will know. Usually even if you try everything you can to cover it up people will still know and people just don't want to be around negative people. Until you're happy with yourself you will never succeed in life. Do you think successful people such as CEO's of companies think negatively? They think success, for you to win you have to think success. Doesn't matter what you want to do. And I didn't get this out of any self-motivation book buddy, I used to a negative thinking person. Once I've changed that people respect me more, I get more dates and life is just easier in general. Take my advice, or don't it's your own choice. Absolutely. In fact I've been practicing that this entire time, aside from the slight depression I started this thread with. The quick conclusion we can get here is that me thinking success hasn't been enough. Now, would you like to look at my profile and say something aimed at me instead of a generic message you think applies to everybody? - I'll say this again: please ask me questions. I am apparently really unpleasant to talk to when you straight up tell me to do things to fix my problems. I can't put my finger on what's nasty about it (except that I'm telling you your solutions are wrong,) so it's not going to just fix itself and suddenly have everyone like what I say to them. This looks like the way I have to talk for success to me. |
I might as well.
Ya, weird. When I know who I'm talking to I manage balance but that sort of goes out the window with the effectively anonymous audience of you guys and the genuinely silent audience of people looking at my profile... not so much.
Hence the "how do I manage to sound like I'm talking to someone when I'm not?" theme to most of my complaining/arguing/whatever. |
Violence in the world .
Announce "World Peace Day" (((everyday))) through the media in every country(291 of them) and reward money or goods to everybody who practices it. District Organizations will reward the money or good funded by the taxpayers to pay the reward weekly. Have a lottery drawing of 10 people (each day) who get a million dollars or years worth of supplies of whatever they need to make it more interesting so more will participate in non violence, aggressions, or what have you that is negative for mankind. They also get the chance to be on television. ![]() Those who don't participate and commit any kind of violence are fined and sent to be educated in a building of professionals who teach the significance of peaceful coexistence. Just a impossible idea, but nevertheless, a idea that would be great to use or experiment to see if it works. I know it could work in a fiction novel. ![]() ![]() Unfortunetely the media are more interested in wars than in peace . Those who made tons of dollars from wars just want wars to continue for ever . Those companies who profit from wars are peace enemies . When money rules the human values diminish to cipher . ![]() ![]() Human nature and the evolution of our species makes the prospect of "peace", an impossibility. Our psyches are programed to retain our most primal instincts for dominance, acceptance and conformity to our ideals and to eradicate perceived weaknesses to aid in the survival of the species. Unless there is a way to mass reprogram the human psyche and eliminate the core primal survival instinct, our concept of peace can never exist. Or in other words if you wanted to fight them it had to be the whole group vs the whole group. Violence had to be a much bigger gamble (there would hardly ever be a group three times the size of an enemy group and that's about the numbers advantage you need to have a good shot at not getting seriously injured.) Now, the important thing is that you can look at the people around the world and see that we don't just up and start fighting for no reason- we judge if it's worth the risk. In places where it usually isn't there's a whole lot less violence. |
I might as well.
Man, it's not like when you ignite a stove, there's the fire right away....gosh... it takes time....just take it easy and don't rush Man is a lonely flame in the night... he warms nobody, and nobody warms him. His fuel is his own desire. The stars blink at him, unmoved and largely uninvolved. What's the son of man complaining about now? These life forms and their unfulfilled desires... I'm sure glad I'm not a warm heart on a cold orb, said Vega to Orion. Is there a meaningful difference between complaining and informing people that they aren't saying useful things? |
I might as well.
