Community > Posts By > ridewytepony
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Sun 01/18/15 10:05 PM
That religion doesn't exist for you little monsters yet.
Guess you'll have to start your own. I think I have a name for the woman on the thread... And that would be what came to mind upon reading: HOLY �o�K MONSTERS |
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Sun 01/18/15 10:04 PM
Bite your tongue...
One asked if she could have 10 dollars
In the living room for when she left to get 6 beer so I say "sure. She asked me to the bedroom. I take off all my clothes and she says "You got that 10 bucks ![]() And say "You sure know how to kill a mood Don't you"!..."Yep" ...After.. she jumps up...grabs a towl Wipes it across her chest and says.. "Oh..There goes a Lawyer"! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Bite your tongue...
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Sun 01/18/15 06:38 PM
Oh how did I miss this thread
OK.. how did I I use to f--- wid 'em As they are starting to relax...grab their clothes in a panic and say "YOU GOT TO GO HURRY PUT YOUR CLOTHS ON..QUICK ..MY WIFE WILL BE HERE...LOL Once a had to tell her the condom broke And she made no attempt to clean. Just sarted asking for all my info and credentials. |
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The guy that got you pregnant helped,
It's relevant experience every time you get a chance to f--- somebody Alright..If you can't handle Lawyers Jokes then you definitely can't be one. Good luck..I hope your dreams all work out for you ![]() |
Seems we have the opposite dream
My parent's put me through law school As my dad wanted me to follow in his footsteps. It was never something I wanted to do. My life was then constructed under his rule with a "legal binding contract between two parties" when I was 17 with him cosigning on my behalf. It was a disaster! My heart wasn't in it And he would always say I just don't have the killer instinct to survive in that world,further hindering my progression. He would also say "I wish you nothing more than been able to prove me wrong, Nothing could make me happier. So I past the bar and sued him for wasting 7 years of my life. The contract was a conflict of interest. Although many of the years I was a consenting adult. We were able to prove Our case through the old book of law under the law svengaliism and blackmail It was proven a form of mental abuse,the deciding factor is most of the influence was instilled as a child and I never left his evil clutches. The example that we used on the jury was the baby Elephant always held by a grossly oversized chain making it possible to hold a full size Elephant with the smallest of strings. Well I made him proud and took his money at the same time and quit on top Now I'm a Timber Faller...that's where the money is. I don't have to wear a shirt at night |
Is It Wrong......
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Sun 01/18/15 12:11 PM
For me it would be wrong
If she doesn't dress age appropriate. I am unatracted to her fashion faux pas If she dresses age appropriate then she will wear my if I was to buy one one day that's not high I won't let me like her. I do have a sheep shirt I could put on. That's when I want to blend in and take pic's and just sleep. BC Fallers are picky..same with Saskatchewan Farmers |
Thanks for sharing boss
![]() I have loved what I have read so far Haven't got around to them all yet But looking forward to it. Hope you stay activated. A mystique is important, Noboby ever got to much of Cash, He always knew when to pop in and out. Don't forget to come out now n then or Leigh will hunt ya Your Fan Stan ![]() |
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Sun 01/18/15 09:21 AM
Wowza ! Wee bit of angst and anger goin on in that .. very good write. No anger at all actually mate.Just sadness regarding the human condition.We are all afflicted. To get bored of another person is a horrid thing but it seems as if it is a natural progression.Now that I am older and a little wiser,I am less inclined to be led by my mind.It gives us all of these loved up chemicals with someone and then takes them away.So you search for reasons.You blame yourself and eachother.Because it must be someones fault right?Alas no. Now I am questioning whether it is healthy to allow yourself to fall in love only to do battle with the loss of the euphoria again.Inevitable. Love is tricksy. I would like to be able to love more people without jealousy playing a part. Why should we have to lose out on the euphoria if that is the best bit? Lots of questions and no clear answers.That is why I write this boll.ks. Younger man!