sounding off
Kgal, Tell the management. They hate the beggers; they're bad for
business. I always find it odd that the beggers want gas money but there's never a car around. |
I don't want to look like anybody else. I have enought to do dealing
with own looks. |
...well-educated but not witty.
Ya'll are NOT being witty.
when you get nervous
I talk fast even when I'm not nervous. When I'm nervous I go a mile a
minute. If I slow down my voice starts to shake. At least it's a little easier to cover up that shakey hands. That's the pits. |
Wit is not necessarily sarcasm. Johnny Carson, Mark Twain, for example
had fantastic wit. Wit is being able to "catch" what someone says. Wit is being able to respond quickly. Wit is being able to banter. None of this needs to be sarcastic. Most of the time it's extremely funny, and I appreciate anyone who has that talent. One can be very well educated and have the wit of a carton of yogurt. To be witty is to be intelligent. |
weight! OH Yeah, my dear friends.
I say, if you're going to argue and insult, x-change phone numbers or
e-mail and do it in private one-on-one. The fighters on here are cowards who hide behind the computer. Not to get off the topic, but Tulip what color is that lipstick and where'd you get it? |
Happy Birthday - IAM4U
Happy Birthday, boyfriend. I'm sending you a cake with a blond 2 legged
beauty inside. I was going to put me inside, but I didn't want to scare you to death. |
Hello Houston People
Hi Single Dad, You're cute. I just wish you weren't so young or I'd
invite you over for my famous burnt BBQ chicken. |
belly button pierced
OK Joyce, you win! LOL I've never even know anyone who's had a belly
button ring. Take care! |
belly button pierced
EEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!The pain!! Joyce, what if it gets
infected? They have to cut around your belly button to remove it and sew the two pieces of skin back together. Then you'd have to run around the rest of your life without a navel. Everyone would laugh. Get a clip on ring. |
belly button pierced
I had my ears pierced when I was in school. That was enough for me.
Can you take that thing out when ever you want? What would they do if you had to have surgery and it fell into your ab? What if they lost it in there and had to sew you up, ring and all. When you get older, you think of these things. |
Am I on the wrong thread. Petite Kitten, just think if 33,000 we
regulars. Now wouldn't that create traffic jam! |
Be Proud to be a Texan..
HippieChick, I didn't know you lived in these here parts. You said it
all! You can go anywhere in the world and say Texas and they know what you're talking about. I am in Houston which as you'll agree is bigger than Texas HAHA. The peppers are hotter, the food is the best. If it is not here, it doesn't exist. I just wish more people spoke English. LOL I'd better stop here. Everyone thinks we're obnoxious enough as it is. |
Dried Up Turkey Meatloaf
If any one is interested in the receipe, contact me. It's really not
too bad if drowned in a bottle of catsup. |
Robin Williams makes me nervous.
Prayers {{{{ Morena }}}}}
Only the best for Morena. Hey girl, I still have all the maps you sent.
They're serving me well. |
Hospitals Fact Sheet
The greates hosipital nightmare is receiving the itemized bill later in
the mail. A past boyfriend of mine went in for surgery at SOUTHWEST MEMORIAL HOSPITAL in Houston, Tx. and on his statement were charges for 2 vaginal packs. |
Well, maybe Guerrmo or Veactrice.