Community > Posts By > Dallas1999
are hard wired for sex. The innate need to procreate. Women are too but they are wired to mate with the strongest to ensure survival of themselves and children. Guy's are just uncouth and more upfront whereas women...don't deny it...are more demure, but want/need sex almost as bad. Yall can argue with me..but yall can't argue with the facts..!
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lmao...on a riverbank with hundreds of people around at a concert...we used our blanket and she simply straddled me. To anyone around it appeared we were simply kissing passionately. Then while recovering from knee surgery in hospital....a nurse treated me to the best medicine ever! And my roommate was just outta surgery. He told me he was hallucinating about what was happening behind my!!! In the back of an ambulance...being a Paramedic is dangerous work, but has it's perks...
Your Perfect Kiss
The one that lasts forever....everytime... ![]() |
your wake
"Took him long enough..."
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When I left my ex, I had 3 kids 7,9,13. Oh and the dog. It took all my energy and concentration to see to it my kids didn't feel any more losses than they had. Every once in a blue moon I had a weekend away and had a blast..(yum yum) and all. lol. Your kids are priority one bro...your time will come,and maybe sooner than you think. Which opens a whole other can of worms...Cheers and keep your chin up
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Hahaha. Is this really true?
Lord Jesus.....and he and a few hundred acolytes are the reason woman choose to curl up with a book......sheesh... ![]() |
Gotta hit the rack, but awesome points about cougar vs. cub. But I think a lotta guys who spoke against it would jump in if allowed.:)
It's all about drugs..........endorphins, adrenaline, epheneprine,.. morhine-like chemicals. And the knockout Blonde lady was spot on about love coming from our brains. Think I'm talkin shite? Guy's..seduce your womans mind and neither of you will be able to control her body.....Giddyup! ![]() |
married man
2 a.m. and the topic is cheating with a cheater...lmafao! Well misery loves company..But we as a species tend to split hairs when it suits us. But if we are wronged.....well gunfire has been known to erupt!! I can remember being 18 19 and 30 40 and knowing my friends wives girfriends would corner me for a ..."new years"..kiss and bury their tongue down my throat. Some would try more but it sickened me to the point I lost some good friends.I never felt anything for someones else partner yet we covet that we see as beyond our means. never thinking past getting the skirt high"done going back and I seen agony in peoples eyes and lives for a quickie...Do as you wish! Do NOT complain to me of the consequences you bring upon your soul...:):)
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 24
Single tho getting attention from gals who don't seem to want to show/know anything deeper than the I'm alone but not lonely.
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i need some advise
No not fair, but why give him satisfaction of upsetting you? Im bettin you seen hard times with him, so mamma up and move forward for you and your baby...x
Of course. And any guy who wouldn't is a boy who can't love so....fftt! kickem to curb. I was primary caregiver for my cousin who was in a wheelchair from birth, mentally handi-capped, and unable to do basic tasks. I found women really admired my dedication and refusal to put him in a "home". I already think you are a superhot angel!!!xo
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Professional Cheaters!!!
It seems sex is a hot topic, whether its its romantic and sweet or primal and driven by lust. But we are hard wired not to be monogamous
because of the law of the jungle....or cave. Now its money and not meat and furs.So we are better fed and dressed but still get caveman/woman And I bet some of you had your share of lovers...I remember a girl I met at a cousins wedding, We were 19 ish..and that was 30 years ago and I still remember....I never seen her again yet we were as emotionally and physically symbiotic as twins. So sex is o.k. one person at a time and the 2 having sex aren't hurting anyone. LMAO!!! at writing about while yall are probably doing it.!! Giddyup!.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Do you or Don't You?
I want to say thank you all for the thoughtful insights. The males seemed to feel hey.she being you do the same...and most of the woman were of the mind..( an intimate encounter was expected)
when the person only admitted to having had one.But the majority of you, and yes ladies it was the Gave the impression that they were able to handle that cocky (pun obvious:)) lad and show him who decided if and when a ..encounter was happening..!!. Its hard to make decisions based on little information...and if that info is wrong...well I guess that's we are here eh? Cheers to you all!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Do you or Don't You?
A woman/man contacts you via online dating..(imagine!) and you hit it off fine and set up a date. Just before the end of the call she/he says they have arranged intimate encounters and does that change things??? Doubt that they were virgins, but is it a issue????????
I hear all what has been said above me. it's hard but it is all worth it. because we no that our kids will always love stand strong lovely lady... ![]() I was logging out when I read the last 4 posts...we do come together when needed and that's what the human spirit is about. I lost 2 sons 20 and 24 16 months apart.i can share that now having done the steps needed to heal. And support was key. My point is none of us gets off this marble with out wounds to our souls. So enjoy the good days cause the trick is to have more of them than not on your final tally sheet! :) |
This man represents the side of men that men pretend don't exist or don't want to admit exist. This man is a primal sex-driven man who is doing exactly what science wants him, as a man, to do. And that's f*** multiple women. Monogamy isn't natural. It's forced for the sake of keeping "the kids", "the house", and "the car". If men didn't repress themselves, they'd all be like this man. But being that men repress, is why Porn exists. If it wasn't wired into a man to crave multiple women, porn would not exist. Wow beauty and brains..! :) But don't forget that women are hardwired to be the one under the strong dominant man. Which is how the kids come in. We are primal survivors...We are at top of the evolutionary ladder and its been a pretty bareknuckle shitkickin trip. |
My favorite thing to do is sex! My wife never wants to. When we do she just lays there. I have slowed down in bed and studied up on the subject of pleasing a woman. She just has a low sex drive. That's unfortunate because I'm good! I need more but love that woman! Six months ago I had a brief affair. It was magical and extremely filling. I miss that feeling! Really!!! Please be judgmental if you wish. I've heard it all. Don't beat yourself up too bad. But maybe you are hooked on the endorphins and sex is how you got hooked. So maybe if you look at it as a medical issue and get some support you can do right by your lady who you obviously love. Best of luck! |
If you could, would you?
If you could change a single thing about yourself, would you? What would it be and why? And do you think you'd be anymore happier then you are now, if you did? As the illustrious Jim Ignatoski.(taxi) said...."'why would I want to change me?...I'd just have to buy new clothes..!!'. :) But my point is one thing would lead to dissatisfaction with every choice we didn't make?... ![]() |
Complaining about complaining is STILL COMPLAINING ! HAHAHAHAHAHA ! ![]() I'm not complaining about complaining. I am trying to be more aware of the different ways we manifest and create our personal reality and perceptions of our reality. Pay attention today of how many times you complain or hear others complain about their life.... notice it. This is what their attention is focused on, and this is what they create. The Dream never lies.... Verbalizing negative words or experiences gives weight to our belief of low self-esteem...if you hear it out becomes harder to deny and overcome...yet it takes 23 individual facial muscles to form a smile....yet 6 will do to slap someone.....either reaction helps venting....just sayin..:) Live like your dying, cause you/we are.... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
You have a look between Dr. House, and the fellow who played the undercover cop in reservoir works..may I ask your conjoined twins rating..??? :) Cheers