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Say Something Vague - part 4
I'd like to date a model.
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word chain
word chain
i suggest adultfriendfinder. you may have better luck getting someone easy.
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upcoming birthdays?
I'm turning 34 years young this month!
![]() i dont feel a day past 29 for the most part and im hoping i stop aging here, lol anyone else have birthdays in September? |
word chain
To all the fakes out there!
What a stud u are. I feel ur pain! ![]() me? |
word chain
To all the fakes out there!
![]() ![]() ![]() Could this possibly mean my post was that awesome? Many thanks! ![]() |
To all the fakes out there!
My profile is real and I have met some real men from this site. I'm grateful to not know any of the so called scammers I'm sure one will surface every now and then on your e-mail sooner or later. doesnt happen to everyone, but at least some people know the signs of the less-than-genuine creepers. The site rules even say "DONT GIOVE OUT PERSONAL INFO TO ANYONE YOU DONT KNOW" and they outline it pretty specifically, so in actuality, all it takes is common sense. |
To all the fakes out there!
Sooo true, tooo many fakes here :( Just taking my time to say that I'm one of the REAL Profiles here :) Indeed you are very real. And in my very humble opinion, quite lovely as well. |
Low energy
I feel your pain. My wife and I separated tried to get out. So far I've seen 5 movies on my own, gone out to a hookah bar on my own, and none of my coworkers feel like hanging out after work. But that's why I'm reaching out here. It's been a long 5 years since I have actually tried to reach out to people. As far as I can tell Groveling for attention never really works. It really comes down to self confidence in who you are and whether or not you are comfortable with who you are now and who you want to be later. Focus on your positive aspects that make you who you are. If you focus on only the negative aspects of your life you will only see those negative aspects. I wish you luck on your endeavors and hopefully you will be getting the attention you need. Only 5 movies on your own? I have gone to thousands on my own. I also go to dinner by myself and vacations by myself. I just got back off a vacation by myself and had a hoot as I met such generous and nice people. The boat I am driving belongs to a very nice couple I met as well I met complete strangers that invited me to a BBQ at my hotel as well. Everywhere I went; I met and chatted with people; had hardly any time for myself. Just get out and talk to people by saying hi. You never know what happens. very true. Something I have to do more of, myself, just putting myself out there no matter how much it seems daunting or somewhat nerve-wracking. Have to keep telling myself that even if they wind up not diggin' me (and most of them do thankfully), that at least I tried....and even then, I go out the next time and try again anyway! Have to work on my confidence and self-image, even give myself a pep-talk in my head, but i use whatever works. We all get nervous, so its important to remember that and do our thing anyway, right? |
what can u say about me?
Smiles in your pics suggest openness and a friendly vibe right off the bat, so it would definitely be good if you took a few pics of yourself when you are genuinely happy or thinking about something funny.
It gets results, trust me! good luck! |
To all the fakes out there!
Edited by
Sun 09/08/13 09:06 PM
Speaking as one who's dealt with these "excuses" for actual people, it's kind of a crapshoot when somebody visits your page, and you look at their pics, only to visit their profile and know that they only have the one pic... for me, that is something im wary of because it could be a major red flag, then again probably not, they could actually be a real person who just wants to perv you, OR that could really be them and they're just working at their profile for the first time with no intentions of being pervs at all.
In which case, if they're that straightforward with some things, then they're definitely perving you out if they asks for pics and e-mail adresses up front, like first message ever, right off the bat. Don't respond, don't reply, and delete them off your contacts list if you can and move on to the real folks, like the ones who post on the forums and have real fleshed out personalities.... ... like myself for instance! How's it going, ladies? ![]() |
To all the fakes out there!
This is a message to all the ones with an obviously fake profile out there.
Those whose first message is usually something like "Hey, baby give me your e-mail and pics." Not only was I one of the smarter ones, I was not born yesterday. I know you're out there, I know you're duping people into looking at your made-up bulsh*t for kicks and giggles, and you know what? It's not funnny anymore. so Im gonna be one of those guys who doesnt care if you are who you say you are in your pic, or if you could be a sad, overweight 40 something male in a dingy basement somewhere, looking for people to dupe. The following message is very blunt and very direct. And its probably as direct as it gets when you contact us, the ones with genuine hearts, genuine minds,and REAL profiles of actual flesh and blood people: WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS IDIOTIC AND ONLY ATTRACTS SUCH. STOP IT AND **** OFF! Thank you for your cooperation. -written on behalf of those who are sick and tired of your bull***! |
Perfect woman? No such thing, sorry to say. Perfection is a very elusive thing, yet its right in front of us all the time, sometimes where we least expect it.
However Im sure there could be many females here who might be interested in you my friend. It's just going to take time to find them. Good luck in your noble quest! |
Is there anybody out there?
I think you want what all of us want. Trouble is, it's sometimes a long and bumpy road to get to that point, and not many guys are willing to put the work in to acheiving that kind of thing, but there are a few out there who not only are willing, but are also putting in the hard work necesarry to acheive all of that.
Hopefully, you'll find what you're looking for. Im kind of looking to wipe my own slate clean and do things I was afraid to do before now. I just got out of a relationship with someone I realized I wasnt as in love with as I thought when we first started out. Since then, being single has had its emotional highs and lows, and I've weathered them up to this point, pretty capably, in my opinion. I'm getting back into my hobbies, taking chances talking to new people whenever I can (both online and in person out in the world), just kind of challenging myself and trying to be the man i always wanted to be, so that maybe later on down the line I might attract someone that sees that and maybe it sparks a bit of curiousity in her toward me. That may be a lot to hope for, but all I know for now, is that i have a path I'm taking to be a better man, so the right person can find me. It's not the journey's end that Im concerned with so much anymore, but rather the experiences and possible lessons and enlightenment i might find along the way to that ultimate goal, and hoping they make me a more well-rounded individual, so that maybe I can be desirable to that one who loves me genuinely. So, in other words, I can relate. don't lose hope, it's out there somewhere. ![]() |
Low energy
Thanks guys. feeling a bit better today and a bit more positive. advice is always appreciated and well-taken. Obviously I have a lot to accomplish this year.
I'm entering my mid-thirties by September's end, so I guess it's time to set the stage for what I want to do with the rest of the year. And to be honest...romance and dating can wait. Got a lot of things to work out financially, personaly, professionally and creatively. Maybe after that's all squared away and stuff, I'll get back into the chase, but I think right now I'm at kind of a crucial crossroads in life at the moment. I'm single, I havent acheived nearly as much as I wanted to in life at my age, and I still have a bit of experiences left to explore and discover. don't get me wrong, Mingle's been swell, but . . . just not quite like it used to be. I'll figure this all out soon enough, I'm sure. Just need a bit of a break from this pressure Im putting on myself to get noticed by strangers. It's good to know there are people that are still genuine and well-meaning in the world, so more than anything right now, I need to find more like you surround myself with that. Thanks for all the encouragement guys! And have fun! ![]() J. |
Low energy
Frustrated right now. It'l probably pass I know, but right now....I dunno.
Probably just temporarily in some kind of slump, but I've been feeling a bit low lately. I've gotten no attention from anyone on here (forums are nice but no one interested in messaging me directly) my job sucks non-existent social life ... actually if i type anymore im just gonna wind up feeling worse, so i'll stop there. disregard this post. Part of me knows I'll get thru this but...god, i could really use some i guess im groveling for it's come to that.... Maybe i need to be more proactive or something....message more people directly... HELP. ![]() |