Community > Posts By > SamaraNJ

SamaraNJ's photo
Tue 12/09/08 11:14 PM

glasses Do you find guys/girls with glasses attractive?shades

yes.. if those glasses are filled with boooze...


SamaraNJ's photo
Tue 12/09/08 10:29 PM
I was gonna make another post to this thread...

but then I got high...

oooo oooo ooo

cause I got high.. cause I got high.. cause I got hiiiigh...


SamaraNJ's photo
Tue 12/09/08 09:50 PM

I have no type...eyes, hair whatever.. that doesnt matter to me....

oh wait...

no smokers....

SamaraNJ's photo
Tue 12/09/08 09:26 PM
Edited by SamaraNJ on Tue 12/09/08 09:27 PM
If it were legal it would save this country millions in the upwards of billions of dollars.
Show me how? Where are the statistics?

ok Im reposting this cause I think you need to know....

A 2005 report from Professor Jeffery Miron says marijuana legalization -- replacing prohibition with a system of taxation and regulation -- would save $7.7 billion per year in state and federal expenditures on prohibition enforcement and produce tax revenues of at least $2.4 billion annually if marijuana were taxed like most consumer goods. If, however, marijuana were taxed similarly to alcohol or tobacco, it might generate as much as $6.2 billion annually.
Another report from 2006 from John Gettman PhD.shows that marijuana is the largest cash crop in the US, more than corn and wheat combined. Domestic marijuana production has an estimated value of $35.8 billion. The report states the failure of intensive eradication programs suggests that it is finally time to give serious consideration to marijuana’s legalization in the United States.
In 2005, the DEA seized a reported $1.4 billion in drug trade related assets and $477 million worth of drugs.However, according to the White House's Office of Drug Control Policy, the total value of all of the drugs sold in the U.S. is as much as $64 billion a year,making the DEA's efforts to intercept the flow of drugs into and within the U.S. less than 1% effective.

sorry for repeating myself.. but paying attention to all the posts should be considered.. not just the ones people just want to argue with...

SamaraNJ's photo
Tue 12/09/08 09:02 PM

SamaraNJ's photo
Tue 12/09/08 08:25 PM

Why does it feel that a man has a need to rescue me? And why do men want independent women but then they don't?? Oye Ve!

You know what I think it is... men know what they want.. and they find a woman.. think they found it.. but that woman isn't it.. so they move on.. and the woman will say he said this he said that.. sure he said this he said that - he knew what he wanted.. he just didn't want it with HER...

SamaraNJ's photo
Tue 12/09/08 08:05 PM

I don't know if I could part with fatboy... but I would consider getting rid of them.. but I'd find the best home I could.. actually I am slightly allergic to my cats myself..

on second thought.. I'd rather have an 'animal friendly' guy.. cause right now .. pets are better than kids...

or put the furballs down.. they dont have souls anyway...

SamaraNJ's photo
Tue 12/09/08 08:03 PM
I don't know if I could part with fatboy... but I would consider getting rid of them.. but I'd find the best home I could.. actually I am slightly allergic to my cats myself..

or put the furballs down.. they dont have souls anyway...

SamaraNJ's photo
Tue 12/09/08 07:43 PM
Her Purse laugh

SamaraNJ's photo
Tue 12/09/08 07:41 PM
Edited by SamaraNJ on Tue 12/09/08 07:42 PM

For you mirrormirror I would say wear a bra.

Yes mirror .. wear a bra.. well maybe not wear it.. but hold it in your hands.... well maybe not hold it.. just look at it.. well maybe not just look at it.. help me unhook it.. maybe not unhook it.. just help me take it off...


SamaraNJ's photo
Tue 12/09/08 07:05 PM

Gosh I’m certainly hearing an awful lot of criticism of the female genitalia. Are the men on this forum somehow not subject to the laws of gravity and chronological wear and tear?

Ever seen a wrinkly old penis? bigsmile scared

ok.. that ALSO reminds me a question I had for someone once..

Do your balls hang low? Can you swing...

blah blah blah....

SamaraNJ's photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:54 PM

Ohhhhhhhhhhh and they always have long hair and they put it up in those scrunchie things and wear spandex pants and white t shirts without a bra. And they swing those things to and fro.........fro and to!!!noway laugh noway

PUT THOSE IN A CAGE LADY!!!shocked scared rofl

reminds me of a question someone asked me once...

Do your tits hang low? Can you swing them to and fro?
Can you tie them in a knot? Can you tie them in a bow?

Im sure you know the rest.....