Edited by
Fri 10/23/09 06:49 PM
Also, I think what Melody is saying in a soft peddled way is your not George Clooney. Diligent is correct, you/we have to have something women want, fast car, lots of money, rugged good looks, and or fame. Invent some kind of vaccine and you'll be in there buddy!! Vaccine Shmaccine, it's a piece of cake to insert any DNA you want into cells these days (except maybe full chromosome transfer,) so you just break the needle a virus uses to get into cells in nine different ways so there's no hope of fixing itself by luck and then have a cell make a bunch of those and squirt that in someone's nose, or eyes if you're upset and want to take it out on strangers. Now that, that's more the tone I want when writing about myself but I don't know how to do that while describing preferences and hobbies. Why is your profile headline "no"? You seem to want people to tell you exactly what to write. That has to be your own decision. Many people here have given you ideas, yet you just complain that no one has gotten back to you about things. I wrote no. If there's something wrong with that explain to me what it is and maybe point out a few other things I should avoid. The advice to find a quote I like a few posts back did not do things for me but gave me a very clear direction to go and I can tell you it had never occurred to me to use quotes I like. I am going to start actually doing that just as soon as I get a chance to sort through some of my favorite quotes for something I think would be useful as a headline. "So do I have some fatal flaw about my profile or do people just sort of not reply much to anybody?"(shoku) Dude, There is a fatal flaw. Please re-read your profile. Really???? you've been learning to walk backwards???? AMAZING! See what I mean? It makes me think there was an attempt at humour but seriously fell short. You and me brotha.... We can talk Bacteriology, Microbiology and Genetics all day long over beers... You'd talk and I'd probably just sit there and listen... Would the average woman do the same? Most likely NOT. And that's my point... I'm a salesman, have been all my life. The secret of my success in sales and the ladies ![]() You describe yourself as "above average" intelligence... I don't doubt that for 1 minute. But how come you can't figure out this formula? All the ingredients are there(advice from posters here)but still no luck? Consider this... Let's say you meet a hottie here on mingle... a valley girl of sorts. Would you be able to communicate about things that interest her? and do so on an regular basis? Maybe but somehow I don't think so. The difference is I would talk about that flea bitten varmin in her purse and her new cell phone for as long as it takes(I'm kidding but you get the idea) My advise is this... Get off dating sites, go to the library or book club and shmooze that lil brainiac(in your league) Cheers I realize I'm doing a bad job of selling myself but as usual your advice is basically "stop sucking at this so bad," (in addition to "turn into someone good at picking up chicks in person.") If I was having trouble with math problems and I asked for help understanding what I was doing wrong would I be in the wrong to not be very pleased when people told me "oh, well the problem is that your answer isn't the right one. You should make that be right" and when I ask people how I am supposed to figure out what the right numbers are would make any sense for them to respond "hey, I'm not going to write the right answer down for you. Stop being such a child and just do what I told you to"? I started signing up for these sites a year ago because I was unhappy with how often I meet people in person. No, I didn't say chicks there Mr Salesman. I said people. The problem was that I don't meet anyone anymore despite my being out and about in the busiest city in the state every day. I tried resolving to actively acquaint myself with people as often as possible but I stopped seeing people in any of the settings I'd have been any good at talking to them in (stopping people walking by on the sidewalk seems like a bad idea because they're busy going somewhere, or should I drop that line of thinking?) Well, I'm probably pushing the limits of how much you'll tolerate (fuses seem short here,) so before you decide never to bless this ingrate with any more advice can you answer a question for me? If there was a fellow salesman having trouble making any sales, largely because he didn't know what sells, and for whatever reason you found yourself telling him how you do it what would you say and do you think he could just pick it up any just do it if he really intended to? What part of "I've mailed 300 people" gives people the impression that I signed up yesterday instead of, oh, the year ago you can see right under my picture? Am I unreasonable to think that zero dates per year is a bit low? I've been signed up for two years (plus?) and I've only been to meet two guys. One of which was super cool and fun. I'd still love to meet some of the people farther away- not the point. It DOES takes time. When you get all antsy just remember, she's got a lot to do as well. It'll happen when it happens you just have to be open and prepared (slightly) for the fact that love doesn't just happen right away. So about how many people have you sent mail to/replied to in those two years? Shoku My darling boy..... Listen to me... Put your ear up real close to your monitor...... STOP!!! I think you are insulting the intelligence of everyone who tries to help you!! Pick up your big boy panties Storm the forums Where you will meet literally hundreds of girls!!!! Forget your own profile for just 2 minutes Go meet and greet!!!!! Or is that the real problem????? Said with love and just my opinion. Really ![]() ![]() ![]() Well, there's also the woman with an angel picture that seems to post in every thread but even she says there's basically nobody in there. I'd probably have a better shot finding people in my state in the "under 30" board but that's mostly because I haven't looked in there and like to hope for the best. Or does storming the forums mean something entirely different? |
Violence in the world .
How about this one..
Tragedy of the commons. "If I don't take advantage of these people somebody else will so not doing it only hurts me" sort of thinking.
