Community > Posts By > arkdanimal
Only a little annoyed? You have it good then. People are straight messed up...don't let them get to you. You figured it out????? If you send me the decoder I will teach you how to hynotize people!! ![]() There's nothing to figure out. He's wondering why other guys just seem to find their matches, seemingly automatically. He's also frustrated that there aren't enough, if any women out there that are remotely similar to him in which he would then be remotely interested in for a great relationship. As far as the "nice guy" thing...I'm not quite sure how that would be even possible. I think everyone is a pain in the a$$ and it's nothing more than a term either used to be condescending or to simply not address conceptuality all together. don't worry, be happy! if you can't,,,fake it for a while and it'll start to feel like you really are happy! |
I care, but only because I understand "JUst a walki in the park"
does any one know what time it really is? Does anyone really care??? Nice Chicago reference. :-) |
All right, someone has actually taken the time to learn something instead of just memorizing enough to pass a test! God bless you itsmetina! have a great day!
does any one know what time it really is?
WOW,, I just figured it out! Hello!
I think what I said was what I meant, but I'm not sure that what you read is what I meant for you to think,,,or,,,,ya,,,thats right,, I think,,,oh god hear we go again!
Shakespeare said "I think therefore I Am" the current modern version of the statment is " I think therefore i'm lonely" Time to go outside and enjoy the hot tub, alone again, naturally!
Obama and clean coal?
And furthermore. LYING IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST ! bunch'a dummies!
Obama and clean coal?
There is no such thing as clean coal! Just thge energy expended to obtain, mine, deliver, refine/crush, is huge. And then to think that by filtering the stack polutants and spending more energy to dispose of them makes it O.K. is insanity. We have a energy source that will provide enough energy for all of the worlds needs until the end of time! It is called solar. Unfortunatly , too many people are addicted to the idea that they have the right to seek instant physical gratification for there wants, instead of living only on what they need. OUR ONLY NEEDS AS HUMAN BEINGS ARE THESE: FOOD/NOURISHMENT and SHELTER FROM THE HARSH ELEMENTS. If you are doing anything that is using fossil fuel energy to obtain more than you need, you are just as guilty as anyone one else in the act of destroying the world through the burning of fossil fuels. Get off of your self rightious train and get into reality. If we all quit abusing fossil fuels, the flow of wealth to only the few at the top of pyramid will stop very quickly. I'm resonably sure that writing this was a waste of time, as we have been here before. However, maybe someone with a little bit of power and influence in the world wil pick up on this and strap on a value system that cares as much about others as they do themselves. Have a good life, whats left of it!