The Zodiac
Sagitt. I don't thinks that's me but everyone else does.
Can I have some Sketti, please. Hi Red, long time no see.
Man, I've got to get this sweater off. I'm dying.
Wego, lots of ice in a tall glass. mix in 1 ounce vodka, fill with
tomatoe juice or V-8, Add a dash if worchestershire (or whatever) sauce, a squirt of lemon, horseradish or tabasco to taste. YUM YUM Oh don't forget the celery stick. |
Hi, haven't seen seen some of you for while. I need a Bloody Mary
before I take my nap--lots of Tabasco, please and a celery stick. It's only May and hot as hell. A/C's running all the time. Don't start laughing at me now, Zero. Wait 'til July when I'm sitting in the freezer trying to stay alive. TooTall lie down on that ice and take a nap for me. Wego! How ya been? |
Hey, I tried to open up the pub Monday night. It was WAAAY down at the
bottom and everyone had already gone. This is the place I'm most confortable, so let's make an effort to keep it opened 24/7. |
There's only one way to lose weight: STOP EATING SO DAMN MUCH!!!
Come on, I just woke up from my nap. Don't close the bar down yet.
What have you eaten
From what I can see, you guys need to eat healthier. How 'about two corn
tortillos topped with no-fat refried beans; brown rice and onions to stuff a baked green pepper, an oven baked baked potatoe skin with a bit of low fat cheese and green onions. Yu'll die from a gas explosion in your stomach, but be healthy doing it. |
Steper needs prayer
NASCAR!!! YOU'RE BACK!!! How are you??? I hope you got the flowers I
sent to you. I'm sure you'll recover from the stay at the hospital. I hope you didn't eat the food. LOL |
The JSH Dork Club
Fallen Angel, I'm sure you're a very nice person, but you really should
see a doctor about you facial condition. LOL |
Steper needs prayer
Oh Stepper, I'm so sorry. We'll sing together again yet.
The JSH Dork Club
Can I be a dork, too?
"Starbucks"________Now Open
Did anybody see that horsie run? Oops, wrong topic.
Hey Verb, I don't know where I've been, I didn't know you ill. I guess
I'd better pull my head out of the... er....sand. Glad you're back. |
Why do you always
What's your point?
When I was in the third grade, I announced to my parents that we had
just learned long division and I no longer needed to go to school. As I look back, I was probably right as I never use trig, probably because I never understood it in the first place.I'm glad I stuck around to percentages and fractions. You know as in "50% OFF SALE" |
do you know what this says?
Your English friend is puttin' you on. He needs a boot in the boot.
Hi ya' all. I want to stay but Zeus is spewing rockets all over the sky
and my computer can't handle. TTO "Dogs of War don't negotiate." I will pay airfare and 1st class hotel accomadations if someone will come over and clean under my frig. |