SamaraNJ's photo
Tue 12/09/08 05:29 AM
Edited by SamaraNJ on Tue 12/09/08 05:30 AM

You know what I think is funny??? that you even ask this question???? is my thoughts.


When I viewed your profile I didnt know who you were either so in my mind you A) wanna fukc them over or B) you wanna fukc them over!!!laugh

Then ask in the email... before wanting to chat... is all I am saying... or maybe it doesnt matter to you... but I am looking for someone who... is taking the time to single me out... why so hostel... with F word so early in the day... ??? It does matter to me that the dont ask first & I hope it doesnt offend them that it upsets me... but it does.

so takign the time to 'single you out'.. .. that means having that main photo of you on your profile is like a test.. who does he like better.. can he pick me before he picks her?

Like ask Hey read your profile but didnt know if you were the one on the left or right... how do you know if you want to chat... nice if you say okay I dont care what you look like I just like you... BUT you dont know me.... you have never met me... you need something more than a paragraph to go by... if you like my friend... I know her #... if you like me we can see how it goes... but if you dont know who you like?????

well if you were serious and didn't like the drama I bet that pic would come down and one of just you would be up...

SamaraNJ's photo
Tue 12/09/08 05:24 AM

that's awesome!!! The one drug that controlled me was nicotine. Some ppl don't look at it as a drug but it is. I quit smoking 3 months ago and I just keep taking it one day at a time with no cigarettes.

ugh.. i quit cold turkey about 9(??) years ago.. something like that.. after smoking for about 7 or 8... and it was so f*n hard... I would sit and cry cause I didn't want to smoke... and that was just a cigarette.. after quitting smoking and feeling how addicted I was just to a cigarette.. I got a very small taste of how a drug addict must feel... and I can't imagine the strength of the addiction when it comes to something like heroin... I used to think they were weak, horrible people throwing away thier lives and family for drugs... After quitting smoking.. instead of hating addicts, I feel sorry for them more than anything now.. I know its like mountains to molehills.. but I can understand...

Good for you for quitting, and as I am a former smoker I can totally relate to what you are saying. I still cant totally understand how anyone can let a drug like that take total control over them. Maybe its something that I will never understand. I know that my friend loved his family so much, but the drug took over his life. It is just a sad situation all the way around.

well I can't totally understand what happens in the brain either without experiencing it first hand.. which is not going to happen... and thats what happens.. the drug takes over... Id like to discuss it further but I gotta run.. got a final in about 30 mins...

SamaraNJ's photo
Tue 12/09/08 05:21 AM

You know what I think is funny??? that you even ask this question???? is my thoughts.


When I viewed your profile I didnt know who you were either so in my mind you A) wanna fukc them over or B) you wanna fukc them over!!!laugh

Then ask in the email... before wanting to chat... is all I am saying... or maybe it doesnt matter to you... but I am looking for someone who... is taking the time to single me out... why so hostel... with F word so early in the day... ??? It does matter to me that the dont ask first & I hope it doesnt offend them that it upsets me... but it does.

so takign the time to 'single you out'.. .. that means having that main photo of you on your profile is like a test.. who does he like better.. can he pick me before he picks her?

SamaraNJ's photo
Tue 12/09/08 05:10 AM

that's awesome!!! The one drug that controlled me was nicotine. Some ppl don't look at it as a drug but it is. I quit smoking 3 months ago and I just keep taking it one day at a time with no cigarettes.

ugh.. i quit cold turkey about 9(??) years ago.. something like that.. after smoking for about 7 or 8... and it was so f*n hard... I would sit and cry cause I didn't want to smoke... and that was just a cigarette.. after quitting smoking and feeling how addicted I was just to a cigarette.. I got a very small taste of how a drug addict must feel... and I can't imagine the strength of the addiction when it comes to something like heroin... I used to think they were weak, horrible people throwing away thier lives and family for drugs... After quitting smoking.. instead of hating addicts, I feel sorry for them more than anything now.. I know its like mountains to molehills.. but I can understand...

SamaraNJ's photo
Tue 12/09/08 01:03 AM

hmmmm..... don't think I can use the word crush.. but someone makes me smile


that's a good feeling...isn'tit?


SamaraNJ's photo
Tue 12/09/08 01:02 AM
hmmmm..... don't think I can use the word crush.. but someone makes me smile


SamaraNJ's photo
Tue 12/09/08 01:01 AM
I have no type...eyes, hair whatever.. that doesnt matter to me....

SamaraNJ's photo
Tue 12/09/08 12:55 AM
I tried getting an ex to donate with me one day..

he says..
what are you trying to do? Bond?

or some crap like that...
yeah he didn't last long..
