Community > Posts By > smilingeyes_976

smilingeyes_976's photo
Tue 04/22/08 07:23 PM
awww Lilith! I remember when my kids lost their first teeth... They got a dollar a tooth. My oldest son had to have the dentist take his first tooth The new one was coming in and the old one wasnt budging. The dentist got it out in under a minute.. grumble His teeth were close together and held the other tooth in. There werent even any roots left to itlaugh ohwell

smilingeyes_976's photo
Tue 04/22/08 07:12 PM
congrats Shadow! flowerforyou and lol... i know your going to be a great Daddy

smilingeyes_976's photo
Mon 04/21/08 07:59 PM
i would feel awful..

smilingeyes_976's photo
Mon 04/21/08 07:57 PM
uhm... sure... lol..

smilingeyes_976's photo
Mon 04/21/08 07:34 PM
lmao! laugh grumble laugh bigsmile

smilingeyes_976's photo
Mon 04/21/08 07:32 PM
nope. i might get ticked but i would get over it........

smilingeyes_976's photo
Mon 04/21/08 07:27 PM
yep i have.

smilingeyes_976's photo
Mon 04/21/08 07:10 PM
i know... i keep going and looking at my dream camera and telling myself hmmmm, maybe next year....

smilingeyes_976's photo
Mon 04/21/08 07:08 PM


One...two...three ah ah ah ah

lol.. my son is going around doing that impersonation... its funnier than heck

smilingeyes_976's photo
Mon 04/21/08 07:04 PM
both...I've accomplished alot that I am proud of... And i think my personality is pretty good too... flowerforyou

smilingeyes_976's photo
Mon 04/21/08 07:00 PM
nope... i keep all their numbers in my head... or in my old fashioned address book. I don't have a cell

smilingeyes_976's photo
Mon 04/21/08 06:58 PM
i really dont hate anyone..... Its a wasted emotion.

smilingeyes_976's photo
Mon 04/21/08 06:48 PM

smilingeyes_976's photo
Mon 04/21/08 06:47 PM
congrats! :)

smilingeyes_976's photo
Mon 04/21/08 06:44 PM

Shadow.....isn't it amazing how that works both ways? You really are a great person. flowerforyou

You should always be you. And be comfortable being that!

I think being on here and some of the friends i have made on here have helped me see that it's ok to trust and let someone in and you being the friend you have been is more then i can ask for:smile:

I myself couldn't ask for a better friend.

smilingeyes_976's photo
Mon 04/21/08 06:31 PM
Shadow.....isn't it amazing how that works both ways? You really are a great person. flowerforyou

You should always be you. And be comfortable being that!

smilingeyes_976's photo
Mon 04/21/08 12:21 PM
Kids do tend to say hurtful things. I know my sisters kids do the same thing to her. But its funny because when they are with their father they say the same things to him only in reverse.

I asked my neice why she said some of that stuff to her mom. I told her. Don't you know that you hurt your Mom when you say stuff like that? She replied that yes she did know and she was doing it on purpose. It really ticked me off. She is 14. I just told her that it was ok to get upset. It's ok to get angry. But to lash out and say hurtful things on purpose is not ok and diminishes her as a person. I tell her as I tell my own kids. What they say, who they say it to and how they it affects not only the people they are around but also them themselves. And to get respect it must be earned. Trust is earned, respect is earned and disrespect will only hold them back and make them a smaller person.

I know when my kids tell me that they hate me, I tell them that I am sorry that they feel that way but that I still love them.

smilingeyes_976's photo
Mon 04/21/08 12:03 PM
nothing really.. and lol.. i tend to ignore it when I do hurt.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou Hoping ya all feel better though soon!flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

smilingeyes_976's photo
Mon 04/21/08 11:49 AM
if asked I would be honest. No reason to lie

smilingeyes_976's photo
Mon 04/21/08 11:43 AM
I'm not sure really. Although its interesting to think about it.

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