Community > Posts By > Yahsgirl66
Here is my list:
Shrimp Crab Lobster Catfish Pig Camel Kangaroo Emu Liver Tripe Milk Mushrooms Snails Rabbit Liverwrust (I used to like, now it makes me gag! ![]() Headcheese Cottage Cheese Lima Beans Cream Cheese Goat Cheese Feta Cheese That's all I can think of for now...what about you? |
YHWH has given you wisdom Yahsgirl, what you say is absolute truth. We are to worship the Creator in Spirit and Truth. I can see that you are doing that. My spirit agrees. churchianity is of pagan belief and is a vice of the devil used to decieve the whole world. Christianity perverts the Good News of Messiah with all its Falsehoods and Idolatry. "Blessed are those doing His Commands, so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life, and to enter through the gates into the city. But outside are the dogs, and those who enchant with drugs, and those who whore,and the murderers, and the idolaters, and all who love and do falsehood" Revelation 22:14,15 You see, all who loves to practice lies instead of YHWH's Truth will never enter into His Kingdom. YHWH hates lies. You must free yourselves from the shackles of religion folks if you really want to enter into His Kingdom. "And there shall by no means enter into it whatever is unclean, neither anyone doing abomination and falsehood, but only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life." Revelation 21:27 Its your choice. Love and practice Lies and be eternally separated from the One who created you or Seek First His Kingdom of Righteousness, (Not Mans righteousness)and all these things shall be added unto you. Life in His Perfect Kingdom. Keep Following those blind leaders and see where they will lead you. You all will fall into the pit of destruction. Keep worshipping jesus and see where you will be living after you leave your flesh. Call on the One True Savior Yahushua. He Saves. Once you learn the truth folks do not return to your vomit. Worship Yahushua. Maybe you did not know the Messiah is Yahushua, but now you know so now you can stop calling on false pagan savior. jesus is who you call on when your in darkness and dont know any better. Yahushua is who you call on when you come into the light. Praise Yah. ![]() Be enlightened! Yamin ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yahweh has given you wisdom as well Yamin. Shalom! |
I don't get it. I here Yahweh, I here Jesus, I here that the Bible said a child would be born named Emanuel... I here that Jesus was not his real name, it was Joshua.... etc etc. Why so many names? And everyone knows Jesus was not born on Christmas so why are children taught these things as if they were facts? Yahweh is the heavenly Father's name Emmanuael means El is with us....I'd have to get really deep into that one, and will only do that if you sincerely want to know... Yahshua is the Messiah name (he was a Hebrew and Hebrew parents give their children Hebrew names not Greek names) Yahshua means Yah's Salvation jesus is a made up name, with no meaning, rhyme or reason behind it. If one was going to translate the name Yahshua it would be Joshua, not jesus. Although why people insist with the fallacy that one's name changes from country to country is a mystery to me. My name is my name in every country I have been to, and it has never changed. Two names: Yahweh the Heavenly Father, Yahshua The Messiah Yah's son As for why people tell their children that last lie I don't know. I find it very disturbing. What is even worse they teach their children about the mythical character satan's claws...oops I means santa claws, no santa claus. I guess the jc and sc go hand in hand, neither of them Scripture. To make matters worse they are lying to their babies and when their child is old enough to know the truth, they start wondering what else did their parents lie about...that opens up a whole new can of worms! Shalom! ![]() ![]() Excellent answer! Normally, most christians don't even know the difference between Jesus and God. I'm impressed. I gotta look at your profile now. Most of these christians that post I don't respond to 'cause they know so little or they think they know so much! Grace & Peace, David I had to look at your profile too! ![]() |
Did you know?
No can show you the date of the Messiah's birth because it is not in the Scriptures. However there is a scripture John 1:14 "And the Word became flesh, and did tabernacle among us, and we beheld his glory, glory as of an only begotten of a father, full of grace and truth."
