I would re-word the question a tad. Is there evidence of god's existence? Yes, Is it credible? No more than a story of alien abduction in my humble opinion. Why because all recorded accounts are descendant from man and his/her personal account which, as in all people, is subject to his/her upbringing, experience, openness, and the list goes on and on. I don't see a winning side to this argument. I have my own affirmations like everybody else and I think they are best explored on your own. Discussion is a great tool for learning but your understanding should come from Personal reflection.
This question is best left unanswered publicly but thank you for stimulating my thoughts. Good Post. |
This may Get A Tad Heated
Edited by
Tue 09/02/08 04:06 PM
Feral just posted it was of Jewish origin originally and I made the comment that you Christians latched onto it full throttle. ![]() Actually - I think you'll find that Alister Crowley and Anton LaVey are the ones who have latched onto it full throttle. Just in case you wanted to know that there are religions who's "divintity" is Satan. Sorry to interrupt this thread with some facts; though - do, carry on. As far as facts go do you think that it is impossible for someone to live along the same guidelines as depicted in the Bible, "free of sin" if you will, without ever being exposed to it (the Bible/spirituality)? Other than praying and believing god will save us during the end times; What else is there to religion? A couple guidelines on living a peaceful joyous life in harmony with one? If so, there seems to be a few misconceptions and all is not going according to plan. Putting "god" in the 3rd person is as deliberately destructive as it was conceived in the the minds of men ages ago. It keeps ideologies divided for real power is in numbers. My sad truth is "bad people" have manipulated general opinions on divinity. In doing so they have created a "flock of sheep" ready to blindly follow the pack off the side of a cliff. Now I am not referring to any specific group. You know who you are and who you aren't. |
This may Get A Tad Heated
![]() ![]() Thousands of innocent women were killed because of that stupid book, and its insistence that witches be burned. The bloody book should have been burned. Would have saved us a whole heap of trouble ![]() Instead of reading I say maybe we should all try to write our own "Bible" This is not a joke either. I ask all of you interested, to make a couple quick notes about what you think is right or wrong. Don't let any outside force influence your thinking either. In my own thoughts I see a common theme. Most of us refer to it as the "Golden Rule" do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Whether you give praise to a higher power or your self one thing is clear.. We do not like it when others call our beliefs into question. Now I can sit here and prove your god wrong just as well as you can prove him real till we are both blue in the face, but all that may do is bring insecurities into the picture. I understand it is frustrating when others can not understand you or see things from your perspective, but that is free will. Imposing on that will only bring the same kind of negative attention back to you. {Lyric from the song Waves by Kaddisfly} "We hardly seek, but hope to find new things." "We'll never die, in faith, we merely dissipate" Instead of defending your beliefs question them! A court will not accept, "The devil made me do it!" so why should you accept, "Because god said so!" When you find what it is you believe in you will know it. Much like when you find something you are good at. Keep your eyes and ears open along with a healthy amount of skepticism, and the rest should all fall in place. |
This may Get A Tad Heated
I grew up my whole life Pentacostal, or "Holy Roller" as my friends so lovingly called me. I have since strayed from this and I have some questions that I would like some light to be shed on. I do not mean this to offend anyone, however it might...if it does, let me apologize now. 1. I was taught that God was all loving, all knowing supreme being. That's all fine and good, but it seems to me, from the Bible... Be good and do exactly what he says and don't sin...don't even think of sinning or this all loving God is going to throw me into the pit of hell. God is supposed to be like our father, if this is true, it is my OPINION that he is saying, "I love you unconditionally, now behave or I'm throwing you into the furnace... So much for love.... 2. In the Bible, incest is wrong. I think its wrong anyways, but here's my question.. A. When God created this world...it was Adam And Eve. They had to populate the WHOLE world. Someone had to have been doing something. B. Noah and the Ark. Noah and his family again were left to populate the whole planet...Now how do you think they did this? 3. If God is all knowing, which he may be. Why would he created a planet with such wicked people just to destroy it...then to rebuild it again? Didn't he see this comming? 4. It also says not to be vain, pompus, etc... Lucifer was supposedly the best Angel in Heaven and then he thought he was better than God so God kicked him out.. Maybe God didn't like the competition. ~Sorry guys I have grown up in a church and see so many hypocrites...I could tell you so many stories... Like the time a church elder danced up front and said God cured him of smoking...only the next week he sat in his van and smoked. Like the time I was young and stupid and got wasted and my mom took me to the pastor's house "to get the demon out," they prayed and nothing happened. Like the time my older cousin was messed up on drugs and talking funny, my mom called our preacher to perform an excersom... Like instead of parenting me and dealing with me like a person..God was the answer for everything. ~~~I guess I am a little cynical and a little miserable...forgive me. Don't me to church bash. Having a father who is a licensed minister really prepares me for this question. My Father all though born again now had a very unique upraising and has never once censored the truth about his past to me. I grew up in the inner city so private schooling was used more to secure my education than my spiritual significance as a kid to my early teen years. To this day I use my eyes, ears and discernment to answer "these" questions, just as my dad intended. My outlook on religion is simple. Following the footsteps of others to the degree of fighting ones own personal nature just to hold your spot in "heaven" seems ridiculous. Doing so is self admittance of not seeing your body/soul as a divine power. The first step to true understanding in within yourself. Don't be afraid of having an answer that is contradictory to others. Without that balance we would have no board to weigh our own personal experience against. One day we will die and as long as you have made an honest effort towards this life you should have no troubles in the next. |
I replaced my home phone with it like a month or so back. Very preferred means of conversation.
Do you like new music?
i tried but my computer won't load the music it is possible to hear music @ www.purevolume.com/theability I hope it works for you. If not let me know i'll send you an mp3 or something if you are interested. |
Do you like new music?
thanks for giving it a chance and sharing some kind words.
