Community > Posts By > loveboatcaptain

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Thu 09/25/08 12:38 AM
Do you experience the world through your television and/or the internet?

Are you fed your politics? Your religion? Your morals? Your love? Your news? thru these mediums?

Or do you get out and live life? And experience it for what it is?

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Sun 09/21/08 01:40 PM

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Mon 09/08/08 05:53 PM
I'd find a nice "magic hole" to bury it in, then smoke a cigarette.

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Mon 09/08/08 05:41 PM
This country is NOT the greatest in the world. You've divided yourself with the rest of the earths citizens there. (and therein lies the problem)

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Mon 09/08/08 05:27 PM
tffffffffffffffft tffft tfffffffffft

esta es la mejor mota.

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Mon 09/08/08 05:23 PM
Judging by how popular NASCAR is these days, I'd say racism is going strong. I'm not much of a NASCAR fan, but I do enjoy the NHRA and IHRA drag-racing. But I wouldn't classify myself as a racist. More of an admirer of a good a race.

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Mon 09/08/08 05:06 PM
You know there were times in our countrys history when we all would have considered ourselves Americans first. Now all I see are groups and sexes etc divided against each other.

There was a time when Americans gave more of a S**t about their fellow Americans then we do now. It’s a shame really. All those men and women who died for our freedoms and we toke that freedom and divide our selves with it.

Lust for material gains at the expense of our fellow Americans. United we stand and Divided we shall fall.

And when was that? Back when the KKK was in it's prime? or slavery was rampant? Or Free-Masons had their clubs? Or witch burning's in Salem? Or John Rockefeller owned Standard Oil and 1.5% of All American's cash? Or when we put U.S. Japanese citizens in prison camps during the World War? Or Thomas Edison stole Nikoli Tesla's inventions? Or women couldn't vote?

Exactly when was that time?

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Mon 09/08/08 04:51 PM
Actually.. on second thought. I think whiners, and the whole victim mentality is destroying our country.

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Mon 09/08/08 04:42 PM
Oh cool! So I can still read Salman Rushdie's "Satanic Verses".

As long as I can still read that book, I don't care what she bans.

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Mon 09/08/08 04:39 PM
These days?

I think this has been a problem throughout all of mankinds history. You just aren't doing enough of the screwing, yourself.

Remember that lemonade stand you had way back when, and you sold flavored sugar and water for .05cents a cup, but never reimbursed ma & pops on the water bill? Or paid taxes on your profit to Uncle Sam?

Although you'll probably deny it. I think we're bred this way.

So start screwing more people yourself. You'll feel much happier, just like when you had that lemonade stand.

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Mon 09/08/08 04:29 PM
I'd bring back Jim Morrison.. But I'd leave him in a zombie-state, just for the effect.

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Mon 09/08/08 04:27 PM
By Islamic law.. Obama's daddy = muslim... meaning Obama IS muslim. Obama has no choice.

But I would be more concerned with the slip of the tongue when he said he had visited 57 states.

Because the United Nations recognizes the OIC, (The Organisation of the Islamic Conference) which is the 57 states of Islam.

Slip of the tongue? hmmmmm

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Mon 09/08/08 03:51 PM
By publicly urinating. It has a tendency to change the subject.

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Mon 09/08/08 03:48 PM
Sounds like a short-acting tryptamine. (or like Robin said, acid).. but the S.A.T's are more known for the "out of body experiences".. especially ayahuasca or DMT.

Dimethyl-tryptamine (DMT) is a naturally occurring substance in your brain... you probably just had an overload, or a temporary leak.


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Mon 09/08/08 03:41 PM
If the other person was picking at their scabs it would probably end it fairly quickly. Or even worse.. if they started picking at YOUR scabs.

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Mon 09/08/08 03:37 PM
She is not really a woman. "He" couldn't really afford a complete sex-change, so "he" just opted for a killer boob-job, figuring it'd take peoples eyes off "his" unit.

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Mon 09/08/08 03:32 PM
Single or taken?

how about multiple and free?

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Thu 09/04/08 05:43 PM
People that go to school end up working for people that didn't go to school.

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Tue 09/02/08 02:26 PM
Well.. as of 9 hours ago, I officially turned 36 years old today, so I was thinking of sitting down this week and writing my political manifesto, and my platform to run for president. Being that I've now passed the official eligibility age by 1 year.

Any requests or ideas can be posted here. (but FYI.. I may not take your ideas into consideration, because this is going to be a slight dictatorship... but a friendly-common-sense one)


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Mon 09/01/08 02:59 PM
Hey lisa :)

I heard the forums were getting rather over-strict somewhere else. (not that I have anything to do with that)

It's nice to see you all here.

I can behave. :)

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