Some people take that to mean that He was born during The Feast of Tabernacles. Which makes sense as you read the story of His birth, when His parents arrived there was no room at the inn because it was time for The F.O.T. The F.O.T. occurs in Sept-Oct, so one could say that our Messiah was born around that time of year, NOT on 12/25. Shalom! |
In theology the law has been done away. So how can someone be called the "Lawless One" as the man of sin is? Blessings...Miles Psalms 19:7 (NKJV) The law of Yahweh [is] perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of Yahweh [is] sure, making wise the simple; 1 John 5:3 For this is the love of Elohim, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. John 14:15 (NKJV) " If you love Me, keep My commandments. 16 "And I will pray to the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever-- 17 "the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you . Luke 6:46 (NKJV) " But why do you call Me `Master, Master,' and do not do the things which I say? 47 "Whoever comes to Me, and hears My sayings and does them, I will show you whom he is like: 48 "He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock. 49 "But he who heard and did nothing is like a man who built a house on the earth without a foundation, against which the stream beat vehemently; and immediately it fell. And the ruin of that house was great." If one is NOT keeping Yahweh's law one would be considered lawless! This holds true for ANYONE that deems Yahweh's law has been done away with... Shalom! |
Is the Bible repulsive?
The bible talks about being stoned on the sabbath. Yet what and why did this happen? What happened where he quoted from we are talking about when Yahweh had direct communication with Moses. He would tell him what to do. Yahweh says that rebellion is one of the most grevious sins. It is as today is deliberate to intice a fight. To over throw justice. To mock. The guy that was stoned was told he was not to pick up sticks for his fire on the sabbath after being told he clearly said so what. I do not care.. After what all he had seen.. Yahweh made an example out of him what happens when rebellion happens. rebellion spreads and causes more problems. This example of the Sabbath day was more about Rebellion than the sabbath. As Yahshua said himself. Also about adultry. King david killed and committed Adultry when confronted he did not try to hide it but was sorry and seen he was out of control. He changed. the woman they brought to yahshua. Did they bring her to him because they wanted to see justice served? No it was to trick him and he put it back on them. Whoever is without sin cast the 1st stone. That is mercy not a crazy Elohim.. On wars.. since Yahshua's time yes. I can think of none that did not have scripture involved as an excuse. But Yahshua even when he was going to be put to death falsely showed us an example. He said he is not of this world if he was armies would fight for him. This is true throughout the NT. The disciples or Apostlles you can not find anything but giving up thier life before they would take one. Did not matter who it was. That should be. But since the Council of Nicea in 325 ad and Constantines supposed conversion it has been an excuse to kill and murder and they have all the way up to this day. I do not belief history will bear out the Disciples of Yahshua picking up arms before then. then the true religion was lost in History. You can read about some of them like the Poor men of Lyons who were slaughtered by Rome 800,000 yet little is said about them by the churches. They refused to pick up arms. I do not disagree about what you see as religion today. It has been perverted and has been since 325ad. You can see this in all the movies since then that has the warriors with a cross on thier uniforn, thier Sheild with a a sword even that looked like a cross. They even went so far with the cross as a battling murderous theme that if you look closesly at the helmets the armies wore in front a little cross comes down over thier eyes. All to convince the soldiers they were doing Yahweh's work.. No they were doing JC's work.. This is one reason I refuse to have anything to do with a cross. It represents Death. Before 325 ad and constantine we do not find people wearing crosses. This is almost 300 years after the messiah's death. Constantine a heathon used the religion for his own agenda and it has come down to us even today. Stoning is a reference to Yahshua. He is our rock of Salvation.. This is a reference to Yahshua as the Stone. He also speaks of those who come against him will be dashed to pieces. Kinda like if you took a mirror you was looking in and did not like what you saw taking it and throwing it upon a cornerstone. What would happen to your reflection? Isa 28:16-19 "Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation, A tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation; Whoever believes will not act hastily. 17 Also I will make justice the measuring line, And righteousness the plummet; The hail will sweep away the refuge of lies, And the waters will overflow the hiding place. 18 Your covenant with death will be annulled, And your agreement with Sheol will not stand; When the overflowing scourge passes through, Then you will be trampled down by it. 19 As often as it goes out it will take you; For morning by morning it will pass over, And by day and by night; It will be a terror just to understand the report." NKJV These are very important scriptures that are talking about this day we live in. More of it in the same chapter explains how terror is brought about. Stoning is the people coming against Yahweh's people. They will not stand thier words or thier ways...Shalom...Miles And the Truth will set you FREE!!! Shalom! |
