What should I wear...
Ah come on Jean, cropped jeans (expensive ones) and a rib hugging tank
with little sleeves. No boots! Go barefoot. Be sure to do your toe nails first! LOL Being as I still have a couple of ribs that are still visible, I'll wear those little tanks until I can't anymore |
ONE Deal-Breaker
Oh Lex, you're the exception. I just take my clues from my married
guinea pigs Sonic and Patty. He chases her around the cage 24/7. When she gets tired of it, she turns around and bites him on the nose. |
Hey Sherri!
ONE Deal-Breaker
Oh, we all like intimate encounters, but few women like to be chased
around the dining room table and the pouting that follows a firm NO! |
ONE Deal-Breaker
Boy, I'm glad to be back here! A controller isn't nice, but he doesn't
stay around me for long. A drunk with a beer gut is so much of a turn off. Makes me sick. Noone one has to be like that! |
To All The Newbies,
Please come on down and visit us at night, esp. Friday and Sat. After a
bit of grape juice, we get really funny and friendly from about 8 to 11. After that, we start howling at the moon, so enter at your own risk. Don't be offended if you're ignored. No on pays attention to what anyone is saying anyhow. |
Saturday Night
I'm gonna nap. I've got a real live breathing date NEXT Sat. and must
get beauty rest to remove the puffy eyes from staying awake all night talking to you guys. |
new song game
"Mama told me not to come; this ain't no way to have fun, boy."
Hey Jose, you look like Sanjiya. LOL Don't get mad; he's an American
Idol! |
new song game
"If you got the money, honey,; I got the time."
what does your says?
I yelled at a surfer because I'm sexy and do what I want. This it TOOOO
funny. |
new song game
Hey, where'd I go. I posted on the wrong thread. Noone over there will
notice anyway. |
new song game
new song game
As for me: "The dogs of war and men of hate; with no cause we don't
discriminate." P. F. For Greyhound: "Give me a ticket for an ariplane; don't have time to take a fast train." Joe C. version. Am I right on, Grey? |
Saturday Night
Well, over at my house, there was a nano-second black out. The computer
went, the clocks went as did the TV. However, the CD player and receiver came on and next thing I knew I was listenting to Paolo Nutini sing NEW SHOES. I thought it was BBQ pit that caused the trouble. Think I'll stay with Paolo for a while. "Hey, I've got my new shoes on and suddenly everything's right." I didn't want to see Channel 13 Eye Witness News anyway. |
General mess and chaos have been going on forever. It's just publicized
more. |
Weight/And Being Asked?
Average means 30 or so pounds over. That's why I put slender on my
profile. I'm average. It really isn't the weight but the fitness of a person that counts. Look at Queen Latiffa, Anna Nicole (when alive). They're quite a bit over average but tight as a drum, and fit as a fiddle. |
"I am WOMAN, hear me roar in numbers too big to ignore."
I'm new
Hi Purple!!!
When does Happy Hour start?