Community > Posts By > MoonsDragonLionWolf
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Tue 01/14/14 05:40 AM
To all the people whining about "income inequality". I've got some news for you. News to awaken you back to reality. It's not called "income inequality". It's called capitalism. Without capitalism The USA would not be a world power nor would we have any of the opportunities that we have today. No one's going to be "equal" under capitalism but we all have an equal chance to work hard. If you don't want to be a capitalist and prosper through hard work along with everyone else, then have fun being poor and whining like a bunch of sorry victims. Just make sure to do everyone a favor and stop blaming everyone else for the mistakes that you've made throughout your life, such as having kids without a financial plan, and then complaining when there's consequences. It's not your employer's fault that you're not making enough money to support your family. It's yours. You don't have to take that minimum wage job. You're free to look elsewhere for higher paying work. It all comes down to your choices in the end. Are you saying that everyone who has a low paying job has made mistakes? What about those who have been laid off through no fault of their own? Do you also think there should be no minimum wage? Never said that. Not everyone has made such mistakes. Those who have been laid off can look for work. Even if it's a job they didn't ever expect to be doing. Jobs are out there even if they aren't always in the fields that you are searching for them. Obviously there should be a minimum wage and there is. I do not agree however that it should be raised to some ridiculous amount like $15 an hour as the foolish unions suggest. I can see raising it to $8-$9 an hour though. If you want higher pay beyond the minimum wage you can work harder in your job to earn it or you can look for higher paying work elsewhere. |
The mollusks will rise up from the ocean and hunt those scientists down and then dissect them for their crimes!
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This especially goes for the Mountain Dew stealing aliens!
They never work hard and always fall into my traps! Those soabs! ![]() |
To all the people whining about "income inequality".
I've got some news for you. News to awaken you back to reality. It's not called "income inequality". It's called capitalism. Without capitalism The USA would not be a world power nor would we have any of the opportunities that we have today. No one's going to be "equal" under capitalism but we all have an equal chance to work hard. If you don't want to be a capitalist and prosper through hard work along with everyone else, then have fun being poor and whining like a bunch of sorry victims. Just make sure to do everyone a favor and stop blaming everyone else for the mistakes that you've made throughout your life, such as having kids without a financial plan, and then complaining when there's consequences. It's not your employer's fault that you're not making enough money to support your family. It's yours. You don't have to take that minimum wage job. You're free to look elsewhere for higher paying work. It all comes down to your choices in the end. |
My heart is hurting.. its like the feeling of a broken heart.. I put my hand over my heart and with every beat, it hurts..I just cant take it anymore... Join the club alongside everyone else. Grab some duct tape and patch up your heart. From there move on and leave the past behind you. Even if all of the Mountain Dew is gone! ![]() |
OhiO People?
originally from Lebron James hometown,,, ![]() ![]() ![]() I'm from Akron, Ohio. Lots of Mountain Dew stealing aliens around there. Those soabs. ![]() |
How do l control my rage
Find those Mountain Dew stealing alien soabs and kick them all in the face 1,000 times.
That always helps. Just make sure to drink lots of Mountain Dew before you do it. ![]() |
I identify as a dragon.
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Cover Versions
Killswitch Engage's cover of Dio's Holy Diver is the best cover I've heard so far.
Adding the Killswitch Engage sound without changing the song itself. Flawless. So Flawless that I can listen to Killswitch Engage's version and Dio's original version and like them both equally. |
Advertising Age reports: Kraft Foods Group is grappling with a Velveeta shortage just as the dip season kicks into full gear.
"Given the incredible popularity of Velveeta this time of year, it is possible consumers may not be able to find their favorite product on store shelves over the next couple of weeks," Kraft spokeswoman Jody Moore said in an email. "Our retail customers are aware of the situation and we expect it to be a short-term issue." Now what cheese will people use to go with their whine? I don't drink wine. I don't drink alcohol. I drink Mountain Dew. You should already know this as you are in kahoots with the Mountain Dew stealing aliens. Those soabs. Pizza goes best with Mountain Dew. That and Taco Bell. Grilled Stuft Nachos. |
Amazing Spider-man (2012) I'm just going to say that amazing spider-man is complete garbage. The acting is BELOW average and the story was boring. Not to mention the lizards "Evil" plan. How the hell is turning the entire city into lizards a good idea for a movie? It's something Disney, with all there idiotic takes on my favorite superhero's would come up with. Spider-man (2002) This one was by for more enjoyable. It had superior acting and story, the characters where interesting. The writing was great and so was the directing. Tobey Maguire was a great choice for peter parker, and Kirsten Dunst made a incredible Mary jane watson. First of all. Read the comics or re-read them. Then rant. The Lizard's main goal as The Lizard is to turn everyone he can into lizards as he finds reptiles superior to humans. The Amazing Spider-Man was a great movie. The characters and the story were both good. The acting was no more different from any other good movie that I've seen. In my opinion. Good solid acting. And unlike the Sam Raimi trilogy they didn't just kill off the super villain at the end. I will admit however that I don't care for how they made Aunt May into a nagging b word. Second of all. Spider-Man. A great movie as well. With great characters and a great story line. The acting was solid here as well. They changed the radioactive spider to a genetically altered spider and had Spider-Man's own body create the webbing naturally and it still worked and didn't ruin the movie. The only thing I really don't like about the Sam Raimi trilogy though is that they killed off almost every super villain at the end. Both are great movies. The Sam Raimi trilogy I'll always like more though because I grew up watching those movies and got used to those actors playing those characters. However I still like The Amazing Spider-Man a lot as well. There is The Amazing Spider-Man 2 trailer out right now. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 looks like it will be even better than the first. I can't wait to see it. Spider-Man is my favorite super hero. Venom is my favorite super villain. |
What's wrong with women?