I don't get it. I here Yahweh, I here Jesus, I here that the Bible said a child would be born named Emanuel... I here that Jesus was not his real name, it was Joshua.... etc etc. Why so many names? And everyone knows Jesus was not born on Christmas so why are children taught these things as if they were facts? Yahweh is the heavenly Father's name Emmanuael means El is with us....I'd have to get really deep into that one, and will only do that if you sincerely want to know... Yahshua is the Messiah name (he was a Hebrew and Hebrew parents give their children Hebrew names not Greek names) Yahshua means Yah's Salvation jesus is a made up name, with no meaning, rhyme or reason behind it. If one was going to translate the name Yahshua it would be Joshua, not jesus. Although why people insist with the fallacy that one's name changes from country to country is a mystery to me. My name is my name in every country I have been to, and it has never changed. Two names: Yahweh the Heavenly Father, Yahshua The Messiah Yah's son As for why people tell their children that last lie I don't know. I find it very disturbing. What is even worse they teach their children about the mythical character satan's claws...oops I means santa claws, no santa claus. I guess the jc and sc go hand in hand, neither of them Scripture. To make matters worse they are lying to their babies and when their child is old enough to know the truth, they start wondering what else did their parents lie about...that opens up a whole new can of worms! Shalom! |
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Shalom Miles, As I read your dream I see that there will come a time when you may have to hide, in hiding you won't be least at that time. I agree about dreams, they are sent from Yahweh, at least some of them are. The ones that I get from Him are usually VERY REAL. I can tell the difference. I also wanted to let you know that there are a lot of believers (Yahweh's chosen) that are having dreams of this sort. I find it interesting...just as interesting as the moon, jupiter and venus aligning...portents in the sky. We have been having dreams of sumani's in NYC, and air attacks while being at the mall. Something is on the horizon we can feel it even if the rest of the world in lost in their pagan worship. We MUST keep our eyes open and continue to to review our dreams, did He not tell us that our dream would have meaning? Wouldn't it be interesting if Yahshua were to return in the middle of one of these man-made traditions. He would truly wonder if Faith still existed on earth. Shalom! Shalom Sister. May the Love Of Yahshua be with You as I thank Him everyday for You being in My life... Blessings of Yahweh's Love and Shalom...Miles Shalom Brother, It is indeed a blessing having you in my life as well. Pure love, ain't nothing else like it! Blessings to you and yours. May Yahweh's face shine upon you and give His Shalom! Yahsgirl |
Do you all see from what I posted last night. 5 hrs later. A christms eve massacre. But I don understand what it really means. Dressed as Santa Claus with a present spreads gunfire then takes whats in the or under the present to spread flames to burn the house down. 25 people inside. Cheap toys with machine guns as if shooting to hit every square inch. MS we do have love for one another and have never met or even known each other untill we met on here. And as All Yahwists would either one of us would greet the other into our homes with no fear or doubt. What we do know is we follow Yahweh's Law. You can not Follow Yahweh's law with out confessing Yahshua as Our Messiah . We both know each others mind set because of that fact. We know the other we could trust with our lives. What a gift to Believes of Yahshua. Now MS can you say that you would accept with open arms knowing they are of your father in Heaven into your house never having meeting them before white, red, black or blue or whatever and not think twice as Lot did with the 2 strangers willing to lay down your life for them as you absolutely know they will for you. Can you tell me you can do that by what you believe? I did not think so. So thank you. For bringing that up because you have just proven the Prophecy of "you will know them by thier love for one another" Shalom...Miles HALLELUYAH!!!!! |
so u interpet the bible yourself...? based on 0 outside influence.... ok.. nothing to bring us closer than a warm bowl of religion lets tlk politics next.. Scripture interprets scripture, based on scripture. It is not for man to interpret. It says what it says. Either you have faith in that truth or you don't. The politics room is located in the General discussion area...have fun! Shalom! |
