Community > Posts By > Justuw8nsee

Justuw8nsee's photo
Fri 09/19/08 12:50 PM
So is that nice guys or all guys hmmmmm??? laugh

Justuw8nsee's photo
Fri 09/19/08 12:45 PM
Uhmmm that would be a serious problem for me. There would have to be some way to correct that?!

Justuw8nsee's photo
Fri 09/19/08 12:26 PM

Nice doesn't mean nice.

Nice means overly solicitious.

Nice means overthinking and being a weiner.

Nice means you don't push her up against the wall and kiss her until she's breathless and than take her on the stairs 'cus you can't make it to the bed.

Nice means you have no personality.

Nice guys aren't flirtacious.

Nice guys don't take risks.

Nice guys aren't willing to try for the anal sex as they are too scared they'll get rejected.

Nice guys always ask what you want to do and where you want to go.

Nice guys drive you home and would never try to kiss you even if you fall all over them.

Nice guys loan money and say "don't worry about paying me back", and secretly seethe and resent the person they gave it to, believing it was still a loan, not a gift they made it into.

Nice guys wear ugly clothes they get as gifts.

Nice guys haven't yet figured out confidence and flattery will get you almost anywhere as long as it's sincere.

See how nice doesn't mean nice???????

WOW!!! I always thought I was a "nice guy" but.........nah - definitely not!!!laugh laugh

I like that picture its cute! Doh!!

Justuw8nsee's photo
Fri 09/19/08 12:24 PM

Totally been there. I can't honestly tell you anything to take any of the pain away. It flippin hurts and you just gotta walk through that fire. The only good news I have for you is that you are much more enlightened now than you were before you found any of this out. Can you imagine if you had gone another 10 or 20 years with these people in your life? Let yourself feel that pain, then tell yourself it's done....and move on. flowerforyou

Thank you. :) Sounds good to me. I had a feeling in my gut that something wasn't right. When that anxiety grabs hold there is nothing stopping me from finding truth which I did. I am a firm believer in the "go with your gut instinct" often times its correct! Kinda nasty but right on anyway!lol!

Justuw8nsee's photo
Fri 09/19/08 12:22 PM

So I just discovered that my closest friend stabbed me in the back regarding my last relationship. After a little research (cuz I'm a great PI lol) I discovered my friend since Highschool went behind my back and told my ex Ryan that I was cheating on him which lead him to breaking up with me suddenly. I know I expressed in one of my blogs that I was quite shocked at his sudden exit but now I know the reason. Doesn't say much for him to go believing my friends above me does it? Anyway, my super fantastic friend Rayna hooked him up with her friend Melissa and has been lying to me about everything! I feel so betrayed on top of just ugh SICK TO MY STOMACH! Who can you trust these days?? Anyone?
friends and family can sometimes be the most hurtful

Oh that can be true but as of now I am sooo thankful for my little guy and my parents. The are a wonderful support system. My sister in Alaska however can be every bit of hurtful with that big mouth of hers! lol

Justuw8nsee's photo
Fri 09/19/08 12:21 PM

That is why I tend to have more guy friends instead.

Women will stab you in the back and come back wondering if they knife went in deep enough and if not push it some more and give it a twist.

A guy when mad at you will get over it come back and totally forget all about it and the friendship resumes back where it was before.

Yeah and I'm a woman I do pick my women friends very carefully. What they will do to another woman they will do to you later so always be careful of the ones you pick as a friend. bigsmile

Truth is if he left like that and did not confront you he was going to leave anyway and just needed the slightest excuse!!

This is true. I think he was looking for a reason and knowing all I know about him now on the outside of the relationship I see that he did me a favor. I am VERY shocked at what my friend did to me though. We have known eachother a looooong time. On a positive note, I am thankful that I am being shown who has to go and who should stay. :)

Justuw8nsee's photo
Fri 09/19/08 12:19 PM

I am sorry that has happened to you....Sometimes even the best of friends can betray you and you feel this great loss...All you can do is learn from this and know in your heart what you have and have not done and feel good that the truth is out and you know who really counts in your life

Come out and i will find you a nice guyflowerforyou flowerforyou

hahaha! Hey I might just do that! Well I can for sure say that I have been learning ALOT lately! :)

Justuw8nsee's photo
Fri 09/19/08 12:12 PM

Why is it that if you are a good guy and treat women right they leave you to go back to their ex's even after being treated like ****? I took a look at my past three relationships and all three have that same thing in common. My wife left to go back to abuse after 3 years of marriage, next went back to ex and due to get married even after he hit her, and last is going back to ex after he kicked her out 3 weeks before they was going to be married. All three have said the same thing,"you are a good guy and any woman would be lucky to have you." If that's the case then why do good guys always finish last?