*wags finger* Don't ya know "Drug pushin'brain" is infatuation And love? an ebb 'N' flow As sure as the Scottish tides She needs to come and go Love has many layers Don't you know? It can take a whole life time To grow and grow and grow Sure the brain cuts you off.. to put you in stride That's the human condition.. that keeps us alive We can't sustain that pace very long She'll start getting fat And I....a sore dong Yes it does make us tired and lazy If the brain didn't cut us off We'd be all pushin'daisies. You remind me so much of myself with the soul searching. I remember finding myself at the library some years ago searching for answers. To understand that the transition is normal but noboby is really educated and thinks they fell out of love. The pattern I ran into was the female wanting you, begging you, crying for you And soon as I'm there it seems they're going the other way. (Landing stage) leaving you both to believe there is something wrong? There's someone else? Did they/you fall out of love?does she have surface love, she's a lier, the only thing a woman wants is what she can't F___n' have! She play with my emotions. I think "Drug pushing brain isn't fooling us but confusing us as we have been ill prepared in the past.Don't chase the high because a house of whores always becomes a house of horrors. I believe almost always, infactuation can lead to deep love. Education,preparation,masterbation, strength,patience,and belief. Cool topic~ very interesting for me. I have tried to start threads on the subject and thought it would be good but the things I think would be good...people won't engage. So what do I know...well if we start one I'll PM you...or maybe you want to start? You have to post the masterpiece ..BTW-I would like to keep. I almost did and may start a thread on the Human psyche which could cover this and more as it was based on an observation on "Rate my profile" as one had requested "female only please" well you could guess what happens.5 guys marching in saying "good luck with that one" Got me thinking Had he said Men only, not one strait man would have shown up giving him 'what's for'(not that the advice was wrong given by one) reminds me of the old cliche "The harder you chase the faster they run..The faster you run the harder they chase. (So true) This could be your answer: As much as I love sex with past girlfriends,If its with a woman that wants it 3-4 times a day,it's going to be taken for granted week of that and the "third party" has a mind of his own. This is a temporary condition And if it's pulled back you want 'HER' BAD..Real bad. It's all about how much candy shes dishing out and how much you do To much sugar doesn't last long and makes a hard crash Peace <> out Pony 1. Infatuation. Oh, the sweet, syrupy stage of infatuation. It's so wonderful and so difficult to resist. Hormones and logic rarely coincide, so we find ourselves doing things like checking email 12-24 times an hour, not eating, going to get our nails done at midnight, buying pajamas to match our bedsheets… Infatuation makes your dopamine levels soar, producing a full-body euphoria that causes humans to seek out sex again and again. To wit, brain scan studies show that the brain during orgasm is 95 percent the same as the brain on heroin. Your brain cannot, biologically, maintain the high of infatuation: You will fry. The infatuation will ebb and flow at different points. The sex will not always be that good … it may get better, or it may get worse. But all those lovely feelings of that first initial swim in the cool crisp pond of falling in love: How many movies could we watch about that? Billions. It’s pure poetry. Love magnified; a revisit to the warm womb of security. Then, the negotiation between security and autonomy, that life-long struggle, crawls in and we begin to land. 2. Landing. The landing from that fantastic flight can be the scariest part. We see things a lot more clearly. There is a great article along the lines of, “The day you wake up and say you have married the wrong person is the day that your marriage truly begins.” Meaning, this is the day where the veil of infatuation has lifted and the 20/20 vision of everyday living comes in. “Wow, she is neurotic.” “OMG, he tells the worst jokes.” “I didn’t think about him at all yesterday. I hope we are okay.” The landing can be light and sweet, or rocky and discombobulating. But eventually the clock strikes midnight and Cinderella must run home before the stage coach becomes a pumpkin and her dress returns to rags. Landing! Oy, so bittersweet. 3. Burying. This stage happens when all the to-do lists of life come toppling into the relationship and before you know it, conversations are focused on things like who’s doing the laundry, your boss, or the crazy mother-in-law. During the burying stage, other things — like, oh, life — begin to encroach on your beautiful oasis of a relationship. Burying is not always bad; it’s a sign that the relationship is real and weaves into your everyday existence. The important thing to remember here is to “unbury” yourselves. Take tango lessons, go relive your first date, go have sex in public, buy some sex toys, tie yourselves up to bedposts, grab the whips … Do something that allows real life to take a break and the gentle, sweet intimacy to resurface, bringing us to the next stage. More from YourTango: 3 Reasons Why We Rush into Relationships 4. Resurfacing. Resurfacing is the stage where you turn to your partner, and say to yourself, “Wow. I forgot how hot he is,” or “She is stunning,” or “I love him so much.” Resurfacing is the resolution of a relationship: “She is a mixed bag, but so am I.” “He sits on the toilet for an hour reading comics, but I pluck my chin hairs.” And you start thinking things like: “I can’t wait for our next date.” “I can’t believe I have such a sweet person in my life, who always has my back.” It can be triggered by a massive problem that you two resolved, a great date, an especially good night of sex, almost losing the other person, or good couples therapy. Anything can jolt us awake; maybe a death in the family or even a birth. And then we hit the last stage. 5. Love. This is what it’s really all about, right? The part where we look across the dinner table, fight over the remote, or go on a great trip to Chinatown and think … “Oh, I have it really good.” “I am blessed.” “I love him/her more than I could ever imagine.” Here, the sex is (usually) better than it has ever been. True love blossoms around year five. The rest is a rotation — sometimes rapid and sometimes slow — of the other stages. |