Is Jesus God?
Their is a movie called Zeitgeist (youtube it) that can explain this way better than me, but here is a summary. This is just an opinion so take it with a grain of salt please. The Birth sequence of Jesus is completely astrological. It is merely the story of the "life" and "death" of the sun. (solstices) Throughout recorded history we can note similarities between most major religion figures and the sun. This video is just another way to look at it. I say check it out. Disclaimer: This movie will not offer any support for your religious affirmations. Yes - most, if not all of us have seen it. The main premises of "Z" are based on traditional assumptions, and not biblical references, so he analogies fall short. It is putting the cart before the horse. Most "christian" holidays are established specifically to coincide with Pagan holidays, as opposed to correct biblical exegesis. For instance - it is known by every believer that Christ was not born on Dec 25th. Not even close. Nor is Easter accurate either. So all of those references go out the window on false premises. Any of the other "date" correspondences refer to the time of the writting of the N.T., in terms of the virgin birth, born in Bethlahem, wise men, etc. But the correct text to reference these dates comes not from the N.T., but from Isaiah. So it is quite easy to postulate that all of the pagan similarities were in fact taken from Isaiah, rather than the N.T. being taken from the pagan sources. So all we can do from here is wait for the dead sea scrolls to hopefully shed some light on all of this. When talking about the past it is important to realize that "history" is not always correct. I can not agree on this theory of "one true god" Through out the ages people (as well as religious congregations) have used death and persecution as a way of making their ideologies 'valid' and widely known. In the words of Napoleon Bonaparte, "History is written by the winners" (not an exact quote but to the best of my memory) Quite frankly if this is the type of values and people that will be 'experienced' in heaven I call first in line for hell. |
Do you like new music?
check out www.myspace.com/theability
leave some posts if you like it to help influence others to check it out. Thanks everybody. |
What am I supposed to do?
Good luck finding a girl willing to wait it out at that age. Just be realistic, okay? Will do thanks for stopping by. |
What am I supposed to do?
just marry a groupie ![]() Thats what my dad said! ![]() ![]() |
What am I supposed to do?
You are 21 years old! Why are you looking for a relationship anyway!!! You are out there doing something you love and having a great time!! This is the perfect time to do that! Stop worrying about finding the love of your life-Just enjoy living your life and love will find you. You have endless opportunities ahead of you- Relax and go with it. I wish I had followed my dreams when I was your age. At least you can go through life never wondering "what if" What if is a familiar question to me. Im looking for a relationship because I need some stable force in my life. I was previously engagaged and then dumped when my band actually started to take off. (quite the twist huh? lol) I go with the flow and am in no way desperate, but making yourself happy can be lonely work. Sure everyone says being in a band you no problem getting girls and there is no strings attached, but there is no real substance in that. Ill take the advice and be patient, but i may not like it all that much. ![]() |
Q For the Guys
For you men searching does it matter if a women, can't cook? Don't get all serious in stuff.. It's just a simple Q ![]() Not for me. Personally I enjoy eating out or cooking myself. |
What am I supposed to do?
Edited by
Tue 09/02/08 12:58 PM
Although playing in a band is great it really takes a toll on my love life. Finding somebody that you click with is hard enough, but when one of the two people is gone for a month or maybe more the other can lose interest. This is where I have been for a while. So If I could have some advice, ladies, is there anybody out there for me, or am I chasing a pipe dream?
![]() |
"Out of body" experiences
I have done it and used to practice it and the techniques. I am thinking about getting back into that, but like anything, it takes practice. You don't need mushrooms or drugs and I would advise against that. Jeannie Don't worry. I learned my lesson with the drugs thing already. Thank you for the concern. |
Is Jesus God?
Their is a movie called Zeitgeist (youtube it) that can explain this way better than me, but here is a summary. This is just an opinion so take it with a grain of salt please. The Birth sequence of Jesus is completely astrological. It is merely the story of the "life" and "death" of the sun. (solstices) Throughout recorded history we can note similarities between most major religion figures and the sun. This video is just another way to look at it. I say check it out.
Disclaimer: This movie will not offer any support for your religious affirmations. |
think about this.... You meet someone online and talk and talk and talk and because of distance you never meet. The two people consider themselves "in a relationship" and tell all of their friends they are "attached" Do you think that some of the people who do this may be gay and are afraid to come out of the closet and do this so that people will leave them alone, or that they then don't have to deal with their own issues? Can I get an eighth of whatever you got over there. |
"Out of body" experiences
I have had an OBE before. I ate some mushrooms (and yes I do understand that people will take me less seriously now, haha) and threw on my headphones. I decided to listen to binaural beats and try to meditate. During this process my eyes (while closed) were moving/twitching a little and then out of nowhere I felt a "thump". Assuming it was my dog I opened my eyes to see what was going on and there I was meditating. This is one of the strangest times of my life, but also the most intriguing. I am trying to astral project by will and hopefully will have another soon. (without the aid of drugs)
There is a book that I am currently reading that you may take interest in. The title is "Mastering astral projection in 90 days. |
"Birth Sign & Eye Color"
![]() Dominant in relationships. Sexy. someone loves them right now. Freak in bed. Always wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Addictive. Attractive. Loud. Loyal. Easy to talk to. Hard to forget Love at first sight. Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please. The one and only. Ultimate sexiness -Brown Eyes- Sexy as hell, people with brown eyes are very attractive, adorable, love to make new friends. Will do anything for that special person. You don't know what you have with them until they are gone. Kind and polite Can make anyone laugh or cheer them up. Best in bed can last for days.....way better than hazel eyed people.....Loves to please the one they care or love for,very good kissers, are straight up WARRIORS, not one to mess with!!!! Well worth the 19 hours of labor I would say. ;) |