Nice girls
In my opinion, theres no such thing as a "nice girl". They all wanna be bad. So men, its our duty to teach them!
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Love thy neighbor
Wow! I need some of y'all as neighbors! You share your beer and your strippers? I'm on the wrong street! ALL OF EM??!! Dammit! |
Love thy neighbor
Edited by
Mon 04/13/09 06:24 PM
My neighborhood's getting hard to love but I still try. I forsee dropping the "neighbor" off of it it the near future.
Off-point. Sorry. I take neighbor to mean people. Not just the nice people that smile back. Love thy neighbor means love people and treat them as you would want to be treated. Love means accepting, forgiving, helping, and mostly, just caring about beyond what they can, have, or ever will do for you. Oh hell, I've gone over 1000 posts. Someone tell me to shut up...again. And make it more convincing! Like, hold a puppy hostage or something. |
umm... what would you do?
I tell the one who is "attracted" to me that I'm not interested, in spite of her (her good traits/features here) and only tell my girl if it will not cause a rift.
Amazingly enough, this has happened to me more than once. Everyone thinks Im Mr KNow it all smartass at first, but I DO grow on ya. lol Got invited to lunch at some friends so I am outta here. Have a great day everyone. ![]() |
I think they are on EHarmony!!!! Eharmony saves!!! ![]() ![]() haha Thats a pay site...right? lol and you have to be religious I think.... I know that I sure dont seem it, but I am a Christian. A bit rough around the edges, and I don't regularly attend church. But I do believe in God and pray for people when they need it, just not at 9pm every night and just for the sake of praying. And I onlt talk about God to those who want to listen and also NEED him. I've had a very widely varied life and came up the hard way so I understand a greater spectrum of the population that most who have always done the right thing and not made mistakes as badly as I have. I've got some badass friends, and some pastors as friends. But I'm the same with em all. Too straight to the bad ones and too bad for the good ones. lol But I DO love everyone and don't mind people knowing that I have a soft heart for most everyone except crooks and hoodlums. And they've made a serious mistake if they try taking me or my family/friends. |
Way Way Way back there was a documentary on some lifers on death row in an Asian country, while under anaesthesia they had their body parts harvested on the operating table... In cases of drug trafficking in some Asian countries a few foreigners have been executed because they did not heed the warning of that law on drugs, which is well documented and very clearly stated when traveling there, found with drugs is a death sentence. That law is same for its nationals as it is for visitors, yet when foreigners are caught, their home country try to plea bargain for their lives. Where that country says they did the crime in their country therefore should face the same penality as their own people. Well, Im certainly not for mistreating them or selling off their body parts. Kinda makes us like them. But I am not one who thinks deviant murderers and rapists need ONE extra day on earth. These guys like Richard Ramirez, John Wayne Gacy, etc..should just be shot right off the bat and not waste our time and money. |
I think they are on EHarmony!!!! Eharmony saves!!! ![]() ![]() haha Thats a pay site...right? lol |
Sticky fingers
When theyre SO loud that people look, and also when they can't stop talking long enough to chew food.
I do NOT want to see how well your teeth and tongue are working on that glob of whatever that is in your mouth. ![]() Believe it or not, I'm quite the gentleman out and about. ![]() |
Ive personally known psychopaths.....and Im sure there are LOTS on this site. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Lots of people don't know the difference between psychopaths and psychotics. Unlike most people, I think that, even if you are psychotic, and medication hasn't helped you, you're too damn crazy to be on earth if you go around killing folks. Psychopaths, those who know what they do and plan and connive crimes and escapes...goes without saying. Im also fairly certain that the true psycopaths, you'd never suspect. Charming, intelligent, etc. The nice quiet guy next door. ![]() hehe Hey baby...I like you. lol ![]() |
Ive personally known psychopaths.....and Im sure there are LOTS on this site. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Lots of people don't know the difference between psychopaths and psychotics. Unlike most people, I think that, even if you are psychotic, and medication hasn't helped you, you're too damn crazy to be on earth if you go around killing folks. Psychopaths, those who know what they do and plan and connive crimes and escapes...goes without saying. Im also fairly certain that the true psycopaths, you'd never suspect. Charming, intelligent, etc. The nice quiet guy next door. |
The FEDERAL system has about 3500 people under death sentences.
Last year, 37 people were executed in 9 states. 37 States have a death penalty CURRENT DEATH ROW BY RACE White 1,517 (45%) Black 1,397 (42%) Hispanic 359 (11%) Asian 039 (01%) Native Am 037 (01%) Unknown 001 (0.3%) CURRENT DEATH ROW BY GENDER Male 3,291 (98.2%) Female 59 (01.8%) |
There ARE people who do not deserve to be on this earth. Child molestors, killers, rapists, etc. But there should be a distinction between the 20 year old wo got drunk and killed someone and the guys that will kill anyone, anytime for that minimum level of cash thats their mark. Or just for the hell of it.