I'm ok with my own beliefs and claim nothing more, or less... Are your beliefs based on scripture or man's tradition? There is a HUGE difference. Shalom! They're based on my interpretation of my own spiritual and physical experiences. You can tell me how wrong that is until you're blue in the face, but it will be your wasted time,not mine... God bless May Yahweh bless you! |
that is good u wana help .. i belive some of wut ur sayn.... but in fairness... arent your beliefs part of a sect(which one i dont kno) that broke away from a some point..?? i think it boils down to faith... cuz i kno nobody who was alive in the A.D. and B.C.E. era... Peace 2 U my reader, I don't belong to a denomination if that is what you are saying. I read the scriptures and I live accordingly. I guess if you MUST put a label on it you may say that I am Israel. For in Scripture Israel is the one that is being saved, and it is THROUGH Israel that we must be grafted into the body of the Messiah. Faith is a lot stronger without the fairy tales. Faith is based upon TRUTH. I do know someone that was alive in those eras and is still alive today. He is the Messiah... Shalom! |
In all fairness, if you try to reach Christians you should post this in the Christian Forum to which you are automatically subscribed. Others from other religions sure don't want to see a fight of all Christian denominations here in the General Religion Chat. The message is for ALL, every single one us needs TRUTH in our lives. Shalom. But the message can't be for others, as we have made our choice already. This is purely for Christianity. Your posting this here will not change anybody's mind, they are made up. I disagree with your thought "will not change any body's mind". The beauty of being a Human Being is our minds are changed about things all of the time. IMHO it is not only the christians that need to rethink things. Scripture is for everyone to embrace... Shalom! |
I'm ok with my own beliefs and claim nothing more, or less... Are your beliefs based on scripture or man's tradition? There is a HUGE difference. Shalom! |
“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32) There is no doubt that a large number of Christians are “good people” and have a sincere belief in the truth that the All-Mighty Creator sent His Son to redeem the world from sin, but the sad truth is that Christianity is just another false religion that has vague similarities to the true way that the Messiah taught and lived. If you are a Christian and before you exit this page; ask yourself if you believe that “the Bible” is the “Word of God”... If you believe this then this article uses that very book to prove that all “denominations” are simply sects that have become larger than the original faith. All Christian denominations have doctrines that are based on an interpretation of Scripture and have split away from whatever denomination they were originally part of. The first obvious similarity between ALL forms of Christianity is the fact that they all worship someone known as “Jesus” and call the Creator by a title “God” or “Lord” etc. rather than by His Name. The Name of the creator is commanded in the Ten Commandments, yet Christianity is guilty of breaking the Third Command by bringing the Name of Yahweh to nothingness! If you still have reservations, we ask that you take your Scriptures and Pray to Yahweh to open your eyes to what He is saying to you. The only way for any of us to know the truth and to be set free is to match it with the Scriptures: His love letter to us, His children. If what you have learned or been taught does not match up to His word then you are following man and not Yahweh. “See to it that no one makes a prey of you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary matters of the world, and not according to Messiah.” (Colossians 2:8) BEGINNINGS The most obvious place to start is at the first offshoot “denomination” known today as “Roman Catholicism”. Catholic means “universal” and that's exactly what the first Pagan, sun-worshipping father of this sect had in mind. Constantine wanted to unite the whole known world under a one world government and universal religion. What he succeeded in doing was to combine all the important elements of all religions into one. This is why Christianity is labeled with a greek name and why they follow a “christ” with a Greek name. The origin of the title: “christ” is the Greek word: “kristos” which is also related to the indian word “krishna”. All these titles simply mean “anointed” and are simply no comparison to the original prophesied Hebrew MESSIAH. For more on this click this link The Pagan roots of Catholicism are evident upon examination of the rituals and traditions practiced which include: “mass”, “veneration of statues (idol worship)”, “Papal deification” “confession”, etc. This also explains why Christianity is loaded with Pagan traditions such as “Christ-Mass” and “Easter”, also Pagan icons like “crosses” and “icthus fish”. REFORMATION After over a thousand years enough folks finally realized the truth was contained in the Scriptures (which had been with held from the people) and formed another denomination and were labeled “protestants” because they actually removed some of the Paganism from Christianity. Over the next few hundred years however, other doctrines were contrived and led to more and more sects with names defining their pet doctrines or their founder such as: “Lutherans”, “Calvinists”, “Anglicans”, “Presbyterians”, etc. 