Do as you will..harm no one. What a simple heathen pagan concept, if all took a vow of non violence then the violence would end. Will never happen because many have an eye for an eye and revenge sad. Well, it's nastier how I put it while the idea is more general. |
I might as well.
Edited by
Fri 10/23/09 05:54 AM
Also, I think what Melody is saying in a soft peddled way is your not George Clooney. Diligent is correct, you/we have to have something women want, fast car, lots of money, rugged good looks, and or fame. Invent some kind of vaccine and you'll be in there buddy!! Vaccine Shmaccine, it's a piece of cake to insert any DNA you want into cells these days (except maybe full chromosome transfer,) so you just break the needle a virus uses to get into cells in nine different ways so there's no hope of fixing itself by luck and then have a cell make a bunch of those and squirt that in someone's nose, or eyes if you're upset and want to take it out on strangers. Now that, that's more the tone I want when writing about myself but I don't know how to do that while describing preferences and hobbies. Why is your profile headline "no"? |
I might as well.
Also, I think what Melody is saying in a soft peddled way is your not George Clooney. Diligent is correct, you/we have to have something women want, fast car, lots of money, rugged good looks, and or fame. Invent some kind of vaccine and you'll be in there buddy!! I disagree with your statement that women want ... "fast car, lots of money, rugged good looks, and or fame." What women want will be different from each woman you ask; to assume women are that superficial is to also believe that all mean cheat and lie. Generalizations are evil. ![]() I know most women do not want an obtuse personality that can't accept the multitude of advice already given. ![]() "Beating a dead horse" ![]() It does seem like most black women are eager to respond though. Too bad Utah is white even in comparison to the usual white majority areas. |
Violence in the world .
How about this one.. Do as you will..harm no one. What a simple heathen pagan concept, if all took a vow of non violence then the violence would end. Will never happen because many have an eye for an eye and revenge sad. Tragedy of the commons. "If I don't take advantage of these people somebody else will so not doing it only hurts me" sort of thinking. Well, it's nastier how I put it while the idea is more general. |
Violence in the world .
Edited by
Thu 10/22/09 09:36 AM
I want to be treated according to my mood. If you thought the golden rule ever meant you should stick bandaids on people when you've cut yourself you must be trying to interpret it poorly.
Violence in the world .
If you kill others, you are killing yourself.
I have a problem with The Golden Rule, which is easiest to express with the question: "What if you're a masochist?"
It is better to think in terms of what you can do for them. Wouldn't it be nice if total strangers always just wanted to help you or make your life easier? This is the golden rule. Do unto others as if they were you... because they are. Strict adherence to The Golden Rule by a masochist would require he to cause pain to others because he wishes pain to be caused to himself. The basic assumption of The Golden Rule is that everyone want's the same things, which is obviously not true in all cases. The basis of the problem with The Golden Rule is that it is reflexive. It projects one's own viewpoint onto everyone else, which is fundamentally self-centered. It would be better to say "Do unto others what other's would do unto themselves" - because they're not you. (If they were you, then they would want the same things you want.) (And really Jeannie, this is the fundamental reason I believe in the "separatist" view of spirit and not the pantheistic view. But that's another thread altogether. ![]() |
I might as well.
So I think I work better with being asked questions than I do with being given instructions. Would anybody else like to give this a shot that way?
Violence in the world .
