Topic: Interpreting Dreams that seem real. | |
I know you all think a crazy and have spoke about dreams that i understand after the fact. I am getting better but i still can not put a handle on it. But when I woke up a little bit ago I felt such urgency and I know how many people are on here with different idea's and thoughts maybe you can understand something I can not. Yet i do not know we can do anything about it. The need is thier to learn and understand and if possible warn. many know I have spoken of visions and dreams and even been told when but i did not understand where and the what exactly was going to happen.. I do not know it is strange. i do not relay this dream as I right these things down in my dord processor as I recall the dream not looking up at what i am typing or correcting spellings or anything else I leave it alone. as you can and will see the strange dialect i typed but in English. Thanks for your help and understanding as these things worry me sometimes or i shoud say they do as to often something really bad has happened that i recongonse after the fact. so believe me i do not post this easilt as i probbally look like a nut case loosing my mind. so it is hard to say what I have or post what i am getting ready 2. Thanks and May Yahweh's Guiding Hand be with Us...Miles woke up at 8pm ct 12 23 2008 My dream 8pm tues dec 23 2008 We were in a busy place when this thing of what look like a cluster of cheap Chinese toys with machine guns came in. It was 3 or 4 rows high. Built like a square with pipes going 10 or 12 ft across 3 o4 4 pipes high and many pies of what looked like pcv pipe going down and across. These cheap Chinese toys were spaced evenly across and up and down. All with several machine guns each going every which angle. Straight sideways 60 degreese as if this array of toys and machine guns were thought out exactly as they walki in would a bullet hit every square inch of the place they wa;ked into. I was watching from a door to the out side stunned as I seen this . Then they wre done and I was sitting up on the floor and as they came out they were people. Asian people like Chinese or Japenese and I had to act as if I was a stuffed animal or something as they said is it real.. Talking about me and they said lets see and they poked me and I had 1 arm sticking out and they hit it and I had to make my arm just bounce back like I was not a person. They shined lights and lasers into my eyes to try to get me to move. One said I saw him move just shoot him and the leader said no I did not. Then they said lets get out of here. They all left having to go around me and when they left I went looking for my friends like tunnel vision. I found maybe 10 all were ok they each were hiding at the time in like a changing area of cloths in a store with curtains on each and you could see under the curtains. We left and we felt safe but then we noticed we were not seeing anyone. And that is when I woke up. |
Why do you feel that this goes under Religion? It is more about psychology. My first thought is that you could be feeling threatened by someone or something. I don't think you feel like you're alone though. |
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Tue 12/23/08 07:42 PM
No i believe it is here.. I believe dreams are given to us for a reason. whether sub conscience or not. I do believe it comes from above to let you know something if you will listen.
That small silent voice we all have in our heads that tells us for no reason at all we feel very peaceful somewhere or at other times someone might of walked into a room you do not know at all and feel cold with goose bumps and want out of thier.. I believe all of us has experienced this and I believe it is angels in this sence warning us or giving us warmth that sence of calmeness and at ease. no scientific explanation for it but who has not ever had these things happen to them..same with dreams in some sort I believe is from above. I do not believe unless you are possessed by demons that satan can get into your mind.. In this fashion. For example Job. Yahweh said satan could do anything to him but kill him but Job would not loose faith. It is not even written anything about that satan could get into Job's mind, sub concience. What would be a better way than go thier to cause a person to loose faith and curse Yahweh? Blessings...Miles |
I also believe that dreams very likely are what makes us go somewhere and we feel like we have been thier before..Dejavu.
Or something happens or we see, hear, smell or taste and we remember something whether real or whether a dream or part of one from a while back we all of a sudden think of. why does this happen? Shalom...Miles |
Shalom Miles,
As I read your dream I see that there will come a time when you may have to hide, in hiding you won't be least at that time. I agree about dreams, they are sent from Yahweh, at least some of them are. The ones that I get from Him are usually VERY REAL. I can tell the difference. I also wanted to let you know that there are a lot of believers (Yahweh's chosen) that are having dreams of this sort. I find it interesting...just as interesting as the moon, jupiter and venus aligning...portents in the sky. We have been having dreams of sumani's in NYC, and air attacks while being at the mall. Something is on the horizon we can feel it even if the rest of the world in lost in their pagan worship. We MUST keep our eyes open and continue to to review our dreams, did He not tell us that our dream would have meaning? Wouldn't it be interesting if Yahshua were to return in the middle of one of these man-made traditions. He would truly wonder if Faith still existed on earth. Shalom! |
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Thu 12/25/08 04:00 AM
"See How They LOVE One Another" "You Will Know Them By Their LOVE " "If They Be of God, Then Also Shall They LOVE As God LOVES." ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Thu 12/25/08 06:21 PM
Do you all see from what I posted last night. 5 hrs later. A christms eve massacre. But I don understand what it really means. Dressed as Santa Claus with a present spreads gunfire then takes whats in the or under the present to spread flames to burn the house down. 25 people inside. Cheap toys with machine guns as if shooting to hit every square inch.
