Holy Hell's Bells
yeah, sometimes, if it's that bad, you would have to use a few candles...lymphatic drainage'll feel the lymph nodes behind your ear, they should be inflamed
Holy Hell's Bells
I would suggest candling your ear, It will get all the infection out and then lymphatic drainage along the neck behind the ear.
You can get ear candles at any health food store. It is easier if someone helps you, since the candle will be on fire. Hope that helps. |
I think the Chiropractic Association needs a reality check. I have worked with a few chiropractors and they are an ego trip. I am a massage therapist, and every time I would "fix" one of their cash cows my clientele would drop dramatically. Came close to suing one for breach of contract...he almost lost his was smart enough to settle. My attorney wanted to tare him a new
Chiropractors take training classes on how to market themselves and have patients return daily for "treatments". The last chiropractor I worked for told me, "when asking for money always look the patient in the left eye". He and his wife drive a's all about the money to them, they know they can't fix anything. That is why I work for a spa. I love what I do and I know I make a difference. |
My instincts are very strong and always right. I just have to learn to listen to them. Cause every time I didn't I got hurt. Ouch, Karma has a way of biting back.
How would you handle it?
You are only responsible for your own happiness and have no control over what someone else thinks or does. If this person is depressed they need help, but only they can make that choice. Take care of yourself, love with compassion, but don't get caught up in their misery...then you have two people depressed.
Hey Ya'll, from Lexington South Carolina. I have lived here for 40 years....damn that's a long time!