1Corinthians 3:3-4 For you are still fleshly. For since there is envy, and strife, and divisions among you, are you not fleshly and walking according to man? For when one says, “I am of Sha’ul,” and another, “I am of Apollos,” are you not fleshly? In the last few centuries, hundreds of new denominations have arisen; some getting closer to the truth and some further. We will use Scripture to determine just how far off some of Christianity's cherished traditions and doctrines truly are. Both the obedience to the Sabbath and the use (or lack) of The Name of YHWH are commanded in the Ten Commandments and the words of the Messiah are clear: John 14:21 “He who possesses My commands and guards them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I shall love him and manifest Myself to him.” Now that you are aware of the full extent of these commands; if you repent and guard them then Yahushua will reveal Himself to you. If you continue to disobey them, you will most likely not see the truth and continue in some of the following traditions of man. SABBATH Despite the Sabbath being one of the Ten Commandments written by the finger of Yahweh Himself, Christianity has continued the Catholic tradition of honouring the first day of the week known as “Sun-day” that the sun-worshipping Constantine ordained. This is not a “Jewish” command, nor a “Seventh-Day Adventist” doctrine; the Sabbath was given to us as an example by Yahweh immediately after Creation BEFORE there was “Jews” or any denomination. “HOLY-DAYS” Christmas and Easter are deeply entrenched in Christianity. Ask yourself what evergreen trees, a rotund man in a red suit and eggs and bunnies have to do with the birth or resurrection of the Messiah. TRINITARIANISM The three in one "God" is on of those concepts not founded in Scripture, and it's not always easy using Scripture to refute a belief not in Scripture... SAVED BY “GRACE” Does it make sense that we are saved to live a life of contentment; to "take thine ease"? MONEY AND “TITHING” Even though Christianity claims that the Law and Torah has been "nailed to the cross" and the "Old" Covenant was only for the "Jews", nearly all of churchianity tries to extort money from the gullible masses by utilizing a First Covenant law! The Renewed Covenant does not mention a "tithe" because the purpose of the tithe under the First Covenant was for the Levitical priesthood, as the tribe of Levi received no possession in the promised land. Now that Yahushua is our High Priest forever (Heb 7:17) there is no need for the tithe system. The gifts and offerings given were for the poor, widows and orphans, etc. and although the tithe for the earthly priesthood is surpassed, true believers would not ignore the Scripture given in the book of Ya'akob: James 1:27 "Clean and undefiled religion before the Elohim and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." RAPTURE The "rapture" is the term commonly used to refer to the second coming of the Messiah. Just when does the second coming take place? ETERNAL SECURITY Eternal security or "once saved always saved" is an invention of the Catholic religion that arose through the "indulgences" sold to wealthy folk ensuring them a spot in heaven regardless of their behavior in this life. DISPENSATIONALISM The idea of "dispensations" arose through the Scripturally unfounded doctrine of "eternal security", therefore the two go hand in hand. The premise is that the Creator has used different means (dispensations) of determining who is entitled to enter His Reign. This of course flies in the face of His Word. Mankind has only one means by which to be saved, and that is through His Covenant to Yisra'el. We are either grafted into His people through obedience to His Son, or cast out. Yahweh does not change: "For I am YHWH, I shall not change..." - Malachi 3:6 REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY This is the teaching that the "church", or gentile believers have somehow replaced Yisra'el because of the "new dispensation of grace". Scripturally unproveable of course, but Christianity is not based on Scripture anyhow. As mentioned above, the only means of salvation has always been through obedience from a loving heart. HIERARCHICAL CONTROL The whole "Church" system is Babylonian in origin and again, stems from the Catholic reigion. The "Church" has created an order of hierachy based on the Babylonian religions thereby controlling the masses, or having them believe that they must have a Pope/Minister/Pastor interpret the Scriptures for them. Yahweh's Word is clear that we have only one teacher and do not need man to teach us: 1 John 2:27 "The anointing which you have received from Him stays in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as the same anointing does teach you..." The Scriptures also inform us that we are all equal in His eyes: Galatians 3:28 "There is not jew nor Greek, there is not slave nor free, there is not male and female, for you are all one in Messiah Yahushua." It is of note that the term "Pastor" (helper) appears only once in reference to the Assembly of believers and is plural (Pastors). Yahweh never intended His people to be "lorded over" but gave us One Head: Yahushua! THE BIBLE The word "bible" conjures up thoughts of "God's Word" in the minds of most Christians, but the meaning and