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Sat 01/17/15 08:12 PM
He can chop a log in two seconds flat His choppers bigger than JR's hat A woman will know he's a good man indeed But he'll go round their knickers like Pacman on speed!! Go on Pony mate, yee-ha!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hold on for a PONY ROAST This guy's so funny He'll have you in stitches An uncontrollable force Like the curse of the witches I'll confess he's my good ol' mucker He comes with a warning He's not Tommy Tucker Cross that Scots blood He be one mean Mother F---er The day will come and I'll go home & fly Or if it should be.. That great gig in the sky There is Just one thing..I've never asked why 1707 was the act of the union I understand. .You got to be true man But just let me get this off my chest Aren't you a f---n' separatist We had the same problem off to your west Problem I say! Like who's going to invest? United we stand divided we fall We went through the hell We tore down all wall Comrades in hand big ships to small It didn't take long.. again took it all. Really it didn't take much When there's no french to soften you up Well this time the Dutch.. Would be $hit out of luck french will have to wait for their resolution them f---ers jumped in on the American Revolution But that was later that's not where we're at 3/4 of a century. .I will go back Once again Jack was free High proud and loud The Lord's of the sea "Wasn't it you? Didn't you fight with me"? Arm in arm..hand in hand we fought hard We took the land The British Empire would circle the earth United!... we fought for her worth From east to west .. Who dare step? When..NOT EVEN THE F---N' SUN COULD SET That's her story in all its entire You know.. I ain't know lier So.Man...tell me aren't you part of the British Empire? I know I'm not here to change your mind You know I'm just waiting some time I'll save ya a word and go suck on some lime Everyone knows Pony scrambled him marbles Talkin' the $hit with his mouth full of garble All I ask..Please don't defriend him Not like he rubbed in the referendum Sorry ..I get carried away The mind slips..It goes astray I've always been a little funny that way So your a new Dad and a new Grandfather WTF MAN! Something in the water? Two new boys and no Daughter I'd have to say..I'm with Leigh The apple doesn't fall far from the tree Refer to page 20 I left some advice I hope you find it.. And find it quite nice. Grandfather? Your yet a young lad Holy man..are you ever bad. Put that thing back in your pants Come on man...your not in France ![]() |
If I go again to that thread... ..and find you in my bed... ...I'll have to grab a fish that is red... ..and slap you in the head... ..and that's all he said.. ![]() ![]() He's my statesman I give a care But this place is so big you'd get lost out there I know he's from T.O. Where they're pretty tough And thier business ways.. Well just a little rough That's what I hear east of the rockies Though a well known hub That is..if you like to play hockey. IDK if he goes off on his bike? or maybe to the big pike? Maybe the lake is not his thing? Maybe that man likes to sing? Hell! for all I know..He could be fake? Or heading downtown..for puruvian flake? Who knows! When people get board? Could be smoking cracked ... With Mayor Rob Ford? Really!why would I care! We're just lookin' to get woman in their underwear He's going through the east I'm going through the west We've taken our time & sampled the best He shall come west as I shall go east Exchange the keys to the city And have a new feast Your City is big I shouldn't get bored Shall that day come And I'm wanting to score I may ask you that number.. Of Mayor Rob ![]() ![]() |
Dating Site Observation
You understand what I am say, or you would not have put dates on your personal writings. the site does that, upper right corner... the date we joined is undeneath our name... i was on about 4 years before i came into the forums... Make it another four years and there's some triple A, BC bud 'N'Canadian Beer in if for ya? Lol ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Dating Site Observation
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Sat 01/17/15 11:34 AM
You understand what I am say, or you would not have put dates on your personal writings. the site does that, upper right corner... the date we joined is undeneath our name... i was on about 4 years before i came into the forums... Make it another four years and there's some triple A, BC bud 'N'Canadian Beer in it for ya? Lol |
poor nice guys