MS we do have love for one another and have never met or even known each other untill we met on here. And as All Yahwists would either one of us would greet the other into our homes with no fear or doubt. What we do know is we follow Yahweh's Law. You can not Follow Yahweh's law with out confessing Yahshua as Our Messiah . We both know each others mind set because of that fact. We know the other we could trust with our lives. What a gift to Believes of Yahshua. Now MS can you say that you would accept with open arms knowing they are of your father in Heaven into your house never having meeting them before white, red, black or blue or whatever and not think twice as Lot did with the 2 strangers willing to lay down your life for them as you absolutely know they will for you. Can you tell me you can do that by what you believe? I did not think so. So thank you. For bringing that up because you have just proven the Prophecy of "you will know them by thier love for one another" Shalom...Miles |
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Thu 12/25/08 06:23 PM
Shalom Miles, As I read your dream I see that there will come a time when you may have to hide, in hiding you won't be least at that time. I agree about dreams, they are sent from Yahweh, at least some of them are. The ones that I get from Him are usually VERY REAL. I can tell the difference. I also wanted to let you know that there are a lot of believers (Yahweh's chosen) that are having dreams of this sort. I find it interesting...just as interesting as the moon, jupiter and venus aligning...portents in the sky. We have been having dreams of sumani's in NYC, and air attacks while being at the mall. Something is on the horizon we can feel it even if the rest of the world in lost in their pagan worship. We MUST keep our eyes open and continue to to review our dreams, did He not tell us that our dream would have meaning? Wouldn't it be interesting if Yahshua were to return in the middle of one of these man-made traditions. He would truly wonder if Faith still existed on earth. Shalom! Shalom Sister. May the Love Of Yahshua be with You as I thank Him everyday for You being in My life... Blessings of Yahweh's Love and Shalom...Miles |
Do you all see from what I posted last night. 5 hrs later. A christms eve massacre. But I don understand what it really means. Dressed as Santa Claus with a present spreads gunfire then takes whats in the or under the present to spread flames to burn the house down. 25 people inside. Cheap toys with machine guns as if shooting to hit every square inch. MS we do have love for one another and have never met or even known each other untill we met on here. And as All Yahwists would either one of us would greet the other into our homes with no fear or doubt. What we do know is we follow Yahweh's Law. You can not Follow Yahweh's law with out confessing Yahshua as Our Messiah . We both know each others mind set because of that fact. We know the other we could trust with our lives. What a gift to Believes of Yahshua. Now MS can you say that you would accept with open arms knowing they are of your father in Heaven into your house never having meeting them before white, red, black or blue or whatever and not think twice as Lot did with the 2 strangers willing to lay down your life for them as you absolutely know they will for you. Can you tell me you can do that by what you believe? I did not think so. So thank you. For bringing that up because you have just proven the Prophecy of "you will know them by thier love for one another" Shalom...Miles HALLELUYAH!!!!! |
Shalom Miles, As I read your dream I see that there will come a time when you may have to hide, in hiding you won't be least at that time. I agree about dreams, they are sent from Yahweh, at least some of them are. The ones that I get from Him are usually VERY REAL. I can tell the difference. I also wanted to let you know that there are a lot of believers (Yahweh's chosen) that are having dreams of this sort. I find it interesting...just as interesting as the moon, jupiter and venus aligning...portents in the sky. We have been having dreams of sumani's in NYC, and air attacks while being at the mall. Something is on the horizon we can feel it even if the rest of the world in lost in their pagan worship. We MUST keep our eyes open and continue to to review our dreams, did He not tell us that our dream would have meaning? Wouldn't it be interesting if Yahshua were to return in the middle of one of these man-made traditions. He would truly wonder if Faith still existed on earth. Shalom! Shalom Sister. May the Love Of Yahshua be with You as I thank Him everyday for You being in My life... Blessings of Yahweh's Love and Shalom...Miles Shalom Brother, It is indeed a blessing having you in my life as well. Pure love, ain't nothing else like it! Blessings to you and yours. May Yahweh's face shine upon you and give His Shalom! Yahsgirl |