I happen to think the opposite. Any group is made up of individuals. All the problems, goals, viewpoints, etc. of the group are nothing more than problems with the summary agreements between the individual members. So any problem the group has can only be solved by addressing the individual problems of the individual group members. Now if you're only concerned with solving the problems of the majority and are not concerned about the minority then fine, we’re concerned about two different things and I’ll bow out. You're the one saying that preventing war won't help everyone.I'm done. OR You've had no reason to keep complaining about how much people value things. I'm saying that when we exchange a lot (and as mentioned earlier we only make exchanges when we think they do something for us so we can't say how much but we can say it's positive value change rather than negative,) the benefits from lots of exchanges add up, eventually, to more than you could possibly gain by taking things from your trade partners by force. It's non-zero sum because they are also gaining OBJECTIVE value from the exchanges and right now all the societies doing much exchange have, in general, the subjective views that they gain a lot by it, which matches up with just about every objective measure you could ever think of. SO- to have less war we do need to look at those people who do not place as much subjective value on trade. As it turns out the objective value they're gaining from it right now it petty, slim, or nonexistent so it makes sense that they would place little subjective value in world economy style trade. If we help them develop things so that they do start gaining objectively their subjective views will follow, unless we change the view first in order to get them involved in the first place (but trying to spread our ideals to others hasn't worked so well in recent decades so we should probably take a more direct approach in helping them get on their fee tso to speak.) You obviously need to take a loot at the things people want now before you go giving them things but in my experience studying and otherwise seeing what's going on in other cultures the parts of the world most prone to war want the things global economy trade would give them. There are small groups that don't and in many places you'll have the equivalent of televangelical Christians preaching about how the changes are making things worse than in they were traditionally (and to be honest new evils they weren't used to do pop up but with a little preparation for it they won't be nearly so bad as the stuff they get rid of,) but let's help as many people as we can right now. War requires some group of rich folk and a good sized group of average ones so just by taking this first step we would make it much less common to have both of those in a country that were willing to go to war. After having made decent progress in helping the easier groups of people in the world to help we could then turn to smaller groups and evaluate how we could best help them. There will be more overall wealth around them with which to work with and working off of what I said earlier about reducing local crime/violence by having inclusive support systems for the downtrodden setting up help for small groups benefits the people who are already doing well by making their neighborhoods safer. Is this making sense? |
Violence in the world .
I happen to think the opposite. Any group is made up of individuals. All the problems, goals, viewpoints, etc. of the group are nothing more than problems with the summary agreements between the individual members. So any problem the group has can only be solved by addressing the individual problems of the individual group members. Now if you're only concerned with solving the problems of the majority and are not concerned about the minority then fine, we’re concerned about two different things and I’ll bow out. You're the one saying that preventing war won't help everyone. (Strictly speaking if Iraq had gone as planned preventing it wouldn't have helped certain members of the government but I'm talking about how we make it undesirable to even them.) Sky all you are saying is that everyone has an opinion or point of view. That is pretty much common sense. I don't see it as anything to waste time debating about. Well to artificially expand the implication he's saying that because everyone has their own opinion it doesn't make sense to say that people can make an evaluation of the total value of things around them so it's not possible for there to be more total after an exchange than there was before it. I never said or implied that “it doesn't make sense to say that people can make an evaluation of the total value of things around them”. It makes total sense to say that. What doesn’t make sense is to say that everyone’s evaluation of that "total" will always be identical. And as to “it's not possible for there to be more total after an exchange than there was before it ” again that’s not what I'm saying. You're certainly arguing against me saying the opposite fervently.
What I am saying is that the “total” has at least two different ways of being evaluated, one way for each of the two parties involved. And if there is/are any external observer(s), then there is an additional one for each external observer. So who’s evaluation are we taking about? Both, or all if there are more than two people/groups involved at a time.
Since you appear to be talking about “the exchange as a whole”, then you must be talking as an external observer. If that works for you. From an external viewpoint it should be easy to see how they both have more than they had before.
Which basically means that the personal viewpoints of the two parties involved in the exchange have no bearing on the equality of the exchange. And personally, I think that is a completely backward way of looking at exchange.
The way I said it that you've omitted in this quote is direct enough that there shouldn't be more failures of communication. "For me to be happier someone else has to suffer." To get more of something someone else must have less of it. If you disagree with this you've totally derailed this to talk about some kind of undefined value that doesn't have anything to do with this topic. If you agree with it then you're a nasty person (from an external viewpoint,) but hopefully this stuff I've been talking about will have a bigger impact on your life in the coming years and you'll understand that good things for other people can mean good things for you as well without having to mean an equal amount of bad on some other group, subjective, objective, or however the hell you want to think about it. |
Violence in the world .
Sky all you are saying is that everyone has an opinion or point of view. That is pretty much common sense. I don't see it as anything to waste time debating about. Well to artificially expand the implication he's saying that because everyone has their own opinion it doesn't make sense to say that people can make an evaluation of the total value of things around them so it's not possible for there to be more total after an exchange than there was before it. As he's arguing against some part of my -"people have to suffer for me to have happiness" is backwards thinking- explanation but I can't quite tell what he is objecting to since he keeps tying this up in "this stuff is subjective and there's no way to take an objective view because we aren't capable of that." |
Violence in the world .