origin of the word is far removed from it. The word comes from the ancient word: "Byblion" meaning paper! Apparently so called from the name of the Phoenician port Byblos from which Egyptian Papyrus was exported to Greece. The name given to the recorded Words of Yahweh is Scriptures - the term used by Yahushua and Sha'ul and all believers. Another sad fact about the "Bible" is that some Catholic called Jerome decided to name the original Covenant between Yahweh and man, the "Old" Testament, giving the impression that Yahweh's "instruction for righteousness" (2 Tim 3:16) is obsolete! The phrase "New" Testament was also coined leading people to belive that there is a new way to Salvation when in fact salvation has always been through obedience and the Greek word used for this "New" Covenant is "Kainos" which means "Renewed". Yahweh's Covenant is the same as the "First" (old?), renewed through the blood of Yahushua. SUMMATION We as Believers have many things to face up to. We want to live and have everything this world offers, yet the Scriptures say if you are a friend of the world you are an enemy of Yahweh (James 4:4). We have found the quickest way to judge things in this world (Scripture is the only way of course) is to measure how popular it is in the world. “Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.” Luke 6:26. The rule of thumb: If it has a large following then it cannot be of Yahweh. Why you ask? Because Yahushua Messiah was not popular (John 15:18). He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow (Heb 13:8), He does not change. Only false signs and wonders will follow this generation, no signs will be given, only the sign of Yonah (Luke 11:29), and of course, only a remnant shall be saved (Rom 9:27). If you want everything this world has to offer, you cannot be a follower of Messiah (John 12:25). If you are spending more time on worldly things other than Yahweh, then you cannot be a follower of The Messiah (Matthew 13:22). If you are in continuous sin you cannot be a follower of The Messiah (1 John 3:6). We are not saying we are perfect, but there is a big difference in planning sin (you are in fornication) and stumbling into sin (you hit a nail into the wall and smash your thumb and say something not right - not that your mouth should say bad words - but you did not plan to hit your thumb). Please do not make excuses. The Scriptures say if you continue to sin you have neither seen Him or known Him (1 John 3:6). Scriptures quoted are taken from “The Scriptures – 1998” (International Scripture Research) available through ![]() ![]() Very interesting indeed! Thank you for the flowers! Shalom! |
In all fairness, if you try to reach Christians you should post this in the Christian Forum to which you are automatically subscribed. Others from other religions sure don't want to see a fight of all Christian denominations here in the General Religion Chat. The message is for ALL, every single one us needs TRUTH in our lives. Shalom. |
“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32)
There is no doubt that a large number of Christians are “good people” and have a sincere belief in the truth that the All-Mighty Creator sent His Son to redeem the world from sin, but the sad truth is that Christianity is just another false religion that has vague similarities to the true way that the Messiah taught and lived. If you are a Christian and before you exit this page; ask yourself if you believe that “the Bible” is the “Word of God”... If you believe this then this article uses that very book to prove that all “denominations” are simply sects that have become larger than the original faith. All Christian denominations have doctrines that are based on an interpretation of Scripture and have split away from whatever denomination they were originally part of. The first obvious similarity between ALL forms of Christianity is the fact that they all worship someone known as “Jesus” and call the Creator by a title “God” or “Lord” etc. rather than by His Name. The Name of the creator is commanded in the Ten Commandments, yet Christianity is guilty of breaking the Third Command by bringing the Name of Yahweh to nothingness! If you still have reservations, we ask that you take your Scriptures and Pray to Yahweh to open your eyes to what He is saying to you. The only way for any of us to know the truth and to be set free is to match it with the Scriptures: His love letter to us, His children. If what you have learned or been taught does not match up to His word then you are following man and not Yahweh. “See to it that no one makes a prey of you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary matters of the world, and not according to Messiah.” (Colossians 2:8) BEGINNINGS The most obvious place to start is at the first offshoot “denomination” known today as “Roman Catholicism”. Catholic means “universal” and that's exactly what the first Pagan, sun-worshipping father of this sect had in mind. Constantine wanted to unite the whole known world under a one world government and universal religion. What he succeeded in doing was to combine all the important elements of all religions into one. This is why Christianity is labeled with a greek name and why they follow a “christ” with a Greek name. The origin of the title: “christ” is the Greek word: “kristos” which is also related to the indian word “krishna”. All these titles simply mean “anointed” and are simply no comparison to the original prophesied Hebrew MESSIAH. For more on this click this link The Pagan roots of Catholicism are evident upon examination of the rituals and traditions practiced which include: “mass”, “veneration of statues (idol worship)”, “Papal deification” “confession”, etc. This also explains why Christianity is loaded with Pagan traditions such as “Christ-Mass” and “Easter”, also Pagan icons like “crosses” and “icthus fish”. REFORMATION After over a thousand years enough folks finally realized the truth was contained in the Scriptures (which had been with held from the people) and formed another denomination and were labeled “protestants” because they actually removed some of the Paganism from Christianity. Over the next few hundred years however, other doctrines were contrived and led to more and more sects with names defining their pet doctrines or their founder such as: “Lutherans”, “Calvinists”, “Anglicans”, “Presbyterians”, etc. 1Corinthians 3:3-4 For you are still fleshly. For since there is envy, and strife, and divisions among you, are you not fleshly and walking according to man? For when one says, “I am of Sha’ul,” and another, “I am of Apollos,” are you not fleshly? In the last few centuries, hundreds of new denominations have arisen; some getting closer to the truth and some further. We will use Scripture to determine just how far off some of Christianity's cherished traditions and doctrines truly are. Both the obedience to the Sabbath and the use (or lack) of The Name of YHWH are commanded in the Ten Commandments and the words of the Messiah are clear: John 14:21 “He who possesses My commands and guards them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I shall love him and manifest Myself to him.” Now that you are aware of the full extent of these commands; if you repent and guard them then Yahushua will reveal Himself to you. If you continue to disobey them, you will most likely not see the truth and continue in some of the following traditions of man. SABBATH Despite the Sabbath being one of the Ten Commandments written by the finger of Yahweh Himself, Christianity has continued the Catholic tradition of honouring the first day of the week known as “Sun-day” that the sun-worshipping Constantine ordained. This is not a “Jewish” command, nor a “Seventh-Day Adventist” doctrine; the Sabbath was given to us as an example by Yahweh immediately after Creation BEFORE there was “Jews” or any denomination. “HOLY-DAYS” Christmas and Easter are deeply entrenched in Christianity. Ask yourself what evergreen trees, a rotund man in a red suit and eggs and bunnies have to do with the birth or resurrection of the Messiah. TRINITARIANISM The three in one "God" is on of those concepts not founded in Scripture, and it's not always easy using Scripture to refute a belief not in Scripture... SAVED BY “GRACE” Does it make sense that we are saved to live a life of contentment; to "take thine ease"? MONEY AND “TITHING” Even though Christianity claims that the Law and Torah has been "nailed to the cross" and the "Old" Covenant was only for the "Jews", nearly all of churchianity tries to extort money from the gullible masses by utilizing a First Covenant law! The Renewed Covenant does not mention a "tithe" because the purpose of the tithe under the First Covenant was for the Levitical priesthood, as the tribe of Levi received no possession in the promised land. Now that Yahushua is our High Priest forever (Heb 7:17) there is no need for the tithe system. The gifts and offerings given were for the poor, widows and orphans, etc. and although the tithe for the earthly priesthood is surpassed, true believers would not ignore the Scripture given in the book of Ya'akob: James 1:27 "Clean and undefiled religion before the Elohim and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." RAPTURE The "rapture" is the term commonly used to refer to the second coming of the Messiah. Just when does the second coming take place? ETERNAL SECURITY Eternal security or "once saved always saved" is an invention of the Catholic religion that arose through the "indulgences" sold to wealthy folk ensuring them a spot in heaven regardless of their behavior in this life. DISPENSATIONALISM The idea of "dispensations" arose through the Scripturally unfounded doctrine of "eternal security", therefore the two go hand in hand. The premise is that the Creator has used different means (dispensations) of determining who is entitled to enter His Reign. This of course flies in the face of His Word. Mankind has only one means by which to be saved, and that is through His Covenant to Yisra'el. We are either grafted into His people through obedience to His Son, or cast out. Yahweh does not change: "For I am YHWH, I shall not change..." - Malachi 3:6 REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY This is the teaching that the "church", or gentile believers have somehow replaced Yisra'el because of the "new dispensation of grace". Scripturally unproveable of course, but Christianity is not based on Scripture anyhow. As mentioned above, the only means of salvation has always been through obedience from a loving heart. HIERARCHICAL CONTROL The whole "Church" system is Babylonian in origin and again, stems from the Catholic reigion. The "Church" has created an order of hierachy based on the Babylonian religions thereby controlling the masses, or having them believe that they must have a Pope/Minister/Pastor interpret the Scriptures for them. Yahweh's Word is clear that we have only one teacher and do not need man to teach us: 1 John 2:27 "The anointing which you have received from Him stays in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as the same anointing does teach you..." The Scriptures also inform us that we are all equal in His eyes: Galatians 3:28 "There is not jew nor Greek, there is not slave nor free, there is not male and female, for you are all one in Messiah Yahushua." It is of note that the term "Pastor" (helper) appears only once in reference to the Assembly of believers and is plural (Pastors). Yahweh never intended His people to be "lorded over" but gave us One Head: Yahushua! THE BIBLE The word "bible" conjures up thoughts of "God's Word" in the minds of most Christians, but the meaning and origin of the word is far removed from it. The word comes from the ancient word: "Byblion" meaning paper! Apparently so called from the name of the Phoenician port Byblos from which Egyptian Papyrus was exported to Greece. The name given to the recorded Words of Yahweh is Scriptures - the term used by Yahushua and Sha'ul and all believers. Another sad fact about the "Bible" is that some Catholic called Jerome decided to name the original Covenant between Yahweh and man, the "Old" Testament, giving the impression that Yahweh's "instruction for righteousness" (2 Tim 3:16) is obsolete! The phrase "New" Testament was also coined leading people to belive that there is a new way to Salvation when in fact salvation has always been through obedience and the Greek word used for this "New" Covenant is "Kainos" which means "Renewed". Yahweh's Covenant is the same as the "First" (old?), renewed through the blood of Yahushua. SUMMATION We as Believers have many things to face up to. We want to live and have everything this world offers, yet the Scriptures say if you are a friend of the world you are an enemy of Yahweh (James 4:4). We have found the quickest way to judge things in this world (Scripture is the only way of course) is to measure how popular it is in the world. “Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.” Luke 6:26. The rule of thumb: If it has a large following then it cannot be of Yahweh. Why you ask? Because Yahushua Messiah was not popular (John 15:18). He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow (Heb 13:8), He does not change. Only false signs and wonders will follow this generation, no signs will be given, only the sign of Yonah (Luke 11:29), and of course, only a remnant shall be saved (Rom 9:27). If you want everything this world has to offer, you cannot be a follower of Messiah (John 12:25). If you are spending more time on worldly things other than Yahweh, then you cannot be a follower of The Messiah (Matthew 13:22). If you are in continuous sin you cannot be a follower of The Messiah (1 John 3:6). We are not saying we are perfect, but there is a big difference in planning sin (you are in fornication) and stumbling into sin (you hit a nail into the wall and smash your thumb and say something not right - not that your mouth should say bad words - but you did not plan to hit your thumb). Please do not make excuses. The Scriptures say if you continue to sin you have neither seen Him or known Him (1 John 3:6). Scriptures quoted are taken from “The Scriptures – 1998” (International Scripture Research) available through |
There is peace within this thread, for peace comes from within. Are you not at peace? I am. Shalom! Okay, thanks for clearing that up. ![]() You are quite welcome Hmmm you really shouldn't bang your head like isn't the way to lead a peaceful life. ![]() You know, I was thinking about this a bit ago. You're right, no one can disturb my internal peace. However, external peace can be disturbed. And, it's very rude to do so. But, you have a wonderful Christmas day waiting for the blood bath. You seem disturbed by TRUTH. You shouldn't be, for we are told not to be afraid. Instead of embracing the Truth and being prepared you rather keep man's are the one being rude and disrespectful to the one and only Elohim. You think that since it is a tradition that was introduced by a false church you are in the right. You really need to study the scriptures and pray for understanding and truth! In love I leave you this... KJB 2 Timothy 4:3 "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;" This scripture is speaking about you, and others like you. I will leave this discussion now and pray for you. I will pray for Yahweh to open your heart and mind to His TRUTH. It doesn't matter that you will take offense to my prayer, for you see Yahweh will hear my prayer for you, and one day after the "blood bath" as you so eloquently put it, He will make you aware that you were prayed for in a pure manner. Shalom! |
There is peace within this thread, for peace comes from within. Are you not at peace? I am. Shalom! Okay, thanks for clearing that up. ![]() You are quite welcome Hmmm you really shouldn't bang your head like isn't the way to lead a peaceful life. ![]() |