Community > Posts By > smileyface2013

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Thu 05/21/15 10:59 AM

Will you fall in love with someone's personality than looks?

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Wed 05/20/15 08:05 PM

As we age I understand we don't look the same as we did 20 years ago. But age gracefully and be proud no need to hide behind 10 yr old pics. We want exactly what we are looking at here

So many men do the same ....
My self change the newest pictures many time....
Aim not afraid of my looks to day...(getting older) and you all the judge......

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Wed 05/20/15 04:42 PM

I have had women contact me and we have chatted for a while and things were great but then I get no more response from them.this happened already a f

That's same thew times. I just find it rude to just stop talking to someone especially if that person wanted to chat with you in the first place. I'm not a boring person and didn't say anything that would have offended them at all. I don't get it. what


Same all same all.....
I had that experience many time....
They email me first talk everyday....sounds great but they disappear because what I believe .....they found what they want....and true its rude. But we can not say anything about it.
Aim not boring person either....but I can not do anything ....just let them go....finding what they want.....

You are good looking will meet another person...who will talk to you everyday.....

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Wed 05/20/15 12:55 PM
I hate being judge by people that don't even know me....

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Mon 05/18/15 08:10 PM

It happens to everyone but it is best to snap out of it because those negative thoughts can keep you down.Sit down and make a list of all the things you are grateful in life for, and maybe call a old friend its good for the soul.

Thank you....

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Mon 05/18/15 08:09 PM

: flowers flowerforyou flowers

Thanks for the flowers....

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Mon 05/18/15 08:06 PM

how long is lately? lmao
and yes , last break up with my x girl friend still has me down , i just wear a good mask and most think all is well : )

i just don't want to bring them down cause of my missory <shrug>

kk enough of that
going for popcorn : )

Break up is hurt ....aim sorry about that...(hugs hugs....) tomorrow will be better....

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Mon 05/18/15 08:05 PM

today is a bad day.

You looks having fun out there...boating , fishing....lo?

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Mon 05/18/15 08:04 PM

Definitely not with a smily face:)

I keep smiley face ....even get hurt....

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Sun 05/17/15 07:04 PM
Have you ever got depression lately?

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Sun 05/17/15 06:55 PM

Could you call over to me I'm so horny right now you think talking on the phone will help you out....???..hahaha

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Sun 05/17/15 06:53 PM

Trying to fix my neck...from twisting it looking at your pic....haha...drinker

Hahaaa.....let me fix your neck...

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Sat 05/16/15 08:24 PM
What are all of you guys up to?
Aim currently in bed watching TV waiting for SNL...

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Fri 05/08/15 01:23 PM

"What's a one night stand?"


Here are two night stands.

You always have funny answer....LOL

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Fri 05/08/15 01:20 PM
You are always the funny one.....LOL...

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Fri 04/24/15 06:26 PM
Thank you TMommy....!!!

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Thu 04/23/15 08:27 PM
The scammers always asking Yahoo chat....
When you start chat on Yahoo, they asking about your personal information .....till asking $$$$$$.......
I have experience ....but I never give them any dimes...

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Thu 04/23/15 08:16 PM
yes...I try having fun on here...thanks dnhblue.....

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Thu 04/23/15 08:14 PM
Thank you for your opinion, RockGnome, Edory,mightymoe, I feels better and keep the profile......

Thank you ....!!!!

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Thu 04/23/15 08:09 PM
Thanks WonderWomen48...!
(And I love the flower lo....)