And still there has been no "absolute" value presented. Everything presented so far has been relative to some personal or group desire or viewpoint. So you are saying that "I'd prefer not to be killed by my neighbors" isn't absolute and the same with "I don't want to starve" and so on.How far are you going to argue this? As far as I'm concerned, it hasn't gotten any farther for a long time. But I'm willing to argue it as far as you want.Do you think that getting shot by bullets is subjective? Nope. I'm saying that the "value" of being shot by bullets is subjective. Again, to someone who is suicidal, that can be exactly the most desireable thing.What does absolute even look like to you? To me, absolute means that it always applies to all possible circumstances. It only takes one exception to prove something is not absolute. (And so far, there are exceptions to every single thing you have presented.) But to prove something is absolute is a logical impossibility.
So what does absolute look like to you? You can't point to any culture where starving to death at an undefined time is valued positively. There are a few "you're old so now go off into the woods and die so that we may prosper" types but none that welcome starvation whenever you happen to run into a shortage of food. But again, I say that “the culture” and “the individual” do not always assign the same value to everything (or anything for that matter.) So I will state my position in the same terms you stated yours… You can’t point to any individual in any any culture who always agrees that every value assigned to an item by the culture, is always exactly the same as every value the indivdual himself would assign to that same item. If you want to base your entire argument on an amourphous thing like "a culture", then you can't expect the argument itself to be anything but amorphous. Which is exactly what it's been as far as I'm concerned. Looking at this on the level of the individual is not useful because with a few billion people you've always got one who thinks Iraq is a made up country and that the moon owes him five dollars. |
Violence in the world .
I do not believe in a world of peace. It is not only human nature, but the natural order of the world to consist of chaos. The level at which natural chaos (as funny as that sounds) exists and is different at any given place or time. But none the less, chaos is part of the natural order of things. We can however cause change in how we as a species, and as a society effect this chaos/the world. I do believe with human nature being as it is, war will sometimes be a necessity. It is up to us to determine whether or not it is at a given time. At times when it is I thank god that we have a military powerhouse, with people who are brave and willing to give up so much for their country. It is also up to us to learn from the past and history so we do not repeat its mistakes. Causality, study evolution, early hominids, other species on this planet like ants. Their is more to war than people think, and people have the right to think as they will. But, mind control really. You sound like a communist/hippie. Just because you don't like war and obviously have issues with governments (that last part is kind of an assumption) doesn't mean people are not truly free. You can do anything you want, with in physical reason, but seeing as everyone else being free, and since we set up rules and regulations that to some extent people agree with, then people will react in a way that follows said rules, or in a way that they feel they should. Those who are free, are free to react to situations others place them in. People are in fact free, we only choose to act within the norms or to follow the rules. We all make decisions on how to act based on what we think the reaction will be. RE: But, mind control really. You sound like a communist/hippie.
Programs for Mind control are a Fact. MKultra is a fact. It has gotten more advanced today. We only are just hearing about the mind control programs of the past. No telling what they are doing now. The obvious crap is television, surveys, hypnotism via television, etc. But those are mild compared to Low frequency EM waves. A: More unsuccessful mind control research that relies on countless people keeping their mouths shut and they do because world governments are very competent and sinister. B: None of that because they know they're so incompetent that they can barely keep from plunging their countries into ruin and spend most moments of the day resisting the urge to do anything because they think they'll definitely end up making things worse. From time to time I hear some convincing arguments for option A but more often it's hard to see how it could be anything but B, but maybe that's just successful mind control in action. |
Violence in the world .
And still there has been no "absolute" value presented. Everything presented so far has been relative to some personal or group desire or viewpoint. So you are saying that "I'd prefer not to be killed by my neighbors" isn't absolute and the same with "I don't want to starve" and so on.How far are you going to argue this? As far as I'm concerned, it hasn't gotten any farther for a long time. But I'm willing to argue it as far as you want.
Do you think that getting shot by bullets is subjective? Nope. I'm saying that the "value" of being shot by bullets is subjective. Again, to someone who is suicidal, that can be exactly the most desireable thing.
What does absolute even look like to you? To me, absolute means that it always applies to all possible circumstances. It only takes one exception to prove something is not absolute. (And so far, there are exceptions to every single thing you have presented.) But to prove something is absolute is a logical impossibility.
So what does absolute look like to you? You can't point to any culture where starving to death at an undefined time is valued positively. There are a few "you're old so now go off into the woods and die so that we may prosper" types but none that welcome starvation whenever you happen to run into a shortage of food. |