I hear that. It would seem that same thing happens to good girls too, and I know I don't suck in bed! lol Anyway, look at the bright side, they all did you a favor. If they didn't see and embrace you for all your wonderful qualities then they weren't worth having right?

Justuw8nsee's photo
Fri 09/19/08 12:10 PM
So I just discovered that my closest friend stabbed me in the back regarding my last relationship. After a little research (cuz I'm a great PI lol) I discovered my friend since Highschool went behind my back and told my ex Ryan that I was cheating on him which lead him to breaking up with me suddenly. I know I expressed in one of my blogs that I was quite shocked at his sudden exit but now I know the reason. Doesn't say much for him to go believing my friends above me does it? Anyway, my super fantastic friend Rayna hooked him up with her friend Melissa and has been lying to me about everything! I feel so betrayed on top of just ugh SICK TO MY STOMACH! Who can you trust these days?? Anyone?

Justuw8nsee's photo
Thu 09/18/08 04:42 PM

I love you just to close the deal!laugh laugh

Oh wow, how's that for honesty! geez!!

Justuw8nsee's photo
Thu 09/18/08 04:42 PM

People love when I drink, it's the only time I shut the hell up....:banana: :banana:

noway that cannot be true now come on! laugh

Justuw8nsee's photo
Thu 09/18/08 04:41 PM
HAHAHAHA! What don't I say? I am your typical chatty "drunk dialer!"

rofl rofl rofl

Justuw8nsee's photo
Thu 09/18/08 04:38 PM
Hi there! :smile: Since I have pictures posted maybe you will consider saying hello back right? hahaha!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Justuw8nsee's photo
Thu 09/18/08 04:29 PM

Don't feel sorry....young girls still have many more years of screwing, 'up' that is...smokin

Heeeeeey! Easy!! Don't make me have to hurt you!!! noway

Justuw8nsee's photo
Thu 09/18/08 03:56 PM

And check with me in a few years...I just turned 30 so we shall see. So far though...oh boy!
Something tells me you will still be as beautiful as you are todayflowerforyou

Oh wow... blushing Thank you...biggrin

Justuw8nsee's photo
Thu 09/18/08 03:54 PM

What am I thinking right now??? hmmm??? hee hee!

You are thinking: Man this GOALLTHEWAY guy is kinda cool!!!

How did you know that? Wow! You are really good! hahaha!

Justuw8nsee's photo
Thu 09/18/08 02:49 PM

Awww your sorta sweet sometimes huh? winking

No, he just plays it on the internet....:banana:

Uh oh I smell a can of worms that's just been opened...hahaha!

Justuw8nsee's photo
Thu 09/18/08 02:47 PM
And check with me in a few years...I just turned 30 so we shall see. So far though...oh boy!

Justuw8nsee's photo
Thu 09/18/08 02:46 PM

have just recently joined, but from looking at profiles, i feel sorry for the young girls trying to compete with you beautiful ladies 30 and over.


WOW! That was pretty sweet of you to say!! Charming much?? lol!

Justuw8nsee's photo
Thu 09/18/08 02:44 PM

In my opinion, unless you have a child, you have no idea how unselfish good parents are. I too have butted heads with a GOOD friend or two about how I don't take the time to see them as much as I used to. I have a few really close friends and out of all of them, I am the ONLY one that has a child. I cannot do what they can do. And not only can I not do it, I do NOT want to do those things all the time like I used to. It is called growing up.

Amen to that!! Kids definitely grow you up real quick!! lol! And it wasn't until I had Travis that I knew what unconditional love meant. Such a blessing it is to be his mommy. :)

drinker To you for being a good Mom. drinker

Awww your sorta sweet sometimes huh? winking