If you're keen and actually show an interest in them you're being "pushy" and it's "pressure" but if you act like you're not that bothered they suddenly want to date you. Then they complain about there being a lack of genuine guys and how they keep ending up with jerks that can't really be bothered. That's called a crazy person. Avoid them. They only want to steal all of your Mountain Dew. They're in kahoots with the Mountain Dew stealing aliens. ![]() Off Topic here... but is it true that Mountain Dew makes you sterile My ex told me that? ![]() I don't know if it makes you sterile but it has some toxins in it that are pretty scary. There was a story going around on FB about how you can use a bottle of Mountain Dew as a flashlight in the wilderness, I told my sister about it and she stopped drinking it.. That story was debunked as untrue long ago. |
What's wrong with women?
If you're keen and actually show an interest in them you're being "pushy" and it's "pressure" but if you act like you're not that bothered they suddenly want to date you. Then they complain about there being a lack of genuine guys and how they keep ending up with jerks that can't really be bothered. That's called a crazy person. Avoid them. They only want to steal all of your Mountain Dew. They're in kahoots with the Mountain Dew stealing aliens. ![]() |
Favorite TV Show?
Naruto (Not Shippuden) (Haven't watched Shippuden yet)
It is my most favorite anime ever because it's awesome. |
Animals, people, is anybody or anything safe anymore from those whose motto is "Protect and Serve"? Yet still, some believe these are the only people (besides the military) that should be allowed guns? ![]() If anyone tries shooting kittens in front of me I'm going to make sure to quickly introduce them to a blade. Those soabs. ![]() |
Racist DHS employee fired
After close to a year that Mountain Dew stealing alien was finally fired.
I don't like Mountain Dew stealing aliens. Especially racist ones. ![]() |
Redefining harassment
| legally speaking, harassment usually calls for some UNWANTED and REPEATED action,, if the party involved approved, that wouldn't be harassment,,,,, strange The whole "sexual harassment" claim against that six year old is bogus. To suspend a kid for that is total nonsense. I'd totally be that kid's lawyer and sue the school and win. And I'm not even a lawyer and I could win this case. If it were a case. Money. Lots of money. The kid is six. I strongly doubt that he was getting any sort of sexual thrills from kissing a girl on the cheek. There was no sexual harassment there. Warning! ![]() To all schools out there doing this kind of stuff! Suspending innocent kids due to your own ignorance! Acquire basic common sense and educate yourselves before I start kicking books into your faces! |
Foolish or disgraceful?
United States President. Obama was caught taking 'selfie' with the prime ministers of Britain and Denmark at Nelson Mandela memorial. You can view it on facebook page: End Time Headlines Who cares at this point? Obama sure doesn't. He doesn't give a damn if the whole world falls into chaos just as long as his precious pipe dreams of fairies, rainbows, and unicorns, doesn't get shattered. That Mountain Dew stealing alien! ![]() |
webcam spying
If the FBI wants dirt on a suspect, agents are capable of turning on his laptop's webcam—without him knowing. The light won't go on, Gizmodo reports, based on a Washington Post piece. The technique, available to the bureau for years, is mostly used to fight terror or other very serious crime, a former FBI official tells the Post, which offers more details on the bureau's high-tech strategies. In the case of "Mo," who was behind multiple bomb threats last year, the FBI created surveillance malware to install via the suspect's Yahoo email account. These programs can download materials from users' computers or turn on their webcams, the Post reports. In Mo's case, a magistrate approved the use of the software; courts have also struck down such plans, however. Despite the use of warrants, observers have raised constitutional concerns. "We have transitioned into a world where law enforcement is hacking into people’s computers, and we have never had public debate," says an ACLU rep. Old news. They've been capable of doing this since the invention of webcams. It's nothing new. Just disconnect your webcams and mics when they're not in use or cover the lenses and place your laptop in a soundproof closet. It's as simple as that. |
Gotta get motivated!!
Don't forget to drink lots of Mountain Dew!
And watch out for those Mountain Dew stealing aliens! Those soabs! ![]() |