I'm NOT a nice guy but a good guy, Big difference! And a rough boy Is there any good guys out there..hit me f___n' don't!lol Feel like Waylon Jennings "Just THE good ol' boys Never meaning no harm Beats all you EVER saw, BEEN in trouble with the law Since the day they was born Straightenin' the curves Flattenin' the hills Someday the mountain might GET 'em But the law never will Making their way, the only way they know how That's just a little bit more than the law will allow I'm a good ol' boy You know my mama loved me But she don't understand they keep a showin my HANDS And not my face on TV Just good ol' boys, Wouldn't change if they could, Fightin' the system like a true modern day Robin Hood". Yeah baby...The good guy anthem good ole boys can't get any... they have to be: bad boys bad boys, whatcha gonna do when they come for you Lol Police man gonna put me in jail..gonna call my pappy gonna throw my bail.. Bad Boys bad boys what ya gonna do.. So then I'm changing my I am again declaring roughboyism. I mean where do you go from bad boy? A life in the pen with hundreds of marrage proposals always got to keep something for a surprise. I could see how this one would go down in the tank: The lawyer f*ed me! F*n' dump truck! Life of imprisonment with 100 marriage proposals.If that's not the worst sentence handed down to man! I live in Texas dam it! Texas I should be put down. ..THE LAWYER F*ED ME ..THE LAWYER F*ED ME.. ![]() ZZ Top~ Rough Boy I am the one who can fade the heat, The one they all say just can't be beat. I'll shoot it to you straight and look you in the eye. So gimme just a minute and I'll tell you why I'm a rough boy, I'm a rough boy. |
poor nice guys
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Fri 01/16/15 05:27 PM
I'm NOT a nice guy but a good guy, Big difference! And a rough boy
Is there any good guys out there..hit me f___n' don't!lol Feel like Waylon Jennings "Just THE good ol' boys Never meaning no harm Beats all you EVER saw, BEEN in trouble with the law Since the day they was born Straightenin' the curves Flattenin' the hills Someday the mountain might GET 'em But the law never will Making their way, the only way they know how That's just a little bit more than the law will allow I'm a good ol' boy You know my mama loved me But she don't understand they keep a showin my HANDS And not my face on TV Just good ol' boys, Wouldn't change if they could, Fightin' the system like a true modern day Robin Hood". Yeah baby...The good guy anthem |
Dont Know What To Do.
The simple answer is move to Spain Or tempt us with wine... ![]() Yeah, good one ![]() What's a matter with Frankie these days??? What's a matter home girl you seem in a lower mood? Is it OK if I try to cheer you up Scouser? Or alter your mood?....OK thanks Let's see... What is it?? -Its either you got old on us? -Lost your zest for breast -medicated Or a 30 stone bulldyke broke your spirit. ![]() ![]() Peace |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() You are closing yourself off to approx 50% of the dating world. You know what that means? Twice the chance of a date on a Saturday night. Tell me what female is going to give you that advice?? I'm unappreciated around Good luck man |
Dont Know What To Do.
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Fri 01/16/15 01:59 PM
The simple answer is move to Spain ^^ Hello... Yes that's what I was going to say.. Hey Ben Franklin said the same and went to France as the first American diplomat Writer,scientists inventor, revoltist ..Hell he may have even been a President right but the woman wouldn't drop trou quick enough on the west side of the pond. Granted ol' Ben wasn't the prettiest or even second. But them Euro woman see more coc ends than weekends ..Yes ol' Ben had more Vagina than China. I know it's tough to take but you just my be forced to go back to Spain And slay thin beautiful Spanish woman opposed to Internet interaction Sucks eh! You seem like a genuine nice guy. I just have one question for you. ARE YOU CRAZY?? These North American Biotches will rip you up. Did I miss anyone..I think I about covered it. But the Euro Lesbians have a qualification for exemption oh. and Mum..and my gf .lol To all ![]() Welcome to mingle OP |
Younger Dating Old People.
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Fri 01/16/15 12:37 PM
It must be two days gone..... Here we go again..... ![]() ![]() ![]() Nope I'm out I prefer younger.. ![]() ![]() That's cuz you are old It's subjective! As the stomach turns through the cycle of life. We are human and subject to change...Navy girl just ain't changing your diaper,that won't change (thank you for the qualification {{{Navygirl}}} ![]() ![]() I'm old, and you call them cougars and I call them young chips or too young. ![]() I am old too and being an older person I like my rest. As a shift worker; 4:00 am is damn early and if some young guy kept me awake all hours of the night pawing me; he would end up getting my fist in his face or a knee in the groin. Us old folks need our sleep. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I said (in different words) your qualification will ALWAYS be taken seriously. .lol probably qualify as a deadly weapon too. How's the kickboxing going? *EDITS IN* I See my auto correct screwed me on my first post (reference:chips/chics Like I didn't get my share at birth with dyslexia. ..oh that's not Just got the new phone and haven't set it up yet..Think I'll wait 'till It gets a STD before I download free protection and such.. ![]() |