The problem with the death penalty is that it takes 20 years to get it. Automatic appeals, etc. Repeat violent offenders know the system and know that their crew is there and that they'll be in the game. Some like it there. If we KNOW, without a doubt that some guy is a serial molestor, killer and just all out bad guy, then we need to do it the same way that they do it in Russia. take them immediatley to a concrete room with a drain in the floor, tell them "Please do not turn around" and put a bullet in the back of their heads. Done. Thats like 15 cents retail for a .45 bullet and a few dollars for a clean up crew. I did some time in the 70s (LASP @ Angola) and can tell you that theres still guys there running game, making money, gettin' high and who have grown accustomed to, if not comfortable, with that life. Guys that I was there with...35 years ago. Lifers make it there, and they do it at the expense of guys that just made a mistake. Lets put a sock in these liberals who wouldn't know the reality of the real world until it sticks a gun in their face and start taking these guys out of our misery. |
What is life without...
Hi everyone... this is only one of my feelings... Sometimes we live our whole life thinking what is good or bad for us... but... What is life without love? (the main thing for everyone) what is life without happiness? What is life without fun? what is life without nice moments? And i can still writing down so many reasons that we need to have to have a real life... because some people work to live and many others live to work... But the main thing in the world for every single person is love... love no matter what... be clear with what you want and who can be the right one you want to be with you for the rest of you life... Youre part. But life just isnt all love and butterflies. Without some wrong moves, some strife, some loss and some failure, you never realize TRULY how important..or fleeting all those others can be. And without living the non-perfect relationship (or 3), it's hard to appreciate how good the good ones are. But a good sentiment. And good luck. |
Prove Her Wrong
Oops, I jusr remembered that Im working at 7am!!! lol
In all sincerity, Have a great night everyone!! |
Prove Her Wrong
I did not mail her. While I cannot attest that I am not a pervert, I reserve my perviness for MY girl, not strangers. Besides, I'm too drunk to figure out HOW to message her.
![]() And, I met a beautiful lady that I met today at my work for drinks tonight and had a fantastic time. Intelligent, funny, outgoing, and beautiful. Would still be there if not for her having to work at 6:30 and me at 7am. So I won't be perving any for a while. ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 04/11/09 09:33 PM
I run into this occasionally -- and rarely does anyone ever see me without dark glasses, because my eyes are very sensitive to bright light and I get excruciating headaches -- but if people choose to see that as "hiding," well, so be it -- that's a choice they make.... This I understand this reason, yet some still have them on indoors too, some especailly choosing to put them on when having their photographs taken indoors, is it a prop to help accentuate their looks or to hide part of who they are. Not everyone wearing shades is trying to hide something...even at night. Personally, I use Transitions lenses but they suck driving. UV filter already in auto glass. lol |
Love investments....
Edited by
Sat 04/11/09 09:29 PM
hmm...this dude 85 with a bunch of Harleys. Man, give me your secret. I'm 49 and still crying over having to leave my 59' panhead in the middle of the 10 years ago. And every time I save up enough to buy another, something happens in my life, family, or exes that takes it away. lol But Im not stressin' out. But hey...450 GRAND! F**K!! Man, you need to let ME introduce you to someone. thanks for the vote of confidence man, but i'm done. it's mr. midnight now, friends with benefits and lots of travel. this old man played one, too many times, and it's time to concentrate on two inventions instead of ltr's and it would be unfair to a woman to put her through being gone for weeks, possibly months of travel, then more weeks. i'm alone, but not lonely. but you rock man, thanks! Hey brother, if you're 85 and still riding and able to talk about someone gettin' over on ya for anything, much less a lot, you're cool with me. Richard Pryor once said "You don't grow old being no fool" and thats a fact I've known a long time. Plus..Nawleeens man. I'm a LA guy myself. ummm..They call me Yankee down in LaFourch & Terrebone parish but its still LA. Different breed that the rest of the world. People from aywhere else just CAINT understand!!! AND...every girl I ever loved...even in NYC was a Cajun. Best and most beautiful ever. Ride on Mister and good luck! BTW, if you're an inventor and need some 3-D modeling, patent-drawings, software for engineering or electronics (Digtal/Analog. TTL/DTL/PIC/PAL/EEPROM, I'm your guy. Seriously. |
Zombie Jesus
![]() ![]() Now could sumbunny explain to me how a bunny lays eggs???? ![]() Well first the mommy bunny and the daddy bunny get married. Then they kiss, then they.....I will email you. I don't want the thread to get moved. ![]() hahahahaha Thats funny...or I'm drunk. Or both. |
Edited by
Sat 04/11/09 09:18 PM
Read "The body language of sex, power and agression" or better yet, Trance formations, Frogs to Princes or anything by Bandler & Grinder, or even Milton H. Erikson. The eyes matter, but not overly in determining the truth in what peple say face to face. More important is posture, position, breathing, the arms and hands....on an on.
Pepole percieve themselves to be more opaque or operating under cover when wearing dark glasses, but it matters little to an educated observer/"interviewer". Thats all. Just read that. |
Love investments....
Edited by
Sat 04/11/09 09:11 PM
hmm...this dude 85 with a bunch of Harleys. Man, give me your secret. I'm 49 and still crying over having to leave my 59' panhead in the middle of the 10 years ago. And every time I save up enough to buy another, something happens in my life, family, or exes that takes it away. lol
But Im not stressin' out. But hey...450 GRAND! F**K!! Man, you need to let ME introduce you to someone. |